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Get to know each other survey

Started by Sebastian, January 22, 2013, 02:35:09 PM

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Quote from: GaryOak on January 24, 2013, 12:47:20 PM1. What time did you get up this morning? 10:30 AM

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Expendables 2

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? I just drink water

6. What is your middle name? Risto-Pekka

7. What food do you dislike? Nothing

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Final Fantasy Piano Opera

9. What kind of car do you drive? Ford

10. Favorite sandwich? All goes

11. What characteristic do you despise? Arrogance.

12. Favorite item of clothing? T-shirt

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Probably US.

14. Favorite brand of clothing? Jack&Jones

15. Where would you retire to? wat

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Hmmmm...never had one ; _ ;

17. Favorite sport to watch? Boxing

18. Furthest place that this will be seen? Australia?

19. Person you expect to answer first? No one lol

20. When is your birthday? March 12th

21. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night

22. What is your shoe size? 45

23. Pets? Two cats

24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? : I

25. What did you want to be when you were little? Policeman

26. How are you today? Tired

27. What is your favorite candy? Most candies suck :E Malaco has ruined everything

28. What is your favorite flower? Tulip

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward? May

30. What is your full name? Can't say

31. What are you listening to right now? Nothing

32. What was the last thing you ate? Peanuts

33. Do you wish on stars? Never

34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue

35. How is the weather right now? -15 celsius

36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? Mom 8I

37. Favorite soft drink? All goes

38. Favorite restaurant? I rarely go

39. Real hair color? Brown

40. What was your favorite toy as a child? LEGOS

41. Summer or winter? If I had to choose, summer I guess

42. Hugs or kisses? Hugs

44. Coffee or tea? Coffee

45. Do you want the members to answer these questions? It'd be cute

46. When was the last time you cried? About a half a year ago

47. What is under your bed? Nothing

48. What did you do last night? Studied

49. What are you afraid of? Needles

50. Salty or sweet? Sweet

51. How many keys on your key ring? 2

52. How many years at your current job? No job

53. Favorite day of the week? Friday

54. How many towns/cities have you lived in? 3

55. Do you make friends easily? Sometimes

56. How many people do you think will read this? 2-3

57. Do you have a wrist watch? Yes, expensive looking but cheap

58. The first console game you ever played? Might have been Sonic

59. Do you prefer studying or working? I really don't know, both have advantages of their own

60. Favourite Pokemon? Arcanine

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? Pink and cheap Samsung

62. How many forums you visit besides nsm? 3-4

63. What is your favourite anime? Gotta say Baccano

64. What is your favourite manga? Hunter x Hunter

65. What anime did you last watch? Slam Dunk

66. What book did you last read? The newest Artemis Fowl

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? Yes, so many times that I'm embarrased

68. Do you enjoy dancing? Hell no

69. Can you sing? Yes, horribly.

70. Are you good public speaker? Horrible

71. What are your strengths? I'm pretty resilient

72. Does it matter what I ask here? No.

73. Why? Because everyone stopped reading this a long time ago.

74. What do you think about that? Well, I would do the same

75. Do you enjoy your life? Hm, considering everything I guess yes. It's not that bad atm.

76. What would you like to do now? Watch Slam Dunk

77. Have you been in Disneyland? No :<

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? Programming kinda, it's for the school tho but it's fun

79. What's your favourite tv show? Supernatural

80. Do you like vampires? No :|, I'm full of them

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? Yes, it had to be done

82. What is the time right now? 10:28pm

83. Do you have a twitter/facebook account? Yes, both

84. Do you play facebook games? Sometimes yes...tetris and candy crush saga

85. Do you make status updates? Never

86. Do you change your profile picture often? About once a year

87. Who's your favourite actor? I'm not really into movies, Samuel L. Jackson

88. Do you want kids? Not now but maybe someday

89. How many video games do you have? I sold quite a many lately, about 50-70 I think

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? No

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change. Yes, my nose

92. how much cm? 178

93. How much do you weight? About 75kg

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Gori Fater

95. Have you been in a car crash? Not yet

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? Biking

97. When was the last time you were drunk? It's been a while

98. Do you smoke? No, never tried

99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm? It's *********.

