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Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


it sucks
Honestly, it's wayy too complex for me. Sorry.

I'll make Blast From the Past for the LI sign-ups since I can't host this time. :c

also i bet bird wins these sign-ups anyways


He supposedly has da best game ever.



Quote from: Yugi on March 02, 2013, 12:00:34 AMTWG: To Zanarkand
Team Yevon:
1.   Yu Yevon: Master Wolf- Can only be killed if Braska's Final Aeon is dead. Knows Kinoc's and Seymour's identity
2.   Braska's Final Aeon: Loose Cannon Wolf: If any power (barring Zamnato , absorption or lynching) is used on him, it is done to the user instead.
3.   Yunalesca: Normal Wolf.
Team Al Bhed.
4.   Yuna: Can Choose one of Several actions every night.
Valefor: Guards.
Ifrit: Vigi's
Ixion: Guards
Shiva: Seer
Bahamut: Reviver
Yojimbo: Has a 1% chance of destroying a random side, including team al bhed. Is very unlikly to activate.

5.    Auron: Guardian- Can only use his power if Yuna selects an Aeon other than Ixion.
6.   Lulu- Normal Human
7.   Tidus: Normal Human
8.   Wakka:Normal Human
9.   Khimari: Normal Human
10.   Rikku: Human
11.   Trommel: Alien
12.   Cid: Normal Humam
13.    Wen Kinoc: Miller

Team Seymour:
14.   Seymour: Once a night, can select a person to absorb. If that player is dead. Seymour permanently removes them from the game, even if Yuna uses Bahamut, it will fail.

Win Objhectives:
Wolves: Have number of remaining wolves= Number of remaining humans +Seymour.
Humans: Kill Wolves and Seymour.
Seymour: Absorb Braska's Final Aeon amd Kinoc.
What do you think of the changes?


Sorry, a little late.

TWG LI: A Blast From the Past

The Evil Masterminds Throughout the Time(Wolves):

1. Skuntank - Master Wolf Coroner - Every time a player dies, Skuntank will find out that player's exact role. (TWG XXXIX: Perfect Apples)

2. Kamek: He's a fun wolf who can do one of two things each night phase.
- Direct the power of his choosing to a player of his choosing.  Like "I want Vermilionvermin to use his power on mastergamer_38." He may only use this once on each player.  For example, he may, on a future phase, redirect mastergamer_38's power to Vermilionvermin, but may never redirect Vermilionvermin's power ever again.
- Give a random player a bomb.  I will announce at the beginning of the day phase which player has the bomb.  During the day phase, that player may throw the bomb at whatever player they choose.  That player will die. (TWG XLII: Waluigi Time

3. Henry VIII (England) – Wolf Painter – Can call for an immediate lynching of the player with the most votes, thereby ending the current day phase; one use only. If a KitB results, he can choose the player to be lynched. If no votes have been cast it functions like a KitB. People who haven't voted yet do not get a phantom counted against them. (TWG XXXVII - Time for a History Lesson)

4. Mr. Mutou - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  That Player's power will fail(/be negated).  Can send a message to the Host during any Phase, multiple times in the same Phase if needed, with the name of a Player and a Role.  If the Player and Role correlate, the Player will die.  If not, Mr. Mutou may not expel that Role or Player from the game. (TWG XXX: Disability Girls)

The Protectors of Mankind(Humans):

5. Master Swordsman- Magnus - Morph – During the day he will select a username (by PM) and effectively "become" that player for the course of the following night. (TWG XL: Uprising Madness)

6. Doctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
Built a time machine out of a DeLorean, presumably to travel the Space-Time Continuum in style; he can take another player of his choosing to either the future or past. Going to the past allows both players to adjust their votes from one day to a different player; going to the future will give them safe passage to the next day phase. He carries Gray's Almanac, granting the holder a tally of used powers throughout the game. The Almanac can only be used once all game, meaning the reader will only be told everything once he/she uses it. The player is allowed to give the Gray's Almanac to another player. (TWG XLVII - Relax, I'm a Doctor)
7. Oracle - Every night, can choose a player.  If the Oracle dies that night or the next day phase, that player's role will be revealed to the thread. (TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.)

8. Werewolf Sonic (During the day he will seer BLUE, but will seer RED at night due to his werewolf form (remains human throughout). His incredible endurance allows him to take any combination of 2 vigi's/wolfings before going down. When Sonic is wolfed/vigi'd the first time, it will be exclaimed that "Sonic has been wolfed/vigi'd! (1)." On the second kill, the player's name will be used normally, stating "Player X has been wolfed/vigid"). Werewolf Sonic knows who he is. NOTE: Werewolf Sonic an be ohko'd by Mr. Mutou. (TWG XXXIII: Beat Those Eggs Jimmy!)

⑨. Cirno - Guardian - Able to make one ice shield per turn in order to protect a player. NOTE: Doesn't protect from Mr. Mutou. (TWG XII - The Second Great Fairy War)

10. Maya Fey - Medium - Every Night phase, can PM the host two y/n questions to ask any dead player in the game.  At the end of the phase, the Medium recieves the answers to the questions.  The dead person doesn't have to be truthful in answering these questions. (TWG XVI: Objection!)

11. Hero of Mind - Sends the name of a player and is told who they are targeting. (TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session)

12. Human (TWG in general)

13. Scientist - Herring Will be told he's a normal human. (TWG XXVIII: Pokémon Black and White)

14. Millwright- Will be told he's a normal human. (TWG XXIV: Sauce Is Pretty Coll)

15. The Pain, as portrayed by Nicholas Cage - Will be told he's a normal human. As long as The Pain is alive, there will be a buzzing noise at the start of every Day Phase. (TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane)

16. Tingle - Brutal Human When killed, a randomly chosen, blue human will die. (TWG XLVIII: 72 Hours Remaining)


One question: do you honestly think people will vote for 2 Blast From The Pasts in a row?  :P
Bulbear! Blueflower999


That's why I didn't vote for him.

Plus it was my game idea and I'm planning on hosting it.


FSM, I think the wolves are underpowered in your game.

If Werewolf Sonic claims, and he's not counterclaimed, he can only be killed by mr. Mutou (I assume sniping count's as vigi'ing for WS). If mr. Mutou kills him, he'll be revived as Chimeco will tribute himself. Than he can set up an alliance by night 2. After night 2, 3 players have been killed, and in the best case scenario for the wolves, it's by then 9:3, and the oracle has been killed, and has revealed a blue.

By day 2, WS should inform Magnus who to morph into. In the best case scenario for the wolves, there are three players that claimed human and three counterclaiming wolves, which means that, in the best case scenario for the wolves, Magnus morphes into a human, and the wolves wolf a special (8:3), after which another human is lynched (7:3), after which Magnus morphes into a human and the wolves wolf eighter a morphed human or a special (6:3), than they use their sniper (5:3), use beheading (4:3), have Magnus morph into Andrew Jackson, and wolf another human (3:3), which means that, based on the rules you use, eighter the wolves win, or a KitB decides which team will win.

If WS is counterclaimed, the humans will lynch one of the players that claimed WS, and if that player was WS, that player will survive due to his power. After that, WS is going to be killed by Bowser, only to be revived next day phase. Andrew Jackson, who should have counterclaimed WS, should use it's beheading, to lynch a human during day 2. Then during day 3, after an alliance has been set up over night, AJ, will be lynched, which means that the game would be 8:2

Which means that, once again, Magnus could fail three times to morph into one of the wolves, which means that, in the best case scenario for the wolves, Magnus morphes into a human, the wolves wolf a confirmed human (7:2), after which a human is lynched (6:2) after which Magnus morphes into a human, the wolves wolf a confirmed human (5:2), and snipe another (4:2), after which they have lost.

Not even to mention that the death of the Oracle could reveal a wolf, Maya Fey can find things out about dead players and the Hero of Mind also has possibilities of finding wolves. Also, the wolves have no powers to find out wheter a player is a normal or a special human. And yes, of course Tingle can be killed, which would make the game a bit easier for the wolves, but even so, it's too difficult for them to win.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Sniping does not count as a viging, I wanted to keep the role description as original as possible.

I'll most likely replace a human with another wolf.

Also idk what the hell are you talking about Andrew Jackson? ::)


TWG: To Zanarkand
Team Yevon (Wolves):
1.   Yu Yevon: Master Wolf- Can only be killed if Braska's Final Aeon is dead. Knows Seymour's identity, but cannot tell him in any way.
2.   Braska's Final Aeon: Loose Cannon Wolf: If any power (barring Zamnato , absorption or lynching) is used on him, it is done to the user instead.
3.   Yunalesca: Normal Wolf.

Team Al Bhed.
4.   Yuna: Can Choose one of Several actions every night.
Valefor: Guards.
Ifrit: Vigi's
Ixion: Brutal Effect.
Shiva: Seer
Bahamut: Reviver
5.    Auron: Guardian- Can only use his power if Yuna selects an Aeon other than Valefor.
6.   Lulu- Normal Human
7.   Tidus: Normal Human
8.   Wakka:Normal Human
9.   Khimari: Normal Human
10.   Rikku: Human
11.   Trommel: Alien
12.   Cid: Brutal Human: Random Special dies if he dies.
13.    Wen Kinoc: Miller

Team Seymour:
14.   Seymour: Once a night, can select a person to absorb. If that player is dead. Seymour permanently removes them from the game, even if Yuna uses Bahamut, it will fail. Can also choose to vigi.

Sphere Oscello Finder: Can be given to anyone, says how many wolves are left.
Gun: Can be Given to anyone,but it is more likely to be given to A Worshipper of Yevon (Wolves, seymour, Wakka, Trommel or Kinoc). Snipes. One use only.

Win Objechtives:
Wolves: Have number of remaining wolves= Number of remaining humans +Seymour.
Humans: Kill Wolves and Seymour.
Seymour: Absorb Braska's Final Aeon and Kinoc.


I'm sorry but I get extremly put off a game with obvious errors such as spelling errors or messed up roles.



QuoteWin Objhectives:

Quote4.   Yuna: Can Choose one of Several actions every night.
Valefor: Guards.
Ixion: Guards

These are the obvious problems for the layout.
