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Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Well sorry, but yeh, same as I said last time, get rid of Yuna's 2 guardings.


Changed Ixion to a brutal effect.


Okay this is going here before I forget stuff.

Null Session

Wolf (the wolves do not know each other)

Every player will receive a randomly shuffled Title and Aspect. The titles are Heir, Page, Prince, Bard, Witch, Mage, Seer, Knight, Sylph, Thief, Rogue, Maid, Muse, and Lord. The aspects are Breath, Hope, Heart, Rage, Space, Doom, Light, Time, Mind, Life, Void, Blood, Sand, and Dreams. You might receive any combination of these titles and aspects, but no two people will receive the same title or aspect. All of these are more fully explained in the spoilers below:
First off, Titles from most passive to most active:
-----------------------PASSIVE-----------------   -------------------------ACTIVE--------------------
Muse > Page > Seer > Bard > Rogue > Sylph > Heir   Knight < Maid < Thief < Prince < Mage < Witch < Lord

Passive and Active are terms that you can pretty much interpret however you want. Passivity is representative of players that organize or help others, whereas Activity indicates players who act in their own self-interest.

Heir: Inheritance class. Heirs' aspects act in a generally favorable manner to them and to their team.
Knight: Defence class. Knights can weaponize their aspect, and are often concerned with the protection of their teammates.
Sylph: Sylphs heal or heal with their aspect.
Maid: Maids fix things with their aspect or fix their aspect.
Rogue: Rogues steal or steal with their aspect to benefit other players.
Thief: Thieves steal or steal with their aspect to benefit themselves.
Bard: Bards allow their aspect to be destroyed, or allow the destruction of their aspect.
Prince: Princes destroy or destroy with their aspect.
Seer: Seers have overarching knowledge of their aspect, which they use to direct others.
Mage: Mages have overarching knowledge of their aspect, which they use for their own purposes.
Page: Pages are a class of unfulfilled potential. They must unlock their potential, and then become highly powerful.
Witch: Witches are a highly offensive class who can manipulate their aspect to any effect they wish.
Muse: Muses are defined by passivity, acting only through their teammates.
Lord: Lords are defined by activity, acting purely by themselves.

Breath: Aspect of wind. Pretty much has to be interpreted symbolically to have any application to TWG.
Hope: Aspect of (blind) faith.
Heart: Aspect of emotion, instinct, and of the self.
Rage: Aspect of betrayal, anger, and insanity.
Space: Pretty self-explanatory.
Doom: Aspect of fate.
Light: Aspect of fortune and information.
Time: Also self-explanatory.
Mind: Aspect of logic, intelligence, and choices.
Life: Duh.
Void: Aspect of hiding, secrets, and obfuscation.
Blood: Aspect of alliance and partnership.
Sand: Aspect of deceit and falsehood.
Dreams: Aspect of creativity. Dreams players need to have novel solutions to problems they come across.

At any time during the game, you may CHOOSE A POWER that fits your title and aspect. For instance, if you are a Prince of Life, you might tell me that you would like a vigilante power. Once a power is chosen, I will balance it based on how well it fits your title/aspect combination and how innately powerful the ability is (vigis, for instance, being obviously more powerful than seerings). What this generally means is that I give you a number of uses of your power, depending on what it is. Then you will have the option to either accept the power, or change. Powers can be as complex or as simple as you like, and the more specific they are to your title/aspect, the better.
Once you have chosen a power, you will NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE, so think carefully before accepting a power.

In addition, the Muse and Lord will be on opposite teams.

Finally, the game can be rebalanced for 12: one wolf and one human will be docked, the wolves will know each other, and the Muse, Lord, Sand, and Dreams will be removed.

Anyway, I doubt I'm going to host this here. It's pretty impenetrable to anyone unfamiliar with Homestuck (although if I'm wrong on this please correct me!). Also for the life of me I can't think of a useful Space power.


TWG: Survivor: Cook Islands.
Universal Effects: Phase Switch(Night is Day, day is night) and Cardflipping.

This is a Faction game, for the first 4 Day phases they will be working in their teams, but the Next Day Phase, there will be a merge, the last player standing will win.

Team Manihiki

Team Aitutaki

Team Puka Puka

Team Rarotonga

At the start of the game , a challenge will be held every Day (Night), a question will be asked in the thread, the two teams with the most people with correct  answers will be immune from being voted out (lynched) the following Night (Day Phase).

After the Merge, challenges will function similar to Bowsers big blast, with everything picking something and someone randomly winning.

After the merge, anyone voted off will become part of the jury, in the final phase, the jury will vote on who they want the winner to be.

The Bribary System

At the start of every Day (Night) Phase, money will wash up on the shore for both teams and each living player will get $500 to bribe me with. Such deals are.

Making any answer to one question correct ($100, can only be used once every second day, post mege only)
Immunity Idol ($500, only one person can buy at a time)
Setting someone up to be "injured" ($750, if injured person is injured again, that person dies.)
Insta lynch ($1500)
Making SocialFox be High ($1000, Makes me act high)
Clue ($75000, if your team loses a challenge, you can use this item to seer)

Money Stacks.

Team members do not know each other.


I fix'd the roles in my BFtP. I'll make more covering notes in a few days.

TWG LI: A Blast From the Past

The Evil Masterminds Throughout the Time(Wolves):

1. Skuntank - Master Wolf Coroner - Every time a player dies, Skuntank will find out that player's exact role. (TWG XXXIX: Perfect Apples)

2. Kamek: He's a fun wolf who can do one of two things each night phase.
- Direct the power of his choosing to a player of his choosing.  Like "I want Vermilionvermin to use his power on mastergamer_38." He may only use this once on each player.  For example, he may, on a future phase, redirect mastergamer_38's power to Vermilionvermin, but may never redirect Vermilionvermin's power ever again.
- Give a random player a bomb.  I will announce at the beginning of the day phase which player has the bomb.  During the day phase, that player may throw the bomb at whatever player they choose.  That player will die. (TWG XLII: Waluigi Time

3. Henry VIII (England) – Wolf Painter – Can call for an immediate lynching of the player with the most votes, thereby ending the current day phase; one use only. If a KitB results, he can choose the player to be lynched. If no votes have been cast it functions like a KitB. People who haven't voted yet do not get a phantom counted against them. (TWG XXXVII - Time for a History Lesson)

4. Mr. Mutou - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  That Player's power will fail(/be negated).  Can send a message to the Host during any Phase, multiple times in the same Phase if needed, with the name of a Player and a Role.  If the Player and Role correlate, the Player will die.  If not, Mr. Mutou may not expel that Role or Player from the game. (TWG XXX: Disability Girls)

The Protectors of Mankind(Humans):

5. Master Swordsman- Magnus - Morph – During the day he will select a username (by PM) and effectively "become" that player for the course of the following night. (TWG XL: Uprising Madness)

6. Doctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
Built a time machine out of a DeLorean, presumably to travel the Space-Time Continuum in style; he can take another player of his choosing to either the future or past. Going to the past allows both players to adjust their votes from one day to a different player; going to the future will give them safe passage to the next day phase. He carries Gray's Almanac, granting the holder a tally of used powers throughout the game. The Almanac can only be used once all game, meaning the reader will only be told everything once he/she uses it. The player is allowed to give the Gray's Almanac to another player. (TWG XLVII - Relax, I'm a Doctor)
7. Oracle - Every night, can choose a player.  If the Oracle dies that night or the next day phase, that player's role will be revealed to the thread. (TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.)

8. Werewolf Sonic (During the day he will seer BLUE, but will seer RED at night due to his werewolf form (remains human throughout). His incredible endurance allows him to take any combination of 2 vigi's/wolfings before going down. When Sonic is wolfed/vigi'd the first time, it will be exclaimed that "Sonic has been wolfed/vigi'd! (1)." On the second kill, the player's name will be used normally, stating "Player X has been wolfed/vigid"). Werewolf Sonic knows who he is. NOTE: Werewolf Sonic an be ohko'd by Mr. Mutou. (TWG XXXIII: Beat Those Eggs Jimmy!)

