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TWG XLV: Host 1-Ups

Started by Mashi, December 15, 2012, 06:54:11 PM

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the_last_sheikah's TWG XLV: Red vs. Blue: Revenge
3 (13.6%)
SocialFox's TWG XLV: Bleach Themed Mystery Game
0 (0%)
BlackDragonSlayer's TWG XLV: The Dangerous Flora and Fauna of Umbra
2 (9.1%)
davy's TWG XLV: The Notebooks of Death
1 (4.5%)
The Boy Who Cried Wolf's TWG XLV: Harry Potter and the Enchanted Wands
0 (0%)
shadowkirby's TWG XLV: Doctor Two
7 (31.8%)
9 (40.9%)

Total Members Voted: 22




Red vs. Blue: Revenge

The Meta: Cannot be wolfed.  Sends Host a PM each phase with a player's name.  If that player has an A.I., the Meta steals that A.I.

South Dakota: If South has an A.I. when she is lynched, she can choose to sacrifice her A.I., and future use of A.I., in exchange for survival.
Wyoming: Can end the phase instantly, one time only.  Anything that happens between his PM to the host to end the phase, and the host actually ending the phase, doesn't count.
Washington: Wolf painter.  Cannot use/receive A.I.s

Church: Seer
Tucker: Vigi, if the Meta is Vigi'd, Tucker dies instead.  One use only.
Caboose: Gaurdian
Sarge: Brutal, PMs host who will die with him if he is lynched.
Sister: Takes 2 wolfings to kill.
Lopez the Heavy: Reconstruction: If killed, and extra players are waiting to swap in, Lopez will be rebuilt after at least one phase, now controlled by the waiting player.
Doc: Human
Grif: Human
Simmons: Human
Doughnut: Human
Junior: Alien (Human)
Shelia: Tank (Human)

A.I. units(items):
Omega: Your vote counts as 3.
Gamma: You may extend the phase by 24 hours or end the phase instantly.
Delta: You can PM the host and ask either how many wolves remain, or how many A.I.s the Meta has.
Epsilon: You may freely talk with dead players via PM for only 1 phase.  PMs must be sent to the host.
Theta: You may send the host a message that will be posted anonymously at the end of the phase.
Sigma: You may nullify one player's vote and power that phase.

-The Meta wins if he gets all the A.I.s.
-The Meta is not part of either team, but still counts towards the human team.
-If the Meta is lynched, all A.I. units are destroyed.
-The A.I.s are randomly distributed night one.  After they are used, they are randomly given to another player.  A player who dies with an A.I. automatically gives the Meta their A.I.
-A player can hold onto an A.I. as long as they want(except omega).  If you have 2 or more A.I. in your possession for more than one phase(day or night), you will die and the Meta gains both A.I.

I've made a few small changes here and there, tell me what you guys think.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Bleach Themed Mystery game with 13 players!

Some of the wackyness that may occour is Role cardflipping, the Motou sniper and A role never used in NSM TWG before!!!!

Somehow I think that if this game wins no-one is going to sign up.


TWG: The Dangerous Flora and Fauna of Umbra

Backstory: Many years ago, the war on the planet Umbra ended. The war hero Agent 819, who single-handedly took out the dark leader UMBRA, went back to the galactic capital planet, never to return to Umbra until the year of his death... but his story is another story, not to be told here...

Umbra is quickly becoming a point of interest for tourists. The super-company Micro Budget Ships Inc. is funding a new, experimental program to safely guide boatloads of these tourists through the planet on a specific route, highlighting the major natural features.

Unfortunately for the company, the illusions still remain on Umbra, even after the evil left the planet: the local flora and fauna have gotten hungry, and weak-minded tourists are on the menu...

The Flora and Fauna; Wolves
1: Miju-maron: Master Wolf (as the Miju-marons are giant, carnivorous plants, they can't do much unless people walk right into their lairs, though this doesn't affect the role any)
2: Gialux: Wolf
3: Ryu-jin: Infective "oni" wolf. In the case that Ryu-jin is lynched, the player sends a PM to the host, "passing" the role on to another player. If the player is a wolf or tour guide, the power does not take effect. Is the only wolf who does not know his teammates.

