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Story Ideas

Started by Jub3r7, January 21, 2013, 06:41:05 PM

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The objective of this game is to come up with story ideas. Maybe when you have no idea what to write, you can take a visit to this thread for some ideas?

Every time you play a rendition of a song you've been messing around with, monsters attack in another world and they don't go away until you play the song again.
Or another pokemon fan fic where a vampire is the main character (kidding, I'm glad I didn't end up writing that one)
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Jub3r7 on January 21, 2013, 06:41:05 PMEvery time you play a rendition of a song you've been messing around withget emotionally unstable, monsters attack in another world and they don't go away until you play the song againespers stop them.

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: Jub3r7 on January 21, 2013, 06:41:05 PMThe objective of this game is to come up with story ideas. Maybe when you have no idea what to write, you can take a visit to this thread for some ideas?
I've got a good one, and idea for a Doom-Majora's Mask hybrid-esque game:

In the year 3026, the planet Earth has been invaded by demons; the environment has been almost entirely destroyed by the invasion, and futile attempts to fight back have left the human race nearly wiped out.
One man, once nothing more than a commoner, has made a deal with a rogue demon master: he is granted seven days of nearly limitless power, but at the end of that time period, his soul belongs to the demon.

The whole game consists of seven days, each equivalent to two hours real time (one hour for day, one hour for night). Every day, you master your powers more and more, which can be enhanced by weapons you pick up; if you die, your power and weapons reset.
During the daytime, you must go into the catacombs to fight the nocturnal demons.
During the night, you must roam around the overworld and fight the demons.
After killing a certain number of demons and locating clues as to the portal's location, you must find three portal-keys. After this goal has been accomplished, you must travel to and through the portal, and close the source.

(in the bad ending, the demon master takes somewhat-pity on the Earth and destroys it completely :P)
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


SO there's like, a GIGANTIC cake and the cake's name is Howard. Howard is a lovely chap who has a wife and kids, whom he supports by participating in the regular rat race working 9-5. UNTIL SOMEONE KIDNAPS HIS FAMAHRIE. NOW IT'S UP TO HAWORD TO FIND HIS FAMILY, STOP THE EVIL QUEEN OF MITTENS, AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BLOWING UP, BECAUSE IT'S ACTUALLY A GIANT BOMB.


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


SFK, I would a good amount for that book.

Also, ideas I wrote down in a notebook somewhere:
- A guy sees demons when taking energy shots or energy drinks, but he resorts to using them in order to survive college.
- Robert James gets trapped in an alternate dimension on his way to the supermarket - and to escape, he must travel the void and find the 7 legendary hams.
- Typical smart Asian on the math team, 10th grader in 11th grade class, who goes OUTSIDE instead of using the internet?! D: What sort of monsters will he encounter there?
- When a friend is kidnapped by the Fae, Logan makes a deal with an arch angel in order to rescue him.
- Multi-talented actor/singer/chess player/programmer, Luke unknowingly explores the twilight zone in his dreams. Chaos arises when things follow him back to this world.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


One day a guys eating jelly babies calmy when he hears a screaming noise. He looks around, can't seem to find out where it's coming from. Then, he looks down and see's a jelly baby wriggling around, shouting, my legs! Yoy ate my legggss!



what the hell is a jelly baby
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on January 29, 2013, 03:08:32 PMOne day a guys eating jelly babies calmy when he hears a screaming noise. He looks around, can't seem to find out where it's coming from. Then, he looks down and see's a jelly baby wriggling around, shouting, my legs! Yoy ate my legggss!

Am I the only one who thinks that those kinds of stories are overused?

Waddle Bro


Also the 4th Doctor's favorite candy.
I like food.


New story idea!

You're some sort of superhero; in the past, you were a scientist, one of 14, who was forced to work on a seismic device, and somehow gained superpowers from it (I'm thinking that the seismic device set off some sort of nuclear waste trapped deep in the Earth's crust? :P).
You're the last of the 14 still alive, although several of them had children, who have potential to develop their superpowers: one of them is your apprentice.

Anyway, in the beginning of the game, you start out being really powerful (like, able to kill most enemies in one hit). While you're fighting off an alien invasion, some person called "The Twister" begins stealing your powers; as the game goes on, you get weaker with every encounter with The Twister (meaning that enemies, although they do not increase in strength at all, are harder to fight).

Each superhuman starts out with a single power they can use, which can become their most powerful; after all your powers have been drained by The Twister, you're forced to rely solely on your power (I'm thinking something like creating balls of energy that circle around you, then shoot out and follow enemies), which weakens you a lot.

In the end, The Twister drains you completely after you appear to defeat it; in a somewhat expected (:P) twist (:P), it is revealed to be your power-hungry apprentice. However, your apprentice has a change of heart and drives the invasion off, vowing to continue your role as protector of the people.

Some of the superpowers I imagine are "exaggerated" versions of more "traditional" superhero powers, like x-ray vision, super strength, morphing abilities, etc.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Double post...

An interesting idea for a Final Fantasy-esque game just popped into my head. Some of the details aren't quite finished, but still...

In the beginning, you start as a thief named Janette working with another thief, your childhood friend, called (insert name here), in a grand city called (insert name here). After a petty theft, you're being chased by the Royal Guards, who apparently don't have anything better to do than chase thieves of your low caliber.
At one point, you and your partner are forced to fight the guards; (insert name here) stays behind to fight them for a little too long, and is killed by the Captain of the Guard, Horace (because Horace is a very dignified-sounding name :P). However, this distraction allows you to get away: you retreat into a tunnel. Although you think you're safe, you encounter a man in a cloak. Eventually, you catch him off guard and kill him; he drops a small black crystal, which you pick up, hoping to sell. The crystal unlocks your magical potential, giving you access to six weak spells.
When you try to leave the city later, you find that all parts of its borders are being heavily patrolled, something which is unusual for this city. You find out that the man you killed was a Minor Clanlord of the Clan of Defnes (a clan of Warlocks dedicated to reviving the ancient demon Defnes); apparently, the clan was digging up bodies in the graveyard for an unknown purpose, something which the Royal Guards fear.

You convince a merchant, who's leaving the city to meet his younger sister at a train station in a city across the continent, to take you along (because the only weapon he has is a bow), providing you with a way to leave the city. Shortly after leaving the city, however, you encounter monsters unleashed by the Clan, at which point the merchant (who reveals his name as Elijahn) informs you that, if you two become separated, to go to a nearby farming town.
After your journey, you meet his sister, Liliane; the two inform you that they should be safe returning to their hometown, and thus, you decide to stay in the city.

Shortly after, you encounter (insert name here) the thief, whom you thought was dead. He tries to persuade you to come with him to join the Clan of Defnes, but after you refuse, he turns into a zombified form (and another boss battle).
You find out, from what (insert name here) told you, that the clan is searching for bodies in which to provide a vessel for the rebuilding of Defnes; since their rituals have no worked on dead bodies, they are searching for inexperienced- yet expanding in their abilities- magic wielders (such as yourself).

Since you know the Clan is searching for you, you retreat into the nearby mountains. You witness a cataclysmic event in which a giant (albeit far away) portal opens up above the grand city of (insert name here), and swarms of monsters are literally shot out in different directions (including towards you).
Seeking refuge from the monsters, you travel along the mountains to the small farming town, hoping that, since the town apparently carries some significance to Elijahn, you'll meet up with him and his sister again. As it turns out, it's their hometown, so you encounter them, fighting off swarms of monsters with other townsfolk. At this point, they would join your party permanently.

(will finish writing plot details later)

Toward the last 3/4th of the game, your group journeys, with the residents of the farming town, to a castle where the surviving citizens of the grand city are sheltered. The Captain of the Guard, Horace, joins your party, hoping to find the Clan's headquarters and stop them.
Eventually, you find and raid the clan's main base of operations, apparently scattering them. After celebrating your victory, Horace becomes drunk. You can choose to avenge (insert name here) and kill Horace, or to let him live. If you kill Horace, an outcast member of the Clan joins you, intent on killing off the last surviving members (notably, his fighting techniques are much darker than Horace's).

You go into the portal above the grand city and find a four winged, six-legged (technically, with two arms) serpent creature, which is similar, although not identical, to a depiction of Defnes. After a battle with its minions, it expels you from the portal (and straight into the ground) with a burst of flames from its mouth.
When you awaken, battered, you find that the portal has moved to the far southern end of the continent, and has grown greatly in size. On your final journey toward the portal, you discover another Clan shrine, and learn that the clans was unable to summon Defnes, yet apparently, it has awoken anyway, a surprise even to them.

Navigating through a labyrinth on the edge of the portal (because it all makes sense for a last dungeon), you eventually reach the interior. Before the battle, the creature reveals it's true identity: it is you, from an alternate universe.
In this alternate universe, you accepted your friend's offer to join the Clan, unbeknownst to you that they were going to use your body to resurrect Defnes. They succeeded in their ritual, but instead of Defnes completely devouring your mind and taking control of your body, your mind was strong enough to survive, eventually fusing with the monster's mind, causing its body to mutate into its current form.
During the time it took the creature's body (I'm calling it Jas-Nes :P) to completely form, the various armies of the world created resistance groups, making it difficult for Jas-Nes to destroy the world. Thus, with its magical powers (gained from Janette's powers) it traveled back in time, intending for their to be another Jas-Nes to conquer with; however, the fact that it traveled in time caused a time disturbance, which caused you not to accept your zombified friend's offer.
Although it intends to destroy your group, and the last hope of civilization, after a battle you nearly lose, you unlock the most powerful elemental magic, and defeat Jas-Nes.
In the end, you're left to rebuild from the destruction left by Jas-Nes, and, in an optional sidequest, defeat the remaining four Grand Clanlords (so they don't try anything else, such as revive more ancient monsters).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Switch the names of Janette and (insert name here), other than that, it's god.


Quote from: Yugi on April 24, 2013, 02:26:07 AMSwitch the names of Janette and (insert name here), other than that, it's god.
(insert name here) is a/are temporary name(s) until I can think of something.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber