Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Bulbear! Blueflower999

Waddle Bro

Guys, stop being rude!!

Nope, sorry!



Your game isn't that bad, Yugi, just needs to be fixed at some points.  I'll PM you suggested changes in a bit when I finish opening my fast.


Quote from: Yugi on July 28, 2013, 03:09:52 AMI decided to revamp and rework one of my older games, please tell me what you think!

TWG [Number Holder]: The Cabin in the woods.

The Murderers/Wolves:
1.   The Mastermind (Master Wolf): Seered Green.
2.   The Brute (Brutal Wolf): If killed, can choose someone to die with him.
3.   The Psycho (Normal wolf): Holds the ability to wolf, if he dies, the Brute gets it, if the Brute dies, the Mastermind gets it.

4.   The Scholar: Can pick a player every night phase, he then finds out what that players colour is.
5.   The Athlete (Guardian/Negator): Can guard someone every night phase, however, the guarded player loses their power, if he guards the Whore, and the Whore is selected for death, he becomes the meatshield, and if he guards the monster, he instantly dies.
6.   The Whore (Brutal Human): If Chosen for death, another player dies in her place, and a message is posted to the thread saying "[X], the whore, has ran upstairs!" Does not know that she is the whore.
7.   The Virgin: If chosen for death, she doesn't die, however, she loses he ability to vote, does not know that she is the virgin.
8.   Human
9.   Human
10.   Human
11.   Human
12.   Human
13.   Human
14.   Human
15.   The Fool (Miller): Seered Red. Does not know that he is the Fool.

Third Party:
16.   The Monster: Can at one point attack a player, if the monster dies, that player becomes the monster.

Wolves: Have the Monster dead and humans = wolves
Humans: Have the Monster and wolves dead.
Monster: Survive until the end of the game.

Is it good?

Wolves are very standard except for the wolving ability changing owner. I don't actually like that change because that means if the wolfing member of the wolves in inactive, the team is unable to make a wolfing.

I always dislike the combination of a investigation special role and a guard role that cannot guard eachother. It causes the humans to have no alliance, and I always prefer alliance games over non-alliance games, but that's just my opinion. The Whore is a very tricky role that makes the game a lot more luck based. If that's what you wanted to reach, I think that's good, but otherwise, I would change it. Also change her name. The ability of the Virgin says at this moment that she can't die. I think it would be ballanced if you say she only survives the first time she would die.

I definately like the idea of the monster. I only think you should limit his(her? its?) number of overtakes to 2 or 3, because he/she/it is pretty hard to kill unless the player is inactive.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


My problems with the games are as follows:

It misses the point of Cabin in the Woods.
Consider the "angry gods" to be a metaphor for theater audiences. They crave to see the same thing again and again--the typical horror movie. It has to have the traditional roles (jock, fool, virgin), the same plot elements (character deaths, pointless sex) in order to please them. And if it doesn't go that way, they get angry. The men down below try to engineer these scenarios in order to please the angry gods, and they do this around the world. There's even a nod to Japanese horror movies.

These "engineers" are trying to construct a movie scenario that pleases the angry gods "audiences" and they do that by forcing these complex individuals into their respective archetypal roles. Even though the whore is pretty smart, they adjust the temperature and pump the woods full of hormones to get her going. The fool is actually pretty smart as well, and they were going to rely on dumbing him down by drugging his drugs. In order to make the common horror movie scenarios come to life, they can't use real people. They force regular people into the roles we see in movies all the time. No normal person runs upstairs when a monster is chasing them, or has sex in the woods for no reason. But that's what the angry gods want, so that's what the engineers have to give them!

Cabin in the Woods shows what happens if the people aren't being manipulated anymore. If the people act like people--three dimensional, complex characters with the intelligence of any other person on this side of the movie screen--everything falls apart, and the horror movie doesn't play out like anything you've ever seen before.

Which is my problem with your game. The movie makes a point of saying "This fool isn't a fool at all--he figured it all out! He's an interesting dude, a little weird, but not the idiot who gets himself killed first, and definitely more complex than "generic pothead." But your game shoehorns them back into those very archetypes the movie tried to tell you don't even exist./spoiler]
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Bird on July 29, 2013, 06:16:10 PMMy problems with the games are as follows:

It misses the point of Cabin in the Woods.
Consider the "angry gods" to be a metaphor for theater audiences. They crave to see the same thing again and again--the typical horror movie. It has to have the traditional roles (jock, fool, virgin), the same plot elements (character deaths, pointless sex) in order to please them. And if it doesn't go that way, they get angry. The men down below try to engineer these scenarios in order to please the angry gods, and they do this around the world. There's even a nod to Japanese horror movies.

