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The Life and Times of FSM-Reapr

Started by FSM-Reapr, November 11, 2012, 01:49:47 PM

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May I present you;
The Life and Times of FSM-Reapr

This thread is for the story only.
Please do not post anything on this thread.
Anything you want to discuss about should be posted on the DISCUSSION THREAD!

Thank you, FSM-Reapr.


Chapter 1: A Mystical Scale

Here I was. Swimming in a pool near my home. We kids of the Resort Area were finally allowed to use the pool because the shiny Magikarp that did something to the poor Swimmer had now been captured. You'd think that a Magikarp wouldn't be able to hurt anybody even on purpose, but that Magikarp is different. There's not even a proper adjective for that! Maybe f-

"Reapr! Over here, Reapr! Look what I found!"

That's my friend, Caroline. She's always seaking for new Pokemon and she even owns a Shuckle! I'm so jealous. Her mother gave it to her when she turned 6! I'm 14, and I don't even own a Pokemon!
I could have gotten my stepfather's Kricketune last year to help me improve my skills with the violin, but I turned it down. After my father died, it didn't take long for my stepfather to take his place as a Frontier Brain. Yes, you heard me. My father was a Frontier Brain.

"Reapr!" Caroline shouted with an angry look on her face. "Come look, NOW!"

"Coming!" I said. "Sorry, I was thinking of something else."

"It's okay." she said. "Now look at this!"

She showed me a golden scale. It was shining.

"Where did you find that scale?" I asked. "It's definitely not something you see every day."

"I found it underwater." she answered. "I was trying to teach my Shuckle Dive, but that didn't work the way I expected."

"What did you expect?" I asked. "Never mind, that's not important. Can I hold that scale?"

"NO!" she yelled!

"Wynaut!" I yelled back!

"Because it's my...precious..." she said while staring at the scale. "Naah, I'm just messing with y-"

"NO, BEHIND YOU!" I yelled! "A WYNAUT!"

"Ooh, a Wynaut in Resort Area! Interesting..." she said while looking at the Wynaut's left ear. It had a tattoo on it.

Then suddenly the Wynaut started to run towards Caroline! It jumped and grabbed the scale from Caroline's hand and ran back to the forest!

"After it!" I yelled!



Chapter 2: Wynaut, a Battle?

"There! I see him!" Caroline yelled! "He's running towards the open field in the middle of the forest!"

"One question." I said while being exhausted from running. "How do you know it's a he?"

"Did you not see that Wynaut's tattoo?!" she asked with a weird tone.

I noticed that she was getting tired carrying her Shuckle.

"Right. Of course." I answered with a dumb look on my face.

We finally found our way to the field. There was a man. He seemed to be waiting for us.

"Who are you? Why did you send your Wynaut to steal that scale? Do you know something about that scale?" Caroline bombed him with questions.

"Enough." the man said. "It's time to battle. The winner gets the scale. If you somehow manage to win, I'll tell you what's so mysterious or should I say, frivolous in that scale."

"You take our scale and you lure us to a forest at least two miles away from home." I said. "And you even refuse to tell us about yourself?"

"Fair enough." he said. "I'm a global moderator of a famous website."

"*cough*pedobear*cough*" Caroline interrupts.

"I'll tell you the rest of the story if you manage to beat me." the man continued. "So, which one of you dweebs will battle me?"

"I would, but I don't have any Pokemon." I said with a depressed tone.

"So I guess I will have to step up." Caroline said, while trying to hide her excitement.

She came forward and the battle was now able to begin.

"Go! Wynaut!" the mystery man shouted!

"Go Shuckle! You can do it!" Caroline yelled!

"Okay, this is my first battle. I must do my best!" Caroline gave herself a pep talk. "Shuckle, use Wrap!"

Shuckle wrapped himself tightly around the Wynaut and starts squeezing the Wynaut, but then the mystery man said;

"Wynaut, use Counter."

Wynaut attacks Shuckle with a much larger force.

"WHAAAAT???" Caroline yelled. "What is this move?!"

"The physical damage the Pokemon has taken this turn will be given double to the opponent" the man said with a small grin on his face.

Shuckle is in big trouble. His high defense stats are no use to Counter. Wait. "I know how you can beat him!" I yelled.

"How? He'll just Counter me when I attack!" she said.

"Hmph. You might as well give up. Face it kid, you had no chance to beat me even from the start." the man said with still the small grin on his face.

"Use Shuckle's new move!" I yelled.

"Oh right! Shuckle, use Struggle Bug!" Caroline said. You were able to see the determination from her beautiful, blue eyes.

Shuckle manages to pull that off while still wrapped closely to the Wynaut, it's super effective and Wynaut has only a little bit of health left.

"Wynaut, just use Counter and finish off the Shuckle." the man said calmly.

Wynaut failed to Counter. "What!? That's not possible!" the man yelled with a desperate look on his face.

"Looks like you failed." I said. "Even though Shuckle is in contact with the Wynaut, Struggle Bug is still a special move. Good job Caroline!"

"Thanks Reapr!" she said with a lovely smile. "I can now finish him off with one move!"

"Not so fast. Wynaut, use Destiny Bond." he said. "If my Wynaut gets taken down, he won't be the only one."

"Hmph. I don't care." Caroline said while she was clearly trying to hide her smile. "Shuckle, don't do anything."

"You fool! You can't win without attacking!" he said while laughing "There's no way you're going to win! Face the facts, kid!"

Suddenly the Shuckle squeezes the Wynaut, making the Wynaut faint!

"We won! WE WON!" Caroline said while jumping from joy!

"No, you won. I would have never remembered that Wrap is a multi-turn move." I said while I was going to hug her.

After a minute filled with hugs...

"Okay. Now give us back our scale!" Caroline said with a dramatic look on her face. "And tell us who you are!"

"You beat me in a fair game." he said. "I must honor our deal. My name is Kefka."

"Like the Palazzo?" Caroline interrupted.

"Hey, it's rude to interrupt!" Kefka said. "Anyways, the golden scale that you foun-"

"What about it?!" Caroline interrupted again.

"What did I just tell you 5 seconds ago?!" Kefka started yelling. "So, about the scale. It's from the legendary shiny Magikarp that was captured by a person called Mashi."

"You mean the guy who didn't lure small children into the woods?" I said with a sarcastic tone. Caroline giggled a bit.

"Just shut up and listen." Kefka said.

"You're the one to tell who's being rude..." Caroline said.

"It's rumored that a scale from that same Magikarp, could open an underwater cavern in the desert located in north from the Resort Area." Kefka started talking. "You proved that you're better to handle this than me. That's why I want you to go find out what's in that cavern, if there even is one. Do you think you can handle it?"

"Wow, of course!" Caroline answered. "Exciting, isn't it, Reapr?

"Totes!" I said.

"Leave whenever you like to." Kefka said. "I recommend avoiding all grass on your trip to the pond. The Pokemon on the way are incredibly strong!"

"Okay, although we don't want you to come with us. You're creepy." I said. "If you'll ever try to come near to us, I will sue your ass."

"Hmph. You still better tell me what you found from there." Kefka said. It was obvious that he was disappointed.

Then Kefka went to search Oran Berries for his fainted Wynaut. We headed back home.



Chapter 3: Two Teens, Three Pokemon and a Lawsuit (Part 1)

After a(nother) battle against a Rhydon with a Shuckle...

"NOOO, SHUCKLE!!!" Caroline screamed! "GET UP!!!"

The Shuckle was laying on the ground, fainted. His shell has a big hole in it.

"Okay, I give up." I said. "How are we going to find out a mystery when we can't even get TO THE DESERT!!!"

"You haven't even done anything, you Slakoth!" Caroline said with a look that could have melted the entire Alyos.

"You have tried now for four times to beat a Rhydon with Wrap. Just accept the fact that you won only once thanks to that move. You can't win always because of that. Especially when a Rhydon can easily hit Shuckle with Horn Drill thanks to Wrap and Shuckle's slow movement. Also maybe the fact that the Rhydon is like 50 levels higher than your Shuckle makes it difficult for you to win." I pointed out. "Also we should start planning our equipment for the desert and if we are going to go underwater, we might need some oxygen."

"Hey." she said. "We're from Resort Area. We have spent our entire lives in a town with nothing but swimming pools and a pond. I guess you could say we can spend a few minutes underwater."

"I guess so, but you know how afraid I am even if my head just goes underwater." I said feeling sweat on my forehead.

"Let's go back home and heal Shuckle." Caroline said, trying to smile. "Thank God for those magical machines that make hospitals nowadays unimportant."

"Yeah, though I wonder if I had cancer in here, where would I go?" I said.

Ten minutes later...

"What now? I think we should spend the time by going to find the equipment we need." Caroline said.

"Let's go to sleep and make a list of everything we need tomorrow, okay? I feel pretty tired." I said while yawning.

"Okay. Good night." she said.

