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Started by Bird, December 20, 2012, 06:39:28 PM

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shadowkirby because same person instructed me to change it and he was at the top of multiple suspicion lists
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]



Dude, FSM and Shadowkirby all died.

It is now Night 4. Night 4 ends tomorrow at 9:00 PM CST.

Sorry about the late update, folks!

1. SocialFox
2. Dude
3. Bubbles789898879879879878
4. Kman96
5. vermilionvermin
6. shadowkirby
7. SlowPokemon
8. BlackDragonSlayer
9. Mashi
10. blueflower999
11. K-NiGhT
12. Thiannon
13. FSM-Reapr
14. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
15. Hakan
16. the_last_sheikah
17. Jub3r7 [Phantom x1]


Jub3r7's votes were not counted, but I let him live since not picking a switch when there's only one left doesn't really matter that much. That rule was only to prevent switch shenanigans anyway, and none of those happened this phase. He still gets a phantom though!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


I think Bowser should do us all a favor and wolf themselves tonight.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Seriously. How am I not dead yet. lol.

Reason I haven't been posting much is because I keep forgetting I'm in this. Honestly if I were Bowser, I probably would've forgot to kill like twice by now. I wouldn't have even made it here for the last day phase, had verblahblahhawk not reminded me on LLF. I mean there's nothing I can say to defend myself because I haven't really done anything helpful because I hadn't even paid hardly any attention to the game!


Suspicion list:

1.  Hakan
2.  Mashi
3.  Jub
4.  Blueflower:  almost certainly not a wolf.  Will explain when i'm not about to leave the house or mashi has an explanation if i die tonight.


Early New Years Update!

Jub3r728723 died.

It is now Day 4. Day 4 ends the day after tomorrow at 9:00 PM CST.

1. SocialFox
2. Dude
3. Bubbles789898879879879878
4. Kman96
5. vermilionvermin
6. shadowkirby
7. SlowPokemon
8. BlackDragonSlayer
9. Mashi
10. blueflower999
11. K-NiGhT
12. Thiannon
13. FSM-Reapr
14. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
15. Hakan
16. the_last_sheikah
17. Jub3r7


Purple Switch
Yellow Switch
Green Switch
White Switch

(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die




Bulbear! Blueflower999



Did you guys leave me with my favorite color on purpose? :O

Who died? Oh.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]



(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


This post is a log dump of things that happened in and around the wolfings.

Here's an actual suspicion list:

1.  Blueflower:  Said some pretty weird things in and around the time of the wolfing.  One thing that stood out to me was how, when Mashi asked him why he didn't immediately pick a switch, he responded, something along the lines of "ask Hakan".  In my mind, the most likely person to wolf Socialfox, but I'm not sure why he'd wolf Bubbles or Jub3r7.

2.  Mashi:  If it isn't blueflower, I think it's Mashi.  Mashi seemed really set on blueflower from the start of the day, to what seemed to me to be an illogical extent, taking points that I think went in blueflower's favor and trying to twist them against him.  I kind of believe him though when he says that he wouldn't wolf Socialfox though.

3.  Hakan:  While the first two wolfings probably make more sense coming from him, Bubbles and Jub3r7 don't really fit in with the previous two. Bubbles and Jub were the two lowest spots I had on actual suspicion lists, and I don't think I ever argued for their humanity in the thread.  I think if Hakan were willing to wolf Thiannon, he probably would have wolfed Mashi and me as well.

