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TWG XLII: Waluigi Time!

Started by vermilionvermin, October 22, 2012, 04:45:31 PM

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come at me bro

Also, no reviving? Wario must be dead or something.

Victory for humans.


vermilionvermin, in the section of Waluigi's Role pertaining to no revives, do you mean that no revives whatsoever may take place or merely that Waluigi may not be revived?
Do guards only protect from wolfings?  Or are vigis also included?

And for the time being, don't Insta yet, because I need to reread the thread and I would like to reorganise our alliance if possible, which will become much more pressing if we don't have extra time from the Day Phase.
So long as I'm not indolent, I should hopefully be able to catch up with everything by today.  I've skimmed through the thread already, but haven't perused it to form any major opinions of things.  Something that will, again, hopefully be corrected soon enough!



21:39      *** Virgo joined #twgnsm
21:40      *** fsm joined #twgnsm
21:40   Virgo   Back.
21:40   fsm   Waluigi is in the house
21:40      *** Vera quit (Ping timeout)
21:40   Virgo   *FSM*
21:40   fsm   virgo=foxy?
21:40   Virgo   Yes.
21:41      *** Virgo is now known as Ultimate
21:41   fsm   being under a fake nick is against the rules
21:41      *** Ultimate is now known as Ultima
21:41   fsm   just saying
21:41   Ultima   What.
21:41   fsm   phantom penalty to you
21:41   fsm   teehee
21:42   fsm   if you're socialfox you should be named after him
21:42   fsm   otherwise it's against the rules
21:42   Ultima   But It's only if you use another players name.
21:42   fsm   nope
21:43   fsm   I could be standing around
21:43   fsm   listening what people say
21:43   fsm   without them noticing me
21:43   fsm   that's why it's against the rules
21:44   Ultima   No.
21:44   fsm   yes
21:44   fsm   you must be able to be identified
21:44   Ultima   It's against the Rules if you change name for a malicious purpose.
21:44   fsm   that's my point
21:44   fsm   -.-
21:45      *** Ultima is now known as UltimaFox
21:45   fsm   that's okay
21:45   fsm   
21:45   fsm   so
21:45   fsm   are you having fun
21:45   fsm   playing TWG
21:45   UltimaFox   yes.
21:45   fsm   good for you
21:45   UltimaFox   I have a horrible idea for mystery game.
21:46   fsm   I will only play one game after this
21:46   fsm   then I shall leave NSM
21:46      *** Vera joined #twgnsm
21:46   UltimaFox   Forever?
21:46   fsm   Vera
21:46   UltimaFox   Wait no.
21:46   fsm   maybe
21:46   Vera   Hi, SocialFox and FSM.
21:46   UltimaFox   Just for a while.
21:46   UltimaFox   Fi.
21:46   UltimaFox   *Hi
21:46   fsm   vera go see official off topic
21:46   fsm   
21:46   fsm   also did you get mah pokemon
21:47   Vera   
21:47   Vera   And yes.
21:47   Vera   How serious is the cancer?
21:48   fsm   very
21:48   UltimaFox   What type of cancer?
21:48   fsm   but it was diagnosed early so I have good chances
21:48   fsm   stomach
21:48   Vera   Good chances of removing it?
21:48   UltimaFox   I had a friend.
21:48   fsm   dunno
21:48   UltimaFox   He had breast cancer.
21:49   fsm   13:45   fsm   I will only play one game after this
21:49   fsm   then I'll leave
21:49   fsm   I hope i get to host
21:49   UltimaFox   Wait.
21:49   Vera   
21:49   fsm   lol now it's 100% i get
21:49   Vera   lol
21:50   Vera   Sneaky FSM!!!
21:50   UltimaFox   I noticed something in perfect apples.
21:50   Vera   So, FSM, is the_last_sheilah really a wuff???
21:50   fsm   that there weren't any
21:50   fsm   yes
21:50   Vera   
21:50   Vera   Can you tell us the other wuffs???
21:50   UltimaFox   If K-Night was Digglet.
21:50   UltimaFox   I shouldn't have died day 2.
21:51   fsm   he's trying to avoid the suspicions like in history lesson
21:51   fsm   wait social
21:51   UltimaFox   okay.
21:53   UltimaFox   Vera,
21:53   Vera   FSM, do you know who Wario is???
21:53   UltimaFox   are you a terrorist?
21:53   Vera   SocialFox
21:53   Vera   ,
21:53   Vera   Yes, how did you know?
21:53   UltimaFox   Just a guess.
21:53   fsm   Vera, Spitllama
21:54   UltimaFox   TERRORIST!!!!!1!!!1!!!
21:54   Vera   
21:54   fsm   no one was revived by him
21:54   Vera   That makes a lot of sense.
21:54   UltimaFox   NO.
21:54   fsm   that's why I think so
21:54   Vera   Oh.
21:54   fsm   or it was etfro
21:54   UltimaFox   The night Waluigi is revived.
21:54   fsm   oh right
21:54   fsm   i got it
21:54   UltimaFox   Wario can't revive.
21:54   Vera   That was left ambiguous.
