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Get to know each other survey

Started by Sebastian, January 22, 2013, 02:35:09 PM

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1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:00 AM

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamond.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Hobbit. (I was forced.)

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Peanut butter and maple syrup sandvich on whole wheat bread cut into twelve equally sized squares and eaten in a counter-clockwise spiral starting in the top right corner with a glass of whole milk.
(Almost every day for seven years.)

6. What is your middle name? Classified.

7. What food do you dislike? Lots! Cheese, Olives, all seafood, Sushi, all dressings, most vegetables, and Cheese.

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? N/A

9. What kind of car do you drive? None.

10. Favorite sandwich? See answer #5.

11. What characteristic do you despise? Dishonesty.

12. Favorite item of clothing? My black robe.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Antartica.

14. Favorite brand of clothing? N/A

15. Where would you retire to? Alaska or Japan.

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? 17th.

17. Favorite sport to watch? Don't like sports.

18. Furthest place that this will be seen? Page seven or eight.

19. Person you expect to answer first? Pit0010.

20. When is your birthday? May 12th.

21. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night. (I wish I lived somewhere where night never ends.)

22. What is your shoe size? Um. At least 13 wide. Sizes start to vary around this point.

23. Pets? One cat.

24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Successful enlistment in the Air Force last month.

25. What did you want to be when you were little? Librarian.

26. How are you today? ...

27. What is your favorite candy? Reese's

28. What is your favorite flower? Lily of the Valley.

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward? November Nth.

30. What is your full name? Classified.

31. What are you listening to right now? Diverse System / Anima II

32. What was the last thing you ate? See answer #5.

33. Do you wish on stars? Negative.

34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Grey.

35. How is the weather right now? 37 F (Too warm.)

36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? N/A

37. Favorite soft drink? Mountain Dew.

38. Favorite restaurant? N/A

39. Real hair color? Brown.

40. What was your favorite toy as a child? Books.

41. Summer or winter? Winter.

42. Hugs or kisses? Neither.

44. Coffee or tea? Tea.

45. Do you want the members to answer these questions? Aye.

46. When was the last time you cried? Last Monday.

47. What is under your bed? Carpet.

48. What did you do last night? Practiced "Luna Dial"

49. What are you afraid of? Wasps, Deep water, Motorized dental tools.

50. Salty or sweet? Salty.

51. How many keys on your key ring? One.

52. How many years at your current job? No job.

53. Favorite day of the week? Monday.

54. How many towns/cities have you lived in? Um. Seven.

55. Do you make friends easily? Never.

56. How many people do you think will read this? X amount of people.

57. Do you have a wrist watch? Negative.

58. The first console game you ever played? Super Mario 64.

59. Do you prefer studying or working? Both.

60. Favourite Pokemon? Latios.

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? N/A

62. How many forums you visit besides nsm? Minecraft, Dronies. (I only really post here.)

63. What is your favourite anime? None.

64. What is your favourite manga? None..
65. What anime did you last watch? None. Unless this counts. (

66. What book did you last read? Brave New World by Ri2. (For my third time.)

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? Twice.

68. Do you enjoy dancing? Never. I refuse to dance.

69. Can you sing? Not at all.

70. Are you good public speaker? Negative.

71. What are your strengths? Piano, Pokemon, Reading, Dishwashing.

72. Does it matter what I ask here? Negative.

73. Why? Asking questions isn't wrong, right? Negative.

74. What do you think about that? That? I'm not going to talk about that.

75. Do you enjoy your life? Very much so.

76. What would you like to do now? Continue answering questions.

77. Have you been in Disneyland? Negative.

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? Studying TVTropes.

79. What's your favourite tv show? N/A

80. Do you like vampires? Not in particular.

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? Negative.

82. What is the time right now? Where I am? 1507 hours.

83. Do you have a twitter/facebook account? Negative.

84. Do you play facebook games? Negative.

85. Do you make status updates? Rarely

86. Do you change your profile picture often? Negative.

87. Who's your favorite actor? N/A

88. Do you want kids? Negative.

89. How many video games do you have? Um, I don't want to try to count that. At least 150?

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? Negative.

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change? I'd like white hair and/or red eyes.

92. how much cm? Cm? Centimeters? 200.66

93. How much do you weight? Um, 180 lbs.

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Tanigon.

95. Have you been in a car crash? Negative.

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? Biking if I have a recumbent. Otherwise walking.