⑨. Cirno - Guardian - Able to make one ice shield per turn in order to protect a player. NOTE: Doesn't protect from Mr. Mutou. (TWG XII - The Second Great Fairy War)

10. Maya Fey - Medium - Every Night phase, can PM the host two y/n questions to ask any dead player in the game.  At the end of the phase, the Medium recieves the answers to the questions.  The dead person doesn't have to be truthful in answering these questions. (TWG XVI: Objection!)

11. Hero of Mind - Sends the name of a player and is told who they are targeting. (TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session)

12. Human (TWG in general)

13. Scientist - Herring Will be told he's a normal human. (TWG XXVIII: Pokémon Black and White)

14. Millwright- Will be told he's a normal human. (TWG XXIV: Sauce Is Pretty Coll)

15. The Pain, as portrayed by Nicholas Cage - Will be told he's a normal human. As long as The Pain is alive, there will be a buzzing noise at the start of every Day Phase. (TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane)

16. Tingle - Brutal Human When killed, a randomly chosen, blue human will die. (TWG XLVIII: 72 Hours Remaining)


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2013, 06:38:18 PM
TWG: After the Shadow

Space Invaders; Wolves
1: Shadow Leader: Takes two hits to kill; if he dies, Agent 819 dies as well.
2: Invader General: Brutal Wolf
3: Invader Minion: Wolf

Valiant Heroes; Humans
4: Agent 819: Human vigi; if he is killed, Shadow Leader dies as well.
5: Commander Bailey: Guardian (cannot guard himself); cannot be vigi'd.
6: Captain Doug: Seer; cannot be vigi'd.
7: Soldier: Human.
8: Soldier: Human.
9: Soldier: Human.
10: Soldier: Human.
11: Soldier: Human.
12: Soldier: Human miller; is told he's a normal human.

Former Minions; Rogues
13: Ryu-jin: Rogue Seer; if the Mega Golem copies Captain Doug, Ryu-jin becomes a vigilante.
14: Mega Golem: Once per game, can name one player, and gains their power and color (does not affect the selected player).

Wolf Victory Condition:
# of Humans + # of Rogues = # of wolves

Human Victory Condition:
All wolves and at least one rogue have been eliminated.

Rogue Victory Condition:
Wolves have been eliminated and # of rogues = # of humans.

Wolves know who their partners are, and rogues know who their partner is.

Speaking of changes... Ryu-jin now becomes a vigilante if the Mega Golem happens to copy the seer.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


What is the point of a miller being orange if no other character is orange?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on March 30, 2013, 04:01:59 PMWhat is the point of a miller being orange if no other character is orange?
?? The miller is red, just like two of the wolves ??
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I think the whole point of a milright is so that a player can be uniquely identified as that role. This can be good for alliance leaders and stuff.


Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on March 30, 2013, 05:08:34 PMI think the whole point of a milright is so that a player can be uniquely identified as that role. This can be good for alliance leaders and stuff.
This is correct.


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on March 30, 2013, 05:56:47 AMI fix'd the roles in my BFtP. I'll make more covering notes in a few days.

TWG LI: A Blast From the Past

The Evil Masterminds Throughout the Time(Wolves):

1. Skuntank - Master Wolf Coroner - Every time a player dies, Skuntank will find out that player's exact role. (TWG XXXIX: Perfect Apples)

2. Kamek: He's a fun wolf who can do one of two things each night phase.
- Direct the power of his choosing to a player of his choosing.  Like "I want Vermilionvermin to use his power on mastergamer_38." He may only use this once on each player.  For example, he may, on a future phase, redirect mastergamer_38's power to Vermilionvermin, but may never redirect Vermilionvermin's power ever again.
- Give a random player a bomb.  I will announce at the beginning of the day phase which player has the bomb.  During the day phase, that player may throw the bomb at whatever player they choose.  That player will die. (TWG XLII: Waluigi Time

