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Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Does the Oddseer know he's the oddseer or does he think he's a normal seer?  If he thinks he's the normal seer that's a cool gimmick.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on April 08, 2013, 09:54:32 PMDoes the Oddseer know he's the oddseer or does he think he's a normal seer?  If he thinks he's the normal seer that's a cool gimmick.
Yeah; I forgot to add that!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Waddle Bro

I think it'd be cool if the Oddseer would think he's the real seer.

And I think 12 players aren't enough.

ninja'd x2 WHAT


Quote from: Waddle Bro on April 08, 2013, 09:58:49 PMI think it'd be cool if the Oddseer would think he's the real seer.

And I think 12 players aren't enough.

ninja'd x2 WHAT
I just forgot to put that information about the Oddseer.

And I'll add one more wolf and another human; do you think the wolf should have any powers, or just be a standard wolf (not necessarily "standard," though)?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


TWG [Number holder]: Catherine

Thomas Mutton: Master Wolf.

Catherine (Succubi Wolf): Every night Phase, can select a male player and touch them, making them fall in love with her. After one full day (1 day, 1 night) they have sex with her, killing them. Effect has no effect on female roles, cannot kill Vincent. Can also paint players, but this means that she can't infect a player.


Katherine: Can pretend to have been impregnated a player every day phase, causing them to fall out of love with a succubus/incubus.

Orlando Haddick: Seer, doesn't become a seer unless Vincent Picks Catherine path.

5x Male Humans
2x Female humans (are immune to impregnation and succubi techniques)
1x Futanari (miller)

Third party Role.
Vincent: Cannot be wolved, every day phase, can choose either to
•   Get a drink at the bar (Gives Vincent one Freedom Point)
•   Sleep with Catherine (Gives Vincent one Catherine Point)
•   Have dinner with Katherine (Gives Vincent one Katherine Point)
When Vincent gets 3 of a certain person's point, certain things may happen.

•   If he gets 3 Freedom Points, both Katherine and Catherine die and he becomes a third party role intent on killing everyone else. He also gains a vigi power which he can use every phase.
•   If he gets 3 Catherine points, Katherine dies and Vincent becomes a wolf and Orlando turns into a seer.
•   If he gets 3 Katherine points, Catherine dies and Vincent becomes a human with guardian powers, he also learns the identity of Katherine and the futanari turns into a normal wolf.

Wolves: Lower human count to same as wolf count.
Humans: Kill all wolves.
Vincent (If he chooses freedom): Become the last human.

Can someone please help me balance this?


Wow I can't believe I'm posting here

Does Vincent actively choose which action to take? If so, he can just choose to go to the bar every day phase in order to kill off Catherine and Katherine, and get his vigi power. Seems a little unfair.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Hey, Yugi-Fox!! I really like the idea that Vincent can choose what he does; I was considering making an idea for a game based off of inFAMOUS 2 with a similar choice (e.g. Cole can turn evil and become a wolf, or turn good and become a special human).

Quote from: Dudeman on April 10, 2013, 08:05:09 PMWow I can't believe I'm posting here

Does Vincent actively choose which action to take? If so, he can just choose to go to the bar every day phase in order to kill off Catherine and Katherine, and get his vigi power. Seems a little unfair.
But realize that, if the humans form an alliance, he's likely to be found and lynched later in the game (or, at least I think??).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


The main issue with your game, Yugi, is that Vincent's choice can make the game really unbalanced.  If he sides with the wolves, the humans lose their only special and have to lynch three wolves.  And at some point multiple humans could begin dying per night.  In order to win, the humans would get maybe 1 mislynch, which is pretty unreasonable without any specials.  If he sides with the humans, it's a manhunt with a secret alliance.  I don't know why he would choose freedom when it's easier to win as a wolf.


So, if he either chooses Catherine or Katherine, make them both lovers? (So if one dies, the other dies as well)? And adding more humans?


TWG [Number holder]: Catherine

Thomas Mutton: Master Wolf.

Catherine (Succubi Wolf): Every night Phase, can select a male player and touch them, making them fall in love with her. After one full day (1 day, 1 night) they have sex with her, killing them. Effect has no effect on female roles, cannot kill Vincent. Can also paint players, but this means that she can't infect a player.


Katherine: Can pretend to have been impregnated a player every day phase, causing them to fall out of love with a succubus/incubus.