QuoteSun   Nighthawk   hey mashi
Sun   Nighthawk   what if we faked popular opinion to get someone wolfed?
Sun   Nighthawk   let's pretend we agreed that blueflower was the most suspicious.
Sun   Nighthawk   we'd all put blueflower at the bottom of our suspicion lists
Sun   Nighthawk   or at least, the two of us could
Sun   Nighthawk   that way, when the wolf's making his wolfing decision, he's more inclined to wolf blueflower if blueflower isn't the wolf
Sun   Nighthawk   if blueflower is the wolf, he's more inclined to coast and make slip-ups
Sun   Vera   Oh, that sounds good!
Sun   Vera   Clever!
Sun   Nighthawk   but we need code words or something so that if one of us dies, the other one isn't super-suspicious for saying that
Sun   Vera   I think we'll be fine.
Sun   Vera   The SocialFox wolfing pretty much confirms us, I feel.
Sun   Nighthawk   [2:28:48 AM] Daniel: :tweeet: [2:28:55 AM] Jub: is that an llf emoticon [2:29:06 AM] Daniel: ya
Sun   Nighthawk   :tweeet:
Sun   Vera   lol
Sun   Nighthawk   why can't the people who blow up be the people that someone wanted to lynch
Sun   Vera   inb4 sauce chose who died each time
Sun   Sauce-away   thought about doing that!
Sun   Sauce-away   but the wolf learns the switches in advance 
Sun   Vera   lol
Sun   Vera   Ah.
Sun   Vera   You could have made it any switch the Wolf didn't choose.
Sun   Nighthawk   wait wait
Sun   Nighthawk   blueflower and dude picked the same switch
Sun   Nighthawk   which one changed?
Sun   Sauce-away   dude changed
Sun   Nighthawk   damn it
Sun   Vera   
Sun   Vera   That's why he said Damnit.
Sun   Vera   In his other post with the switch.
Sun   Vera   Doesn't that make blueflower999 even more suspect then?
Sun   Nighthawk   no
Sun   Nighthawk   there were other non-bomb switches he could have picked
Sun   Nighthawk   and blueflower picked the revolver switch first
Sun   Vera   The switch he was on was safe though.
Sun   Vera   Why bother switching?
Sun   Nighthawk   because he had to?
Sun   Nighthawk   2 people can't pick the same switch
Sun   Vera   But he chose his switch first.
Sun   Nighthawk   no he didn't
Sun   Nighthawk   blueflower did
Sun   Nighthawk   if you pick the switch, you get it
Sun   Nighthawk   dude would have died otherwise
Sun   Vera   Yeah.
Sun   Nighthawk   i suppose blueflower should have pointed it out
Sun   Vera   So Doodle chose another switch.
Sun   Vera   And died anyway!
Sun   Sauce-away   wat a dummy
Sun   Vera   Kittyhawkkk.
Sun   Nighthawk   ?
Sun   Vera   I don't get why it doesn't make blueflower999 seem more suspicious.
Sun   Nighthawk   why does it?
Sun   Sauce-away   need ice cream brb
Sun   Vera   Not majorly suspicious, but a bit more since he himself didn't decide to switch.
Sun   Nighthawk   who didn't decide to switch?
Sun   Nighthawk   dude did pick a switch
Sun   Vera   blueflower999 didn't!
Sun   Sauce-away   switches are first come first serve btw
Sun   Nighthawk   yes he did
Sun   Nighthawk   blueflower got the revolver switch he wanted
Sun   Nighthawk   dude had to pick another one
Sun   Vera   Yeah.
Sun   Vera   That's what I mean!
Sun   Nighthawk   blueflower didn't post in between the times that dude picked his switchES
Sun   Vera   I wouldn't be surprised if he were online and therefore capable of posting, however.
Sun   Vera   I'll check.

Quote18:14   Vera   pssst nighthawk
18:14   Vera   Jub3r7 was wolfed!!! 
18:14   Nighthawk   yes
18:14   Nighthawk   damn
18:14   Nighthawk   is the phase over already?
18:14   Vera   Yes.
18:15   Nighthawk   pick one quick
18:15   Vera   Okay.
18:15   Nighthawk   fun fact: if we both picked safe switches and we're both human then the humans win
18:16   Nighthawk   regardless of who we lynch
18:17   Vera   Wouldn't the Wolf also need to choose the wrong switch then?
18:17   Nighthawk   aren't there only 2 safe switches?
18:17   Vera   Not this time.
18:18   Nighthawk   wait really
18:18   Nighthawk   why
18:18   Vera   Only 1.
18:18   Vera   Sauce said so last time!
18:18   Nighthawk   says where?
18:18   Vera   Yesterday.
18:18   Nighthawk   that's dumb
18:18   Vera   Remember, I asked why two switches exploded?
18:18   Vera   And he said this was the last Phase two would explode.
18:18   Vera   And it would be one for the rest.
18:19   Nighthawk   i can't find it
18:19   Vera   Do you have the log?
18:20   Nighthawk   i think so
18:20   Nighthawk   oh
18:20   Nighthawk   
18:20      *** Fiver joined #llftwg
18:20   Vera   
18:20   Vera   Are we still set on blueflower999?
18:20   Vera   Oh, that reminds me.
18:20   Vera   Hold onnn.
18:20   Vera   Sending you a PM!!!
18:21   Nighthawk   I don't know if I'm set on blueflower
18:21   Nighthawk   losing to wolf iDOWN would be the worst
18:22   Liggy   wolf idown doesn't exist
18:22   Liggy   iDOWN is always human.
18:24   Vera   I found his responses suspicious, but that's just me, anyhow.
18:24   Nighthawk   blueflower's or idown's?
18:24   Vera   blueflower's.
18:24   Vera   In the brief log I sent.
18:25   Vera   His responses sounded stressed to me.
18:25   Nighthawk   that's not enough to lynch him though
18:25   Nighthawk   and i'm inclined to agree
18:25   Nighthawk   but i'm hesitant to vote someone based on process of elimination
18:25   Vera   I feel that the Jub3r7 sets things nicely though.
18:25   Nighthawk   and i think it's weird that of the 4 llfers, 3 are remaining
18:26   Vera   Jub3r7's wolfing*
18:26   Nighthawk   sure, some of that's due to luck
18:26   Vera   Since blueflower999 would want you alive.
18:26   Nighthawk   but still
18:26   Nighthawk   i don't even know if blueflower saw what i posted
18:26   Vera   He probably did.
18:26   Vera   He was in Tinychat all day.
18:27   Nighthawk   ok
18:28   Nighthawk   if you were sauce
18:28   Nighthawk   which switch would you have explode today?
18:28   Vera   Yellow Switch.
18:28   Nighthawk   why
18:28   Vera   Because it reminded me of urine.
18:28   Nighthawk   ok well
18:28   Vera   lol
18:28   Nighthawk   i would have picked the green switch
18:28   Nighthawk   since a ton of players who are now dead wanted that one
18:31   Nighthawk   I don't want to decide our final lynch on process of elimination, but I really can't justify lynching anyone but blueflower
18:31   Nighthawk   i really don't feel that iDOWN would abandon the game if he were the only wolf
18:31   Nighthawk   as sauce's friend i think he'd feel a little obligated not to do that!
18:32   Nighthawk   and I don't think you'd have made the socialfox wolfing.
18:32   Nighthawk   but none of the wolfings make any sense coming from blueflower
18:33   Nighthawk   why does he go for fiver on night 2? bubbles night 3?
18:33   Nighthawk   Outside of the socialfox wolfing, those two would make a lot more sense coming from you
18:40   Vera   I think the wolfings make sense.
18:40   Vera   Wolf Thiannon because he seems experienced.
18:40   Vera   Wolf Bubbles because you think she's Human.
18:40   Vera   You sent your list to blueflower999, didn't you?
18:41   Nighthawk   no i didn't
18:41   Vera   Oh.
18:41   Vera   
18:41   Vera   Hmm.
18:50   Vera   I'm still thinking blueflower999.
18:50   Vera   He was online exactly as the update occurred.
18:50   Vera   And decided to rush to choose a switch after the two of us did.
18:51   Vera   I had interrogated just before the Phase began.
18:51   Vera   Well.
18:51   Vera   Accused, hahaha.
18:51   Vera   So he may have felt timid to choose a switch immediately, I feel.
18:51   Nighthawk   did you ask him why he didn't pick a switch?
18:51   Vera   I'll ask him right now!
18:54      *** Savvy-Sauce is now known as Sauce-away
18:54      *** Mashi joined #llftwg
18:54   Mashi   Firefox completely froze on me.
18:54   Mashi   supermashi: Pssst. [9:52 PM] supermashi: blueflower999 [9:52 PM] supermashi: Why did you choose a switch so late??? [9:52 PM] blueflower999: Pick on Hakan [9:52 PM] blueflower999: Not me
18:55   Nighthawk   I think he should make a post
18:55   Nighthawk   about who he suspects

Quote18:56      *** Vermilionvermin joined #twgnsm
18:58      *** Vera joined #twgnsm
19:04      *** bletch joined #twgnsm
19:04   Vera   Yaaay.
19:04      *** bletch is now known as blueflower999
19:04   Vera   verm verm
19:04   blueflower999   Is this the REAL Mashi
19:04   blueflower999   Or the fake Mashi
19:04   Vera   Fake Mashi!!!
19:04   blueflower999   *leaves*
19:05   Vera   no come back
19:05   blueflower999   *comes back*
19:05   Vera   Yaaay.
19:05   Vera   vermilionvermin
19:05   Vermilionvermin   hi
19:06   Vermilionvermin   blueflower, if you had to vote for someone right now, who would it be and why?
19:06   blueflower999   Not sure
19:06   blueflower999   Both of you seem very human to me
19:06   blueflower999   It's Hakan that I'm concerned about because of him trying to hide beneath the shadows
19:07   blueflower999   You two have made very long posts, clearly explaining your suspicions with the best interests of the human team in mind
19:07   blueflower999   He has done... almost nothing contributional the entire game.
19:07   Vermilionvermin   why does his not talking make him a wolf?
19:07   blueflower999   It doesn't, normally
19:08   blueflower999   It's that there's only 4 people left, myself included
19:08   blueflower999   And both of you are acting human
19:08   Vera   I've made long posts???
19:08   blueflower999   Some
19:09   blueflower999   Look at your posts explaining your suspicion of Verm
19:09   blueflower999   The second post on page 26
19:09   Vera   That's one.
19:10   blueflower999   Verm has made quite a few
19:11   Vera   I haven't made 'some' long posts though!
19:11   blueflower999   You and Verm together have
19:11   Vera   Okay.
19:12   blueflower999   What are your thoughts?
19:12   blueflower999   Both of you
19:12   Vera   I'm thinking you're the last wuff!!!
19:13   Vermilionvermin   I'm thinking you're a likely candidate as well
19:13   Vermilionvermin   mashi and idown are mildly suspicious
19:13   Vermilionvermin   the one thing i can't get past though
19:13   Vermilionvermin   is how weird it is that three out of the four people remaining are from llf
19:13   Vera   I don't think it's very odd.
19:14   Vermilionvermin   some of it's luck-based
19:14   Vermilionvermin   but there were only four of us in the game
19:14   Vera   You're the 'nominal' lynch leader.
19:14   Vera   I'm inactive.
19:14   Vera   Hakan is inactive.
19:14   Vermilionvermin   dude, shadowkirby, fsm, and bubbles were inactive!
19:15   Vermilionvermin   Fiver pushed lynches and he's dead
19:15   Vera   Weren't the first three switched?
19:15   Vermilionvermin   yeah that's true
19:16   Vera   And Bubbles was relatively active.
19:18   Vermilionvermin   blueflower and mashi, what do you think of the first two wolfings?
19:18   blueflower999   The first was SocialFox
19:18   blueflower999   The second was Thianon, right?
19:18   Vermilionvermin   yes
19:19   blueflower999   It's a little strange
19:19   blueflower999   Thianon could have been killed for being an active and helpful player
19:19   Vermilionvermin   why's it a little strange?
19:19   blueflower999   But if that was the case, then why weren't you killed?
19:20   Vermilionvermin   Unless the wolf is Hakan, I've never really been pushing for the wolf.
19:20   blueflower999   And SocialFox just seems odd
19:20   blueflower999   I don't think anyone of us 4 remaining players would wolf Social for revenge for his previous behavior
19:20   blueflower999   Do you?
19:21   blueflower999   It could have been a frame for Waddle Bro that failed...
19:21   blueflower999   Or someone similar
19:21   Vermilionvermin   I don't think it's revenge for previous behavior

19:22   blueflower999   Hold on, must take shower
19:22   blueflower999   Will probably be back later
19:22   Vermilionvermin   ok
19:28   blueflower999   Back
19:28   blueflower999   I take quick showers
19:29   blueflower999   So
19:29   blueflower999   A few things to discuss
19:29   blueflower999   1. Mashi, explain why you're suspicious of me
19:29   blueflower999   2. Mashi, are you still suspicious of Verm like you were last day phase? If not, what changed your thinking?
19:31   blueflower999 anyone still here?
19:31   Vera   Sorryyy, phone call.
19:32   Vermilionvermin   i'm still here
19:32   Vera   Because of process of elimination and you being suspicious in Tinychat.
19:34   blueflower999 was I being suspicious in Tinychat?
19:34   Vera   And nope.
19:34   Vermilionvermin   i'll probably be leaving soon
19:34   blueflower999   I did come here to chat TWG, didn't I?
19:34   Vera   Terse, seemingly stressed supplies.
19:35   Vera   replies*
19:35   blueflower999   In here, or Tinychat?
19:35   Vera   Tinychat.
19:35   blueflower999   How could you blame me?
19:36   blueflower999   There was an impostor Mashi
19:36   blueflower999   How am I supposed to know if it's you or a fake?
19:36   Vera   Because I knew about TWG.
19:36   blueflower999   The impostor did too
19:36   Vera   This TWG?
19:37   blueflower999   Some of the questions that we asked him to confirm involved TWG
19:37   Vera   What were the questions?
19:38   blueflower999   Stuff like "What does TWG stand for"
19:38   Vermilionvermin   sorry, i have to go
19:38   blueflower999   And "Who are the moderators in the TWG board"

Quote19:18   Vermilionvermin   blueflower and mashi, what do you think of the first two wolfings?
19:18   blueflower999   The first was SocialFox
19:18   blueflower999   The second was Thianon, right?
19:18   Vermilionvermin   yes
19:19   blueflower999   It's a little strange
19:19   blueflower999   Thianon could have been killed for being an active and helpful player
19:19   Vermilionvermin   why's it a little strange?
19:19   blueflower999   But if that was the case, then why weren't you killed?
19:20   Vermilionvermin   Unless the wolf is Hakan, I've never really been pushing for the wolf.
19:20   blueflower999   And SocialFox just seems odd
19:20   blueflower999   I don't think anyone of us 4 remaining players would wolf Social for revenge for his previous behavior
19:20   blueflower999   Do you?
19:21   blueflower999   It could have been a frame for Waddle Bro that failed...
19:21   blueflower999   Or someone similar
19:21   Vermilionvermin   I don't think it's revenge for previous behavior

and then I had to go, I think.  If there's anything more to the newest log, please post it!