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TWG XLIII Host Sign-ups

Started by vermilionvermin, November 03, 2012, 07:49:07 PM

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How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

The_Last_Sheikah's Red vs. Blue:  Revenge
3 (16.7%)
2 (11.1%)
MaestroUGC's My Name is Mephistopheles
8 (44.4%)
SlowPokemon's Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
0 (0%)
Jub3r7's It was only a Forum Game
0 (0%)
FSM-Reapr's The Pokemon League
4 (22.2%)
Socialfox's Mystery Game
1 (5.6%)

Total Members Voted: 18


Poll will probably be up 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Monday.  That's about 49 hours from now.


Social Productions Present BLEACH themed Mystery Game with 13 players.
Some of the Wackyness that may occur are wolves, Masons and Negation.

Also, every day phase there will be a question about pokemon, the first person to get it right gets a pat on the back.


Red vs. Blue: Revenge

The Meta: Cannot be wolfed.  Sends Host a PM each phase with a player's name.  If that player has an A.I., the Meta steals that A.I.

South Dakota: If South has an A.I. when she is lynched, she can choose to sacrifice her A.I., and future use of A.I., in exchange for survival.
Wyoming: Can end the phase instantly, one time only.  Anything that happens between his PM to the host to end the phase, and the host actually ending the phase, doesn't count.
Washington: Wolf painter.  Cannot use/receive A.I.s

Church: Seer
Tucker: Vigi, if the Meta is Vigi'd, Tucker dies instead.  One use only.
Caboose: Gaurdian
Sarge: Brutal, PMs host who will die with him if he is lynched.
Sister: Takes 2 wolfings to kill.
Lopez the Heavy: Reconstruction: If killed, and extra players are waiting to swap in, Lopez will be rebuilt after at least one phase, now controlled by the waiting player.
Doc: Human
Grif: Human
Simmons: Human
Doughnut: Human
Junior: Alien (Human)
Shelia: Tank (Human)

A.I. units(items):
Omega: Your vote counts as 3.
Gamma: You may extend the phase by 24 hours or end the phase instantly.
Delta: You can PM the host and ask either how many wolves remain, or how many A.I.s the Meta has.
Epsilon: You may freely talk with dead players via PM for only 1 phase.  PMs must be sent to the host.
Theta: You may send the host a message that will be posted anonymously at the end of the phase.
Sigma: You may nullify one player's vote and power that phase.

-The Meta wins if he gets all the A.I.s.
-The Meta is not part of either team, but still counts towards the human team.
-If the Meta is lynched, all A.I. units are destroyed.
-The A.I.s are randomly distributed night one.  After they are used, they are randomly given to another player.  A player who dies with an A.I. automatically gives the Meta their A.I.
-A player can hold onto an A.I. as long as they want(except omega).  If you have 2 or more A.I. in your possession for more than one phase(day or night), you will die and the Meta gains both A.I.

I've made a few small changes here and there, tell me what you guys think.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


I think I'll wait until next time to try as a host. :P Maybe gain some experience in different roles, hopefully.

Also, do I have to post my game idea at "TWG Suggestions, Comments, and Questions" first?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


And If you really want experience on roles, vote for my game.


Quote from: SocialFox on November 03, 2012, 08:23:10 PMNo.
And If you really want experience on roles, vote for my game.
Hrrrmmmm... trying to bribe me? :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


But seriously, it does have a lot of roles not normally used in TWG.



The world of Pokémon houses 649 known species. You've been one of these Pokémon all your life, but have never truly realized your potential. This is why Pokémon need trainers! But be careful... it's difficult to tell amongst Pokémon and trainers whose good, and who's just downright bad!
The wolf trainer (Rocket) does not know who his/her evil Pokemon partners are. The evil Pokemon know each other's identities, but not the Rocket member's identity.


1. Super Cool Rocket Grunt (wolf)
2. Derpy Youngster Trainer (human)


3. Evil Pokémon
4. Evil Pokémon
5. Evil Pokémon
6. Pokémon
7. Pokémon
8. Pokémon
9. Pokémon
10. Pokémon
11. Pokémon
12. Pokémon
13. Pokémon
14. Pokémon

While posting "in" in the player sign-up thread, players will also specify a generation of Pokémon (I-V). If they have no preference, they must say so. The host will then randomize all (fully evolved) Pokémon from that generation and decide who that player is.

Pokémon: Pokémon will be told what species they are with their role PM. Each Pokémon has a specific ability which no other Pokémon shares. No one knows what these powers are, but they pertain in some way to that species' uniqueness...

Trainers: Trainers can realize Pokémon potential! Each night phase, a trainer can pick a Pokémon to train, and they will be told what that Pokémon's specific ability is (the Pokémon will not be made aware of their new power by the host). Pokémon can be trained twice, with the second time enhancing that Pokémon's original ability. However, Youngster Trainer beware! Don't accidentally help a bad Pokémon, or it may come back to bite you in the end!

Regular win conditions apply
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


spitllama's game sounds... very interesting. I'm not too sure about it though. I'll have to wait to make any decisions until all the game ideas come in.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Spit did you read my post about how if someone picks pokemon they instantly win?


