Sebastian's Arrangement Library

Started by Sebastian, October 19, 2012, 08:26:02 AM

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Do you see this?



Quote from: DekuTrombonist on May 01, 2014, 05:48:08 PMI can probably do some more this weekend but I've got plenty of writing and analysing to do for uni.
Ok :)


Hey Guys! :) 
I'm am gonna be doing the WHOLE Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door soundtrack!!!!!!
My goal is to have all of them done by Christmas. Spitllama and Bloop will be helping me and if one of you guys would like to help that's fine :)
I am doing them in order of events as seen in the here is the first one:

Mario & Luigi's House


Here is the whole Soundtrack and here
 are the originals
Story of The Thousand Year Door   Done by Spitllama
Title Screen & Main Menu  Done by Spitllama
Mario and Luigi's House  Done by Me   
Chapter Opening   Being done by Bloop
Rogueport  Done by the Tadpole Guy
Event Battle (Replacement) 
Battle Won with Injured Partner  Being done by Bloop
A New Partner Joins 
Character Abilities 
Professor Frankly's Theme 
Training Battle  (Replacament)
Rogueport Sewers (Replacement)  God help me when I do this one...
Battle Theme (Replacement)   Fiercedeity might be doing this one.
Hall of the Thousand Year Door 
Petal Meadow (Replacement) 
Petalburg  Done by Dekutrombonst
You got Mail! 
Level Up! 
The 65th Super Fun Quirk Quiz 
Taking a Nap    Done by Me
Hooktail Castle Appears 
Hooktail Castle 
Ms. Mowz's Theme 
Boss - Hooktail   
Get the Crystal Star 
Chapter Ending 
Princess Peach's Theme 
Peach Mail (Replacement) 
Luigi's Story (Replacement) 
Theme of the Punies 
Boggly Woods 
Theme of the Shadow Sirens 
The Great Boggly Tree 
Boss - The Shadow Sirens (Shadow Siren Scuffle)  Done by Spitllama
Madame Flurrie's Theme 
More Danger 
Magnus von Grapple 
Boss - Magnus von Grapple (Replacement) 
TEC's Waltz 
Bowser's Theme 
Bowser's Quest World 1-1 
Bowser's Quest - Invincible 
Bowser's Quest - Lose Life 
Bowser's Quest - Level Clear 
Don Pianta's Theme 
Mini Game 
The Robbo Thieves
The Blimp Ride 
The Glitz Pit  Done by The Deku Trombonist
Grubba's Theme
Glitz Pit Intro 
Glitz Pit Outro 
Paper Mario & The Giant Egg 
Boss - Rawk Hawk 
Treacherous Grubba  Boss - Macho Grubba 
Ms. Jolene's Theme  Done by Me
Twilight Town  Done by Me
Twilight Trail 
Creepy Steeple 
Doopliss's Theme 
Boss - Doopliss  Done by Me
Bowser's Quest - 2-1 
Cooking with Zess T. 
Pirate Ghosts Appear 
Keelhaul Key   
Pirate's Grotto 
Boss - Cortez (Replacement) 
Disk System Startup 
Pit of 100 Trials 
The Excess Express 
Pennington's Theme  Done by Brassman
Riverside Station 
Boss - The Smorgs   
Poshley Heights  Done by Spitllama
The Sactum 
Bowser's Quest - World 3-1
Fahr Outpost 
Shooting for the Stars 
X-Naut Fortress (Replacement) 
The Palace of Shadow 
Tower of Riddles 
Deep into the Shadows 
Boss - Grodus 
Boss - Bowser 
Shadow Queen Awakens 
Boss - Shadow Queen Part 1 (Peach Form) (Replacement) 
We Believe in You Mario!  Done by Me
Boss - Shadow Queen Part 2 Done by Me
Peach is Saved 
Leaving Rogueport 
Going Home 
Shining Rogueport 
Here we Go Again   
Game Over 
Staff Credits
Found a Badge 
Found an Important
Get Important Item
Secret Revealed 
Get Important Item

Will have "Danger!" done soon :)


You put in "Being done by Bloop" at just a few songs, but I'm doing all of the ones you sent to me :p I finished A New Partner Joins You, Battle Won with Injured Partner, Chapter Intro, Crystal Star Get, Disk System Startup, Enemy Surprise!, Found a Badge, Found an Item and Get Important Item already, but I won't be posting them until I have the other ones you sent me done :3


Oh! Ok :)
Sorry about that  :-\
Can't wait to see them :)


I would love to help out with a couple of tracks! I'm not the fastest at transcribing music, but I love this game's soundtrack and I'd like to do a couple!



Funny thing is, I actually just started playing this game again!

But I'd be interested in doing Hooktail Castle, Boggly Woods, Glitzville, Hall of the Thousand Year Door, and Professor Frankly's Theme

Btw I think you're missing "Curse of the Black Box". Could be wrong though! But let me know if someone is doing any of these or if you want to do them.


Awesome!!!! I am doing Glitzville but though but the rest are free :)
And for Curse of the Black Box....I didnt know if that one was possible to play on piano or arrange onto....


Oh OK, yeah that makes sense! I can try to make one. It would be really difficult to play regardless. haha.
And i'll get started on Hooktail Castle. I love that piece.


I'm almost done with Hooktail Castle now. That has been an intense piece to decipher!



I've finished "Hooktail Castle", I posted it on my arrangements page, so if you wanna check it out, let me know what you think! I'm sure there are probably some improvements I can make. I'll be starting Professor Fankly's Theme next unless there are any others you'd prefer me to do before it.


I finished the miscellaneous arrangements! (I'll never be able to spell or pronounce "miscellaneous" properly without looking it up)

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Every arrangements has its own files, I just put them into one file.


Quote from: jegilmer on May 26, 2014, 01:47:09 PMI've finished "Hooktail Castle", I posted it on my arrangements page, so if you wanna check it out, let me know what you think! I'm sure there are probably some improvements I can make. I'll be starting Professor Fankly's Theme next unless there are any others you'd prefer me to do before it.
Awesome :)
You can start Professor Frankly's Theme :)

Quote from: Bloop on May 27, 2014, 06:37:23 AMI finished the miscellaneous arrangements! (I'll never be able to spell or pronounce "miscellaneous" properly without looking it up)

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Every arrangements has its own files, I just put them into one file.
Excellent Bloop!! Thanks again :)



This was a pretty tough song to do.  :P
I couldnt get those fast notes in measure 9 to save my life, so I did my best :)
Feedback would be great!!  ;D
