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TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way

Started by Toby, January 06, 2013, 12:37:40 PM

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I forgot that the Master Wolf thinks that he's a red wolf.



for BDS/others who share his sentiments.

I'm going to vote Liggy.

QuoteI suggest Seering Mashi, because I've played TWG with him for several years and still have trouble reading him.  Verm and Bird would also be good choices because it's always nice to know what team the good players are on.  Heck, I'd even be a good option because most of you have little to go off of for me.

Why did you pick Mashi out of the three of us?  Bird and I would have been fine options too, but out of the three of us you suggested Mashi.  Since Mashi is in all likelihood a human, this makes me think there's a possibility you're a wolf.  But really what makes you suspicious is the last sentence.

I think the "Heck, I'd even be a good option because most of you have little to go off of for me" is weird if you're a human or a wolf.  If you're a human, you don't want to be seered because it'd be a waste of a seering.  If you're a wolf you don't want to be seered for obvious reasons.  A lot of people tend to think that "giving oneself up for seering" is a human thing to do.  As a skilled wolf, I wouldn't put it past you to do this in order to deflect suspicion.



Quote from: SocialFox on January 08, 2013, 03:39:01 PMI forgot that the Master Wolf thinks that he's a red wolf.
(5:30:35 PM) Nighthawk: i just realized something which might change my mind about sf
(5:30:45 PM) Nighthawk: reread the first post
(5:30:55 PM) Nighthawk: all of the wolves are told they're the same thing
(5:30:57 PM) Nighthawk: :morton2:
(5:31:07 PM) Savvy-Sauce: omg lol
(5:32:19 PM) Savvy-Sauce: wait
(5:32:24 PM) Savvy-Sauce: instead of making a post about this and changing my vote
(5:32:28 PM) Savvy-Sauce: we should use this to our advantage
(5:32:46 PM) Savvy-Sauce: the  "wolves don't know the master wolf thing" isn't super common knowledge
(5:32:57 PM) Savvy-Sauce: so maybe we shuld keep it on the downlow so we can test people through it?
(5:33:18 PM) Nighthawk: defs

And then you went and ruined everything, way to go!  >:(

But yeah, SocialFox is almost certainly human. I still suspect the players that defended him though. I suppose I'll change my vote to blueflower999.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


nvm changing my vote to TheZeldaPianist

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on January 08, 2013, 03:35:06 PMI'm not defending him necessarily.

Why won't you commit to defending him?  Here you say you don't think he's being that weird (and say that Bird is wolfy for voting for him).  This post seems really dodgy.

QuoteSocial generally tends to be weirder than most of us.

Is this from reading prior games?

QuoteAnd it's day one... it's not like there's been a series of bizarre actions.

Then why aren't you voting for Socialfox if there haven't been many other things to give you reason to vote?


I'm not going to vote for verm today, but I definitely suspect him, and highly recommend having him seered for night 2.

Suspicion List:

1. verm
2. blueflower999
3. spitllama

4-13. some other ppl

14. Waddle Bro
15. SocialFox
16. Me
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die



Is it because I said SocialFox is a weird player
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To Verm:  Even though you're vote against me was really only for 10 minutes, I should probably point out to the rest of the thread that it makes no sense.

Why on earth is singling out one person wolfy?  The Master Wolf thinks he's a normal wolf, so I couldn't ask to Seer the master wolf if I was a wolf. It would make more sense for a wolf to have several options, so he can throw in a wolf partner without too much risk of him getting seered.  Also, as I said, I find it harder to get a read on Mashi, so I think thought that out of you three, he was a better option.

And throwing myself up to be seered really does no harm in this game.  Only about 3 or 4 people here have actually played with me, so they wouldn't be able to read into my play-style as much.

Dang it Bird I was starting to grow a little suspicious on Verm.  Thanks for making me look like a bandwagoner!


Quote from: spitllama on January 08, 2013, 04:05:05 PMWat.

Is it because I said SocialFox is a weird player
I think you defended him on pretty weak grounds. A wolf knows all the human players and can defend them without really thinking about it in order to appear more human. It's just a day 1 suspicion though, nothing to get all up in arms about.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


QuoteWhy on earth is singling out one person wolfy?  The Master Wolf thinks he's a normal wolf, so I couldn't ask to Seer the master wolf if I was a wolf. It would make more sense for a wolf to have several options, so he can throw in a wolf partner without too much risk of him getting seered.  Also, as I said, I find it harder to get a read on Mashi, so I think thought that out of you three, he was a better option.

It makes most sense if you're a wolf with Bird and wanted to get Mashi seered instead of him.  Throwing out three names is kind of risky for wolves!  Bird is generally a better seering target than Mashi because Bird almost always seems human.  Mashi usually is more neutral.

QuoteAnd throwing myself up to be seered really does no harm in this game.  Only about 3 or 4 people here have actually played with me, so they wouldn't be able to read into my play-style as much.

This is the most suspicious part.  You've probably heard us talking in the LLF chat about how a lot of times on NSM, people are presumed human because they say things like "I'm OK with being seered/lynched".  That's illogical because neither a human nor wolf should be OK with that.  It doesn't make sense for you to want to be seered because that wastes a potential seering of a wolf.  I'm suggesting that the reason you said you were OK with being seered was because you are a wolf who wants to look human.  There's no logical way that you would say that as a human.


Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on January 08, 2013, 01:05:11 PMLast night Mashi voted for:

Mashi to be seer'd.
Mashi to be guarded.
Mashi to be tracked.



Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 08, 2013, 04:13:04 PMThis is the most suspicious part.  You've probably heard us talking in the LLF chat about how a lot of times on NSM, people are presumed human because they say things like "I'm OK with being seered/lynched".  That's illogical because neither a human nor wolf should be OK with that.  It doesn't make sense for you to want to be seered because that wastes a potential seering of a wolf.  I'm suggesting that the reason you said you were OK with being seered was because you are a wolf who wants to look human.  There's no logical way that you would say that as a human.
He may want to be seered so that people don't waste a LYNCH on him, if he IS a human... which would be much worse than merely wasting a seering.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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If that's the case then he's playing the game wrong.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 08, 2013, 03:49:23 PMWhy won't you commit to defending him?  Here you say you don't think he's being that weird (and say that Bird is wolfy for voting for him).  This post seems really dodgy.
Because I have no reason to defend him.  I don't think he looks wolfy at all, and I want to caution Bird against doing so as well.  But it's day one, I'm not going to start making alliances simply because there's no evidence that he ISN'T a wolf.  Bird just said "super weird" and that threw up red flags pretty fast.

Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 08, 2013, 03:49:23 PMIs this from reading prior games?
Yes it is, and being active in other places on NSM, which Social is too and you're not.

Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 08, 2013, 03:49:23 PMThen why aren't you voting for Socialfox if there haven't been many other things to give you reason to vote?
Cause like I just said, Social hasn't done anything to appear either wolfy or nonwolfy.  It goes both ways.  Now that I think about it, BDS could be right in saying that Bird was just trying to get discussion circulating, but as of right now he's said the most abnormal thing of anyone: that Social's acting weird.  So I'm not defending Social as much as I am attacking Bird's attack on him. :P


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on January 08, 2013, 05:45:56 PMYes it is, and being active in other places on NSM, which Social is too and you're not.

Well he is somewhat active in the story telling board.