56 questions wasn't enough for me.


Please don't quote super super long messages, it's a killer to scroll through! :L Just quote like the first 5 lines..


To answer GaryOak's questions:

57. Do you have a wrist watch? I used to wear one all the time, kind of broke the habit.

58. The first console game you ever played? Either Super Mario 64 or Super Smash Bros.

59. Do you prefer studying or working? Working.

60. Favourite Pokemon? Minccino

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? iPhone 5

62. How many forums you visit besides nsm? Just NSM! and Pokecharms

63. What is your favourite anime? The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

64. What is your favourite manga? Don't read manga

65. What anime did you last watch? The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

66. What book did you last read? Great Expectations

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? Yes, so many times that I'm super proud

68. Do you enjoy dancing? Occasionally

69. Can you sing? Yes, not very well

70. Are you good public speaker? Depends on the situation

71. What are your strengths? I'm very dedicated when it comes to music.

72. Does it matter what I ask here? No, matters what GaryOak asks

73. Why? Because I'm answering his questions

74. What do you think about that? Who are you?

75. Do you enjoy your life? Yep, I love all the horrible obstacles life shoves at me, makes the good stuff that much better.

76. What would you like to do now? Go to Disney World.

77. Have you been in Disneyland? (XD HOLY CRAP I HAD NO IDEA THIS QUESTION WAS NEXT)

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? Been about a year and a half, but writing album reviews of film and video game scores

79. What's your favourite tv show? Modern Family

80. Do you like vampires? Depends on the situation

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? Nosir

82. What is the time right now? 7:00 PM

83. Do you have a twitter/facebook account? Yes, both, but I don't use Facebook and only occasionally use Twitter.

84. Do you play facebook games? Nope.

85. Do you make status updates? Nope.

86. Do you change your profile picture often? Nope.

87. Who's your favourite actor? Johnny Depp ofc

88. Do you want kids? Perhaps.

89. How many video games do you have? Nowhere near enough.

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? Nope.

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change? No, my eyes are beautiful and that's enough to distract me from the rest of my face.

92. How tall are you? approx. 5'9"

93. How much do you weight? About 110-115 lbs....

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Myself ofc

95. Have you been in a car crash? Nope (thank God)

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? Walking

97. When was the last time you were drunk? Never

98. Do you smoke? Never have

99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm? It's Ruto Roz~ Mashi Jub3r7 blueflower SLOWPOKEMON

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


57. Do you have a wrist watch? I've gone through several, but always forget to put it on.

58. The first console game you ever played? Mario Kart Double Dash.

59. Do you prefer studying or working? I don't like either :<

60. Favourite Pokemon? Magnemite!

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? None! I don't want a cell phone.

62. How many forums you visit besides nsm? NSM is the only forum I'm active on, but I have an account on Dragon Cave's forum and's forum, even though I rarely use those.

63. What is your favourite anime? Dragon Ball Z, if it counts.

64. What is your favourite manga? I don't really read manga, but if I did, Pokemon probably.

65. What anime did you last watch? Dragon Ball Z

66. What book did you last read? The last book I read for pleasure cover to cover was the 9th How to Train Your Dragon book. Still my favorite series of books to this day, even though they're targeted at kids.

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? Not a single one, and never will.

68. Do you enjoy dancing? Not really.

69. Can you sing? Yes, but I suck. I'll make you go deaf.

70. Are you good public speaker? Sometimes...

71. What are your strengths? Very, very few.
72. Does it matter what I ask here? Totes

73. Why? Who? What? Where? How? Which? When?

74. What do you think about that? Huh?

75. Do you enjoy your life? Most of the time.

76. What would you like to do now? Play some Erf Bound

77. Have you been in Disneyland? Never.

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? Video game collecting is my new and only hobby. Well, kinda.

79. What's your favourite tv show? ...for the 3rd time, Dragon Ball Z. With My Little Pony as a close 2nd.

80. Do you like vampires? Yes, but I don't read Twilight.

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? No, never will.

82. What is the time right now? 7:08 PM

83. Do you have a twitter/facebook account? No, and I never will.

84. Do you play facebook games? No, and I never will.

85. Do you make status updates? NO, AND I NEVER WILL

86. Do you change your profile picture often? STOP ASKING ME THIS GRAAAAAHH

87. Who's your favourite actor? I don't have one. Unless you count Shigesato Itoi.

88. Do you want kids? Yes. Someone has to take all my games when I die.  ::)

89. How many video games do you have? About 75 or so NES games, 15 SNES games, 7 or 8 N64 games, 4 Gamecube games, a boatload of Wii games, maybe about 20 or so, Nintendo Land for Wii U, 4 Gameboy games, a few GBA games lying around (With Mother 3 in my bank vault), and maybe 12 DS games.

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? Nah. Only verbal ones.

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change? All of it.

92. How tall are you? 6 foot.

93. How much do you weight? About 140, but I'm underweight.

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Anyone who arranges songs that I like.

95. Have you been in a car crash? No. Yay.

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? Either are cool.

97. When was the last time you were drunk? I never will be drunk. I've sworn never to drink alcohol.

98. Do you smoke? Never. Ever. Ever.

99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm? All of you. Seriously. Every single member here is awesome. I love you all.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Because. I don't want to.  :P

If I had to read a book the thickness of my arm, I would read the Bible.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Oh all right XD I was wondering if you were one of those people who thought Harry Potter was anti-Christ (it isn't).
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I don't think it's satanic or anything like that. Of course not.

However, my old school had a ban on it when I first went there, so that sort of put a bad taste in my mouth, so to speak. I believe the ban has since been lifted due to the English teachers liking the series so much.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


That's funny, haha. I respect all religions, but Harry Potter doesn't support satanism at all (some people actually think that!). And I don't support banning any literature, with very few exceptions.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


57. Do you have a wrist watch? Not since my Barbie one when I was 5 :P

58. The first console game you ever played? Ocarina of Time on Gamecube <3 I think, either that or Wind Waker or Pokemon Colosseum. My early years are a blur XD

59. Do you prefer studying or working? I can't really say since I've technically never had a real job (except for my short summer one), but working seems alot more fun

60. Favourite Pokemon? Umbreon

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? White iPhone 4

62. How many forums you visit besides nsm? Zerooo except for a few I have accounts on that I never use :P

63. What is your favourite anime? The Avatar series (that counts :P)

64. What is your favourite manga? I haven't really read much manga but I guess Dragonball

65. What anime did you last watch? Hmm.. I guess Howl's Moving castle, since I'm not exactly sure whats considered "anime"

66. What book did you last read? Some boring book called Fences for school

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? Yup, but that was a while ago

68. Do you enjoy dancing? noooooooooo

69. Can you sing? noooooooooooo

70. Are you good public speaker? noooooooooooo

71. What are your strengths? I have patience as well as a randomly generating mind, which I guess is an ok combination

72. Does it matter what I ask here? No.

73. Why? Because everyone stopped reading this a long time ago.

74. What do you think about that? Well, I would do the same

75. Do you enjoy your life? I guess. I could use more Pokemon, but everyone could

76. What would you like to do now? Not have a stomach ache

77. Have you been in Disneyland? No, but I think I have been to Disney World

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? I've gotten back into drawing, and man am I glad I did :D

79. What's your favourite tv show? Dont really watch TV but I guess avatar

80. Do you like vampires? Does Anton Herzen count?

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? No, but I sadly read all the books (before the fandom wave happened, I swear)