97. When was the last time you were drunk? Never have drunk anything capable of making me drunk.

98. Do you smoke? Never.

99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm? Um. FSM and Slow.

100. What is your favorite game series? Pokemon and Touhou.

101. What is your favorite book fanfic? Brave New World by Ri2.

103. Who is your favorite television character? N/A

105. Who is your favorite anime character? N/A

106. Who is your favorite literary character? Leo "BNW Ri2"

107. Who is your favorite game character? Latios.

108. What is your favorite website? TVTropes.

109. What is your favorite musical instrument? Pipe Organ. (Can't really learn something like that around here.) Piano.

110. How many instruments do you play? One.

111. How many aunts and uncles do you have? Nine.

112. When was the first time you had a serious crush on someone? Never.

113. What is your least favorite popular movie? Anything that's Ace Ventura.

114. Do you get jealous easily? I have no reason to.

115. Meanest thing you've ever done? Um, None.

116. What was your favorite class in school? Band.

117. What is your favorite terrible movie? None.

118. What is one thing that is really popular and you will never do? Alcohol and tobacco.

119. What is your favorite animal? Dragon.

120. What color are your eyes? Hazel.

121. What is your favorite classic Disney movie? None.

122. What type are you? Either Ice/Dark or Ice/Dragon.
Quote from: Nakah on October 28, 2013, 11:27:22 AM
I always respect my local poison herbalist.


Quote from: UnknownKirbyMan on February 07, 2013, 03:25:06 PM99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm? Um. FSM and Slow.
This just mmd.


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


122. Did you pack your own luggage?

123. Are you planning to destroy the Site?

124.What colour is blue?

125. If I were to threaten you, what would you do to me?

126.What's your profession?

127.Do you like demons?
Only good ones

128.How many people do you intend to kill today?
That is...that is my least favorite thing to do.

129.Are you a terrorist?
No but Mashi is

130.How many bombs are you carrying?
Lamp oil, rope, bombs?

131.Do you have a ticket?
I got a backstage pass from the Runaway Five

132.Why are you a terrorist?
Mashi brainwashed me

133.Do you find me attractive?
I find some people on this site attractive!
Bulbear! Blueflower999



Someone should make up moar questions!
Bulbear! Blueflower999

Sir Dino

let's see....

1. What time did you get up this morning? 10:00 AM (don't hate -.-)

2. Diamonds or pearls? pokemon diamond~

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? None D: I haven't been to a cinema since forever...

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? cereal :3

6. What is your middle name? It's the name I use on my twitter

7. What food do you dislike? rabbit

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? The Midsummer Station, Owl City <3

9. What kind of car do you drive? no license yet, but I do drive my dad's toyota prius (shh >w>)

10. Favorite sandwich? BLT

11. What characteristic do you despise? mistrust

12. Favorite item of clothing? long-sleeve over wears to cover my arms

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Germany~

14. Favorite brand of clothing? none

15. Where would you retire to? Mars

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? none, unfortunately

17. Favorite sport to watch? basketball? idk

18. Furthest place that this will be seen? depends where it leads to

19. Person you expect to answer first? no one lol

20. When is your birthday? confidential unless I know you very well

21. Are you a morning person or a night person? night, until I wake in the morning and realize I made a terrible mistake

22. What is your shoe size? 11 -.-

23. Pets? two cats, two dogs, and a lovely parakeet~

24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? the sky is blue today.

25. What did you want to be when you were little? I wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was...

26. How are you today?  :D ;) :o  >:( ::) ...idk

27. What is your favorite candy? none

28. What is your favorite flower? none.

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward? the day I do something interesting.

30. What is your full name? Aamir Harris-Crokett! ....the name I use to arrange music, anyways

31. What are you listening to right now? nun much.

32. What was the last thing you ate? an In n Out burger c:

33. Do you wish on stars? what kind of crap is that?

34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? something that colors everything

