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NSM as a business?

Started by MaestroUGC, January 01, 2013, 06:26:49 PM

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Waddle Bro

Quote from: WarioMan98 on January 05, 2013, 05:18:36 AMOk, now crazy idea I just had, how about charging like 0,05 cents for each download on site too? Of course, all would be free for NSM arrangers. We could also make a private zone in the forums only for arrangers where songs could be discussed and corrected before uploading. Obviously, that zone wouldn't be open to newbies at arranging who just arrange 3 or 4 arrangements before they leave, instead, it would be open for moderators and staff (of course) and arrangers who had already done a good amount of work and are more less constant with their work.

That way we could provide even more professional sheets and for example, the more times a arrangement is bought, the more money the arranger of that arrangement earns, so it could also be an incentive to the arrangers to make their arrangements as perfect as possible. With that and with donations, I think NSM could be a nice little business. We could always try for some time to see if it really works though.
I do not support this at all. I would never use this site if I had to pay for the sheets.


Quote from: Waddle Bro on January 05, 2013, 05:23:11 AMI do not support this at all. I would never use this site if I had to pay for the sheets.

Well, yeah, it may be a bad idea after all...


Oh yes, a paywall would be just great for alienating all our users.

Donations are one, but I don't really see it working. I doubt we'd see that much money out of them and then if we divided it across multiple updaters. Then there's also the hosting costs which I'm currently paying.

I'd assume a paid updater/arranger/staff member would expect at least a decent amount of money for the work. I doubt we can raise any amount of money that's worthwhile of anyone's time.


Quote from: WarioMan98 on January 05, 2013, 05:18:36 AMOk, now crazy idea I just had, how about charging like 0,05 cents for each download on site too? Of course, all would be free for NSM arrangers. We could also make a private zone in the forums only for arrangers where songs could be discussed and corrected before uploading. Obviously, that zone wouldn't be open to newbies at arranging who just arrange 3 or 4 arrangements before they leave, instead, it would be open for moderators and staff (of course) and arrangers who had already done a good amount of work and are more less constant with their work.

That way we could provide even more professional sheets and for example, the more times a arrangement is bought, the more money the arranger of that arrangement earns, so it could also be an incentive to the arrangers to make their arrangements as perfect as possible. With that and with donations, I think NSM could be a nice little business. We could always try for some time to see if it really works though.

EDIT: Oh yes, almost forgot. The sheets on site could have a preview page. You know, too check it before purchasing. It could be the first page if it has more than 1 pages, or just half a page if it only has 1 page. Oh! And the more difficult and long the song arranged, the more expensive it is. It would be unfair to charge 5 cents for both a 1 page arrangement and a 6 page arrangement.

EDIT 2: Aaaand... to become an official NSM arranger you would have to present a sample of your work to the staff.
I know this idea has already been shot down, but we'd still get copyright problems from Game companies. The moment you bring money and someone elses work together, the original owner screams for their 'fair share' which would be a mighty sum, or threatens to sue, which would cause more hassle then a bunch of even professional musicians can afford!

Quote from: Jamaha on January 05, 2013, 06:07:03 AMI'd assume a paid updater/arranger/staff member would expect at least a decent amount of money for the work. I doubt we can raise any amount of money that's worthwhile of anyone's time.
I guess we'd have to put a price on updates. Updaters, how much do you think the effort that an update takes, costs? (Bear in mind, that a person that works an hour at KFC get just $7.50 [approximately]).


Well just know that if more help is needed, I'm standing by; ready for action. (For free)
I'm not very busy at all currently and it doesn't look like things are going to pick up too much anytime soon. So I've got time.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Unfortunately that's what they all say.


I find that a fee of any kind, no matter how small, is still a deterrent for people who just want to play piano music. Even if the fee is insignificant, you still have to go through the transaction process and I, for one, would be too lazy to go through that every time I wanted a new sheet. (On the other hand, if the transaction was automatic...)
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


I wouldn't use the site if I had to pay. The only way to get them free is to nab them before they go on the site. To prevent that, we'd have to limit access which would also limit feedback which would probably lower quality.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Agreeing with Dudeman.

I still believe a stricter schedule would do some good. Gather the uploaders, give them a week each to be responsible for uploading at least something, and a place to discuss this schedule in quiet (a mod-only subforum, which might already exist). Plan ahead a few weeks and see how things turn out.

Also, I suspect the way we currently do uploads, we paint ourselves into a corner. Once a submission thread is up, people expect everything in it to be uploaded as a big update. People are promised a big update, and the mods see they have to do a big update. Restrictions might be thrown around to shrink the workload somewhat, but there still is a set number of sheets to go through. And the current mentality calls for uploading it all in one big go, prioritizing doing the update as a whole over doing the update on time.

I propose giving the uploaders the option to split the updates into as many pieces as is required to make an update on time. I prefer seeing three songs going up every week, gradually emptying a 20-submission uploading thread in six weeks, rather than having to wait for two months for those 20 arrangements to be uploaded in one go. I'm still all for having submission threads, but I don't think we necessarily have to empty them in one sitting.

It would mean less spectacular updates. Maybe some arrangements wouldn't even be mentioned in the news on the front page until weeks after they are uploaded. But I think we should strive towards regularity in the updates, no matter how pitifully small each update is. Of course, the mods should preferrably aim towards emptying the thread in as few updates as possible, but when life gets in the way, we can allow ourselves to settle for the next best thing. I'd rather see a disappointingly small update than be disappointed by a lack of updates.

Also, as an update thread gradually shrinks, and the best songs are uploaded (a perfectly formatted song won't need much attention before it can be put on site), the imperfect arrangements will remain as the only obstacle before a new thread can be made (so that people can get more of their songs on site). If we make those imperfect arrangements easy enough to see, impatient users can make the mods work faster by helping them polishing the arrangements and shining them up to standard. They don't have to edit the sheets, just point out the errors. This isn't as easy to do when the imperfect arrangement is one among thirty, and only the mods look through them, but if there are three or four sheets left in the thread, it's easier for the community to see them and fix them, so a new thread can be made (or alternatively, deem them unfit for update at all, voting to ditch them until necessary changes are made, and make a new thread already).

TL;DR: Half an update, a quarter of an update, or even a tenth of an update is better than no update at all. Currently, our updates are like rain in Bangladesh: Far too little for far too long, then suddenly a burst so intense that it's hard to appreciate, then a new drought comes.

Oh, and it's 1 AM here, and I've been up since 9, so this post might not be coherent. Better not make any more paragraphs in it now.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


There is absolutely no chance this site can ever become anything a user will have to pay for.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Agreed. NSM should be free. Always.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


NSM has to be a free, non-profit site in order to remain open. Because of the content, the moment we start accepting money for it is the moment all these other companies can start bringing down their hammers to shut us down on the grounds of profiting off of copyrighted material.

This also means donations shouldn't be accepted as well. Paying updaters and the like is not a likely scenario because of this, unless the owner of the site starts feeling generous or the site gains a benefactor. In order to get people who would willingly devote most of their time to this site, they must be compensated in some form to justify their time. Hobbyists come and go, as we have seen in abundance on this site.

The current updaters could work, but not with the way updates are done now. A new method must be implemented to ensure content goes up at least semi-regularly. I would have a system where people submit their arrangements to an email (or something similar) only the updaters and owner can access; sumbiters will send their works there, and the updaters would comb through them one at a time as they can. They look over each one and either accept it or reject it, replying to the sender as such with comments for what needs to be fixed if rejected. If they are accpeted then they set it aside somewhere to be added to the site on the next update (bulk-updates) or just throw it on the site and jot the name down for the update post (posted every week).

They can go through it starting with the oldest, and they can quickly find and reject any duplicate submissions (multiple people submitting the same work). It will not be the updaters responsibility to fix any issues with the sheet, so the arrangers would still need to forums for assistance and tweaking if needed. Submissions will need to be formatted correctly otherwise they will be overlooked, propmting new users to come to the forums for additional quality control.

An idea for smoother, or at least less tasking updates.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


^ That is already being planned. Not an email but a submit form on the site.

If only I had the time to actually implement it.


UGC's suggestion, where updates come continuously as the sheets are submitted, will work when the new site comes, but until then, we have to work within the limits of what we already have. As stated above, I'm for a forum-based submission system. It allows people to comment on each other's arrangements and submissions (and, most importantly, the requests) and help each other and the mods out on making the sheets ready for upload.

What hinders us from having regular updates at the moment is lack of time on the uploaders' part, and time-demanding submission threads taking forever to go through and upload. The problem could be amended by reducing the size of each update. I'm for a culture where regularity of updates is more important than size of updates, and if modders only have time to go through one third of the submissions thread in time, then let them upload that third and be happy with it, rather than putting uploading off another week.

We could have the regular system with upload threads which are closed after a certain number of submissions. The best sheets have highest priority and will be uploaded first. The posts wherein they are made would be deleted and the thread kept until all submissions in it are given fair judgement. When few submissions are left to upload, the thread could be opened for discussion of those few attention-needing sheets, so we all can cooperate on fixing them. When everything is uploaded, however long that may take, we make a new thread. As long as something hits the main page with regular intervals, we will keep visitors checking our site.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.