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Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 28, 2013, 04:19:21 PMThe Zombies win when their number equals the number of humans + the number of Zombies remaining.



Quote from: Yugi on January 28, 2013, 04:27:29 PMWait a totem

Totally thought this was a typo of "wait a moment"
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Do Zombie followers count as Zombies?



TWG: Get the Crystals!

Muriance: Claims to have stopped his bandit ways, but can you trust him????????????????

Actually four Bandits: Brutal wolf. Chooses someone to die with him when lynched.

Bandit: Wolf

Elyown: On night one gets the Water Crystal.
Donovan: On Night one gets the Fire Crystal.
Sslenck: On Night one gets the Earth Crystal.
Legion:Dies if Meraedor Dies.

Qualna: Each night he sends a PM with a player name, if that player has a crystal, he steals and keeps it. He must gain all three crystals to win, never gains a crystal through random distribution.


Fire Crystal: Allows user to Vigi
Water Crystal: Allows user to Seer
Earth Crystal: Allows user to Guard.

Waddle Bro

Please don't use colors like yellow and white.


Yugi, could you number them? Can't what's a role and what isn't.


TWG Number Holder – All the King's Men
War! There is great civil unrest, and a conspiracy has been uncovered to kill the King. A coup has been staged, and it is your job to find the conspirators and bring them to justice. Most of the movement has been apprehended, but 4 of the conspirators have gone undetected and they are capable of acting out their intentions.

 - The King has Full Authority, only the one who "Wears the Crown" is allowed to lynch somebody.
 - The one in Power sends the Host a PM with His/Her choice.
 - The Public (All players excluding the King and the Prince [Royalty]) can opt to Veto the Crown Bearer's choice through Public Vote, acted through the Prime Minister.
 - Vetos requires a 2/3 majority vote for success. This is counted for total possible vote count. The King and Prince cannot vote. Game start: 2/3=10 votes out of 15 total.
 - The King and Prince know each other. All of the wolves know each other.
 - State of Powers is as follows: King>Prince>Council>State of Panic.
 - In the event of a State of Panic, players are lynched randomly until the game ends. One lynch per day, wolfings occur as normal.
 - There will be an announcement each time the Crown moves, or when the game enters into a State of Panic.
 - Wolves win when their numbers equal the humans. Humans win when all of the wolves are dead.

16 Players:
Master Wolf – The mastermind behind the movement.
2 Wolves – 2 soldiers dedicated to the movement.
Charismatic Wolf – the King's Council, a traitor; if he is killed, one name of a conspirator will be announced (Master Wolf's name is last on the list for reveal). If he dies while in power then the lynching will revert to a State of Panic, regardless of the state of the Prime Minister.

The King – Our sovereign leader, if he dies power goes to the Prince.
The Prince – Next in line for the throne, if both the King and Prince Die, the Charismatic Wolf assumes Power.
Prime Minister – Has veto power over the King (or whoever is in Power). Veto goes through with a 2/3 majority of Public Votes (normal voting). If the Leader Dies, the Public loses the right to vote.
The Royal Guard – Guardian
8 Citizens – People loyal to the King

I had the idea while watching the West Wing. There is no seer, so the colors are mainly for show/makes it easier to tell the roles apart. I'm still unclear whether games need TWC approval, so I'm posting it here assuming they do. I'll clear up the language later, since I'm big on theming I plan on using terms and phrases when posting updates and the like.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I made huge changes to Horror Movie REDUX. It's on page 5.


Aww, nobody commented on my game...
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



Saw that Maestro last night and ordered myself to comment in the morning ;).

Quote- Vetos requires a 2/3 majority vote for success. This is counted for total possible vote count. The King and Prince cannot vote. Game start: 2/3=10 votes out of 15 total.
Since the wolves count in the vote it's going to be really hard for the humans to actually get what they want, and in some cases impossible unless the wolves helpout.
The wolves are very overpowed during day, they have 5 votes, and the humans have 10. The voting is more in favour for wolves, so that they can kill off a human if one of their own is being targeted by the king/prince.

The games also a night start so right from the beginning the votes are up to the wolves, (15-1=14, 2/3 of 14 rounded up is 10) At least one wolf must vote for the humans for it to work. Maybe make it a 1/2 vote?

I think a wolf shaman should be added and take away one of those other wolves. The colours on certain roles should be distinct, also. That way the wolves don't need to be taking shots in the dark for the guardian (I presume how the game would go is king claims then guardian guards... So on so fourth)

You could make the votes be done in a poll, that way the charistmatic wolf could possibly persuade the votes better (you would vote for the person the charistmatic wolf voted for as to add the +1)

All in all it's an interesting game. I'll see if I pick up on anything else when I'm on my laptop.


Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on February 17, 2013, 05:20:28 AMSaw that Maestro last night and ordered myself to comment in the morning ;).
Since the wolves count in the vote it's going to be really hard for the humans to actually get what they want, and in some cases impossible unless the wolves helpout.
The wolves are very overpowed during day, they have 5 votes, and the humans have 10. The voting is more in favour for wolves, so that they can kill off a human if one of their own is being targeted by the king/prince.

The games also a night start so right from the beginning the votes are up to the wolves, (15-1=14, 2/3 of 14 rounded up is 10) At least one wolf must vote for the humans for it to work. Maybe make it a 1/2 vote?
You do realize that the system could go like that "The One who Wears the Crown" can listen people's opinions? A good king listens to it's people.
The system can go like
King: "Everybody bold the player's name who you want to be lynched. I will lynch the player who has the most votes."

I don't see why people would even like to use Veto, especially if it's public.
And besides, when people use Veto, it doesn't mean that wolves would be in charge. It only means everybody will vote the player they want to be lynched, just like in a typical TWG.
The Veto mechanic is fine.

Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on February 17, 2013, 05:20:28 AMI think a wolf shaman should be added and take away one of those other wolves.
This brings me to one of the actual problems I see in your game, Maestro.
It's going to be long. Probably one of the longest games we have seen so far. I usually enjoy games that are fast-paced. I'm not sure would a wolf shaman be too radical.

Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on February 17, 2013, 05:20:28 AMThe colours on certain roles should be distinct, also. That way the wolves don't need to be taking shots in the dark for the guardian (I presume how the game would go is king claims then guardian guards... So on so fourth)

You could make the votes be done in a poll, that way the charistmatic wolf could possibly persuade the votes better (you would vote for the person the charistmatic wolf voted for as to add the +1)
I would recommend a Head of the Police Department or the Secret Service to bust the sneaky rebels who plan to murder the king.(=seer, but that sounds more epic) This could also mean you could add a Spy for the rebel team.
And no polls. Just no.

So the other problem I see is that in the State of Panic, the rest of the game for the humans will be based on pure luck, am I right? I would rather end the game in a State of Panic.



I am aware of the one who wears crown thing.

I actually thought the game would go different to what you said, as in everyone would use the Prime Minister until he/she died and then go to King..?