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TWG XLII: Waluigi Time!

Started by vermilionvermin, October 22, 2012, 04:45:31 PM

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If I was Wario, at least SOMEONE would've been revived by now :P
I like food.


I thought you meant the Apples was a manhunt. :P Sowwy.


Okay. Too lazy/tired to help humans. You shall kill me.


Bulbear! Blueflower999


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


epic chat party is happening people


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Top 5 Suspicions
Last three were random.



01:25   BlackDragonSlayer   No, I'm not Peach... I never said that I was.
01:25   fsm   good job trying to lie
01:26   BlackDragonSlayer   I said that, for all YOU know, I could be anybody.
01:26   fsm   but WHY
01:26   BlackDragonSlayer   I said, that for all *I* know, I could be Daisy.
01:26   fsm   did you say that
01:26   BlackDragonSlayer   Because there's no way to prove who I am to anybody else. To the length of my knowledge, I could be... about 6 people??
01:27   BlackDragonSlayer   Actually, seven?
01:27   fsm   still no answer to why
01:27   BlackDragonSlayer   I could be Daisy, Toadsworth, Yoshi, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Toad, or Donkey Kong...
01:27   fsm   but WHY did you even say that???
01:28   BlackDragonSlayer   Why else? Honesty.
01:28   fsm   you're avoiding my question
01:28   BlackDragonSlayer   If everybody knows, after the game, that I'm honest, it will make it easier in future games...
01:28   BlackDragonSlayer   If... ever I happen to be in an "influential" position...
01:28   BlackDragonSlayer   I'm not avoiding your question: your question isn't very clear......
01:29   fsm   just answer to the question: Why did you say you could be anyone
01:29      *** Fox joined #twgnsm
01:29   BlackDragonSlayer   Because nobody else except the host knows who I am.
01:29   fsm   no reason at all


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on October 27, 2012, 03:30:00 PM01:25   BlackDragonSlayer   No, I'm not Peach... I never said that I was.
01:25   fsm   good job trying to lie
01:26   BlackDragonSlayer   I said that, for all YOU know, I could be anybody.
01:26   fsm   but WHY
01:26   BlackDragonSlayer   I said, that for all *I* know, I could be Daisy.
01:26   fsm   did you say that
01:26   BlackDragonSlayer   Because there's no way to prove who I am to anybody else. To the length of my knowledge, I could be... about 6 people??
01:27   BlackDragonSlayer   Actually, seven?
01:27   fsm   still no answer to why
01:27   BlackDragonSlayer   I could be Daisy, Toadsworth, Yoshi, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Toad, or Donkey Kong...
01:27   fsm   but WHY did you even say that???
01:28   BlackDragonSlayer   Why else? Honesty.
01:28   fsm   you're avoiding my question
01:28   BlackDragonSlayer   If everybody knows, after the game, that I'm honest, it will make it easier in future games...
01:28   BlackDragonSlayer   If... ever I happen to be in an "influential" position...
01:28   BlackDragonSlayer   I'm not avoiding your question: your question isn't very clear......
01:29   fsm   just answer to the question: Why did you say you could be anyone
01:29      *** Fox joined #twgnsm
01:29   BlackDragonSlayer   Because nobody else except the host knows who I am.
01:29   fsm   no reason at all
...I'm not saying anything different than I've already said... :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Gah, you guys, don't insta FSM. The more time we have to reform the human alliance (hopefully Dude did his job), the better.

Also, Shadowkirby, it's impossible for Wario to have revived anyone at this point. XD


BDS/FSM can you show me a chat log from the very beginning of that chat till the end? i cant talk just now, chat log asap would be nice


