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TWG XLV: Host 1-Ups

Started by Mashi, December 15, 2012, 06:54:11 PM

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the_last_sheikah's TWG XLV: Red vs. Blue: Revenge
3 (13.6%)
SocialFox's TWG XLV: Bleach Themed Mystery Game
0 (0%)
BlackDragonSlayer's TWG XLV: The Dangerous Flora and Fauna of Umbra
2 (9.1%)
davy's TWG XLV: The Notebooks of Death
1 (4.5%)
The Boy Who Cried Wolf's TWG XLV: Harry Potter and the Enchanted Wands
0 (0%)
shadowkirby's TWG XLV: Doctor Two
7 (31.8%)
9 (40.9%)

Total Members Voted: 22


Quote from: davy on December 16, 2012, 06:34:57 AM1. Yagami Light (master wolf,
the first time eighter he or Misa would be seer'd red (in which case he will be noticed), he can PM the host, who will sent his death note to a random normal human (not Near or Mello) to remove all deathnotes attached to wolves temporal. The player who recieves the death note will play for the wolf team. If that player is lynched, the Death Note that that player had in his/her possession will return to Light, and all other Death Notes that were removed will return to their previous owner, if possible, otherwise, they will go to Light.
If L dies, Light will be told the Identy of Mikami, if he's still alive.
If Light dies, Mikami becomes Light (in which case he loses all his powers and obtains all powers Light has), if he's still alive. If he isn't, Misa becomes Light. A player who becomes Light will recieve a new role PM from the host, and will recieve all PM's sent to, and sent by the previous Light.)
If Light has no partners left, and he's seer'd red, he'll die instantly.
2. Amane Misa (master wolf, will obtain seering powers if she holds a death note. The first time she would die, she survives, L dies (if he's still alive), and Light will obtain Rem's Death note.)
3. Mikami Teru (master wolf, will obtain seering powers if he holds a death note)
Wait what... what's the point of a seering if all the wolves are green anyways; the death notes make even less sense... :S
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



Harry Potter and the Enchanted Wands
Hogwarts, the school of Wizardry is open once again, as usual on the opening day Professor Dumbledore has an assembly which includes stuff about how the schools improved over the holidays and all that rubbish.After the assembly Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley quickly group up and take a trip to Hagrid's, their half giant friend. Although when they get to Hagrid's, noone is there. This is odd for Hagrid because usually he's in his hut until round about Lunch, not class times these days as he doesn't exactly teach much. Harry and the Gang decide to look through the woods for him and unfortunetly they didn't find any sign of him. Something strange is in the woods though and the whole gang can sense it, just as they decide to turn back out of nowhere a tree branch swoops down at throws them away into a part of the woods that's never been walked through. They go walking around, trying to find there way back but really, they don't know which way they came. They end up walking in some direction only hearing wrong cry a few times along the way as giant spiders and all sorts of bugs from the unknown are trailing through the leaves, they decide to stop when they find a stone cave of some sort nearby. Something is weird about this cave though, when they go in it looks as if someone just came out, it's warm and the ashes from a fire are still scattered in the middle. On a table though is a small brown sack, a sack full of wands and a note. On the note it reads;

To Whom it may concern,
You may find it strange that I left a sack of wands lying around but I don't want them anymore. Reason being these wands are enchanted and only contain one power that is activated by saying the name of a nearby person. The thing is with the wands although the hold great power I only need one wand to keep happy, an ordanairy one! That way I can do any spell I want without searching through my sack of wands, so I'm just giving them away and I don't care who takes them!
On the side of the wands it's written what they can do, kill someone, protect someone, identify someone, there is all sorts in there! Well I better be off, ta ta.

Of course without thinking Harry grabs the sack and runs out the cave to try find the school, Ron follows because he's just creeped out by the whole place but Hermione, she's worried and chases after Harry before he can get away, she calls out telling him this could be a bad idea but of course Harry convinces her and they are off to try and find the school again.

In the end they manage to find it and make it back just in time for lunch, they grab themselves a sandwich each and rush to the library to take a closer look at the wands. As they do so Draco Malfoy see's what they are doing and tells everyone in the lunch hall until the rumours are spread out through the whole school. Most people don't bother with it though but people who are close to Harry, good or bad decide to take interest. After the examining done by Hermione and the joking around done by Harry and Ron they decide to each take a wand then store the rest in Harry's room, because of course he is the best.

