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Started by spitllama, September 05, 2012, 07:15:02 PM

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If being habit forming and potentially life altering is enough criteria to outlaw pot, then not only should we be banning alcohol and cigarettes, but video games, junk food, and sex as well. Those things, if misused, have been known to be addictive and ruin lives.

Part of living in a free country is giving people the right to fuck up their own lives I guess. Laws should be made to prevent someone from fucking up someone else's life.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on July 14, 2016, 10:03:24 AMpeople will do what they want, so why bother making things illegal?
I take it we should abolish murder laws, then? lol
Quote from: FireArrow on July 14, 2016, 10:18:50 AMIf being habit forming and potentially life altering is enough criteria to outlaw pot, then not only should we be banning alcohol and cigarettes, but video games, junk food, and sex as well. Those things, if misused, have been known to be addictive and ruin lives.

Part of living in a free country is giving people the right to fuck up their own lives I guess. Laws should be made to prevent someone from fucking up someone else's life.
Basically this. The fact (and medically speaking, it is a fact, regardless of how comfortable people are with it or not) that pot is FAR safer than alcohol is just a convenient point to make when we talk about which substances we should ban (I wouldn't allow crystal meth, tbh).
what is shitpost


I'm not going to say weed is totally harmless because it really does make you paranoid. Nearly all the stoners I know believe in some paranoid conspiracy theory and they think their reasoning sounds a lot better than they actually sound -.-

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

(necessary PSA)

Stoners are not representative of the majority of marijuana users, just as alcoholics are not representative of most drinkers

what is shitpost


is there something you'd like to tell us


Fine "marijuana users." It seems to be more of a constant state of paranoia which is why I think they smoke a lot.

I don't think people should be in jail for it, but it's still a nuisance and actually pretty hard to keep it as a habit to yourself because of how smoke gets everywhere.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on July 14, 2016, 01:52:54 PMis there something you'd like to tell us
Yes; I'll be submitting a new arrangement hopefully in less than 24 hours! :D
Quote from: Ruto on July 14, 2016, 02:03:08 PMFine "marijuana users."

I don't think people should be in jail for it, but it's still a nuisance and actually pretty hard to keep it as a habit to yourself because of how smoke gets everywhere.
Then we should treat it the same way as cigarettes, except acknowledge that the side effects that you listed are mostly on individuals with a predisposition to it, whereas cancer don't give a f**k.
what is shitpost


I mean, if we're going to outlaw smoking anything, it should be tobacco. That shit's terrible. You smell like shit, you get work breaks iaf you smoke but I've been on for 5 hours and haven't even gotten a chance to eat lunch but nope the guy who's been here for an hour "needs" to smoke so you let him go outside for 15 minutes to destroy his lungs and I'm still toiling away inside in this unbearable heat and I'm very hungry because I didn't eat breakfast that morning and I'm getting very pissy because I get pissy when I'm hungry and I just want my god damn free tacos and I'm noticeably angry and then the guy from before is like "hey you want a cigarette" and so I snap at him saying things like "Sorry, I like not smelling like smoke and also I do more than some of the managers here but I only get paid $8.75/hr so I can't really afford to be spending all my money on self-destruction especially when I like video games as much as I do so maybe you can shove your fucking smokes up your goddamn ass" and I get in trouble with my boss because of that and I've been fucking done with this job since my first day and I've got my first college class starting in a week so I'm just like fuck this and then I quit.
I like food.


Pianist Da Sootopolis

what is shitpost


good luck with classes


Quote from: FireArrow on July 14, 2016, 10:18:50 AMLaws should be made to prevent someone from fucking up someone else's life.
I think this is what I was trying to say? Like of all the things you listed only alcohol has the potential to realistically influence others negatively by the effects it causes, and for that reason laws exist like a driving BAC limit, and breathalyzers to measure how far someone is, and as far as I know there's no measuring tool as timely as that for weed.

Basically we already have a lot of crazy drunks endangering people because it's legal to drink and legalizing weed (even to the same level of restriction as alcohol) would only really add to the number of public accidents.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: Bubbles on July 15, 2016, 09:34:45 AMBasically we already have a lot of crazy drunks endangering people because it's legal to drink and legalizing weed (even to the same level of restriction as alcohol) would only really add to the number of public accidents.
Except that most people while high don't really want to drive, lol. And there are tons of ways to tell if someone is even the least bit stoned; it smells to high hell, red and dilated eyes, etc.
Even if it is the case that legalizing weed is going to slightly add to the number of public accidents (which I'm skeptical of in the first place), that isn't a reason to keep it illegal. We're throwing people in jail for ridiculously long sentences for smoking when they could be just as fucked up on anything else.
By the logic of "increases public accidents" we should also criminalize cell phones and handheld electronic devices being in cars.
what is shitpost

E. Gadd Industries

Well, Trump chose his VP/running mate
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on July 15, 2016, 12:37:12 PMBy the logic of "increases public accidents" we should also criminalize cell phones and handheld electronic devices being in cars.
we did