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Video Game Trivia

Started by blueflower999, January 15, 2013, 09:05:17 AM

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I realize that we've been having a lot of new forum games pop up recently, but here's a fun one that can actually get you rewarded in real life. Here's how it works:

I post a piece of video game trivia, usually pertaining to Nintendo or some other game company that I an somewhat knowledgeable about. Depending on the conditions for the question, you may or may not be allowed to use the internet to help you. If I say you can, go ahead, Google the question. But if I say you can't, then don't! The first person to post the correct answer to the question gets a point.

Whoever gets ten points first wins a free mycokerewards code that's worth three points on For those of you that don't know, these codes are found on the bottom of caps of Coke products, and you can enter the codes on the site to win free goodies, when you have enough. Once someone reaches 10, the counters will be reset and a new round started. (The code will be sent to the winner via PM, so that no one can steal it)

Well, let's play!

Round #1, Question #1:

In what year did Super Mario Brothers and the NES itself get released in the USA?

You may use Google.


Round 1
Bubbles: 5
Slow: 7
Sheikah: 4
Waddle: 7
BDS: 10
TBWCW: 3.5
Bloop: 0.5
Dudeman: 4
SocialFox: 4.5
Olimar: 1
Winter: 1

Round 2
Social: 10
Sheikah: 3
Olimar: 7.5
Waddle: 1
Slow: 7
Maestro: 6
Bubbles: 3
Dudeman: 5
BDS: 6
Shado: 1
Shadowkirby: 7
FSM: 2
BP: 1
Fank: 1

Current Round
Maestro: 2
Shado: 1
Dudeman: 1
BDS: 2
Bubbles: 2
K-Night: 1
Nocturne: 1
MLF: 3
Maelstrom: 2
Yugi: 1
Nebbles: 1
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Bruce Springsteen, Madonna
 Way before Nirvana
 There was U2 and Blondie
 And music still on MTV
 Her two kids in high school
 They tell her that she's uncool
 Cause she's still preoccupied
 With 19, 19, 1985


Uh... yes...? I think?

Next question:

Fill in the sequence:

Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 64, _______________, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U.

You MAY NOT use Google

Also, new rule:

The winner of the previous question must wait for someone to get the answer incorrect before posting.
So Bubbles, wait until someone gets this wrong before attempting again. Of course, though, if someone gets this wrong on this site, I'd be appalled.  ::)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Lol ok

And I was just being creative ::)


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Yay! One point Slow!

Next question. Remember, Slow, you can only answer it if someone gets it wrong:

The vast majority of Pokemon games are on portable systems. Gen 1 was for Gameboy, Gen 2 was for Gameboy Color, Gen 3 was for Gameboy Advance, and both Gen 4 and 5 were for DS, with Gen 6 coming for the 3DS in October. However, some spinoffs of Pokemon games sometimes land on consoles. Name 5 Pokemon spinoffs that were on consoles.

Do not use Google
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Pokemon Snap, PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure, Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon XD, Pokemon Battle Revolution


Very good! And fast, too. Now, for a different series.

In the original Ice Climbers for the NES, if the player takes too long to advance up the screen, an animal will appear and jump, causing the screen to scroll down one level, this killing the player if he/she is on the bottom level on the screen before hand. What animal is this?

Hint: It is in Super Smash Brothers Brawl in one form or another

You may use Google
Bulbear! Blueflower999


a polar bear, with some sweet shades if memory serves.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Very good! That was a tough one.

Round #1, Question #5:

In the original Donkey Kong game in the arcade, what was Mario's name?

Do not use Google. (And when I say Google, I mean the internet. Don't try to be smart and use Yahoo or anything else.  :P)
Bulbear! Blueflower999

Waddle Bro




Dang, you guys are good!

Round #1, Question #6:

In the original Legend of Zelda, for the NES, what does the Old Man in the cave say to Link when giving him the Wooden Sword? (This should be easy, so quote it word for word.)

Do not use Google, you guys should know this.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 12:13:49 PMDang, you guys are good!

Round #1, Question #6:

In the original Legend of Zelda, for the NES, what does the Old Man in the cave say to Link when giving him the Wooden Sword? (This should be easy, so quote it word for word.)

Do not use Google, you guys should know this.
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Waddle Bro

 Shit I don't remember ;_;

"It's too dangerous to go alone. Take this."

ninja'd FUCK



There's going to be some competition for those My Coke Rewards points!

Round #1, Question #7:

In Yoshi's Story, for the Nintendo 64, what is the (very corny) name of the plant that the Yoshis want to rescue?

You may use Google

And sorry, BDS, he posted it first. And I wasn't counting punctuation. Also Waddle, you can't answer 2 questions in a row
Bulbear! Blueflower999