Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Since everybody is posting their game ideas, I have another game idea; this is intended for the far, far future (meaning that it's just a possible concept).

TWG: After the Shadow

Space Invaders; Wolves
1: Shadow Leader: Takes two hits to kill; if he dies, Agent 819 dies as well.
2: Invader General: Brutal Wolf
3: Invader Minion: Wolf

Valiant Heroes; Humans
4: Agent 819: Human vigi; if he is killed, Shadow Leader dies as well.
5: Commander Bailey: Guardian (cannot guard himself); cannot be vigi'd.
6: Captain Doug: Seer; cannot be vigi'd.
7: Soldier: Human.
8: Soldier: Human.
9: Soldier: Human.
10: Soldier: Human.
11: Soldier: Human.
12: Soldier: Human miller; is told he's a normal human.

Former Minions; Rogues
13: Ryu-jin: Rogue Seer; if the Mega Golem copies Captain Doug, Ryu-jin becomes a vigilante.
14: Mega Golem: Once per game, can name one player, and gains their power and color (does not affect the selected player).

Wolf Victory Condition:
# of Humans + # of Rogues = # of wolves

Human Victory Condition:
All wolves and at least one rogue have been eliminated.

Rogue Victory Condition:
Wolves have been eliminated and # of rogues = # of humans.

Wolves know who their partners are, and rogues know who their partner is.

And... another one!! With an interesting "PM-restriction" concept.
TWG: At Greenbarrow Castle

Backstory: A group of travelling street performers take refuge in a semi-abandoned castle located at the heart of Greenbarrow Farms, known for its amazing milk.
Some members of the group, terrified by the apparently haunted castle, have become crazed and are going on a rampage.

Crazed Killers; Wolves
1: Sword Swallower: Master Wolf (can receive items)
2: Bearded Banjo Player: May only move one room per day.
3: "Ghost": Can speak to anybody in any room.

Street Performers
4: Acrobat: Guardian (can guard himself)
5: Gypsy Fortune Teller: Psychic; can speak to anybody in any room.
6: Minstrel: Can move one person to the central room every day, sent by PM.
7: Street Performer: Human (can receive items)
8: Street Performer: Human (can receive items)
9: Street Performer: Human (can receive items)
10: Street Performer: Human (can receive items)
11: Street Performer: Human (can receive items)
12: Street Performer: Human; may only move one room per day (is notified).
13: Street Performer: Human; may only move one room per day (is notified).
14: Street Performer: Human; is told he's a normal human.

There are twelve rooms (three on each side), and one central room.
During the day phase, you may move up to two rooms (must be adjacent) by posting in the topic where you wish to move.
All players begin in the central room in the first night; if you stay in there (or any room, for that matter) for more than one night, you are automatically moved to a random room.

Players in the central room can speak (PM and Private Chat) to anybody in any room.
Players in other rooms can only speak (PM and Private Chat) to those in adjacent or the same rooms (counting the central room).
Everybody can communicate with the Butler (host :P).

ITEMS, given out randomly on first night by receivers, and can be traded to anybody:
  • Bottle of Greenbarrow Milk (x2): If this user is wolfed/lynched, they can sacrifice this item to stay alive.
  • Secret Passage Key (x1): Once per game, may travel to any room.
  • Princess's Enchanted Locket (x1): May seer; two uses.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I see something was updated in the balancing post?


@BDS, the rogues(first game) seem to be pretty weak at this point: seerings aren't too much use for them since they don't have an actual kill.
If the Golem copies the Agent, does he die if the Shadow Leader dies?


Quote from: gzgregory on February 24, 2013, 04:26:45 PM@BDS, the rogues(first game) seem to be pretty weak at this point: seerings aren't too much use for them since they don't have an actual kill.
If the Golem copies the Agent, does he die if the Shadow Leader dies?
I didn't want the rogues to be too overpowered (because of the victory conditions), so I suppose the seer was more of a "safe" option (plus, they could use it to find out who the wolves are without alerting the humans)... though, it might be pretty bad for them if the Golem copied the human seer... :P

No; that only applies to the Shadow Leader/Agent 819 roles (since there's a bit of a deeper meaning to that, and leads to an interesting decision).

Making a few changes to the 2nd game now...

EDIT: It has come to my attention that, in the first game, it is possible that both the humans and rogues can win:
1 wolf left, 1 human, and 2 rogues. Mega Golem has the Brutal Power. On the final day, Mega Golem is lynched: he uses his power on the wolf.
The humans win because all wolves, and 1 rogue, have been eliminated.
The rogues win because all wolves have been eliminated, and there's 1 rogue and 1 human.