21:55   Vera   I've asked vermilionvermin to clarify.
21:55   fsm   So that should prove i'm waluigi
21:55   Vera   It's not specified whether all Players can't be revived or merely Waluigi.
21:55   fsm   or not
21:55   fsm   yes it is
21:55   Vera   Sorry, FSM, you sort of dug yourself into a hole.
21:55   fsm   read waluigi power
21:55   fsm   any future LYNCHINGS
21:55   Vera   Any future lynchings will result in PERMANENT DEATH 4EVER (even if Wario revives him, it will fail).  WALUIGI TIME occurs when everyone but Waluigi and one other person is alive.  Only Waluigi wins during Waluigi time (unless Wario has already won, then both of them can win).  Waluigi can only win with Waluigi time.
21:56   Vera   Lynchings of whom?
21:56   Vera   Waluigi or in general?
21:56   fsm   in general
21:56   Vera   It clearly states "If Wario revives /him/."
21:56   fsm   lol
21:56   fsm   now that should prove i'm waluigi
21:56   UltimaFox   I wonder.
21:57   UltimaFox   Would verm f=give out Wario and Waluigi MVP's
21:57   UltimaFox   8give out
21:57   UltimaFox   * *give out
21:57   fsm   yes
21:57   fsm   he must!!!
21:57   Vera   Waluigi for MVPE.
21:57   Vera   Most Valuable Player Ever.
21:58   fsm   otherwise he'll be banned from my next game
21:58   Vera   lol
21:58   fsm   just kidding
21:58   Vera   SocialFox, who do you think is Wario?
21:58   fsm   BDS
21:58   UltimaFox   I think I am.
21:58   fsm   wait
21:58   Vera   Thought so!
21:58   fsm   BOY
21:58   UltimaFox   Actully joking.
21:59   fsm   Boy shold be lynched
21:59   Vera   Nah.
21:59   fsm   he admitted that he's a special
21:59   Vera   It's okay, I've been suspecting you of being Wario, so you just affirmed what I already knew.
21:59   Vera   huh
21:59   fsm   but of course the wolves kill dude
21:59   fsm   who has all the claims
21:59   fsm   he's wario or a wolf
22:00   UltimaFox   I was joking about being wario.
22:00   fsm   like i said in my theory
22:00   Vera   Then who do you think is Wario?
22:00   fsm   someone inactive
22:00   UltimaFox   Not Sure.
22:00   fsm   I know i would
22:00   fsm   no one suspects an inactive
22:01   UltimaFox   FSM are you a terrorist?
22:02   Vera   FSM is a coolerist.
22:02   fsm   <3
22:02   Vera   It means that people die from his excessive coolness.
22:02   fsm   ice cream
22:02   Vera   He's too cool for them!
22:03   fsm   ice cream is cool
22:03   Vera   Yum.
22:03   fsm   have some
22:03   fsm   <33333333333333
22:03   Vera   <3
22:04   Vera   Hold on, brb.
22:05   UltimaFox   SHATTER.
22:05   UltimaFox   KYOKA SUIGETSU.
22:07   fsm   mind crush
22:07   fsm   ur dead
22:07   UltimaFox   IT DOES'NT WORK.
22:08   fsm   wanna bet
22:08   fsm   MIND CRUSH
22:08   fsm   SocialFox died
22:08   fsm   it's now Night 3
22:08   UltimaFox   
22:09   UltimaFox   Wanna bet.
22:10   fsm   shh dead people don't talk
22:10   UltimaFox   BESIDES.
22:10   UltimaFox   I CONTROLED YOUR MIND.
22:10   UltimaFox   YOU HIT MASHI INSTEAD.
22:10   fsm   and you still died
22:10   fsm   what a boss move
22:11   UltimaFox   And i have to leave now.
22:11   fsm   you mean the guy who does my laundry
22:11   fsm   bye


Who the heck was/is the Guardian? -_-
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I think it was redirected as well as Dude's viging.


Another question.  If a Player is guarded, but also wolfed and vigi'd, will he/she still survive?


Well. That's a lot of people to have been dead.

Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Yup, anyone in chat? I am.



We're far from an Insta, but I want to reiterate that I want to hold off on the Insta on FSM in order to give ourselves more time to settle things involving the alliance.


Quote21:59   fsm   Boy shold be lynched
21:59   Vera   Nah.
21:59   fsm   he admitted that he's a special

You also said you were Mario, please.

I really just went along with anything you were saying FSM, notice how I don't exactly say "no, I'm not", I just go"yeh", "oh no", "you got me".


How about we get our top 3 suspicious players, (everyone say the names in italics) and then when it comes to night we ask them to claim, (hopefully having a good few votes already casted)?

This will help us try to pick out the scum with their horrible claims and hopefully get a counter claim if possible.


^Haha "the scum"

Did anyone ever claim to Dude or fsm?


I claimed to dude, and sorry for my wording, mafia term that I've been stuck to recently ;-;


Good idea, I need an incentive to stop procrastinating my careful reading of the thread.  Everyone post a suspicion list.