
Local man invests life savings into turnips. When asked whether it was a wise decision he responded, "Eh. I'm sure someone will buy them."

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Hosting and Balancing

Started by Bird, January 04, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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All right, I made Dr. Regal a Sniper. He didn't have any special abilities anyway, so why not?
Any other suggestions?
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


It seems like you've put a lot of effort into designing this!  Unfortunately, I think people are leading you in the wrong direction with it.

The humans are underpowered, and have been from the start.  Based on my reading of the roles, you have five people who are just told they're normal humans, a seer, and a guardian.  Sorting out those claims is going to be a nightmare.  Assuming claiming is standard, the seer is going to get 10 claims for five roles.  Not only that, there are going to be two killings per night phase, none of which are done by the humans.  When the humans are only in control of about 40% of the kills, I doubt they can win without absurd luck or getting each and every one of them right.  Given the fact that there are three people who are seered the wrong color, the seer doesn't have much of a use.

The sniper takes out any potential for an alliance to form, and makes the humans completely guideless.  This would work well if they outnumbered the wolves by a fair bit, but they don't.  If there's going to be a third-party team and wolves, the humans need to be really powerful.  Even if Bass and Vile were just normal humans, I'd still say this is wolf-sided without an alliance.

Question:  Do the Rogues and wolves know each other?  Wolves knowing each other is assumed unless stated otherwise.  Third-parties don't always know each other.  This affects how strong they are.  If the Rogues don't know each other, Bass' power is useless and more likely to hurt him than help him, and Vile won't be safe.  If they do, they're really powerful. 

Sigma's power is interesting, but I think there are some practical issues with it.  For instance, how would Sigma go to the chat under his new nickname?  What if Sigma disguises himself as a person who is completely inactive?


I made a small change to FFX game that makes it harder for Seymour to win.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on March 02, 2013, 09:38:55 PMIt seems like you've put a lot of effort into designing this!  Unfortunately, I think people are leading you in the wrong direction with it.

The humans are underpowered, and have been from the start.  Based on my reading of the roles, you have five people who are just told they're normal humans, a seer, and a guardian.  Sorting out those claims is going to be a nightmare.  Assuming claiming is standard, the seer is going to get 10 claims for five roles.  Not only that, there are going to be two killings per night phase, none of which are done by the humans.  When the humans are only in control of about 40% of the kills, I doubt they can win without absurd luck or getting each and every one of them right.  Given the fact that there are three people who are seered the wrong color, the seer doesn't have much of a use.

The sniper takes out any potential for an alliance to form, and makes the humans completely guideless.  This would work well if they outnumbered the wolves by a fair bit, but they don't.  If there's going to be a third-party team and wolves, the humans need to be really powerful.  Even if Bass and Vile were just normal humans, I'd still say this is wolf-sided without an alliance.

Question:  Do the Rogues and wolves know each other?  Wolves knowing each other is assumed unless stated otherwise.  Third-parties don't always know each other.  This affects how strong they are.  If the Rogues don't know each other, Bass' power is useless and more likely to hurt him than help him, and Vile won't be safe.  If they do, they're really powerful. 

Sigma's power is interesting, but I think there are some practical issues with it.  For instance, how would Sigma go to the chat under his new nickname?  What if Sigma disguises himself as a person who is completely inactive?
Thanks for all the feedback. I really made this game just to try out the TWG game formula and see what other people thought of it. Since I've never played an actual game before, I've never really had the chance to see how alliances work, how the different powers can be used for each side, how disastrous claiming can be, and how the powers cause major advantages or disadvantages for the teams.
I think what I (and perhaps a whole lot of other people) need to better understand this is to have TWG that completely goes back to basics. No complex special powers or roles or items. Then those of us who want to start playing but are turned off by the "expertness" of some of the games have a chance to at least try out a game and get the feel of things.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book

Waddle Bro

Tell you what Dudeman. I'll take a look at your game and balance it out the best I can.


Didn't Verm just do so? XD


^ He assessed the potential problems and gave some suggestions, but he didn't physically balance the game (although I do appreciate your input, vermilion.)

Waddle Bro, go ahead. See what you can do.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book

Waddle Bro

He didn't do the formatting that I offered to do.

ninja'd Waddle magic time, baby.


Updated Role Reunion

TWG L: A Role Reunion

1. Skuntank - Master Wolf Coroner
Every time a player dies, this player will be told the dead player's role. (TWG XXXIX: Perfect Apples)
2. Mr. Mutou - Negation Wolf Expeller
Sends a message to the host every Night Phase with a name of a player. That player's power will fail. Can send a message to the host during any phase, multiple times in the same phase if needed, with the name of a player and a role. If the player and role correlate, the player will die. If not, Mr. Mutou may not expel that role or player from the game. (TWG XXX: Disability Girls)
3. Andrew Jackson - Duelist wolf
If in a KitB he will always survive. In the result of a KitB with three or more players, he can choose a player that will be ignored in the dice roll (a free pass). Unlimited uses. If the Hero of Hope becomes a wolf, Andrew Jackson becomes a Human. (TWG XXXVII: Time for a History lesson)

Independents don't count for any team.