Since the chance of this happening, though, is very low, I just won't mention it in the game itself. :P It still applies if such a situation does occur.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


TWG: To Zanarkand
Team Yevon (Wolves):
1.   Yu Yevon: Master Wolf- Can only be killed if Braska's Final Aeon is dead. Knows Seymour's identity, but cannot tell him in any way.
2.   Braska's Final Aeon: Loose Cannon Wolf: If any power (barring Zamnato , absorption or lynching) is used on him, it is done to the user instead.
3.   Yunalesca: Normal Wolf.
Team Al Bhed.
4.   Yuna: Can Choose one of Several actions every night.
Valefor: Guards.
Ifrit: Vigi's
Ixion: Guards
Shiva: Seer
Bahamut: Reviver
Yojimbo: Attempts to kill everything, but no one has any money for it and thus will never work.
5.    Auron: Guardian- Can only use his power if Yuna selects an Aeon other than Ixion.
6.   Lulu- Normal Human
7.   Tidus: Normal Human
8.   Wakka:Normal Human
9.   Khimari: Normal Human
10.   Rikku: Human
11.   Trommel: Alien
12.   Cid: Brutal Human: Random Special dies if he dies.
13.    Wen Kinoc: Miller

Team Seymour:
14.   Seymour: Once a night, can select a person to absorb. If that player is dead. Seymour permanently removes them from the game, even if Yuna uses Bahamut, it will fail. Can also choose to vigi.

Sphere Oscello Finder: Can be given to everyone, says how many wolves are left.
Gun: Can be Given to anyone,but it is more likely to be given to A Worshipper of Yevon (Wolves, seymour, Wakka).Snipes. One use only.

Win Objhectives:
Wolves: Have number of remaining wolves= Number of remaining humans +Seymour.
Humans: Kill Wolves and Seymour.
Seymour: Absorb Braska's Final Aeon and Kinoc.


Well I'm guessing by the layout you haven't tried balencing it yourself? Quite a  few errors in the layout.

A few things will need to be answered first..

Okay well is Yuna's powers one shot abilities?

Is Absortion recruiting?

Is there Cardflips?

Can you explain Yojimbo in more detail please?


-Yuna can use her abilities as many times as she likes

-Absorption is another stage of death, where your name no longer on the list and you cannot be revived.


-When Yuna decides to use Yojimbo, there will be a 1 in 100 chance of the power actvating. After that, it chooses a random team and permakills all of its members. So practicially, a 1/200 chance of An instant team kill. And a 1/100 chance of making humans instantly lose.


Uhm, I really really hate that Yojimbo thing. That basically let's the humans have a chance of winning if they are 1 death away from losing, thus a luck win.

You should make a seer and take away Yuna's powers but not the vigi or revive.

You should lose Yunalesca, the wolves won't be scared of the third party with 3 of them but with 2 they will be!

What's Zamnato?


I'm talking about in you're gamee! :P

I don't see a Zamnato.


All right, I know I've never played a TWG in my life, but I think I have an okay TWG idea, so I'm gonna post it here. I have no interest in hosting (plus I don't even have the qualifications), so I just wanted to throw this out here and see what people thought of it.

TWG: Mega Man: Time Keeps Slipping

Villains (Wolves):
1. Dr. Wily: Master Wolf.
2. Sigma: Wolf Possessor. On ONE wolfing of his choice, my spend the next day phase as the character wolfed. (Description of powers and restrictions below.)
3. Dr. Regal: Wolf Sniper.

Protectors (Humans):
4. Dr. Light: Guardian. Super Adapter creates Mega Man.
5. Dr. Cain: Human. Super Adapter creates Mega Man X.
6. Ciel: Seer. Super Adapter creates Zero.
7. Master Thomas: Brutal Human. When lynched/wolfed, chooses one other player to take with him. Super Adapter creates Model ZX.
8. Gatz: Miller. Is not told that he is the Miller. Super Adapter creates Mega Man Volnutt.
9. Lan Hikari: Human. Super Adapter creates MegaMan.EXE.
10. Geo Stelar: Human. Super Adapter creates Omega-Xis.

Rivals (Rogues):
11. Bass: Rogue Guardian. Can choose to guard both wolfings and lynchings, but guarding is NOT required. Gets one Guardian PM EVERY phase (day and night). Super Adapter creates Treble Boost.
12. Vile: Rogue Vigilante. Can choose to vigi a character every night phase, but vigi'ing is NOT required. If vigi'd character has a hero, Vile steals the Super Adapter. Super Adapter creates Goliath Ride Armor.

