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Started by spitllama, September 05, 2012, 07:15:02 PM

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The problem with that is Trump, but we'll see what happens.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 08, 2015, 07:40:03 PMIt's probably good to have a republican in office so that they don't mess with the economy and just let it fix itself
The economy that the Republicans largely crashed by repealing Glass Steagle.....
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I'm just going to assume Nocturne's comment was sarcastic.

me irl


Guys, how do I stop this topic from showing up on my Recent Unread Topics? I'm not American and I already have to deal with Tony Abbott.


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on August 08, 2015, 10:32:18 PMI'm just going to assume Nocturne's comment was sarcastic.
I don't think he was being sarcastic :p

Waddle Bro

I watched the republican debate and man was it hard to watch
i hear shit like "we need to build a wall" but nothing concerning the actual problems in your society .-.

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on August 08, 2015, 10:32:18 PMI'm just going to assume Nocturne's comment was sarcastic.
though that's the exact view of the right-liberitarianistic folk that tend to appear in the US

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 08, 2015, 07:40:03 PMIt's probably good to have a republican in office so that they don't mess with the economy and just let it fix itself
Some major parts of the goverment's job include(besides providing services such as national security) balancing the difference in income, protecting the environment and creating peace within the society. In general, creating well-being. These do not go hand to hand with the mindset of classic liberalism!! The rightists would argue with me about how balancing the difference in income is the government's duty.
But let me explain, as the difference in income becomes larger, it essentially results in more people suffering from poverty. And as long as the people who suffer from poverty remain a minority, they can't do anything about it, they can't make a change. The social mobility would pretty much be at a standstill, meaning in general the lower class wouldn't have a chance to rise to a higher class, as they are struggling to even be able to support themselves. In general, those people are more likely to be desperate enough to break the law in order to try to make their lives and situation better. And as you might deduce from all that, the difference in income is also in correlation with the severity of the criminal law. "The more severe the criminal law is, the less crime is likely to occur." It's also notable how corrupted your justice system could become, for example in this case favouring the upper class(instead of whites).
I would agree that relying on creative destruction would work flawlessly in theory, but the thing is that it could take generations for injustice(=like monopolies that'd break the law) to be corrected, and the higher class could easily corrupt the public sector with their wealth. Exactly what Donald Trump has been doing, "donating" to certain people's campaigns and such and getting political favours in return. Free-market and individualism is exactly like socialism, good on paper but not irl.

It's a matter of perspective. The rightist perspective is incredibly egoistic and just shows how you care about yourself. And the leftist perspective is altruistic and utilitarianistic in the sense that it wants what is best for the most amount of people. I'm no saint, but I personally would much rather have everyone have a chance to be on the same level and the social status would only be ultimately defined by how hard they are willing to work for it, instead of being born rich and then rewarded for it. You can't say that either socialism or capitalism is "wrong", but neither of them works when taken to the extreme.
Not to show you anything like "we have the best system look at us you all suck", but to show you why I'm really satisfied and think that the Nordic model works well. Like read the wiki article, and I found a great Reddit page while trying to find flaws in our system. I don't really agree with all of that criticism with my moral views, and I find that the pros outweigh the cons. Again, not doing this to "rub it in your face", but to show you how things could be.
How things could be, since my homie my bro Bernie Sanders is running for president and I'm completely behind him, and I've promoted him as much as I could have so far!! Bernie Sanders is trying to bring the Nordic model to US, and I think he could very well make United States the land of opportunities it once was!! I also came across this article which is my homie Bernie talkin about what you could learn from Denmark.

All you 18+, remember to register in order to vote in the preliminaries!!! Also check out Bernie Sanders, imo the best candidate :]
also I'm interested if anyone here is more willing to vote for Clinton instead of Sanders, like I don't get it why?

Pianist Da Sootopolis

I'm going to a Bernie Sanders Rally today in Portland!
what is shitpost


Hahaha Waddle makes such a good point :P

Quote from: Waddle Bro on August 09, 2015, 08:51:00 AMAll you 18+, remember to register in order to vote in the preliminaries!!! Also check out Bernie Sanders, imo the best candidate :]
also I'm interested if anyone here is more willing to vote for Clinton instead of Sanders, like I don't get it why?

I would vote for Sanders over Clinton, but from what I've heard, people want her because they think she has a better chance against the Republican candidate and that Sanders was too radical (which turns off some people). Clinton also has more experience with the government since she's been First Lady, a senator, Secretary of State...Right now the Republicans are really expecting her to be nominated, so you won't believe the slander they're dishing out against a single person.

I think the people that happily eat up any sort of garbage posted by these sites have a lot of personal problems. These same people are more willing to blame some Mexicans for their misery, rather than realize the person they voted for, is screwing them over. I saw someone defend George Bush with "he's not perfect, but at least he believes in God." Someone is too senile to remember what he did in office!

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

So, I ended up having to go back from the Bernie rally- because it was full before the show nearly an hour before the rally started.
Nearly 20K people attended.
If anyone still thinks he's a fringe candidate, consider the poll out today that shows he's only 5% or so behind Hillary, even accounting for margin of error.
what is shitpost


my friends call him a socialist xD

Waddle Bro

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 09, 2015, 08:32:39 PMmy friends call him a socialist xD
i call you a libertarian xDDD

He even calls himself a democratic socialist. It's not an insult or dirty, if you'd know what democratic socialism means. We have the Scandinavian countries and other European countries which have had social-democratic governments and labour goverments, and we have free healthcare and education and they are basic civil rights. Childcare, strong retirement benefits, we're often pro-environment, just in general our countries the government works for the middle class instead of the billionaire and rich industrialists. (x)

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 09, 2015, 08:32:39 PMmy friends call him a socialist xD
He calls himself a socialist- and more specifically, a democratic socialist.
Same form of government that Canada, the UK, France, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Spain have.
what is shitpost


Oh yeah politics are so much fun. I really enjoy discussing the trade-off between equality and equity. Or is that economics?

Hm, all these issues that they argue over. Are they issues? Are they non issues? Didn't they already decide that some time ago? Are they going to make radical changes that affect your personal life or minor changes that don't personally affect you so you secretly don't care?

Well the important thing is family and friendship, honesty values, and no one got arrested. *spoken guitar riff*
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Would be very interesting if Sanders won the primary.  I feel some of his stances are a bit radical, but I think most of his stances have the right idea for a progressive nation.  Haven't really been keeping up too much with the political sphere, however, so I'm a bit ignorant on specifics.

srsly tho, when will the usa enter a socialist states like its european buddies so that i can win election of president and slowly aggrandize power on my path to world dictator

ill hire jub3r7 and ruto as assistant dictators.  applications for assistant assistant dictators are also on file.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

He seems radical, but in all actuality, his stances reside with the majority of americans.
Getting money out of politics- American people support.
Heavier taxes on the rich- American people support
Minimum wage to 15 an hour- American people HUGELY support (in fact, most republicans also support this- around 60% or so in the last poll I saw)
The list goes on. Probably the most dubious on his thing is a single payer healthcare system, which many ignorant kool-aid drinkers will hate because it's an extension of the Affordable Care act.
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