The next day, at the pond...

"Morning, sunshine!" Caroline said. She seemed to have recovered from the bitter losses yesterday. "I was up all night thinking what we need."

"Well?" I said. I was still sleepy.

"We need Potions, maybe some Revives and Full Heals, just in case." she said. "Maybe your dad could bring us some from the Fight Area."

"Stepdad." I had to make it clear. "But I'll ask him. Anything else?"

"Oh, I almost forgot. Two pairs of Go-Go-Goggles because of the sandstorms there." she said.

"You can't get those from here." I said. "But I do recall that Miss Fantina has at least couple of them. Almost all Gym Leaders have those; it's a basic equipment to see the battle if the opponent uses the move Sandstorm. Miss Fantina should come here tomorrow to get her Pokemon the usual treatment from the Ribbon Syndicate. I'll have my mom call her tonight; they are friends from years back."

"So I guess we can have a day off. Good thing we don't have school." she said, smiling.

"I thought you were trying to defeat that Rhydon. What happened?" I asked.

"I don't want to see my Shuckle get hurt. It broke my heart to see him suffer yesterday." she said. She was getting sad. I knew I had to cheer her up somehow.

"What would you say if we would go see Captain Louie on Route 230?" I asked. "I would love to hear his story how he became the King of Bugs!"

She started smiling again.

"Okay. I still wonder why he decided to become a sea captain after he quit his job as a successful astronaut." she said.



Chapter 4: Two Teens, Three Pokemon and a Lawsuit (Part 2)

At the Route 230...

"Hello Captain Louie!" I greeted him.

"Hi kids!" Captain Louie greeted us back. "What brings you here?"

"We just wanted to come and say hi to our favorite captain!" Caroline said. "Also we wanted to hear your story about how you became an astronaut and then you became a sea captain!"

"Again? Well, it all started when Mr. President Stone hired me. I left Fight Area and went to the Mossdeep City in the Hoenn region." Captain Louie said.

He continued that story for three and a half hours. After he finished telling his story...

"Woah, what a cool story!" Caroline said.

"That was simply amazing." I said.

"Well thank you." Captain Louie smiled. "Oh, looks like your Shuckle has gotten stronger since we last met. Have you battled behind your mother's back?"

"Um..." She didn't think anything good to say to that.

"It's okay. I won't tell anyone." Captain Louie smiled again. "However, would you like a Poke Ball for your Shuckle? It might be more useful than carrying him all over the place."

"Sure, why not." Caroline said.

"Where?" I asked.

Captain Louie gave Caroline a Poke Ball from a cardboard box.

"Poke Ball, go!" she shouted! The Poke Ball started shaking. "C'mon, c'mon..."

The Poke Ball suddenly released sparks that looked like stars. Shuckle was now officially caught!

"Yaay!" she said and started smiling.

"Congratulations! It seems that you and Shuckle have bonded extremely well." Captain Louie said.

"Cool. Um... Captain... Could I have some Poke Balls?" I asked and I started blushing. I'm never feel asking something.

"You know I can't give them if your parents won't give a permission." he said. "I gave one to Caroline, because I knew for sure that her parents gave that Shuckle to her. I know your history. Actually, I still remember you bringing a Trubbish to your home."

"Oh yeah... good times..." I laughed.

Then I did something that I knew I would regret someday.

"Captain Louie, look! Is that the purple Wailord, your friend, Captain Ahab has always been talking about?" I lied.

He turned around. "Where? I can't see it."

Caroline was shocked that I was lying, but she luckily didn't say a thing. Or she was just thinking "Where, WHERE?!".

I sneaked behind Captain Louie's back and I managed to crab two Poke Balls.

"Happy April Fools' Day!" I yelled!

"Hahaha! You got me there!" Captain Louie said.

"But it's July." Caroline pointed out.

"Stop being such a party-blooper." I said to Caroline. "I guess we should be going now. Right, Caroline?"

"But it's..."

"Caroline says yes."

"Well, it was nice to see you kids again." Captain Louie said. "Tell your parents that I said hi."

"Will do. Bye!" I said.

After we were that far away that we weren't able to see Mr. Louie's boat...

"Okay, take a look at these!" I said.

"Poke Balls?" Caroline asked. "I thought Captain Louie didn't gave those to you. Wait."

"Here it comes..." I said.

"YOU STOLE THEM!!!" Caroline was shocked. "Why? I thought you were a man of honor."

"Wait..." I noticed something. "Did you just see a HUMONGOUS Thunder in Resort Area?"