Micro Budget Ships Tour; Humans
4: Tour Guide 1: Guardian; can guard one player per night, excluding self.
5: Tour Guide 2: Seer.
6: Tour Guide 3: Psychic; is told the number of wolves and if the red human is left in the game at the end of every day phase. This excludes the "revived" Ryu-jin.
7: Tourist: Human.
8: Tourist: Human.
9: Tourist: Human.
10: Tourist: Human.
11: Tourist: Human.
12: Tourist: Acts like a wolfsbane, except that the wolfing is redirected to another human player. Will be told he's a normal human.

Because Ryu-jin does not know who the other wolves are, and visa versa, only the first wolfing vote is accepted.
There are no special victory conditions.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



Party Hard!



For the Record, my mystery game is called D-technolife. (hinthint)


Just so you know, my game WILL have a story, revealed between phases (both day and night), in average-sized paragraphs. I can't see why not to have a story in an idea like that! :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Waddle Bro

Too bad I can't host. :( (the irony)

Also, I thought you can't host two games in a row. ???


Quote from: Waddle Bro on December 16, 2012, 12:19:30 AMAlso, I thought you can't host two games in a row. ???
You can host two times in a row, it is just not normal.


TWG XXXVIII: The Notebooks of Death


1. Yagami Light (master wolf,
the first time eighter he or Misa would be seer'd red (in which case he will be noticed), he can PM the host, who will sent his death note to a random normal human (not Near or Mello) to remove all deathnotes attached to wolves temporal. The player who recieves the death note will play for the wolf team. If that player is lynched, the Death Note that that player had in his/her possession will return to Light, and all other Death Notes that were removed will return to their previous owner, if possible, otherwise, they will go to Light.
If L dies, Light will be told the Identy of Mikami, if he's still alive.
If Light dies, Mikami becomes Light (in which case he loses all his powers and obtains all powers Light has), if he's still alive. If he isn't, Misa becomes Light. A player who becomes Light will recieve a new role PM from the host, and will recieve all PM's sent to, and sent by the previous Light.)
If Light has no partners left, and he's seer'd red, he'll die instantly.
2. Amane Misa (master wolf, will obtain seering powers if she holds a death note. The first time she would die, she survives, L dies (if he's still alive), and Light will obtain Rem's Death note.)
3. Mikami Teru (master wolf, will obtain seering powers if he holds a death note)


4. L (Seer, will die if Watari dies. If he dies, it will be announced to the topic that L died)
5. Watari (Wolfsbane, if L dies, he'll lose his power.)
6. Near (Is told he is a normal human untill L dies. If L dies, he will obtain both seer and guardian power and will be seer'd blue. However he can only activate one of those powers each night phase)
7. Mello (Is told he is a normal human untill L dies. If L dies, he will obtain Siddoh's Death note (or steal it if it is in the possession of another player). During the Phase he recieves the note this way, he can decide to give it back to Siddoh (to do this, he must PM the host, if he does this, Siddoh's note will disapper from the game) or to keep it, in which case he can't give it to any other player. If he keeps it, he will become a solo 3rd party role. If he gives it back, he will be seer'd blue, and if he dies, Near will be told the identy of one wolf at random).
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human

Death Note's (Items):

Siddoh's Death Note: will be given to Yagami Light during Night phase one.
Gelus's Death Note: will be given to Amane Misa during Night two.
Rem's Death Note: will be given to Yagami Light by one of Misa's powers.

  • Any player that has a Death Note will be seer'd red except for humans that currently have a power (in other words: L, Watari as long as L is still alive, Near when L is dead and Mello when L is dead will not be seer'd red when holding a death note).
  • If a human holds a Death Note, he will gain vigi powers.
  • If a wolf holds a Death Note, he will be able to wolf. Without Death Note, a wolf team is unable to wolf. Only one wolfing goes through each night, which is the first one sent to me.
  • In order to trade a death note, both the sender and the reciever must agree.
  • Death Notes do not dissapear, except by the power of Mello.
  • If a player who holds a Death Note is wolf'd or vigi'd, the player that sent the PM to me will obtain the Death Note.
  • If a player who holds a Death Note is lynched, the player that casted the first vote will obtain the Death Note.

Wolves do not know eachother.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game

Waddle Bro

Sheikah, I would gladly vote and play your game, but 16 players is simply way too much. I recommend 12-13 players.