Quote from: spitllama on November 03, 2012, 08:33:39 PMDo you have any suggestions/concerns?
It seems a bit chaotic at first:
I'm not sure how the training would work if the Pokemon don't know what their new powers are; that could, in some cases, depending on WHAT the powers are, lead to unknowingly performing a different action than you intended? Or, how could they use the powers if they don't know about them?

It would be interesting to see a game where pretty much everyone has special powers, though...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on November 03, 2012, 08:44:01 PMIt seems a bit chaotic at first:
I'm not sure how the training would work if the Pokemon don't know what their new powers are; that could, in some cases, depending on WHAT the powers are, lead to unknowingly performing a different action than you intended? Or, how could they use the powers if they don't know about them?

It would be interesting to see a game where pretty much everyone has special powers, though...
Look at TWG XXXVII : Time for a history lesson.


The idea is that the trainer would just tell the Pokemon what their power is.

This makes it so that the Rocket Trainer doesn't have to disclose everything he finds out through training.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


TWG XLIII: My Name is Mephistopheles

12 Players:
1 Master Wolf (green)
2 Wolves (red)
Faust - Seer* (blue)
Gretchen - Guardian* (blue)
7 Humans (green)

*There's a 50/50 chance for seering and guardings to be effective. A coin flip will occur (best two out of three) between the two and the winner's power will work. The loser will be told (s)he lost the coin flip when they'd normally get results.

Let's make a deal,

I have three of my agents scattered amongst you, the goal of the game is to seek them out and kill them. I have given to you, and only by the Grace of God, two allies to help you in this task. I'd rather have nothing more to do with these people, but my hands here are tied.

Your allies aren't terribly effective though, but I'm no monster so I'm willing to shift the balance. You want something to help you, and I can help you get it. I don't care what it is, and you don't care how you get it. There is a catch, though, as nothing in this world comes for free.

This is not an ordinary game of TWG, as each player can make a deal with the devil for any reason at any time. You can make a deal for whatever you wish, and I will tell you what it will cost you. I can deny any deal I wish, and you can only have one contract at a time.
Be creative in your deals, you can get anything your heart desires. There are a few ground rules, however; a few deals that the powers that be will not permit me to make:

 - You cannot kill anybody; no insta-lynchings or additional wolfings.
 - You cannot violate the laws of time and space, no phase extensions or reductions.
 - You cannot resurrect anybody; I'm not in the saving business, death is permanent.

I have a few ground rules of my own that you should understand before making a deal. I may not be holy, but I never said I wasn't fair:
 - All deals revolve around fair trade; something must give for you to get.
 - I get to decide what is given up for you to get what you want, and you will be told the cost, but not who will pay it or how.
 - Once the deal is struck, it is final; you cannot back out of it for any reason.
 - You cannot ask for information regarding deals with other players.

Making a Deal:
If you want to make a deal, all you have to do is call me via PM:

"I, [insert name], wish for [the deal you wish to strike] to be executed in the following manner:
List the details."
I will reply:
"I, Mephistopheles, agree to grant [name] the [deal you wish to make] in the following manner:
 At the cost of [to be determined]."

All you have to do then is reply with the phrase "I agree to this contract" and give your signature, or state that the deal is off. Once the deal is struck it will be given an identification number, randomly generated, and all parties will refer to it as such from that point on.

I advise you to be as clear and detailed as possible, otherwise you will give me the right to execute the deal in any manner I see fitting. If you feel I haven't lived up to my end of the bargain, you can take your case to the thread and allow them to resolve it by popular consensus through a jury of the damned. Whatever they decide will be final and I will abide by it. You cannot strike the same deal twice, if you back out from an earlier deal you cannot ask me about it later.

Once more to be perfectly clear:
You cannot discuss any aspect of these deals with anybody. You cannot tell anybody that you've struck a deal, the nature of a deal, or question other players about deals they might've had.

Jury of the Damned:
Comprised of all deceased players, it is their duty to decide the legitimacy of the claim against the host and look over all material pertaining to the issue. This happens in real-time and will not interrupt the game, meaning whenever they reach a decision is when they reach a decision. No deadlines, no idle periods of play. Once the player announces he has an issue with me, I will convene the jury and we will handle the matter in private. Once the Jury has made their decision it will be total and final, and their decision will be announced to the thread.

To summon the jury, make a post in the thread saying:
"I want to contest Deal X on the grounds that [state your issue]."
After which I will summon the jury via PM and we will handle it from there. We will both state our cases, with the plaintiff presenting first, and hand the Jury all PMs regarding the deal. They will deliberate with no input from either of us. If necessary we will bring in a third party to resolve the matter, such a party will not be a current player.

All deals with me are confidential; you will not be allowed to discuss your deal or its terms to any other player. Doing so is a breach in contract and I have every right to collect your debt. "What is your debt?" you may ask. In order to play this game, you will agree to sign over your soul to me until this game is completed. You have no obligation to sign this contract, and there will be no penalty against you if don't. However, if you can survive my game I will give you something in return, but only if you survive. Dying will get you nothing. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line.

Name your price,

Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.