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Started by spitllama, September 05, 2012, 07:15:02 PM

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Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on October 13, 2015, 11:28:00 PMI think I've heard of canada before, but I didn't know it had a government.

XDDD. Truuuue


in case you guys haven't noticed i'm trying to get this topic locked or deleted.


Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on October 13, 2015, 10:55:04 PMOf course, I don't honestly think that would happen for a few generations at minimum, but I find his record to be highly flakey.

Anyway Hillary rekt that debate
Hillary has a much shadier past than Bernie; and I'm not talking about Benghazi, I frankly don't give a damn- I'm referring to her voting history. She voted yes on Citizens United, Yes on the Iraq War, and until I think 2012 or 2013 was opposed to same sex marriage.
what is shitpost


Quote from: TheInsidiousSpurt on October 14, 2015, 05:43:22 PMWhy is that?
because republicans are the devil it only divides us as a community and that's noooo good.


Quote from: FireArrow on October 13, 2015, 07:27:10 PMSo this is the incriminate blueflower thread now? Yes, he can get overly defensive and overreact to people disagreeing with him, however, the extent that this has been taken to is absurd. I've given up any hope I've had in NSM being able to discuss things civilly. Peace, I'm done with these topics.

and if Olimar told me who the anonymous complaint was from i wouldn't have had to post it in public so just throwing that out there.


Well I mean if a politics thread without a spicy debate is no fun. But yea it probably does divide the community. I'm only a month new so I don't know that well.


NSM doesn't know how to have spicy debates without causing drama.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


i cant wait to use all these reaction images ive been saving


There are people on my facebook that support Donald Trump...

What a sad world xD

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Ruto on October 18, 2015, 07:25:37 PMThere are people on my facebook that support Donald Trump...

What a great world xD


Ok, truth be told, I'm not the biggest Trump fan in the world. I mean, his political party doesn't always match up with his ideas...personally I'm more of a Ben Carson guy. But still, I'd take Trump over any of the liberal candidates. (Then again, I'd take Vermin Supreme over a liberal ;D.)
"I'm always here to help. Except when I'm not." ~Latios212

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable." ~Donald J. Trump

Piano player


I'm kinda curious what would happen if he became president. We'd become the world's most hated country, minorities would disappear, we'd probably be in an endless state of war with the middle east and mexico. Idk, it's fun to think about ;3
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department



Quote from: TheMarioPianist on October 18, 2015, 07:32:03 PM(Then again, I'd take Vermin Supreme over a liberal ;D.)

Excuse me, but are you trying to use Vermin Supreme as a tool for negative comparisons? I'll have you know that no one can compare to his caliber of perfection.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Lol not at all. It's because they're the stereotypical Trump voter, barely literate in their only language, incredibly xenophobic and clinging to superstition like fact. I don't really get why people think Trump is a statesmen, not there are any rules in it to begin with.

Pericles had mistresses, bribed people and did all sorts of crazy things, Cicero's name literally meant "chickpea" and people considered them as actually competent people in state matters. Trump is just an entertainer.

Quote from: FireArrow on October 18, 2015, 07:37:38 PMI'm kinda curious what would happen if he became president. We'd become the world's most hated country, minorities would disappear, we'd probably be in an endless state of war with the middle east and mexico. Idk, it's fun to think about ;3

He won't be president because he can't stay out of trouble. I think China and Russia would "take action." Ben Carson is totally nuts, so not that either.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.