09:29      *** Fox joined #twgnsm
09:29   BlackDragonSlayer   Because nobody else except the host knows who I am.
09:29   fsm   no reason at all
09:29   BlackDragonSlayer   I could say to everybody else that I was anybody who I wanted to be.
09:29   BlackDragonSlayer   No matter what I did, I could do nothing to show them 100% that I was being fully honest.
09:30   BlackDragonSlayer   So, in their eyes, no matter what I say or do, I could be anybody. They could think I'm Bowser, they could think I'm Luigi, they could think I'm Peach, etc.
09:30   BlackDragonSlayer   I know that I could be one of 7 people.
09:31   fsm   but why did you say that? it's obvious you could be anyone
09:31   BlackDragonSlayer   Exactly; it's obvious.
09:31      *** boy quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
09:31   Fox   Hi.
09:31   fsm   yes, it's obvious but that still doesn't answer to the question
09:31   Fox   SHATTER
09:32   Fox   KYOKA SUIGETSU
09:32      *** Vera joined #twgnsm
09:32   Vera   Sorry, laptop overheated.
09:32   fsm   fox be quiet
09:32      *** Fox is now known as SabinFox
09:32   BlackDragonSlayer   How have I not answered the question??? I've told you why I said what I said.
09:32      *** SabinFox is now known as SosukeAizen
09:32   fsm   you just don't get the word why.
09:33      *** SosukeAizen is now known as SosukeAizenFox
09:33   BlackDragonSlayer   ???
09:33   fsm   why did you say that instead of being quiet?
09:34   BlackDragonSlayer   Because if I were quiet, I couldn't do anything. if I were quiet, people would make up their own theories about me.
09:34   BlackDragonSlayer   Even more so than if I stepped up to clarify.
09:34      *** canttalk joined #twgnsm
09:34   fsm   you have been active enough
09:34   BlackDragonSlayer   ...because I haven't been quiet.
09:35   BlackDragonSlayer   Anymore questions before I leave...??
09:35   fsm   01:27   BlackDragonSlayer   I could be Daisy, Toadsworth, Yoshi, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Toad, or Donkey Kong...
09:35   fsm   why did you leave out peach?
09:35   BlackDragonSlayer   Yes, that's what I said.
09:35   BlackDragonSlayer   Because Peach knows what role she is. She doesn't think she's a normal human.
09:36   SosukeAizenFox   So what happened when I left yesterday.
09:36   fsm   but you could still be her
09:36   BlackDragonSlayer   No, I couldn't.
09:36   fsm   you could be nyone like you previously said
09:36   BlackDragonSlayer   How?
09:36   BlackDragonSlayer   No, you're taking what I said out of context.
09:37   BlackDragonSlayer   I know that I'm one of 7 people. YOU are the ones who don't know who I am.
09:37      *** canttalk quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
09:37   BlackDragonSlayer   I know the 7 people I could be: all of the people who are told that they're normal humans.
09:37   fsm   you said that in the thread
09:37   BlackDragonSlayer   Yes, I did. But not in that way.
09:37   fsm   that you could be ANYONE
09:38   BlackDragonSlayer   FOR ALL YOU KNOW.
09:38   fsm   what way then?
09:38      *** boyy joined #twgnsm
09:38   BlackDragonSlayer   HUh? You're confusing me....
09:38   fsm   01:37   BlackDragonSlayer   Yes, I did. But not in that way.
09:38   fsm   01:38   fsm   what way then?
09:39   BlackDragonSlayer   I know one of 7 people who I could be. YOU don't know that.
09:39   BlackDragonSlayer   I know that I'm telling the truth. YOU can either trust or distrust me.
09:39   BlackDragonSlayer   I don't know how I can make that any clearer.....
09:39   SosukeAizenFox   Can someone answer my question?
09:39   BlackDragonSlayer   I've already given you the only answer there is...
09:40   fsm   now you're turning this into he-said-what-she-said situation
09:40   BlackDragonSlayer   There are no more answers, unless you want me to restate what I said...
09:40   fsm   there's no way to confirm your sayings
09:40   BlackDragonSlayer   ...because what I said still stands.
09:40   SosukeAizenFox   COMING SOON.
09:40   fsm   and you still haven't given a proper answer
09:41   BlackDragonSlayer   I don't know what other answers you want. That's the only answer.
09:41   fsm   what is?
09:41   BlackDragonSlayer   What I've been saying...
09:41   fsm   say it again
09:41   BlackDragonSlayer   I know who I could be. You don't.
09:42   fsm   still no proper answer
09:42   BlackDragonSlayer   That's the only answer.
09:42   fsm   nope
09:42   BlackDragonSlayer   ..........................
09:42   BlackDragonSlayer   There is nothing else I can say, without lying.
09:43   BlackDragonSlayer   You want me to try and say something that totally incriminates me...
09:43   fsm   why did you type that "I could be Peach or Daisy" in your post
09:43   BlackDragonSlayer   Even though I'm not a wolf...
09:43   BlackDragonSlayer   YOU'RE TAKING ME OUT OF CONTEXT.
09:43   fsm   nope
09:43   BlackDragonSlayer   Yes, you are.
09:43   fsm   that was my question
09:44   fsm   just answer it
09:44   BlackDragonSlayer   I have my own question: Do you know who I am?
09:44   SosukeAizenFox   How does one change the name of the subject title?
09:44   fsm   again you're avoiding the question
09:44   BlackDragonSlayer   I'm not avoiding the question: I'm giving you an answer.
09:44   fsm   01:44   BlackDragonSlayer   I have my own question: Do you know who I am?
09:44   BlackDragonSlayer   I already answered the question: YOU don't know who I am.
09:45      *** boyy quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
09:45   fsm   totes an answer
09:45   fsm   nope
09:45   BlackDragonSlayer   You don't know what role I am.
09:45   BlackDragonSlayer   Even if you seered me, you can't know what role I am.
09:46   BlackDragonSlayer   It does answer the question; I'm telling you why I said that. What you're saying proves it.
09:46   SosukeAizenFox   WHY DOES NO-ONE LISTEN TO ME.
09:46   fsm   nope
09:46   BlackDragonSlayer   Urughh...
09:46   BlackDragonSlayer   One more time. Once more, then I must leave.
09:46   fsm   your final answer?
09:47   BlackDragonSlayer   Restating the answer.
09:47   BlackDragonSlayer   I know who I could be. I could be one of the seven people I listed. All of those people are told that they're normal humans. OK?
09:47   BlackDragonSlayer   However, nobody else can be certain that I'm telling the truth. OK?
09:47   BlackDragonSlayer   I can be certain that I'm telling the truth.


Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on October 27, 2012, 03:45:41 PMBDS/FSM can you show me a chat log from the very beginning of that chat till the end? i cant talk just now, chat log asap would be nice
Well, that chat was a little frustrating...

Lesson: Don't try to read between lines that don't exist. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber