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Started by spitllama, September 05, 2012, 07:15:02 PM

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Splatoon Inkling

Maybe so, but it's just another form of government control.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Prager University? Didn't we just have this conversation about unbiased sources?

Prager University is as much of an educational institution as Trump University.
what is shitpost


Yes, article 13 sucks, as for net neutrality being bad...

Dude, you're literally quoting propaganda. But don't listen us random internet liberals, read the comments by republicans on the video you freaking posted. The majority of both democrats and republicans want net neutrality (Obama not withstanding), the only people that disagree are ISPs who want money and the minority of people who believe the literal lies they push out to get that money.

Like seriously, "Yes, I am getting money from ISPs. Yes, they could fuck everyone over to make money. But they're totally not lobbying to do that, we're just repealing it because Obama liked it and you guys hate Obama yeah!" Most conservatives were smart enough to see through it, please be too.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Splatoon Inkling

Can't tech just do it's thing? Also just because a majority of people want something doesn't necessarily make it good, saying that is just a fallacy of appeal to the people. Plus, hey we are all biased, ig I see what you mean in posting a link to a biased video or site, but I still do look at both sides before making a decision, and ya know, conservatism is what our country was built upon, and it is what has separated us from the socialistic/communistic countries who have totally ruined economies. If you give all the power to the government, it becomes a socialist nation, which then moves into communism. History repeats itself, and it has happened this way many many times over. I like Trump because he is actually restoring power to the people, and states. Obama threw our country into 20 trillion dollars of debt by adding government programs, among other things, with money that we don't even have. He has added more national debt on than all the other presidents combined. getting off onto a rabbit trail ig, but that's what socialism is, it's to take away our rights and let the government have more and more power over us. I cannot, and will not stand for a party who stands for these things, among many other things like infanticide, taking away guns, and rights. Weird how they don't mention how even though a guy with a gun starts a shooting in a mosque, and then someone else carrying a gun stops him and ends the shooting. Or how they knew the Russians never helped trump to win the election in the first place, but went on to waste 300,000,000 taxpayer dollars, and found absolutely nothing. Politics has almost completely changed from doing your job, to destroying, and harassing the president in any way possible. I didn't ever support Obama, but I didn't go protesting, and burning things because he won 2 elections, God put him there in that place at the time to accomplish his will, and I believe he has put Trump in now to hold back the evil that is to come. Disagree with me if you like, as you have made up your minds, and I have made up mine. Maybe it's not worth posting on here again then, I am going in a world where I will be persecuted and hated for what I believe, but I'm not gonna lie about it or cover it up. Since we have already made up our minds I don't see much point in posting on this thread anymore. There are better ways to spend time, and I really mean it this time. You don't have to bother replying to this, IK what you all are gonna say.


Quote from: Splatoon Inkling on April 02, 2019, 09:39:02 AMMaybe it's not worth posting on here again then, I am going in a world where I will be persecuted and hated for what I believe, but I'm not gonna lie about it or cover it up. Since we have already made up our minds I don't see much point in posting on this thread anymore. There are better ways to spend time, and I really mean it this time. You don't have to bother replying to this, IK what you all are gonna say.
I agree with you here. I recommend to just let it go. No amount of opinions or discussion will change anyone's mind.


The reason you didn't protest Obama is because he was in office when you were age 4 to 12
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


That's kind of a low blow. Just because he is young doesn't mean his opinion shouldn't be respected as much as the next person's.


I didn't mean anything by it other than "I didn't protest Obama" is kind of a logical fallacy in itself because children 4-12 don't generally protest politics
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: Sebastian on April 02, 2019, 09:52:59 AMI agree with you here. I recommend to just let it go. No amount of opinions or discussion will change anyone's mind.

I haven't read this thread and do not know (nor care to know) about whatever argument is going on, but this comment jumped out to me.  I really don't think the point of political discussion is ever to change anyone's mind, especially with how increasingly tribal politics has become, but rather to put your ideas forth for the "audience" at large, so to speak.  One on one, obviously no one is going to change someone else's ideology, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't speak about things just because we disagree. That is the antithesis to a healthy dialogue.

Just thought that was something important to note.


Typically, yes, I'd agree with you, but if the history of political discussion on NSM has anything to say, it would say that a lot of poo-throwing eventually ensues after political discussion is started. Unfortunately, not everyone acts like an adult when discussing controversial topics. Also, a lot of political discussion that I've seen on here has the goal of changing others' minds. That's why I said what I did.


conservative here
the worst part about today is the GOP's platform is shifting from the Good Conservative Era of people like Eisenhower and is now more of an "anti-Democrats" party which sucks because the democrats are also shifting but further away from my own values so now I along with other religious conservatives are either forced to jump onto the Trump train or be left without a party

my point is (to Splatoon Inkling) you don't have to blindly accept the party's platform if you don't agree with it and you definitely don't need to post about how bad a Democratic bill is


people this is not about dems vs. reps, it's about net neutrality. Most republicans worth their salt support it because it prevents censorship and democrats worth their salt support it because it stops corporate take over. The only people who don't support it are people who blindly support current elected republicans, which are a minority because they really don't represent conservative values (which is why most people that vote right dont like trump so much as they like him more than dems.)

Quote from: Splatoon Inkling on April 02, 2019, 09:39:02 AMCan't tech just do it's thing? Also just because a majority of people want something doesn't necessarily make it good, saying that is just a fallacy of appeal to the people. Plus, hey we are all biased, ig I see what you mean in posting a link to a biased video or site, but I still do look at both sides before making a decision, and ya know, conservatism is what our country was built upon, and it is what has separated us from the socialistic/communistic countries who have totally ruined economies. If you give all the power to the government, it becomes a socialist nation, which then moves into communism. History repeats itself, and it has happened this way many many times over. I like Trump because he is actually restoring power to the people, and states. Obama threw our country into 20 trillion dollars of debt by adding government programs, among other things, with money that we don't even have. He has added more national debt on than all the other presidents combined. getting off onto a rabbit trail ig, but that's what socialism is, it's to take away our rights and let the government have more and more power over us. I cannot, and will not stand for a party who stands for these things, among many other things like infanticide, taking away guns, and rights. Weird how they don't mention how even though a guy with a gun starts a shooting in a mosque, and then someone else carrying a gun stops him and ends the shooting. Or how they knew the Russians never helped trump to win the election in the first place, but went on to waste 300,000,000 taxpayer dollars, and found absolutely nothing. Politics has almost completely changed from doing your job, to destroying, and harassing the president in any way possible. I didn't ever support Obama, but I didn't go protesting, and burning things because he won 2 elections, God put him there in that place at the time to accomplish his will, and I believe he has put Trump in now to hold back the evil that is to come. Disagree with me if you like, as you have made up your minds, and I have made up mine. Maybe it's not worth posting on here again then, I am going in a world where I will be persecuted and hated for what I believe, but I'm not gonna lie about it or cover it up. Since we have already made up our minds I don't see much point in posting on this thread anymore. There are better ways to spend time, and I really mean it this time. You don't have to bother replying to this, IK what you all are gonna say.

Thank you for this completely unrelated post. Wanna reread my post and talk about this issue without partisan politics now or nah? All I'm trying to do is let you know that the information you have about net neutrality is wrong, not because its conservative - its people who could careless about conservatives trying to dupe them, and its something realllllyyyy good that you'd want if you knew what it is.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on April 02, 2019, 12:49:18 AMPrager University? Didn't we just have this conversation about unbiased sources?

Prager University is as much of an educational institution as Trump University.

QuoteIn one video, a presenter argues that "racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, and Islamophobia" are "meaningless buzzwords"

Quote from: Splatoon Inkling on April 02, 2019, 09:39:02 AMCan't tech just do it's thing?
If industry "did its thing," the vast majority of people would be working in hot, dark, treacherously unsafe factories with long hours and low pay. When the goal of business is to make as much money as possible for as little cost, they're going to try and squeeze out as much profit as possible. That's why we need regulation, including net neutrality, to protect us, whether it be as workers or as consumers. With the lack of such protections, the consumer will start paying more for something with less functionality. Like honestly, even just reading the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article on net neutrality, why does that sound like a bad thing?

Quote from: FireArrow on April 02, 2019, 09:56:53 PMpeople this is not about dems vs. reps, it's about net neutrality.
This is well said; I wish more people thought like this. Too many people think of politics as a team sport rather than striving for what's in the best interest of everyone as a whole. I'm registered Republican but I nonetheless have some pretty liberal viewpoints on certain issues.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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Quote from: FireArrow on April 02, 2019, 09:56:53 PMpeople this is not about dems vs. reps
that's the problem
the gop is operating under the assumption that dems like it = bad


Yeah, the trump revolution was this weird uprising of revisionism and semi-fascism that had nothing to do with what most conservatives stood for. Problem is if GOP tried to disown trump and his follows, they wouldn't have enough votes to be relevant in elections, so to keep the party whole it's been repurposed as the "anti-democrat" party since it's pretty much the only thing the two halves can agree on.

idk thats just my take
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department