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Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Waddle Bro

Quote from: FSM-Reapr on May 30, 2013, 07:20:48 AMOn the TWG LV, Silence Will Fall.

Get hyped.





Father (Master Wolf Alchemist): Can get a dead body, and turn it into an homunculus, can only die through an Insta.

Real Wrath (Brutal Wolf)

Pride (Wolf)


Edward Elric (Alchemist): Cannot become a homunculus, knows the identity of Winry Rockbell.
Alphonse Elric (Loose Cannon): If someone attempts to kill him, a gun is fired into the crowd, only works once. Can sacrifice this power for a guard. Cannot become a homunculus.
Winry Cockbell (Mason Reviver): Can Revive Edward, in exchange for her own life.

Roy Mustang (Alchemist)
General Armstrong (Alchemist)

Van Hoenhiem (Alchemist Miller)

Third Party:
2003 Wrath (Rouge Alchemist): Has a vigi that can be used every night phase, his objective is to have killed either Edward or the Real Wrath by the end of the game, because HE WANTS TO FEEL IMPORTANT TOO .

Game Mechanics:
The Law of Equivelent Exchange: Some roles have a subtitle saying Alchemist on them, these people have the ability to do good things, in exchange for bad things happening to them, think TWG 43.

Homniculus: Father can bring back a dead body as a homniculus, these people lose their power, and then count for the wolf side.


Yugi, I think you should add numbers to the roles, because that makes it way more orderly. I think the humans are a bit underpowered, because they have no way of protecting the blues.

Now on to my next game idea:

TWG LV: The Choice is Doors

1. Wolf
2. Wolf
3. Wolf
4. Wolf
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Human
14. Human
15. Human
16. Human

Wolves know eachother.

Rooms and Doors

There are 16 rooms in this game. At the start of the game, players are put into the rooms so that there is one player in each room.

Each room has four doors which connect them with other rooms. Rooms at the edge connect with rooms on the opposide edge, and rooms in the corner connect to the two non-opposite rooms in the corner (room 1, for example, connects with room 2, room 5, room 4 and room 13).

At the start of the game, all doors are closed. Doors can only be opened and closed during the night phase, and only from inside the room the door belongs to. There are two doors between each room, one of them can only be opened and closed from one room, and the other one from the other room. Starting from night 4, each door that has been closed for at least two night phases in a row, will automatically be opened, and vice versa.

During the day phase, players can move to any room they wish, as long as the road to that room is not obstructed by doors.

At the start of the game, and at the end of each night phase, players will recieve a PM telling them what rooms they can move to, and which players are in rooms the player cannot reach because there's one set of doors obstructing him.
Example 1: It's the start of the game. davy is in room 6, Yugi is in room 2, Mashi is in room 5, Liggy is in room 7 and BlackDragonSlayer is in room 10. davy will recieve the following PM:
You are in room 6. You cannot move to any other room. Yugi is in room 2, Mashi is in room 5, Liggy is in room 7 and BlackDragonSlayer is in room 10.
Example 2: It's near the end of the game. davy is in room 6. The doors between room 6 and 7, 6 and 10, 7 and 11 and 10 and 11 are open. The doors between room 6 and 2, 6 and 5, 7 and 3, 7 and 8, 10 and 9, 10 and 14, 11 and 15 and 11 and 12 are closed. Yugi is in room 2, Mashi is in room 8, Liggy is in room 7, BlackDragonSlayer is in room 1 and Bubbles is in room 15. davy will recieve the following PM:
You are in room 6. you can move to room 7, room 10 and room 11. Liggy is in room 7, Yugi is in room 2, Mashi is in room 8 and Bubbles is in room 15. Room 3, 5, 9, 12 and 14 are empty.


Wolfings work differnt this game. Wolves can only wolf players that are in rooms that said wolf could reach last day phase. On the other hand, each wolf has a wolfing of his own, so it is possible that four players die during the same night phase.


Like with wolfings, players can only lynch players that are in a room that said player can reach that day phase. Lynching votes are sent through PM rather than posted in the topic. Lynching will only occur when more than half of the players that could vote for the same player vote for the same player. Otherwise, there will just be no lynch. There could be multiple lynches each day phase because a player can be lynched in each set of rooms. Also, lynching is not obligatory in this game.

Semi-closed communication

This game features some sort of closed communication, which I like to call semi-closed communication. It means that you can only PM and have private chats with the host and players mentioned in your start of the game/end of the night PM. Also all information in your start of the game/end of the night PM, as well as information about your actions (wolfing, lynching, door opening/closing and moving) may only be shared through PM and private chat. Wolves can communicate freely with eachother, and can give eachother whatever information they like.

Order of action activating

Night phase: Wolfing>Door opening=Door closing
Day phase: Lynching>Moving


Because there are probably going to be a lot of phases this game and because there is less need to think about the lynch target, I have decided that both day and night phases will be 24 hours long. Also when all possible action PM's have been sent to me, or when each player that could still sent in an action PM has told me that he/she don't want to, I will end the phase early.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I could have sworn that I made Alphonse a guardian.


heyheyhey you stole my game

Quote from: Bubbles7689 on April 01, 2013, 10:26:24 PM
TWG ___: The Promised Day
1. Father –seered green. Once a night phase can choose a player, turning them into a homunculus. Can only be lynched by an insta
2. Gluttony/Lust/Envy/ahh I cant decide -
3. Pride -at any point in the game can PM the host the name and role of a player. If he correctly matches the role with the player, that player dies immediately. If he guesses incorrectly, that player is prevented from being guessed again.