82. What is the time right now? 7:18 PM

83. Do you have a twitter/facebook account? Yes, but no Twitter. I really should get one, but I'd never use it

84. Do you play facebook games? No. All the posts it would do automatically would make me angry and I dont feel like trying to figure out how to disable them

85. Do you make status updates? Not really

86. Do you change your profile picture often? Haha no :P

87. Who's your favourite actor? Eh, I'm not sure. Christopher Robin Miller?

88. Do you want kids? Maybe two or three so I could pass on my legacy (and Pokemon)

89. How many video games do you have? I have no idea XD But I have over 30 DS games (holy shit thas alot) and I have the least of

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? Outside from playfighting with my siblings, no. I've caused them though XD

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change? Ugh my chin TT^T

92. how much cm? 183

93. How much do you weight? lololololololololol

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Arrangerrrr idk No picking favorites here :D

95. Have you been in a car crash? My bus driver crashed XD That was fun. She kept ranting for the next week about how the only reason the cops made such a big deal was because she was black

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? It depends. Walking is fun for long distances with pretty scenery, but for basically everything else biking

97. When was the last time you were drunk? never on alcohol but I was on sprinkles a few days ago (I'm not even kidding XD)

98. Do you smoke? No

99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm? Professor Hershel Layton


57. Do you have a wrist watch?
Yes, but my family always "borrows" them and never returns them...
58. The first console game you ever played?
Can't remember which CONSOLE game...

59. Do you prefer studying or working?
Working, in many situations.
60. Favourite Pokemon?
Sandslash, though Celebi and Gallade are great too.

61. What kind of cell phone do you have?
62. How many forums you visit besides nsm?
Several, most recently joined Smogon Forums; some of them I am really attached too, even though they're "not-so-perfect." :P

63. What is your favourite anime?
Not sure...
64. What is your favourite manga?

65. What anime did you last watch?
Part of Dragon Ball Z, to compare the Ocean Dub with the Funimation dub (specifically, the "Over 9000" scene).
66. What book did you last read?
I'm currently reading a Sherlock Holmes Collection.

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books?
68. Do you enjoy dancing?
It depends...

69. Can you sing?
Some things.
70. Are you good public speaker?
Never tried, but I assume I'd be decent.

71. What are your strengths?
Too many. :P
72. Does it matter what I ask here?
It depends...

73. Why?
Because different questions mean different things.
74. What do you think about that?
That doesn't matter. :P

75. Do you enjoy your life?
It's better than nothing. :P
76. What would you like to do now?
I don't know.

77. Have you been in Disneyland?
78. Have you started any new hobbies lately?
Spriting, although that isn't really recent...

79. What's your favourite tv show?
Twilight Zone; Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction; other
80. Do you like vampires?
Depends on which vampires they are.

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies?
82. What is the time right now? 4:23 PM, PST

83. Do you have a twitter/facebook account?
NO; at this point in my life, there is no reason to; Facebook should be about communicating with people you normally couldn't call on a daily basis.
84. Do you play facebook games?

85. Do you make status updates?
86. Do you change your profile picture often?

87. Who's your favourite actor?
Not easy to decide.
88. Do you want kids?
Obviously not now... :P

89. How many video games do you have?
Haven't counted.
90. Have you ever been in a real fight?
It depends on what you mean by "real."

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change.
No, but I'd like to make my hair easy to comb.
92. how much cm?
I hate Metric...

93. How much do you weight?
Haven't weighed myself recently...
94. Who's your favourite arranger?
It depends! :P

95. Have you been in a car crash?
96. Do you prefer walking or biking?
It depends...

97. When was the last time you were drunk?
98. Do you smoke?
No; I'm smarter than that.

99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm?
Depends. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


#65: This is Dragon Ball Z. Not Dragon Ball. They are 2 different shows.  :P
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on January 24, 2013, 04:29:52 PM#65: This is Dragon Ball Z. Not Dragon Ball. They are 2 different shows.  :P
(well that shows how much I know about it... :P)
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Apologies for quoting an old reply, but:
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 24, 2013, 01:25:23 PMI listen to solely video game music, and I know almost no one else irl that does.
So do I! It's really the only genre that I can stand for long periods of time. My old iPod was virtually full memory-wise before I lost it, and every single song was from a video game.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


57. Do you have a wrist watch? No, I enjoy people using the "Time for you to get a watch pun" on me too much.

58. The first console game you ever played? Pokemon Stadium, I think. Or maybe it was Kirby 64.

59. Do you prefer studying or working? Working,because it gives me an excuse not to study.

60. Favourite Pokemon? FUCKIN JOLTEON, MAN.

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? HTC Vivid.

62. How many forums you visit besides nsm? I'm fairly active on the forums. I'm also a host on their Avatar fancast(which is pretty popular considering they've managed to get interviews with PJ Byrne and Janet Varney)

63. What is your favourite anime? Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. If Avatar were an anime(IT IS NOT), that would be my answer. Why not just say cartoon? Hold on, I'll fix that for ya.

63 1/2.What is you favorite cartoon? Avatar: The Last Airbender

64. What is your favourite manga? None, don't read them

65. What anime did you last watch? Melancholy, I think. Though that was awhile ago.

66. What book did you last read? The Grapes of Wrath, a fascinating book. I highly recommend it.

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? Read the first four, than completely lost interest. Still have no interest.

68. Do you enjoy dancing? Yes, but I can't dance seriously. Its gotta be insanely silly dancing.

69. Can you sing? Yeah, I'm alright. I can keep in key and have a decent enough voice.

70. Are you good public speaker? Depends what I'm speaking about.

71. What are your strengths? My sexiness for starters.

72. Does it matter what I ask here? Yes.

73. Why? Who? What? Where? How? Which? When? Because you suck. A whale. A sword fight between you and the whale. IN SPACE. By using the power of SCIENCE. The blue one. In the grand ole year of 2037.

74. What do you think about that? I think you're kinda gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

75. Do you enjoy your life? Half the time. Yeah, that's a good estimate.

76. What would you like to do now? Go explorin.

77. Have you been in Disneyland? No, but I've been to Disney World wayyyyyy too many fuckin times.

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? Nope.

79. What's your favourite tv show? Avatar: The Last Airbender, Doctor Who is 2nd.

80. Do you like vampires? Only if it's Dracula or Nosferatu.

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? No.

82. What is the time right now? 9:32 PM

83. Do you have a twitter/facebook account? Facebook for easy communication with friends and updates from bands. Twitter is kinda gayyyyyyy.

84. Do you play facebook games? God no,

85. Do you make status updates? Occasionally. Only if I have something especially stupid to say.

86. Do you change your profile picture often? STOP ASKING ME THIS GRAAAAAHH

87. Who's your favourite actor? FUCKING. TOM. HANKS. Samuel L. Jackson is a close second.

88. Do you want kids? It all depends. Not for a long time, at least.

89. How many video games do you have? Too many.

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? Yep. Beat the hell out of the kid too.

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change? My nose. It's kinda big.

92. How tall are you? 6' 3"

93. How much do you weight? Prolly liek 150

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Mantis, cuz he arranged all the Dark Cloud 2 sheets.

95. Have you been in a car crash? Yep. Two.

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? Walking is pretty fun. Biking is better if you have somewhere you need to go.

97. When was the last time you were drunk? Never. I drink alcohol, but I never go passed my limit.

98. Do you smoke? Depends what yer smokin.

99. Who's the most awesome person in nsm? Do I have to pick one person? Hmmmmm, I don't like all of you. Especially Slow, cuz he still has a fairly bad taste in movies. I'll say Jamaha cuz he keeps the damn place running(barely).

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!