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The Idiot Ranting Thread

Started by blueflower999, November 12, 2012, 07:04:41 PM

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Who is/are the biggest idiot(s)?

The kids in "Lunch Scholars" who don't know a thing about U.S. or world history (By me)
3 (11.5%)
Al Gore who claimed that he invented the internet (By me)
3 (11.5%)
Apples=Oranges, Pineapples=/=Apples, so Apples=/=Oranges...? (By FSM)
4 (15.4%)
Taking forever to learn .brstms (By Dude)
1 (3.8%)
Google not knowing what Final Fantasy 12 is! (By Yugi)
0 (0%)
Orgasm with a leaf-blower! (By FSM)
2 (7.7%)
Not knowing what a Nazi is O_o (By Bubbles)
2 (7.7%)
Having sex with 8-13 year olds O_____O (By Yugi)
6 (23.1%)
Ceasar=Salad Dressing (By Bubbles)
1 (3.8%)
Going to Latin! (By Bubbles)
1 (3.8%)
Seasons are caused by the Earth's orbit! .... Right? (By Zunawe)
2 (7.7%)
France surviving the apocalypse (By Yugi)
1 (3.8%)
Toshinori Oda in Battle Royale (By Yugi)
2 (7.7%)
Kids not knowing what an RPG is (By me)
4 (15.4%)
Judge Ghis from FFXII (By Yugi)
0 (0%)
Oracle of Ages=Pokemon (By Kman)
6 (23.1%)
Annoying people repeatedly adding you on Facebook (By Dude)
2 (7.7%)
Kids pretending they're drunk (By TBWCW)
4 (15.4%)
People not knowing how to drive! (By ZeldaFan)
1 (3.8%)
Sloth=Star Wars (By Bubbles)
1 (3.8%)
Wanting to see an old woman pooping at the beach (By Bubbles)
5 (19.2%)
Being as pumped up as a bouncy house (By Bubbles)
3 (11.5%)
Everyone in The Happening (By Yugi)
2 (7.7%)
Prince of Bel-Air shuts down school (By Bubbles)
1 (3.8%)
Assassinating an emperor in broad daylight (By Yugi)
2 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 26


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

Waddle Bro

q: have you learned the alphabets yet




My boss legit yelled at me because I called in sick at work. Hmm ok next time I'm just gonna barf at work and try to make sure that everyone gets sick too. I need a new job. -_____-
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


Well, as an ex-high school student...

I had been to school most all the time and could spell and read and write just a little, and could say the multiplication table up to six times seven is thirty-five, and I don't reckon I could ever get any further than that if I was to live forever.  I don't take no stock in mathematics, anyway.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on November 19, 2013, 05:38:19 AMPlus, when you're the only person in your precalc class who can do 33-16 without a calculator, there's GOT to be a problem.

If your class isn't doing derivations, then I'm already disappointed.


Nope sorry.  We're doing stupid stuff with polynomials...  We're literally doing the EXACT SAME STUFF AS LAST YEAR in Adv. Algebra II...  Like Descartes' Rule, finding the asymptotes, etc.  So yeah, people are stupid.


I'm in Honors Algebra II and we're already more than a quarter into the school year and still doing basic algebra (radicals, quadratic formula, etc). No one's even having that much trouble with it, so idk what they want. I'm just wondering how the regular classes are ever going to get to anything


So this morning my mom woke me up at 7:00 A.M. and told me that I had a doctor's appointment at 7:30. I reminded her that I had Jazz Band, and she just said, "Oh, I guess you'll have to miss it sorry." So I was a little miffed because I wasn't going to be able to get to Jazz Band.

It gets better. Once I got to school and tried to explain to my director why I wasn't there, he blew a gasket. "well why don't you have a note from the doctor what doctor is even open at 7:30 A.M. i'm supposed to be featuring you this year do you have any idea how bad this looks you're a senior start acting like one" and I was || THIS close to punching him.

(the lines are supposed to represent my fingers showing how close I was to punching him.)

so uh that's my story hope you enjoyed it.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: Bubbles on November 19, 2013, 04:56:37 PMI'm in Honors Algebra II and we're already more than a quarter into the school year and still doing basic algebra (radicals, quadratic formula, etc). No one's even having that much trouble with it, so idk what they want. I'm just wondering how the regular classes are ever going to get to anything
This is the way it was for me too. Don't worry, you'll get into logarithms and conics at the end of the year and those are much more interesting.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


My teacher is pretty annoying too though. She's told us at least two times now that she's not going to teach us a certain thing because "its too hard" or she "doesn't like it", while the other teachers teach their students. And from what I've heard from other classes, she's skipping even more than what shes telling us

Honestly if we have to wait that long to get to something new I'd rather have it all crammed into Algebra I and not have to take II at all


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on November 19, 2013, 08:09:27 AMWhat's even worse is our school is like in the top 20 for Minnesota testing levels...

Quote from: SlowPokemon on November 19, 2013, 08:11:13 AMMinnesota

Michele Bachmann

Quote from: Roz~ on November 19, 2013, 10:56:14 AMMy boss legit yelled at me because I called in sick at work. Hmm ok next time I'm just gonna barf at work and try to make sure that everyone gets sick too. I need a new job. -_____-

Sneeze onto something everyone touches and then tell them they have something in their eye right after they do.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: FierceDeity on November 19, 2013, 11:25:39 AMIf your class isn't doing derivations, then I'm already disappointed.
I don't actually believe that precalc is supposed to get into derivatives (assuming that's what you meant by derivations). The most that I can see is the power rule, but even the limit definition seems a little advanced for a precalc class to me. It's supposed to cover things like limits in a way that one could understand them on the level required in calculus without learning any calculus.

If you meant derivations as in proofs, then ignore my statement and I agree.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


An idiot contest? Finally something I have a chance of winning.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Zunawe on November 19, 2013, 06:53:19 PMI don't actually believe that precalc is supposed to get into derivatives (assuming that's what you meant by derivations). The most that I can see is the power rule, but even the limit definition seems a little advanced for a precalc class to me. It's supposed to cover things like limits in a way that one could understand them on the level required in calculus without learning any calculus.

If you meant derivations as in proofs, then ignore my statement and I agree.

Haha, nope, didn't mean derivatives XD yeah by derivations I essentially meant proofs, although they're technically different processes (at least, in the way that I've been taught).