3. Henry VIII (England) – Wolf Painter – Can call for an immediate lynching of the player with the most votes, thereby ending the current day phase; one use only. If a KitB results, he can choose the player to be lynched. If no votes have been cast it functions like a KitB. People who haven't voted yet do not get a phantom counted against them. (TWG XXXVII - Time for a History Lesson)

4. Mr. Mutou - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  That Player's power will fail(/be negated).  Can send a message to the Host during any Phase, multiple times in the same Phase if needed, with the name of a Player and a Role.  If the Player and Role correlate, the Player will die.  If not, Mr. Mutou may not expel that Role or Player from the game. (TWG XXX: Disability Girls)

The Protectors of Mankind(Humans):

5. Master Swordsman- Magnus - Morph – During the day he will select a username (by PM) and effectively "become" that player for the course of the following night. (TWG XL: Uprising Madness)

6. Doctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
Built a time machine out of a DeLorean, presumably to travel the Space-Time Continuum in style; he can take another player of his choosing to either the future or past. Going to the past allows both players to adjust their votes from one day to a different player; going to the future will give them safe passage to the next day phase. He carries Gray's Almanac, granting the holder a tally of used powers throughout the game. The Almanac can only be used once all game, meaning the reader will only be told everything once he/she uses it. The player is allowed to give the Gray's Almanac to another player. (TWG XLVII - Relax, I'm a Doctor)
7. Oracle - Every night, can choose a player.  If the Oracle dies that night or the next day phase, that player's role will be revealed to the thread. (TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.)

8. Werewolf Sonic (During the day he will seer BLUE, but will seer RED at night due to his werewolf form (remains human throughout). His incredible endurance allows him to take any combination of 2 vigi's/wolfings before going down. When Sonic is wolfed/vigi'd the first time, it will be exclaimed that "Sonic has been wolfed/vigi'd! (1)." On the second kill, the player's name will be used normally, stating "Player X has been wolfed/vigid"). Werewolf Sonic knows who he is. NOTE: Werewolf Sonic an be ohko'd by Mr. Mutou. (TWG XXXIII: Beat Those Eggs Jimmy!)

⑨. Cirno - Guardian - Able to make one ice shield per turn in order to protect a player. NOTE: Doesn't protect from Mr. Mutou. (TWG XII - The Second Great Fairy War)

10. Maya Fey - Medium - Every Night phase, can PM the host two y/n questions to ask any dead player in the game.  At the end of the phase, the Medium recieves the answers to the questions.  The dead person doesn't have to be truthful in answering these questions. (TWG XVI: Objection!)

11. Hero of Mind - Sends the name of a player and is told who they are targeting. (TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session)

12. Human (TWG in general)

13. Scientist - Herring Will be told he's a normal human. (TWG XXVIII: Pokémon Black and White)

14. Millwright- Will be told he's a normal human. (TWG XXIV: Sauce Is Pretty Coll)

15. The Pain, as portrayed by Nicholas Cage - Will be told he's a normal human. As long as The Pain is alive, there will be a buzzing noise at the start of every Day Phase. (TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane)

16. Tingle - Brutal Human When killed, a randomly chosen, blue human will die. (TWG XLVIII: 72 Hours Remaining)

I think the humans are still overpowered in this game.
Brown's description says that the ability to travel in time is used through his time machine, and is therefore not a power of himself (this was also the way it was used in RiaD, and since you said you were keeping the roles close to their original, I'm assuming the time machine is an item). This means that that power can not be negated by Mutou. This means that when he uses it during day 1, he'll be protected during that day and the following night phase. In case he's counterclaimed, he'll just say what person he's taking with him, and there will be an attempt to lynch that player, and if he doesn't die, that person is the real Brown. This also means that Brown has two phases (or at least one night phase if he's counterclaimed) to create an alliance. Needless to say, with only seven players that are not confirmed humans and the very powerfull ability of Magnus, enableing him to KO Mutou once he morphs into him, and finding out the other wolves easily.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game



FSM, Wolves are too overpowered.

In a day phase, they can easily cause mass deaths. If Henry Immeaditly votes for someone, and Kamek uses his power, that's two human deaths already.