It's not long before Draco finds out where the wands are and once again he goes spreading around where the wands are. Even some teachers find out and they are really keen on getting their hands on some. Draco also told his father Lucius Malfoy and now the death eaters know, the expect Harry might use them for starting a war against them and defeating Voldemort but of course they won't allow that so they decide they'll have some too. When Harry and the Gang leave the room everyone starts going in, one at a time. Sneaking in, poofing in, you name it, they done it.

After the classes Harry and the gang go back to the room and find the wands missing, they decide they have some trouble on their hands and they can think of a few people who might have taken them, now that the wands are in the wrong hands they must defeat the people who are aiming for the same goal, taking over!

The HP Crew

Harry Potter- Kills a player every night phase.

Hermione Granger- Guards a living player each night, if the guarded player is targeted Hermione will find out who targeted the player but not the ability or role.

Ron Weasley- Terrified of almost everything, any noise he heard he runs so he was smart to match his personality with his wand and picked up one that could make him move at super speed. All actions have a 75% chance of working on him and because he moves so fast no one really knows who he is or what his goal his, that's why he is seered red.

Hedwig-Hedwig Harry's owl unfortunetly didn't get any wands, because he is always up there in the sky he knows where Harry is. Each night can send a message to Harry to help him with his killing decision, Hedwig cannot reveal who he is, doing so would punish himself and his team. He can tell his role in the game thread though, just not through a Pm to anyone of any sort. Knows Harry. Seered orange because he is a bird without a wand.

Dobby- "You shall not harm harry potter", This little elf is the reason why Harry hasn't died ten times already, as long as Dobby is alive 50% of all actions used on harry will go on Dobby instead.

Fred and George Weasley- These 2 guys are commical characters, they know each other and they are inventors. Each night they work out together who they will give a power to. They can choose from the following:
1. Investigation
2. Roleblock
3. Kill
4. Guard
5. Jail
Note:The Weasley Brothers don't find out the results of the action, they only send them to someone then the person they sent them to deals with the rest. They can only send each action once.

Normal Students x2- Nothing special, Millers.

The Horrids

Voldemort- It's only Harry that can kill Voldemort, if Voldemort is lynched the person with the second most amount of votes will die instead. Voldemort is a Sniper, when he kills someone it will be noted in the thread asap with the time of the killing. This means that Voldemort's kill will be said in the middle of a phase and not at the end. He can only do this 3 times though.

Note: Even if Voldemort has used all his snipes, if someone claims his wand it will still contain 1 more snipe. If Harry dies then anyone call kill voldemort.

Wormtail- When he was picking out of Harry's sack of Wand's he quickly took one that would have a 100% chance of redirecting all abilities used on Voldemort onto him. He is seer'd orange because he likes to turn into Rot's pet, a rat.

Note for The Horrids: All The Horrid's know each other and the leader of the Wolfing's is Wormtail. If Wormtail Dies then Bellatrix Lestrange will take over leader of the Wolfing's so on, so on.

The Goons.

Note: Some of The Goons may be good people, bad people or both good and bad, the point is though they are aiming for the same goal.

Draco Malfoy- When he was taking his wand he took one that every night he could scan a player to see if they are Harry Potter. If they are then they are recruited to The Goods, if they aren't he still knows their colour. If Draco dies when Harry is in The Goons then Harry will stay in the Group.

Professor Dumbledore- Because Dumbledore is Professor at Hogwarts, he is a nice caring person because of this he only kills someone every even numbered phase.

Crabbe and Goyle- Crabbe and Doyle don't have much of an ability but when it came to choosing a wand they chose one that if the 2 Guys voted for the same person then instead of the vote counting for 2, it will count for 5. They know each other.

Note: If Crabbe or Goyle dies then the other's vote will count for 2.5, if the two of them die and the wand is claimed then the person who claimed it's vote will count for 2.5 for the rest of their life.

Professor McGonagall- A theif. Each night she will turn into a cat and slyly take something from a player, she mainly only goes out in public now as a cat as noone bothers with a cat, the downside of being a cat is that you have bad eyesight. This is why she takes something, so she can try and figure out
who the player is.