Orlando Haddick: Seer.

5x Male Humans
2x Female humans (are immune to impregnation and succubi techniques)
1x Futanari (miller)

Third party Role.
Vincent: Cannot be wolved, every day phase, can choose either to
•   Get a drink at the bar (Gives Vincent one Freedom Point)
•   Sleep with Catherine (Gives Vincent one Catherine Point)
•   Have dinner with Katherine (Gives Vincent one Katherine Point)
When Vincent gets 3 of a certain person's point, certain things may happen.

•   If he gets 3 Freedom Points, both Katherine and Catherine die and he becomes a third party role intent on killing everyone else. He also gains a vigi power which he can use every phase.
•   If he gets 3 Catherine points, Katherine dies and Vincent becomes a wolf who is in love with Catherine (if one dies, the other dies as well).
•   If he gets 3 Katherine points, Catherine dies and Vincent becomes a human with guardian powers, he also learns the identity of Katherine and they become lovers.

Wolves: Lower human count to same as wolf count.
Humans: Kill all wolves.
Vincent (If he chooses freedom): Become the last human.

Can someone please help me balance this?


Did you really have to repost the entire game? :P :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: vermilionvermin on April 10, 2013, 08:35:57 PMThe main issue with your game, Yugi, is that Vincent's choice can make the game really unbalanced.  If he sides with the wolves, the humans lose their only special and have to lynch three wolves.  And at some point multiple humans could begin dying per night.  In order to win, the humans would get maybe 1 mislynch, which is pretty unreasonable without any specials.  If he sides with the humans, it's a manhunt with a secret alliance.  I don't know why he would choose freedom when it's easier to win as a wolf.
I agree, (in my knowledge of the game...) It really turns the game into a game of what will x do, and thats how the game will go.

what we really need is a substitute, to cover whatever vincent decides (as soon as vincent goes human, its auto win...)

Wolves are too reliant on vincent choosing wolves, and humans are left stranded without a paddle and it will be (as good as) game IF he converts. The setup relies too much on (a slice of) luck, and getting rid of catherine as soon as possible.

I think, If seer was immune to succubi, that will keep whatever power humans have alive as an inkling of hope (unless im reading the meta wrong)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...

Waddle Bro

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on April 19, 2013, 01:27:29 AMDid you really have to repost the entire game? :P :P
pro tip:

spoiler tags


TWG: Fwend
A long time ago there was a lonely Wolf. All he wanted was a 'Fwend', but nobody liked him so we went to see a Wizard about getting some powers. The Wolf managed to bribe the Wizard to give him a power that would allow him to become friends with the dead. This was all working well until the Human people found out he was messing with their dead Grandpa's and Grandma's. When the town people wanted a battle the Wolf went back to the Wizard and bribed him again for a power that would kill any living person who touched the Wolf. When the Humans found out about this they kept away from the Wolf and phoned up 2 secret agents to sort out the Wolf. Unfortunetly the agents were Japanese and no one could tell them what was happening. All the agents knew was that someone was a Wolf and they had to work together to kill them...
01. Loose Cannon Wolf Recruiter
02. Wizard
03. Seer
04. Seer
05. Human
06. Human
07. Human
08. Human
09. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
Role Definitions:
Loose Cannon Wolf Recruiter - Anyone who targets him during the night will die. Can revive one person each night and turn them into a Wolf Follower. Is aware of who the Wizard is.
Wolf Follower - Knows and wins with the Loose Cannon Wolf Recruiter.
Wizard - Is told he is a Human. If he dies all the Wolf Follower's die too and the Loose Cannon Wolf Recruiter cannot create any more Wolf Follower's.
Seer - Each night can find out the name of a player.
Human - Just a regular Human with no abilities.
Win Conditions:
Wolf - Loose Cannon Wolf Recruiter + Wolf Follower's Humans
Human - Loose Cannon Wolf Recruiter = 0
Things to note:
- No lynch is not allowed
- Roles are revealed on death
- Nights last 24 hours, days last 48 hours with exception to extentions.
- You receive a phantom for not paticipating during the phase, they only people to know about phantoms are the host and the player receiving one. A phantom is 0.01 votes, if you receive 2 phantoms you'll be replaced. Phantoms will not be given if the host is aware of your absence beforehandthough you may be replaced depending on the situation.
- Night start