4. Messenger
Sends the name of one player every phase to the Host. At the end of that Phase, that player and the Messenger will both be aware of the player's role. (However, the player will not know who the Messenger is.) (TWG XIX: Mind Games)
5. Happy Mask Salesman - Wolfsbane
Will be told what players have a Latern at the beginning of the night. However, he can only share this information through PM. (TWG XLVIII: 72 Hours Remaining)
6. Strange Man - Wolfsbane
Can guess the names of all players with laterns during the night phase. If he's correct, those players and all players seer'd red (wolves except for skuntank and millers) will die and the laterns will be lost. (TWG IX: The Latern keeper)

7. Magnus - Morph
During the day he will select a username (by PM) and effectively "become" that player for the course of the following night. (Ex/ If Magnus selects a wolf, he may vote for wolfings). If this player attempts to morph into the Strange man, the morphing will result in becomming a normal human. If this player morphs into Mr. Mutou, he'll die at the end of the night phase. (TWG XL: Uprising Madness).
8. Hero of Hope – Tribune
Sends in a tribune 150 words or less. Has a 20% chance of becomming a wolf at the start of the game.
9. Maya Fey - Medium
Every Night phase, can PM the host two questions to ask any dead player in the game.  At the end of the phase, the Medium recieves the answers to the questions.  The dead person doesn't have to be truthful in answering these questions. (TWG XVI: Objection)
10. Daisy
Will be told she's a human. Will receive a PM upon death notifying her of her role. May choose to reveal the role of one person after she dies. (TWG XLII: Waluigi Time)
11. Scientist - Herring
Will be told he's a human. (TWG XXVIII: Pokémon Black and White)
12. Raiden who hisses - Miller
In the Day Phase update, if Raiden is alive a hiss sound will be heard. Will be told he's a human. (TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane)

Armor of Achilles - This item is sent to a random human (not the traitor) at the start of the game. This armor, when in the possession of a player, will protect him from being wolfed, but not lynched. If the player is lynched with the armor, then the armor is lost forever. The player can choose to send the armor to any other player by PM'ing the host and letting him know which player to send it to. (TWG VI: Rise of the Olympians)
3 Lanterns of the Night: These Lanterns are given to three random players, but not to Independents. Also, if the first two Laterns are given to wolves or the traitor, the final one will be given to a random human (except traitor) so that at the start of the game there's at least one Latern in human possesion. Holding a Lantern allows the player to know the names of the other players with Lanterns. Every Night phase, the three players with lanterns will submit one vote each to the host in order to choose one person who is currently holding a lantern to be seer'd. The person with the most votes is then seer'd (in the event of a tie vote, a KiaB occurs). The seering results will then be sent to the other two players with lanterns who were not seer'd. By PM'ing the host, laterns can be passed to a random other player, but never to an independent. The players with Lanterns will always know who has the other lanterns. Whether or not they allow anyone who doesn't hold a lantern to possess their knowledge is entirely up to them. If a player holding a latern dies, he'll keep the latern in his tomb (as in the strange man must still guess that person). (TWG IX: The Latern Keeper)

Wolves know eachother (Roleflip of Hero of Hope/Andrew Jackson is done before the wolves are told what players are there partners). Humans and Independents don't know eachother.

Win Conditions:

Wolves win when:
1. There are more wolves than humans and independents combined alive
2. At the end of the day phase, wolves have become 1:1 with combined humans and independents and the Strange Man and the Happy Mask Salesman are dead.
3. At the end of the night phase, there is one wolf and one human left.
4. At the end of the night phase, there is one wolf and the Messenger left.

Independents win when:
1. All wolves are dead, and the number of independents is bigger than the number of humans.
2. All wolves are dead, there is an equil number of humans and independents, and a KiaB would occur because all humans vote for the same independent, and all indepenents vote for the same human.
3. All humans are dead, and the number of wolves is equil or lower to the number of independents alive, not counting the messenger.
4. The number of independents alive is bigger than the combined number of wolves and humans alive and the number of wolves alive is equil or lower to the number of independents alive, not counting the messenger.
5. The number of independents alive is equil to the combined number of wolves and humans alive and the number of wolves alive is equil or lower to the number of independents alive, not counting the messenger, and a KiaB would occur because all humans and wolves vote for the same independent, and all indepenents vote for the same human or wolf.

Humans win when they are the last team left.

Please tell me what you think about it.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


You bitch stole my game idea. jk with the bitch ofc


Working on BftP right now.


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on March 06, 2013, 05:53:03 AMYou bitch stole my game idea. jk with the bitch ofc


Working on BftP right now.

FSM, I'd appreciate it if you would be a bit more polite.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game



*facepalm. Why didn't I see that earlier?
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Changed FFX game a fair bit.