In this game most people have a wand taken from Harry's sack explained in the story. When someone has died the host will post in the thread
"A wand has been dropped!"
If you think you were in the same team as the person that dies you must put
"I claim *Dead persons username's* Wand"
For example:

Host:End of Night 1, Bob died.

Host:A wand has been dropped!

Sussanna: I claim Bob's Wand

Make sure you bold and underline your claims.
Everyone can make up to 3 claims, if you use up your 3 claims you can no longer claim a role and you lose your vote for the next 2 days.

After 2 more days you will receive another claim. And your Votes will be restored.

Once you claim a role you are sent a pm by the host via your role pm telling you whether or not you received a role, if you did the role will be said if you didn't nothing will happen.

Most roles only last for 1 more shot unless otherwise stated.

Eg. A killing power was dropped, someone claimed it, you only get a 1 shot kill.

Things to remember:

1.Vote using
Vote: *Username*

if possible unvote using
Unvote: *Username*
2. Only 1 post is allowed once you are dead, don't reveal any game info though.
3. When confirming in thread make sure you put "..." at the end of the post so I know you read this.
4. If unsure about something, ask me via pm.
5. The wolves know each other.
6. This game is closed communication! (no talking outwith thread unless stated otherwise in your role pm)
7. This game allows speed lynches.
8. The host is always right. If I'm wrong refer back to the first sentence of this rule.
9. Roles are not revealed upon death
10. This is a 3 team game.
11. The Horrids know each other.
12. The Goons don't know each other.
13. The HP Crew don't know each other.

Thats it, will add/remove roles if needed.


Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Waddle Bro on December 16, 2012, 09:23:00 AMSheikah, I would gladly vote and play your game, but 16 players is simply way too much. I recommend 12-13 players.
Well when Bird helped me balance it, he said it was too wolf sided, so he said to add more humans and overcharge the A.I. powers.  If people vote for it, but there aren't enough, then I might drop a human or two, but only if needed.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


I'll probably be making the poll tomorrow at 10PM EST if there are no objections, since I think that everyone who desires to host has posted his/her game.


So does anyone not want me playing their game?


Quote from: SocialFox on December 16, 2012, 08:33:52 PMSo does anyone not want me playing their game?
Hmm... I'm not too sure:
When you're really devoted, you seem to do a great job.
When you're not... uh... :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 16, 2012, 11:18:26 AMWait what... what's the point of a seering if all the wolves are green anyways; the death notes make even less sense... :S
Yay, finaly someone who comments on my game.

All wolves will only be seer'd green when they don't have a death note. They need the note in order to wolf. This means that a wolf that can wolf will be seer'd red, and a wolf that can't wolf will be seer'd green.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: davy on December 16, 2012, 10:50:50 PMYay, finaly someone who comments on my game.

All wolves will only be seer'd green when they don't have a death note. They need the note in order to wolf. This means that a wolf that can wolf will be seer'd red, and a wolf that can't wolf will be seer'd green.
I commented on your game, I think.

And Maybe for Aesthetic reasons make the humans the Task force Members (Aizawa, Matsuda etc.) but have them just told they're human.


TWG XLV: Doctor Two
(I would be able to be a dedicated host if the game started Saturday.
If not some else can)

1. Dalek
    Special power: Exterminate
    Same as a brutal wolf.
2. Rassilon
    Special power: The hand of Omega
    Rassilon can use the hand of omega to alter a player's colour.
3. Cyberman
    Special power: Upgrading
    When only two wolves are left alive, The Cyberman can upgrade a human into a basic wolf. (they lose their power)
4. Weeping Angel
    Special power: Blink
    If no one votes for the weeping angel two phases in a row, the weeping angel can vigi any one player

5. The 11th Doctor
    Power: "Look at me, I'm a target!"
    The Doctor can distract the wolves from wolfing another player. (Guarding)

6. Captain Jack Harkness

    Power: "Hello, I'm Captain Jack Harkness. What's your name?"
    Captain Jack uses his manliness to find out another player's colour. (Seering)

7. River Song
    Power: "Hello Sweetie"
    River uses her hallucinogenic lipstick to redirect a wolfing. (One time use)

8. Companion
9. Companion
10. Companion
11. Companion
12. Companion
13. Companion

14. Ood (Miller)

Sonic Screwdriver
Can be used to unlock a player's identity. (seering item)
Can be recieved every night phase by correctly answering a piece of Doctor Who trivia.

