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Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Okay let me fix that
Quote from: FSM-Reapr on February 17, 2013, 05:57:50 AMYou do realize that the system could go like that "The One who Wears the Crown" can listen people's opinions? A good king listens to it's people.
The system can go like
Prime Minister: "Everybody bold the player's name who you want to be lynched. I will tell the king to lynch the player who has the most votes."


Hi uhm, I'd like to suggest maybe a slight change to the way the host signups work. Instead of not being allowed to put a game in for the next 2 signups how about not being allowed to put one in until that 'set' is finished? Each host signups set has 3 signups in it.

How about that?


I'm guessing that people having input on the lynches is the point of the game.  The king gets the final say, but he gains his opinion from the people.

The inability to veto the king without the wolves' help is an issue though.


Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on February 17, 2013, 08:52:51 AMHi uhm, I'd like to suggest maybe a slight change to the way the host signups work. Instead of not being allowed to put a game in for the next 2 signups how about not being allowed to put one in until that 'set' is finished? Each host signups set has 3 signups in it.

How about that?
Idk what you mean by this?


Like there 3 signups in a set.

It didn't matter if you put your game in he first signups of the set, the second one, or the third one, you could put your game in at any time for the second set, so potentially, if you have a few games you've thought of and want to get peoples opinions in the signups quickly, you can post it in the last singups of a set, then post another in the first signups of the second set...


The veto is supposed to be dodgy, it's not meant to be the primary lynching route. It's also a method for finding out where people are in their trusts and beliefs.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Guys comment on horror movie.

Its on page 5.



Quote from: Yugi on January 25, 2013, 10:33:57 PMWhat do you think about this game?

TWG: Horror Movie REDUX

Game notes: Death posts due to night deaths may now contain game information (but not votes). However, you may only make a death post with permission from the host, due to a mechanic from Freddy Kreuger.


1. Jason - Teams up with Normal Slasher to wolf. When Lynched, sends a PM to the host to instantly kill someone.
2. Michael Myers - Knows who Jason is.
3. The Jigsaw Killer. - Knows he's a slasher, but doesn't know his teammates. Can vigi someone each night phase.

4. Cop:- Guardian - If he guards Jason or Myers, he dies instantly. If he guards the Jigsaw killer. Jigsaw cannot kill that night.
5. Nurse - Seer/Reviver: Has 4 seers and 4 revives. Can activate one each night phase.
6. Cheerleader/pornstar - Each Phase a random player is chosen. When she is attacked or lynched, that player is attacked or lynched in her place. Then it is announced to the thread that "PLAYERNAME, the cheerleader, has run upstairs! Does not know her role."
7. Psychic Dude - Can instantly end a phase by posting GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO in the thread. Phantoms caused by this do not count. Power can only be used once. Can bring one player back to life.
8. Human: Human
9. Alice- The first time she is targeted for killing, the killing fails and she will be told the identity of Jason, however, she cannot tell anyone this imformation, and her votes count for Zero.
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human

11231231231231231231231231231239.CROWARIOHWIODH MILLERSeered Red, does not know this.
13. Freddy Kreuger - Traitor - Counts for the Human Side. Has the option to be charismatic each day phase. Has vigilante powers which he can use in any phase, which allow him to control the death post of his targets. The First time someone aims a killing target at him, it will fail.

Wolf Victory: Kill enough so that wolves overide humans.
Humans:Kill all wolves and Freddy Kreugar.
Freddy Kreugar: Be last player standing.


Wasn't serious but hey ho, what's a cop guardian?


I think it's just a guardian that's named "Cop"...?  :P
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Really doesn't make sense, a cop is a seer in mafia terms.


But this isn't mafia. He can name the guardian whatever he wants!
Bulbear! Blueflower999



My current idea for Role Reunion (my version of a blast from the past).

TWG L: A Role Reunion

1. Skuntank - Master Wolf Coroner
Every time a player dies, this player will be told the dead player's role. (TWG XXXIX: Perfect Apples)
2. Mr. Mutou - Negation Wolf Expeller
Sends a message to the host every Night Phase with a name of a player. That player's power will fail. Can send a message to the host during any phase, multiple times in the same phase if needed, with the name of a player and a role. If the player and role correlate, the player will die. If not, Mr. Mutou may not expel that role or player from the game. (TWG XXX: Disability Girls)
3. Andrew Jackson - Duelist wolf
If in a KitB he will always survive. In the result of a KitB with three or more players, he can choose a player that will be ignored in the dice roll (a free pass). Unlimited uses. (TWG XXXVII: Time for a History lesson)

Independents don't count for any team.

4. Messenger
Sends the name of one player every phase to the Host. At the end of that Phase, that player and the Messenger will both be aware of the player's role. (However, the player will not know who the Messenger is.) (TWG XIX: Mind Games)
5. Strange Man - Wolfsbane
Can guess the names of all players with laterns during the night phase. If he's correct, those players and all players seer'd red (wolves except for skuntank and millers) will die and the laterns will be lost, also, if this happens and the Messenger is dead, it'll be revived. If the strange man obtains Epsilon and the Messenger is dead, he will be told which dead player is the Messenger (TWG IX: The Latern keeper)

6. Traitor
Wins with the wolves, but counts for the humans. (TWG XXII: Theater)
7. Magnus - Morph
During the day he will select a username (by PM) and effectively "become" that player for the course of the following night. (Ex/ If Magnus selects a wolf, he may vote for wolfings). If this player attempts to morph into the Strange man, the morphing will result in becomming a normal human. If this player morphs into Mr. Mutou, he'll die at the end of the night phase. (TWG XL: Uprising Madness).
8. The Pope – Lynching Guardian
He sends a PM to the host nightly with a name and that player will be prevented from lynching for the next day (TWG XI: Beyond Azincourt)
9. Tatl - Tribute
During a Day Phase, this player can tribute(this player dies) him/herself by sending a PM to the host, to revive somebody dead permanently. One-time use. This power doesn't supersede an insta (TWG XLVIII: 72 Hours Remaining).
10. Daisy
Will be told she's a human. Will receive a PM upon death notifying her of her role. May choose to reveal the role of one person after she dies. (TWG XLII: Waluigi Time)
11. Scientist - Herring
Will be told he's a human. (TWG XXVIII: Pokémon Black and White)
12. Raiden who hisses - Miller
In the Day Phase update, if Raiden is alive a hiss sound will be heard. Will be told he's a human. (TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane)

Armor of Achilles - This item is sent to a random human (not the traitor) at the start of the game. This armor, when in the possession of a player, will protect him from being wolfed, but not lynched. If the player is lynched with the armor, then the armor is lost forever. The player can choose to send the armor to any other player by PM'ing the host and letting him know which player to send it to. (TWG VI: Rise of the Olympians)
3 Lanterns of the Night: These Lanterns are given to three random players, but not to Independents. Also, if the first two Laterns are given to wolves or the traitor, the final one will be given to a random human (except traitor) so that at the start of the game there's at least one Latern in human possesion. Holding a Lantern allows the player to know the names of the other players with Lanterns. Every Night phase, the three players with lanterns will submit one vote each to the host in order to choose one person who is currently holding a lantern to be seer'd. The person with the most votes is then seer'd (in the event of a tie vote, a KiaB occurs). The seering results will then be sent to the other two players with lanterns who were not seer'd. By PM'ing the host, laterns can be passed to a random other player, but never to an independent. The players with Lanterns will always know who has the other lanterns. Whether or not they allow anyone who doesn't hold a lantern to possess their knowledge is entirely up to them. If a player holding a latern dies, he'll keep the latern in his tomb (as in the strange man must still guess that person). (TWG IX: The Latern Keeper)
Epsilon: This item is sent to a random player at the start of the game. You may freely talk with dead players via PM for 1 phase only.  PMs must be sent through the host. After usage, it's randomly given to another player. A player who dies with an Epsilon automatically gives it to the Strange Man. If the Strange Man is dead, it'll be sent to the Messenger, if both the Strange Man and the Messenger are dead, it'll be sent to Skuntank, and if all three of them are dead, it'll be destroyed. (TWG XLIX: Red vs. Blue)

There is also an Invisible Semi Tracker (TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way) for whom every night EVERY player has to vote that they would like to know who they voted for to be tracked, and if that player used another activated power and on what player it was used (Laterns also count for activated powers). The Invisible Semi Tracker is not a role, and cannot be wolf'd or lynched because... well, he's invisible.

Win Conditions:
Wolves: Become 1:1 with the combined humans and independents.
Independents: Be the last team left.
Humans: Be the last team left.

Please tell me what you think about it.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game