These "engineers" are trying to construct a movie scenario that pleases the angry gods "audiences" and they do that by forcing these complex individuals into their respective archetypal roles. Even though the whore is pretty smart, they adjust the temperature and pump the woods full of hormones to get her going. The fool is actually pretty smart as well, and they were going to rely on dumbing him down by drugging his drugs. In order to make the common horror movie scenarios come to life, they can't use real people. They force regular people into the roles we see in movies all the time. No normal person runs upstairs when a monster is chasing them, or has sex in the woods for no reason. But that's what the angry gods want, so that's what the engineers have to give them!

Cabin in the Woods shows what happens if the people aren't being manipulated anymore. If the people act like people--three dimensional, complex characters with the intelligence of any other person on this side of the movie screen--everything falls apart, and the horror movie doesn't play out like anything you've ever seen before.

Which is my problem with your game. The movie makes a point of saying "This fool isn't a fool at all--he figured it all out! He's an interesting dude, a little weird, but not the idiot who gets himself killed first, and definitely more complex than "generic pothead." But your game shoehorns them back into those very archetypes the movie tried to tell you don't even exist./spoiler]
Although, in the movie, many of the scenarios failed, requiring America to save the day.

It's entirely possible for this game to take place over one of the failed scenarios, either the humans winning, the wolves winning but killing the wrong role first, or the monster winning when the virgin is dead.

I'll try to edit the game so that Whore dies first though

Also, all of the wolves can send in a PM to wolf, and the wolf with the power is the wolf who actually makes the killing, is the wolf holding the power is guarded, they can't wolf.


Quick base idea for a game, just to get some thoughts out

TWG ???: Its a team game

3 Wolves

Master wolf: All wolfing decisions are made through him
Wolf Night Vote director: Changes the vote of someone at night to a random target
Wolf vanilla: No additonal powers apart from being a part of the wolf team

9 Humans

Universal Effect: Roles are decided at flip
So, just a quick explanation, Everyones Initail PM will say wether they are a wolf (with wolf buddehs) or a Villager The powers will be distributed on death. Each night, Each team Will vote on which role is to be revealed If a member from a team dies, it will be the role which was voted for. Village day lynch will be voted for the same night.

Each night Each team will also get to vote on who to use the powers for... when the master wolf remains everyone is green and the seer is redundant. The seering is voted by the village (wolves included) Guard is voted by village only, All wolf actions are decided by the wolf team.

(I would host this, but I feel there is still culture clash... and sort of unsure how much of the old culture would effect my decisions :/)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...




I Am the Walrus TWG y/y

TWG: Inside, We Are All Eggmen

1: Mister City Policeman: Master Wolf
2: English Sun: Votes count for two; if the English Rain dies, then it loses this power, and its votes count for one.
3: English Rain: May give a player a tan each night phase, negating their power if they have one. If English Sun dies, then it loses this power, and its votes count for zero.

4: Eggman 1: Votes count for zero if Eggman 2 dies.
5: Eggman 2: Votes count for zero if Eggman 1 dies.
6: Eggman 3: Votes count for zero if Walrus dies. As long as he's alive, he acts as an invisible seer; players vote who they want to seer each night phase, unless their votes count for zero.
7: Walrus: May guard either himself or Eggman 3 each night phase (but doesn't know who Eggman 3 is). If Eggman 3 dies, he loses this power.
8: Human: Thinks he's Eggman 1.
9: Human: Thinks he's Eggman 2.
10: Human: Thinks he's Eggman 3.
11: Human: Thinks he's Eggman 1.
12: Human: Thinks he's Eggman 2.
13: Human: Thinks he's Eggman 3.

Third Party:
14: The Van: Likes messing up everybody's plans. Every night phase, he can choose either to have himself seered green, or to paint a chosen player any color aside from red, blue, or green (chosen by the van).
Wins if all players at the time of the end of the game (himself not counted) have been painted.

Wolves know who each other are, but Eggmen don't know who each other are. The Van knows who each other are.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on October 15, 2013, 05:17:27 AMTF2 TWG y/n
This could be really cool with the anonymous accounts and a "Your Eternal Reward" spy wolf.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Bird on October 15, 2013, 09:11:20 AMThis could be really cool with the anonymous accounts and a "Your Eternal Reward" spy wolf.

I was thinking of doing a Saxton Hale Themed (If you know what that is) Manhunt type game. Where the wolf would pick to be Saxton, The Vangineer, The Headless Horseless Headman Jr. or the Christian Brutal Sniper each with slightly different abilities and the humans could pick to activate a limited number of their class's which would have different abilities.

For the Spy I had an idea that he could have the Golden Ringer activated and when killed the thread would be told he was dead but he could still PM people. :P

Your idea could work too though!


Oooooh, what about a Faction Game where night 1 teams discuss which classes to choose for each of the players within their team that will last till the end of the game...

Or maybe I'll just be frivolous and make a TF2 TWG series.