35. How is the weather right now? 75 F

36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? no one ;D #foreveralone

37. Favorite soft drink? none~

38. Favorite restaurant? none

39. Real hair color? black, i'm guessing dyed hair doesn't count

40. What was your favorite toy as a child? a 3' Barney. It suffered a terrible death >:)

41. Summer or winter? none; spring

42. Hugs or kisses? ew germs <3

44. Coffee or tea? either (but a latte from starbucks wins)

45. Do you want the members to answer these questions? idk

46. When was the last time you cried? hm...

47. What is under your bed? my army of dust bunnies, prepared to attack anyone who threatens to rape me in the night.

48. What did you do last night? sleep

49. What are you afraid of? big things

50. Salty or sweet? sweet

51. How many keys on your key ring? what key?

52. How many years at your current job? none yet

53. Favorite day of the week? thursday

54. How many towns/cities have you lived in? one

55. Do you make friends easily? I have no idea :o

56. How many people do you think will read this? one, or two. the real question is how many will answer

57. Do you have a wrist watch? nope

58. The first console game you ever played? GameBoy. or maybe SNES, either one

59. Do you prefer studying or working? give or take.

60. Favourite Pokemon? Cubone <3

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? Android; MyTouch 4G Q (hoping to buy an iPhone 5 soon)

62. How many forums you visit besides nsm? two others, wont say

63. What is your favourite anime? Clannad :)

64. What is your favourite manga? I forgot
65. What anime did you last watch? Little Busters!

66. What book did you last read? I forgot

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? yup; number one book in my ranking :D

68. Do you enjoy dancing? classified

69. Can you sing? never tried

70. Are you good public speaker? I think

71. What are your strengths? writing music, writing stuff.... nothing else

72. Does it matter what I ask here? that's up to you, sir

73. Why? Asking questions isn't wrong, right? I suppose not. It really depends on its constructive outlet

74. What do you think about that? Nice to hear.

75. Do you enjoy your life? we are living the yolo life, apprently. so sure.

76. What would you like to do now? my homework, but I should continue this crap since I don't want to

77. Have you been in Disneyland? yup

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? nope,

79. What's your favourite tv show? nope,

80. Do you like vampires? nope,

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? and nope.

82. What is the time right now? time to slap you for making such a ridiculous question.

83. Do you have a twitter/facebook account? both

84. Do you play facebook games? nope

85. Do you make status updates? if I have something to say

86. Do you change your profile picture often? monthly

87. Who's your favorite actor? none

88. Do you want kids? idk

89. How many video games do you have? don't bother counting

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? not really; pacifist ✌

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change? yes, but I won't say <w>

92. how much cm? the fuck are you talking about sir?

93. How much do you weight? Um, 110~ish lbs.

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Bespinben <3 runner ups would be fingerz ;D, and Jompa :D

95. Have you been in a car crash? heavens no.

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? walking in the winter wonderland...~

97. When was the last time you were drunk? personal information :>

98. Do you smoke? nope

99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm? Maestro UGC, my role model <333 ;D and apprently my doppelgänger c:

100. What is your favorite game series? none

101. What is your favorite book fanfic? none

103. Who is your favorite television character? none

105. Who is your favorite anime character? tomoya okazaki from Clannad (male), Yuki Nagato from Haruhi (female)

106. Who is your favorite literary character? um

107. Who is your favorite game character? whut.

108. What is your favorite website? never thought of that

109. What is your favorite musical instrument? piano, but I want to learn the saxophone or violin :)

110. How many instruments do you play? one

111. How many aunts and uncles do you have? classified.

112. When was the first time you had a serious crush on someone? classified.

113. What is your least favorite popular movie? none.

114. Do you get jealous easily? for what?

115. Meanest thing you've ever done? classified

116. What was your favorite class in school? none D:

117. What is your favorite terrible movie? is that even grammatically correct?

118. What is one thing that is really popular and you will never do? idk I never thought about it.

119. What is your favorite animal? catsssss <3

120. What color are your eyes? black, I think.

121. What is your favorite classic Disney movie? The AristoCats (haters gonna hate~)

122. What type are you? I can't give you my blood type, that's personal!

man that was a lot more crap than I thought.


Quote from: Nakah on October 28, 2013, 11:27:22 AM
I always respect my local poison herbalist.


Quote from: UnknownKirbyMan on March 12, 2013, 07:00:51 PMI don't ship humans together.

You send them through the mail in separate packages?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



Quote from: SlowPokemon on March 12, 2013, 07:01:42 PMYou send them through the mail in separate packages?

You know what I mean.

I don't think it's possible to send humans through the mail system.
Quote from: Nakah on October 28, 2013, 11:27:22 AM
I always respect my local poison herbalist.


I think your sarcasm detector is malfunctioning


I wasn't built with one of those.

People seem to say things like that quite often.
Quote from: Nakah on October 28, 2013, 11:27:22 AM
I always respect my local poison herbalist.


Sir Dino

I was gonna quote the same thing FSM D: