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Fire Emblem: Awakening

Started by Shadoninja, January 16, 2013, 12:00:49 PM

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"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


... I got to Chapter 12 today. And I'm still struggling with it, even with my overpowered Chrom and myself. Also, Chapter 10 (the music, the battlefield, ending of Chapter 9, everything) was very... moving, for lack of a better word. Must... keep... playing...

Does anyone else even have this game?


What do you think? Should I start playing Fire Emblem?

Quote from: Shadoninja's Video on January 16, 2013, 12:00:49 PM"Chrom will continue fighting for the peace."
That made me chuckle.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26



Just a question, when a unit of your team dies in battle, is it possible to "resurrect" it? I mean, having it again in your team.
That's something that really annoyed me in Sacred Stones, and the main reason I stopped playing it. My team was decreasing and decreasing in number until it was technically impossible to win any battle... Please tell me there's a way in Awakening. :(

Either way, the game itself looks very nice, so I might pick it up soon.


Yeah, there are two game modes for that purpose. In Classic, if a unit dies, it's gone forever, and in Casual, the unit will come back at the end of the battle.

As of now I'm at Chapter 17... the sudden increase in difficulty after Chapter 11 caused quite a few problems, which I solved by getting in some extra training using some DLC maps (they're not all that good in my opinion, but the DLCs that give you tons of gold and EXP are worth paying $2 or $2.50 for).


Quote from: MasterProX on March 17, 2013, 08:52:51 PMYeah, there are two game modes for that purpose. In Classic, if a unit dies, it's gone forever, and in Casual, the unit will come back at the end of the battle.

Ahh, nice! :D
Looking forward even more for it now! Thanks for answering. :)


So I made it to Chapter 24 now...

The first thing gameplay that happens when you make a new file is that you use Chrom and your own character to defeat Validar in some "Premonition: Invisible Ties" level. Then there's this creepy cutscene where Chrom congratulates you on defeating Validar, only for your vision to go crazy, followed by you killing(?) Chrom.

Let's just say that Chapter 23 is also called "Invisible Ties" and the same stuff from the beginning happens here, however nothing's cut out so you won't miss anything. So don't be confused if you don't understand what happens in the very beginning, it's a foreshadowing of what happens near the end (I think) of the game.


Please don't tell me I'm the only one here to play it.

It's just an awesome game.

Has anyone played it? I've beat it already, so if you have questions ask me!


I think Shadoninja already made a thread for this?
Bulbear! Blueflower999




So I finally beat Chapter 12 on Lunatic+ yesterday. Words of advice: don't do Lunatic. And when you beat it, don't do Lunatic+. The enemies' skills are way overpowered, for example...

  • Hawkeye: Attacks never miss.
  • Aegis+ / Pavise+: Halves damage from melee / ranged weapons.
  • Counter: Counter all damage if attacked from an adjacent space. Unless the enemy dies. Then you're fine.
  • Luna+: Halves the defense of the person being attacked.
  • Vantage+: Always attack first. Even if you initiate the battle.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Getting to Chapter 5 without DLC access up to that point is impossible. Almost.


Eh, Lunatic's fine. For the first bit, you just have to rely on Frederick to tank, and feed your Avatar lots of EXP by abusing the Veteran Skill (1.5X EXP gain when Paired Up). Your Avatar will be way over-leveled, and then when you can get Second Seals, you can re-class into Sorceror. From there, you can quite literally beat the game without effort just with Chrom and your Avatar, by giving your Avatar Nosferatu and having them Paired Up with Chrom. And that's not even including Spotpass Bonus Box stuff, or DLC grinding.

Lunatic+ will require luck though. Because while the Lunatic+ Skills are powerful, what really makes it luck-based is that they're randomly given to enemies, so they won't always have the same set of Skills with each playthrough. This leads to situations where in the first portion of the game, you might as well just restart so that you don't have to deal with un-winnable circumstances.


According to my Activity Log, I've started up FE:A over 500 times. Over 450 are mostly likely soft resets.