Plus, if anyone claims truthfully, Mutou can kill them, causing who knows how many more deaths, plus, on the 1/8 chance one of the people killed is Tingle, another person can die.

So a number of things can happen.

Night one

Wolves kill somebody.
Kamek sets his bomb.


Day one
Henry ends day phase instantly, killing person of his choice.
Kameks bomb explodes and kills holder.


Night 2.

Wolves Wolf someone

4-4 and wolves win.


Night one

Wolves kill somebody.
Kamek sets his bomb.


Day one
Henry ends day phase instantly, killing person of his choice.
Kameks bomb explodes and kills holder.
Tingle randomly kills special.


So you should either

A. Change Henry to Michael Jackson or a normal wolf, and Change tingle to someone else.


B. Change Kamek to King Boo and Change tingle to someone else.

inb4 I miss something that makes humans stronger than wolves.

Also, in other news, I'm making a game based on Trouble in Terrorist Town.


And Here it is!

TWG [Insert number here]: Trouble in Terrorist Town.

Universal effects.
Health bar: If someone uses a certain action on someone (Sword, C4) They drain part of their health bar, if someone's health runs out, they die.
For example
This means that they are at full health, if someone strikes them with a sword.
O O O O.
They are at 4/5 health.

In the town, there are 8 areas, as follows.
Minerva Prison Island: Can only be reached by the Big Bridge, can only go to the big Bridge.
The Big Bridge: Connects East District to Minerva Prison Island.
Central: Can go anywhere except For big Bridge and the Prison Island.
Shop: Can only be reached via Central, Items cannot be used here.
North District: Can reach central, East district, and West District.
East District: Can Reach the Big Bridge, North and South District.
South District: Can Reach East and West district
West District: Can Reach South and North District.

Every phase, players can move from one district to another, as long as they follow the limitations.

Karma: Before people come in and say that this game encourages random killing. I'll explain this.
In this game, there is a heaven and hell, If you reach heaven, you cannot die. If you reach hell, you instantly die and I will ban you from all my games until you can prove to me that you're not a fucking retard.

Here's a graph
If you kill a wolf, you go up two stages.
If you kill a human, you go down one stage.
If you go for two phases without killing anyone you go down or up a stage, depending on wether you're closer to heaven or hell.
If you attempt to kill the host, you go down to the stage right before hell.
If you attack the detective in the phase after he claimed, you go straight to hell.

Money: At the start of the game, everyone gets $500 to spend in the shop,  they can also be picked off dead bodies, or randomly get given to people.

Wolf with sword.
Wolf with paintbrush
Wolf with C4

Dectective: After night 2, can look at a dead body and either
1.   Find out that dead players exact role.
2.   Find out who killed that person.


Items for everyone.

Sword: Will deplete someone's health by 1/5th of their health. $500 from the shop area.

Armour: First attack used against you doesn't work. $1000 from the shop area.

Paintbrush: Paints. $500

Items for wolves only.
C4: Sends whoever it is used on to 1/5th of their health, if they are on one heart, it kills them instantly. Wolf needs to have killed one person to get this.

Sniper gun: Can deplete someone's health from another area. Wolf needs to have killed 3 people to get this.

Jihad bomb: This is where it gets fun, if the Jihad bomb is used whoever uses it begins screaming, at the end of the phase when they started screaming, whatever area  they are in explodes, killing everyone in that area, destroying their items, and preventing anyone from getting in that area.



Quote from: Yugi on March 31, 2013, 11:17:36 PMIf you reach hell, you instantly die and I will ban you from all my games until you can prove to me that you're not a fucking retard.

If you attempt to kill the host, you go down to the stage right before hell.
If you attack the detective in the phase after he claimed, you go straight to hell.


Jihad bomb: This is where it gets fun, if the Jihad bomb is used whoever uses it begins screaming, at the end of the phase when they started screaming, whatever area  they are in explodes, killing everyone in that area, destroying their items, and preventing anyone from getting in that area.
Best parts of the game. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber