TWG XLII: Waluigi Time!

Started by vermilionvermin, October 22, 2012, 04:45:31 PM

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Quote from: FSM-Reapr on October 23, 2012, 08:15:33 AMSorry I have to ask this: Who did you send a PM to just few min back?
Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on October 23, 2012, 08:23:33 AMHaha, messaged Ver about my role ^^. 
Quote from: FSM-Reapr on October 23, 2012, 08:25:36 AMSo it's a special role! :o Don't worry, I won't say a thing. ;)
lol looks like I lied
Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on October 23, 2012, 10:58:08 AMI didn't say that, I was asking Ver a question, if you need to know I wanted to know if roles were revealed. Still learning if roles are always revealed or never revealed..
Quote from: FSM-Reapr on October 23, 2012, 11:02:59 AMYou said "about your role". Regular humans don't have anything to ask. :P Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this. ;) Human team ftw
Still lying. :P
Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on October 23, 2012, 11:21:05 AMDang, you caught me. If your a flipping wolf I'll die. Literally.. (cause then you know, you'd vig me)
But he didn't know I was the vigi in that point... ???


oops pressed "post" button too soon

I mean if he's a special, he can't be Mario or Peach(BDS). And as Luigi he wouldn't have anything to ask.


FSM, you are infuriating. Just because you figure something out doesn't mean you should share it.

If you really were the vigilante, what help would saying "lol bds just said he was the guardian" possibly be to the human team? You're just sharing information with the wolves. Information that would be better kept private. And even if you're wrong about him, that means there's a chance TBWCW is a special as well, and you revealed him too. For a guy who tries so hard to seem human, you really are doing everything you can to bring this team down.

I'm totally down for an insta, because I don't want FSM to make this game any worse than it already is.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die




1. FSM-Reapr - Welp. There's pretty much no way you're human-aligned. The previous several posts on this page alone make that clear.
2. SocialFox - In a lot of ways you're acting like I did in the last game, in which I was a wolf. Granted I screwed up a lot worse, but still.
3. Mashi - Inactive. But this is particularly unusual for Mashi.
4. k-NiGhT - Middle tier of vagueness.
5. spitllama - Middle tier of vagueness.
6. Bubbles7689 - Middle tier of vagueness.
7. shadowkirby - Middle tier of vagueness.
8. blueflower999 - Middle tier of vagueness.
9. the_last_sheikah - Middle tier of vagueness. Also, Bird, I missed this plan regarding the vigi, what was it?
10. BlackDragonSlayer - This is how BDS always is.
11. The Boy Who Cried Wolf - TBWCW is always like this as well. Believe me I know.
12. ETFROXX - ETF was acting reasonable before her death, doubt the wolves killed each other.
13. Bird - Bird's been his usual human self, pretty convincing to me. He's honestly pretty much running this game at this point though.
14. Dude - Fairly sure he's the actual vigi, Dude doesn't falseclaim and FSM is given to stirring up weird shenanigans.
15. gzgregory - Hey.


vote: FSM

he's more interested on finding specials than helping our team. FSM with your messages you said you wouldn't tell anyone even though I'm still not confirming my role, it still could potentially be anything.


HOST POST:  To avoid shenanigans, there will be no instas during phases with bombs.


I give up(but I will not quit). I'm not a human. I'm Waluigi. Kudos Bird, you're the best TWG player that I've seen. :)

My big mistake was to be too active and try too hard. The having me seered was my mistake, also to counterclaim Dude.

Okay, I'm playing for the Human Team now. I doubt I'll survive over the next night and I basically have no chance of winning. Why Humans? It would be a dick thing to play for Wolves meaning 12 people would taste the bitter taste of loss rather than 5.

I know I'll get lynched and bob-ombed. See you guys in afterlife. ;)


FSM because I've finally read through the thread. I'll post a suspicion list sometime tonight.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Ok assuming FSM is telling the truth, I think we should lynch him and then he can use vigi power for our benefit. If he turns on us, it's a simple lynch to remedy the problem.

Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Everyone should probably claim to Dude.



1. FSM - Probably either a wolf or Waluigi.
2. Sheikah - I pretty sure you're a wolf actually. Kamek to be more exact. That plan could easily have killed FSM if Kamek/whoever knew about that "plan" and switched my vigi from myself to FSM, then you probably would have said something along the lines of "Oh, so I had this plan where Dude and FSM would try and vigi themselves and FSM died so Dude must by lying", or at least that's the feeling I'm getting from you.
3-15. Everyone else because I haven't seen anyone else act super weird yet.


FSM just claimed Waluigi, silly.



...Still voting Sheikah though, as I see him as more of a threat.