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Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Great I knew there was a reason to be scared of Willy Wonka
thanks BDS


TWG: Knowledge is Power
A Super TWG designed Maestro

As your body grows bigger,
your mind must flower;
it's great to learn!
Cause Knowledge is Power!

This is a 15 Player Super TWG designed by me, Maestro, and sponsored by Learners Anonymous. (Thanks Ted!)


Tyrannosaurus Debt - Wolf - Debt collector - Each day phase he remains alive, he gains 0.5 voting power. (D1=1x, D2=1.5x, etc.)
Naughty Number Nine - Master Wolf - 999 - If he is still alive when the player count reaches nine or less, Naughty Number Nine can revive a dead player if one exists, redeemable anytime after player count reaches nine or less.
Gravity - Wolf - Apple - Can drop an apple on one player each night. If Gravity is killed, all the apple holders are stripped of their powers and voting abilities. The players will be told they've been hit by an apple.


Mother Necessity - Seer/Guardian/Role Blocker - Necessity - Each night you will choose two targets, and both targets will receive either a guarding, a power block (both defensive and prohibitive), or a seering. If no action was performed, it will result in a seering on them. If they use a power, it will be nulled. It they are the victim of a power or a kill, it will be blocked.
Zero - Human - My Hero - You can save one player from a lynching during the course of the game. The person with the next amount of votes will instead be lynched, etc.
Tax Man Max - Human - Tax Day - He can choose one day phase in which each remaining human's votes count as 1.5x. He can either select the current day phase or choose a day phase in advance, but once he selects it is final. The power will still go into effect even if Tax Man Max isn't alive on the chosen day.
Rufus Xavier Sasparilla - Traitor - Pronoun - The player can activate the power anytime and it will go into effect the following phase. During the affected phase, all players will be instructed to not use any proper nouns for any reason and the chat room will be closed for the duration (a practicality since I can't monitor you effectively). The only time you can use a proper noun is when placing a vote/wolfing/activating powers, and you can only do so once during the affected phase.
Lolly, of Father, Son, and Lolly - Human - Adverb - Completely silence one player for a full day-night cycle. (Nx-Dx) They will have to totally cease any forms of posting, private communication, and will be banned from the chat during the duration. Lolly will need to choose a point in the future, at which time the affected player will be told presently of his condition. Indubitably.
The Conductor - Human - Conjunction Junction - He cannot be affected by a power at anytime in the game. If he's targeted three times or more then he can choose to use one of the powers used against him, but he will die at the end of the phase.
Three - Human - Magic - Can disappear for one phase, chosen in advance, and will be rendered immune to wolfings, lynchings, and targetings, but you can still freely play, chat and vote.
[ur=]Bill [/url]- Human - Law - Can put into permanent effect one of the following: Cardflips at the end of each day phase; having the host post the official vote tally at the end of each phase as part of the update (i.e. the one I use when counting votes, with all the effected vote tallies from powers); enact Daylight Savings Time, extending two successive day phases by 24 hrs; or Veto one player's power after it is used (within a 12 hour window after activation).

Lucky Seven Sampson - Miller - Lucky 7 - Immune to KitBs, cannot be lynched if the vote count against him is 7 exactly. If he is still alive when the player count reaches seven then the game ends and he wins, unless Little Twelvetoes is still alive as well. (Must be exactly seven, if the number seven is skipped then play continues as normal). He is still counted as human throughout the game and for win conditions, meaning he also wins/loses with the human team.

The Comet Team:
The Earth - Rogue - Energy - For each human (non wolf or rogue) that is alive, he has X-extra hit points, meaning it takes X+1 to successfuly kill him. (Game start = 10 attacks to kill). Each phase the number is reset to match the current standings.
Interplanet Janet - Rogue - Comet - For each wolf that is alive, she has X-extra hit points, meaning it takes X+1 to successfuly kill her. (Game start = 4 attacks to kill). Each phase the number is reset to match the current standings.
Little Twelvetoes - Rogue - Home - Immune to KitBs, cannot be lynched if the vote count against him is a multiple of 12.

VERB! Each night one of the following is given to a random player for them to use if they wish. 25% chance of appearing:
N1 - Busy Prepositions - Always on the march, protects you from a power during night one, automatic.
N2 - Electricity - Powerful enough to brighten the dark when you need to see; it will display whoever uses a power or sends in a wolfing during the night at the time of activation (Within 1 hour before use and 30 min after use). The results will be displayed publicly at the end of the phase.
N3 - Suffrage - You can choose another player or yourself to have their votes worth double the next day phase (D3, 2x multiplier).
N4 - Elementary - It's going to rain children, a body double. The player who gets it will essentially have a decoy that will last during night 4.
N5 - Barter - You can trade powers with another player permanently. If they used their power or if it is pending activation it will not be restored, and vice versa if you already used your own power.
N6- Fireworks - red white and blue, a psychic power the reveals how many people on each team is left. The player using it can also choose a team to reveal a role still alive on a team of their choice, but not told the player's identity.

Normal win conditions (Last team standing) with the exception of Lucky Seven Sampson
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I started designing that some time ago so I thought I've spruce it up a bit and see if someone wants to host it. May need to be reworked to cater to a smaller player size, but I'm willing to adjust it.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quite frankly, that looks fun. And very, very hard to balance.
I don't believe you listed win conditions for anyone except LSS


Overlooked that. Pretty much normal win conditions/last team standing with the exception for LSS.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


yeah in order to balance that you'd have to make an AI script for it and run it through a few thousand playthroughs to see the outcome


Marioparty: 007

Team Bowser(Wolves)
Bowser(Captain)-Whenever Bowser dies each other team loses a star and team bowser gets a star.
Bowser Jr.-Wolf

Team Mario(Humans1)

Team Luigi(Humans2)
E. Gadd

Team Toad(Specials)-Team Toad's votes count for zero.

Wolves win under normal conditions(equal or greater numbers to that of humans)
Unique to this game, however, is the win condition of the other teams.
You must have at least 2 more team members than any other team.  This is considered a human victory but the other teams don't win.

Game mechanics:
STAR: Having a star will give you a handicap that helps you win (in other words, not lose) the next minigame.
EXILE: When a team loses a minigame, a random non-captain player is exiled.  This player essentially no longer exists and cannot be revived, spoken of, or thought of.  They cannot post or PM anybody anywhere, regardless of content (including in threads outside TWG).
Each night after the first at exactly the same time every night, each team will participate in a minigame such as "first team to post THIS in the 'Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2' wins the minigame!" or "Here are 4 cards.  One of them has a STAR, another has an EXILE.  Have your captain PM me with your card choice before such time to try to win!".

"Because no matter how darn lucky we get, what matters is winning the minigames.  And you, you always win.  THAT is why we won't play with you."
-My Bro
I realize that during the night phase there may be some trouble for timing, especially when it comes down to the captains.  If this is ever the case the captains may PM the host delegating their power (TEMPORARILY) to another player (ON THEIR TEAM).  If the entire team will have trouble being on at the specified time I will extend the phase and postpone the minigame.
The wolf team can continue to wolf bowser over and over to steal stars, yes, but this is not particularly productive.  Maybe doing it once.
I'm thinking that Team Toad will overshadow all the other teams because of their synergy(guardian guards seer, seer seers wolf, vigi kills wolf), but due to how this game is set up, killing the wolves shouldn't really make a difference for team toad.
Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?  Good Jokes?
Come on don't tell me I'm the only one who wants to see this game happen.


Right off the bat you have an issue with the exile mechanic. You can't force someone to not be part of the larger NSM community, especially if they are involved with other things here (working on arrangements/updates, playing in other games, general doing of things). It's rather draconian and frankly seemingly unenforceable.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


oh i was joking about that bit lol
they just can't be revived


I'll host Maestro's game, if he doesn't mind.


Go for it, but it may need some tweaking to compensate for a smaller group if needed. It also probably needs TWC approval, but my games are always super duper.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on December 29, 2014, 08:29:11 AMIt also probably needs TWC approval, but they don't bother because they know my game will be unballanced anyway.

sorry, couldn't resist
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Speaking of unbalanced, I'm designing a new game without wolves and a spin on special powers and abilities.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


TWG LXXV: A Role Reunion Reprise

Wolves - Each night phase, only one wolfing is accepted, which is the first one sent to me.
1. The Doctor - Master Wolf Shaman
Can seer one player during the night phase. Knows the identity of Onox, but doesn't know the identity of the Protective Mine and the Traitor. (TWG XXVI: Doctor Who)
2. Onox - Brutal Wolf
Can target one player while alive (target can be changed as many times as the player wishes). When lynched, the targeted player will die as well. Knows the identity of The Doctor, but doesn't know the identity of the Protective Mine and the Traitor. (TWG XIV: Oracle of Secrets (Winterkid's Game))

3. Protective Mine - Wolf Guardian
Can guard one player each night phase excluding self. Knows the identity of the Traitor and the Minion, but doesn't know the identity of The Doctor and Onox. (TWG XXV: Minesweeper)
4. Traitor
Counts towards the human population but wins with the wolves. Cannot wolf. Knows the identity of the Protective Mine, but doesn't know the identity of The Doctor and Onox. (TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1))

5. Werewolf Sonic
During the day he will be seered BLUE, but will seer be RED at night due to his werewolf form (remains human throughout). His incredible endurance allows him to take any combination of 2 vigi's/wolfings before going down. When wolfed/vigi'd the first time, it will be exclaimed that "Sonic has been wolfed/vigi'd! (1)." (even if the player in question doesn't have the role Werewolf Sonic). On the second kill, the player's name will be used normally, stating "Player X has been wolfed/vigid" (TWG XXXIII: Beat Those Eggs Jimmy!)
6. Invisible Seer
Is told he is a normal Human. Each night EVERY player will vote for someone to be seer'd, whoever has the most votes will be seer'd that night. This keeps on going until this player is killed. (TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way)
7. Angel - Haunting Reviver
Is told he is a normal Human, is told his actual role after death. Can revive one lynched player after death. (TWG LXIII: Second Chances)
8. Haunting Seer
Is told he is a normal Human, is told his actual role after death. After dying, can reveal a public seering at the end of any phase. (TWG LXV: Haunting Spirits)
9. Diglett - Obnoxious Human
Is told he is a normal Human. Vote counts for 0.1 (TWG XXXIX: Perfect Apples)
10. Pokemon - Oracle
Is told he is a normal Human. Can target one player while alive (target can be changed as many times as the player wishes). When lynched the color of the targeted player is revealed to the thread.(TWG XLI: Gotta Lynch 'em All!)
11. Human (TWG I: The Incident in the Mushroom Kingdom (and many games thereafter))

12. Vermillionvermin - Master Fool
Wins when he is dead at the end of the game. When killed, the italic part of every power is randomised among remaining living Players (no players can get multiple powers this way). (TWG LXVII: The Werewolf Game? More Like The Werewolf DEAD!!!)
13. Fool
Wins when he is dead at the end of the game. (TWG LX: 2fool4skool)
14. Minion - Unnaware fool
Is told he is a normal Human, is told his actual role when both Vermillionvermin and the Fool are dead (even if the minion is dead at that time). Wins when he is dead at the end of the game. Although it's role colour says otherwise, too much contact with the Hypnotiser caused him to be actually seerd orange. (TWG XIX: Mind Games)

Players do not know other players' identities unless stated otherwise.

When all three fools are dead, the game ends and the fools win.
Wolves win when at the end of the day phase the wolves outnumber, or are equal in number to the number of humans.
Humans win when all three wolves are dead.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game