Allows the player who recieves it at the start of the game to travel either back in time (redo a phase)
Or forwards in time (skip a phase)
Only distributed once.

Future sonic screwdriver: Stores a dead player's conscience. Can be used to ask one question of a dead player. (They must answer truthfully)
Can be recieved in the same way as the regular Sonic.


Human. Your basic, generic, bipedal life-forms. (Includes previously human as well)

Timelord: The Doctor, River Song, the Weeping Angel (go watch the End of Time part 2), and Rassilon fall into this category. If they are killed, they can either regenerate, (be revived), or transfer their energy into a dead player, reviving them (like the end of series 4).
Timelords can regenerate twice.
If all Timelords are alive and have found each other's identities, they can form an alliance, with the power to wolf and lynch. If two timelords are killed during the alliance, they will be locked inside the timewar, and the remaing groups will both win. If one of the Timelords has the TARDIS, that timelord alone can escape the timewar, or if the alliance has not been formed, then can use the timelock on the other living timelords. The timelords win if when they are allied, they eliminate all others groups (excluding two survivors.)
I like food.

Waddle Bro

Calls dibs on the Doctor Who game because a fan.

Shadowkirby, I made a few changes to the game so it wouldn't end in February. Also even though this kills me inside, I removed the trivia. It would be unfair to people who want to play, but don't even know what is a "weeping angel". Now I think it seems playable.

TWG XLV: Doctor Two

1. Dalek - Master Brutal Wolf
    Special power: Exterminate
2. Rassilon - Wolf Painter
    Special power: The hand of Omega
    Rassilon can use the hand of omega to alter a player's colour.
3. Cyberman - Wolf Converter
    Special power: Upgrading
    When only two wolves are left alive, The Cyberman can upgrade a human into a basic wolf. (they lose their power)
4. Weeping Angel - Wolf Vigilante
    Special power: Blink
    If no one votes for the weeping angel two phases in a row, the weeping angel can vigi any one player

5. The 11th Doctor - Guardian
    Power: "Look at me, I'm a target!"
    The Doctor can distract the wolves from wolfing another player.

6. Captain Jack Harkness - Public Seer

    Power: "Hello, I'm Captain Jack Harkness. What's your name?"
    Captain Jack uses his manliness to find out another player's colour.
7. River Song - Forge
    Power: "Hello Sweetie"
    River uses her hallucinogenic lipstick to redirect a wolfing. (One time use)

8. Companion - Human
9. Companion - Human
10. Companion - Human
11. Companion - Human
12. Companion - Human
13. Companion - Human

14. Ood - Miller

Sonic Screwdriver
Can be used to unlock a player's identity. (Public seering item)
Distributed randomly in Night 1.

Allows the player who recieves it at the start of the game to travel either back in time (redo a phase)
Or forwards in time (skip a phase)
Distributed randomly in Night 1.

Future Sonic Screwdriver: Stores a dead player's conscience. Can be used to ask one question of a dead player. (They must answer truthfully)
Distributed randomly in Night 1.


Human. Your basic, generic, bipedal life-forms. (Includes previously human as well)

Timelord: The Doctor, River Song, the Weeping Angel and Rassilon fall into this category. If they are killed, they can either regenerate(be revived), or transfer their energy into a dead player, reviving them.
Timelords can regenerate once.


Quote from: SocialFox on December 16, 2012, 10:54:06 PMI commented on your game, I think.

And Maybe for Aesthetic reasons make the humans the Task force Members (Aizawa, Matsuda etc.) but have them just told they're human.

I thought about that, but than it would only matter in the story, and I'd prefer giving players names in the story after they died so that I can follow the timeline.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game

Waddle Bro

Mashi change the thread title to "Host 1-Ups"


Any comments on my game? Hope I'm not the only one voting it this time..


I'm Hoping TWC Doesn't forget to put my game in this time.

Doesn't really matter anyway, as soon as one person puts a Pokemon Game for the Poll.