Super Adapter: The wolves start the game with four Super Adapters. On the first night, the wolves choose where to hide ONE Super Adapter. Seven locations are available, with two sub-locations to each location (locations are listed below.) Each day phase, the humans and rogues may PM the host with a location and sub-location to search. If a character finds a Super Adapter, they create their unique hero or item.
  • Humans: If a human finds a Super Adapter, they create their unique hero. That hero serves both as an extra life (prevention of ONE wolfing/lynching) and an extra vote. The player with the hero will log in with a guest account and use the guest account to give their vote. The hero does NOT give away their identity, as that gives away who has the Super Adapter. If a human who has a hero is vigi'd, the "extra life" is rendered useless and Vile steals the Super Adapter. Once a hero is used up, the human may NOT search for another Super Adapter for the rest of the game.
  • Bass: If Bass finds a Super Adapter, he creates Treble and combines to become Treble Boost. On any one of his guardings, if the character he chooses to guard is chosen for lynching/wolfing, he will protect the character and kill the next-most voted for character. Bass keeps this power until he uses it. He may NOT search for another Super Adapter once his is used up.
  • Vile: If Vile finds/steals a Super Adapter, he creates his Goliath Ride Armor. He may then vigi another character during the current day phase (or next day phase, if the Super Adapter was stolen). Vile may not SEARCH for a Super Adapter, but if he steals another, he may use it.
After a Super Adapter is found, the wolves will be notified (although the identity of who found it remains secret). The SECOND Night Phase after the discovery, the wolves will hide another Super Adapter.

Sigma's Powers:
On ONE wolfing of Sigma's choice, a fake wolfing with the name of a different character will be posted. The real victim is then "possessed" by Sigma, who will PM his posts to the victim. The victim must post EVERYTHING contained in the PM, NO EDITING. Sigma may vote as this character. Sigma is also allowed to post as himself during the day phase. The fake victim is not allowed to post during this day phase, except for a fake death post. At the end of the day phase, the REAL victim of the previous night's wolfing will be announced, and the fake victim may go back to posting. Again, this is a ONE-TIME USE.

Win Conditions:
The wolves win if the number of surviving wolves equals the number of remaining humans AND Dr. Light has been wolfed/lynched/killed.
The humans win if all the wolves are lynched/killed AND Vile has been lynched/killed.
The rogues win if: A) The number of humans = the number of rogues (and the wolves have not won yet), or B) If all the wolves have been lynched/killed AND the number of rogues = the number of humans.

Wily's Castle: Factory or Main Control Center
Maverick Hunter HQ: Dispatch Center or Navigation Terminals
Resistance Base: Power Supply or Transer Unit
Response Sectors: Area K or Area E
The Great Ocean: Kattelox Island or Calbania Island
Netopia: WWW Hideout or The Official Netbattler Base
Electopia: WAZA Headquarters or Grizzly Peak
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Dudeman, your game looks pretty good. Two notes:
1. The wolves look slightly weak compared the other teams, especially with the humans having the ability to set up an alliance. I'd either not allow Dr. Light to guard Ciel, or give a wolf a piercing sniper ability.
2. It's entirely possible that due to the fact that Sigma and his victim may not be on at the same time (or maybe because of something as silly as Sigma's typing style), he could be found out at some point due to the victim posting outdated information or something like that.


Quote from: gzgregory on March 02, 2013, 05:42:25 PM1. The wolves look slightly weak compared the other teams, especially with the humans having the ability to set up an alliance. I'd either not allow Dr. Light to guard Ciel, or give a wolf a piercing sniper ability.
Just to be clear: I don't know a lot about TWG vernacular, so could you tell me the usual abilities of a sniper? I've heard the term before, but I thought it was synonymous with vigilante.
Quote from: gzgregory on March 02, 2013, 05:42:25 PM2. It's entirely possible that due to the fact that Sigma and his victim may not be on at the same time (or maybe because of something as silly as Sigma's typing style), he could be found out at some point due to the victim posting outdated information or something like that.
Exactly. That's why Sigma has to be really careful and strategic with who he possesses.

Hm...looking at everything, maybe I should add more wolves (although then you'd need, like, 15 people, and that's kinda large).
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: Dudeman on March 02, 2013, 06:38:28 PMJust to be clear: I don't know a lot about TWG vernacular, so could you tell me the usual abilities of a sniper? I've heard the term before, but I thought it was synonymous with vigilante.

A sniper is an instant kill. The Person is dead as soon as it fires.


Isn't that just a vigi? Or can they do it anytime?
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book