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Started by Bubbles, November 11, 2012, 12:34:48 PM

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Just wondering since I couldnt find it anywhere else, how many pieces of sheet music for a game series must there be until a whole new section is opened? Meaning when does a series get moved from the "other" section to its own section on the main site?


This is what I've been wondering for a long time, Bubbles. Thanks for asking this.

Many of the sections do have quite a few sheets, but then there are some others that I feel if they get their own section, there should be others added. My biggest complaint is the Dragon Quest section. As much as I love the series, it has FOUR SHEETS. -_-
Actually, it has a few more, but for some reason Dragon Warrior (i.e., Dragon Quest I) is under "More", which doesn't make sense.

Fire Emblem, Harvest Moon, and Metal Gear Solid are also severely lacking in my sight, the latter also only having FOUR SHEETS. I feel that we should have our sections on the site based on how many sheets have been made for the series, not necessarily how popular the series is. Of course, popularity usually comes with sheets, but if people aren't arranging for the series, why have a category for it?

I would propose either removing the Dragon Quest and Metal Gear categories, or adding categories for series that have similar numbers of songs arranged for them in the "More" category, namely Advance Wars, Dark Cloud, DDR, Mother/EarthBound, Kingdom Hearts, Ace Attorney, Pikmin, or others.

In other words, I would rather have a more objective way to categorize sheets, rather than leaving it up to the mod's opinions.

But, of course, this is just my thinking.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I was actually thinking about how many sheets we had to make and submit until Professor Layton had its own category but that works too :P At first I thought it was the number of different games the series had, since 5 different categories in the "more" sections for one game would seem ridiculous if each one had only one song. Then I looked at the Animal Crossing section, which even though it has 2 games each game has alot of sheets for it.


Quote from: Bubbles7689 on November 11, 2012, 12:53:31 PMI was actually thinking about how many sheets we had to make and submit until Professor Layton had its own category but that works too :P At first I thought it was the number of different games the series had, since 5 different categories in the "more" sections for one game would seem ridiculous if each one had only one song. Then I looked at the Animal Crossing section, which even though it has 2 games each game has alot of sheets for it.
Exactly. It's the inconsistency that stuns me. I would love for Professor Layton to have its own category.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I already complained about this long time ago. It's pretty dumb to have sections that have only four sheets in them.


There is no guideline to what a game series or its sheets have to have to make it its own section, it's just what it turned out to be.


^ Basically, yes. The fact that moving sheets away from Other to their own category isn't as easy as it should be is also a problem.

Once again: New site. Though I'm getting a bit worried with all these promises I'm making with it.


OK then. I can understand it if it's a pain to create new categories.

However, would it be too much to ask to move Dragon Warrior out of the "More" category and into the "Dragon Quest" one?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I think I could do that.. Let me take a look..

Oh yeah I can totally do that. It'll be done in like 15 mins



Thank you!  ;D

Sorry if I sound a little nit-picky.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Jamaha on November 11, 2012, 02:50:33 PM^ Basically, yes. The fact that moving sheets away from Other to their own category isn't as easy as it should be is also a problem.

Once again: New site. Though I'm getting a bit worried with all these promises I'm making with it.
How's that new site comin' along?
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman




._. Jamaha, your signature applies to the conversation.. Very much so.