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Started by Bird, December 20, 2012, 06:39:28 PM

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Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 02, 2013, 03:03:34 PM1.  Blueflower:  Said some pretty weird things in and around the time of the wolfing.  One thing that stood out to me was how, when Mashi asked him why he didn't immediately pick a switch, he responded, something along the lines of "ask Hakan".
Uh, I said "Ask Hakan, not me" because Hakan picked a switch wayyyyy after I did, so if that was a legitimate accusation, then it shouldn't have been pointed at me.

And look. I picked a switch 2 minutes after Mashi. Hakan took a whole day. -.-
Bulbear! Blueflower999


The question was why you were waiting when you were online.  If you're a human, it's best to try to pick your switch quickly.  If you're a wolf, it's fine to wait because you know which switches you can take and which you can't.  The reason I picked one so quickly and urged Mashi to do the same was because if all three humans pick the good switches before the wolf does, the humans win regardless of whom they lynch.


It was 2 minutes. TWO BLOODY MINUTES. I could have been doing any number of other things on my computer. I could have been surfing the web, playing an online game with someone, writing a review in my thread, or any number of things away from the computer.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


There's good and bad switches? I thought they were random? :|


Oh, I didn't know the wolf knew the switch. Shows how much attention I've been paying.


I think the Phase is ending soon and no one's in the #TWGNSM chat, so I'm going to vote for blueflower999, since I doubt anything major will show up to change my mind about him.


Points against Mashi:

1.  Fiver died the night I sent Mashi a log in which Fiver said he'd try to accuse Mashi in order to get him more active.
2.  Jub died and Mashi knew I thought he was really human.
3.  Bubbles died and Mashi knew I thought he was really human.
4.  I haven't been wolfed.
5.  He's been far too certain about blueflower being the wolf for my liking.
6.  Sauce was pretty generous about letting him live when he didn't pick the right switch.
7.  Didn't pick a switch at his first available chance.

Points for Mashi:
1.  I doubt he'd make the Socialfox wolfing.
2.  Points 1-3 on the other list are weird for him to do as a wolf because they're fairly easy to get out of.
3.  He almost didn't pick a switch one day.
4.  He said he'd be OK lynching Kman or TBWCW when TBWCW already would have died that day from switches.

Points for Blueflower:
1.  He wouldn't have known much about Thiannon if he wolfed him.
2.  I don't know why he changed his vote at the end of Day 1 to BlackDragonSlayer if he's a wolf.

Points against Blueflower:
1.  He's been acting a lot more angry than he normally does.
2.  I feel like Hakan was the "easy" lynch today.
3.  In the log I posted in my previous post, I think it's the bolded part, blueflower doesn't seem to recognize the main thing that makes wolfing Socialfox weird:  that he wasn't able to play the last game he signed up for, and that it's kind of mean to wolf someone who hadn't been able to play the previous game.
4.  Didn't pick a switch at the first available chance. 

I feel that Hakan would have been more active as a wolf.


Looking back at my two lists, there's more to indicate that Mashi's human than there is to indicate that Blueflower's human.  The Socialfox wolfing is really difficult to get past.  I just don't think that Mashi would ever wolf someone who hadn't been able to play in the previous game.  In discussions from previous TWGs I've found that Mashi seems to think through his Night 1 wolfing a lot, and Socialfox is probably one of the few players I don't think he'd wolf on the first night.

The things I wrote down as in Blueflower's favor are things which make him less likely to be the wolf, but not things which I think he absolutely wouldn't do as a wolf in the same way that wolfing Socialfox is for Mashi.

And that's my vote.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 02, 2013, 05:26:46 PM1.  He's been acting a lot more angry than he normally does.
Uh... I am? I don't feel like I am. Give me an example.
Quote2.  I feel like Hakan was the "easy" lynch today.
Well... yeah. What does this mean? "Easy lynch"? As if you weren't voting for him earlier.
Quote3.  In the log I posted in my previous post, I think it's the bolded part, blueflower doesn't seem to recognize the main thing that makes wolfing Socialfox weird:  that he wasn't able to play the last game he signed up for, and that it's kind of mean to wolf someone who hadn't been able to play the previous game.
Just because I don't mention something, does that mean that I don't recognize it? Of course I'm aware that Social wasn't in the last game! I was in it, and there was a bit of flaming going back and forth between Social and Waddle in the TWG hub thread.
4.  Didn't pick a switch at the first available chance. 
TWO. FREAKING. MINUTES. Heck, many I am getting a little angry, and that's because I feel like I'm getting accused at unfairly! I picked a switch TWO MINUTES after you did. This is NO reason to accuse someone.
QuoteI feel that Hakan would have been more active as a wolf.
Well, I don't. You saw my previous post long before that I had a hunch that the wolf would be inactive. I guess we'll find out soon if I was right or not.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


1.  Point 4.

2.  Hakan was at the top of suspicion lists the entire time.  Mashi isn't pushing for him to be lynched at this point,.

3.  You might have been aware of it, but it wasn't the foremost thought in your mind.  It's something Mashi had to deal with a lot more directly as TWC and likely would have been something he was considering when deciding a wolfing.  Hakan was more than aware of it as well.

4.  You might have picked a switch 2 minutes after I did, but it wasn't 2 minutes after the phase ended.  Mashi said you were in the chat all day.  Why weren't you in a hurry to pick your switch? 


1. Not funny. Give me an example that is unwarranted and I am unaware of.

2. Exactly! And he's not lynched yet! And the game isn't won yet for the humans. Hmm. Funny.

3. How was Hakan aware of it? Did you tell him? Even if you did, it certainly wouldn't be "in the front of his mind" as someone who was actually active and participating on the forums during the events.

4. Oh. My. Pork. Read what I say. I could have been doing 50 billion things besides waiting for this phase to end. I'm sorry, but during the holiday season and during a time when my family is moving, I have better things to attend to than sitting on the forum, clicking "read unread replies to my posts" every second waiting for Bird to update. I picked a switch early. And nobody told me "oh blueflower make sure you pick a switch withing the five seconds after the update or else i'll think you're a wuff"
Bulbear! Blueflower999


1.  Not trying to be funny.  Besides that, I think it's just the increased sarcasm that is making me think you're angry.

2.  That applies to quite a few other people, including yourself.  If you want to make this about Hakan, we can.  Hakan nearly didn't pick a switch yesterday.  He only came back after I sent him a PM telling him to pick one.  Additionally, given that Sauce and Hakan are pretty good friends, I really doubt that Hakan would be this inactive as the only wolf in Sauce's game.

3.  Hakan wasn't online at that point, at least as far as I know.  What was suspicious is the timing of it all.  When Mashi told me the phase ended, I immediately picked purple and told him to pick a switch.  Then two minutes after that, you picked your green switch, and you were online the whole time.  I guess I thought there was longer between the time the phase began and the time I posted.
It was odd that you hadn't said anything all phase and then came back right after the first two switches were taken, and then when pressed, you deflected the issue to Hakan, who may not even have been online at that point.

I don't suspect you nearly as much because of what you've done as much as I do because process of elimination.  I really don't think Hakan would be that inactive as the only wolf, and I don't think Mashi would have wolfed Socialfox.


blueflower999, I keep asking you to come to #TWGNSM in tinychat!!!



blueflowah was lynched. nighthawk exploded.

Humans win.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die