4. Roy Mustang
5. Riza Hawkeye (sniper) –one snipe usage, cannot snipe Mustang (if attempted snipe will be wasted),
6. Maes Hughes –if killed, the killer automatically dies (if lynched, the deciding voter is killed, same with wolfings)
7. Edward Elric –cannot become a homunculus
8. Alphonse Elric –unable to be wolfed, if chosen by Father, Alphonse automatically dies
9. Winry Rockbell –able to revive only Edward in exchange for her own life
10. Van Hohenheim (miller)- one chance to guess for Father. If he guesses correctly, Father loses all power and turns red, Hoenheim turns green, and all homunculi change into their original forms again

  • Wolves do not know each other
  • If Father attempts to turn a wolf into a Homunculus, Father is negated (same as Hohenheim guessing him)
  • Homunculi count as wolves but cannot vote in the wolfing
  • When a player becomes a Homunculus, they are not notified, nor is anyone else besides Father
  • Edward is told who Winry is through his role pm, and vice versa

I fixed the problem with the Taboo but kept the same idea by adding Pride's power (Basically Mr. Mutoh's power from TWG XXX: Disability Girls)


Quote from: davy on June 09, 2013, 03:58:21 AMSemi-closed communication

This game features some sort of closed communication, which I like to call semi-closed communication. It means that you can only PM and have private chats with the host and players mentioned in your start of the game/end of the night PM. Also all information in your start of the game/end of the night PM, as well as information about your actions (wolfing, lynching, door opening/closing and moving) may only be shared through PM and private chat. Wolves can communicate freely with eachother, and can give eachother whatever information they like.

Though, in my game, I did not include Private Chats... might be something good to add...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber




Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 09, 2013, 01:51:06 PMHrmmmmm...

Though, in my game, I did not include Private Chats... might be something good to add...

Sorry BDS, I completely forgot that you made a game that's very similar to mine. Maybe we should join forces and make a combined game (and host it together).
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: davy on June 10, 2013, 01:18:15 AMSorry BDS, I completely forgot that you made a game that's very similar to mine. Maybe we should join forces and make a combined game (and host it together).
In terms of the game itself, it's rather different; that feature just reminded me of the one in my game (planned game, rather). :P And I'm sure that many other people have had the idea before me even!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I would find it diffucult to enforce the closed communication rules.


Quote from: Yugi on June 10, 2013, 01:41:11 AMI would find it diffucult to enforce the closed communication rules.

Have I been playing too much FF6? Is there even such a thing as "too much"??

It might take a bit of time to get used to for the players/host (with accidental slip-ups, for example), but I think, as long as all the players are at least somewhat experienced, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Closed communication is actually a very common thing but this forum doesn't like to be restricted for some reason :P!

My first game in the host signups (it was so messed up I didn't even understand balancing then) was closed communication.


So here's my attempt to make a programming-themed TWG. It's Python because that's the only language I'm remotely familiar with.

print "TWG: Python"
1. sys.exit(): Wolf sniper. Can instakill one player in the middle of any phase. Can also guess while's identity each night phase: a correct guess will kill while (this doesn't count as sys.exit()'s instakill).
2. ==: Can guess the Boolean's identity once each in two different night phases. A correct guess switches the boolean from True to False. Also, can change print's totem to whatever they want once.
3. #: Roleblocker. Can block one player's power each night phase. This does not apply to while or the boolean.

assert: Guardian. Can't guard self.
5. type(): Seer.
6. print: Totem. Can post a totem up to twenty words long at the beginning of each day phase.
7. while: Cannot be killed while the boolean is True except by sys.exit(). If the boolean becomes False at any point dies immediately, and if the boolean dies loses its resistance to kills.
8. if: Can revive for one day phase after dying, allowing them to vote and count for victory conditions. Dies immediately at the end of that phase. Only works if the boolean is still alive and True.
9. boolean: True by default. When True it is seered green, if switched to False it is seered red. Knows they are the boolean.
10. math.sin(): Human.
11. math.cos(): Human.
12. math.tan(): Miller. Is unaware that they are the miller.


I decided to revamp and rework one of my older games, please tell me what you think!

TWG [Number Holder]: The Cabin in the woods.

The Murderers/Wolves:
1.   The Mastermind (Master Wolf): Seered Green.
2.   The Brute (Brutal Wolf): If killed, can choose someone to die with him.
3.   The Psycho (Normal wolf): Holds the ability to wolf, if he dies, the Brute gets it, if the Brute dies, the Mastermind gets it.

4.   The Scholar: Can pick a player every night phase, he then finds out what that players colour is.
5.   The Athlete (Guardian/Negator): Can guard someone every night phase, however, the guarded player loses their power, if he guards the Whore, and the Whore is selected for death, he becomes the meatshield, and if he guards the monster, he instantly dies.
6.   The Whore (Brutal Human): If Chosen for death, another player dies in her place, and a message is posted to the thread saying "[X], the whore, has ran upstairs!" Does not know that she is the whore.
7.   The Virgin: If chosen for death, she doesn't die, however, she loses he ability to vote, does not know that she is the virgin.
8.   Human
9.   Human
10.   Human
11.   Human
12.   Human
13.   Human
14.   Human
15.   The Fool (Miller): Seered Red. Does not know that he is the Fool.

Third Party:
16.   The Monster: Can at one point attack a player, if the monster dies, that player becomes the monster.

Wolves: Have the Monster dead and humans = wolves
Humans: Have the Monster and wolves dead.
Monster: Survive until the end of the game.

Is it good?