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Started by spitllama, September 05, 2012, 07:15:02 PM

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I really don't want to think our country can be this disgusting. Please tell me the is empty left wing mud slinging or something because I just don't want to accept the fact that our America is that fucking stupid, pardon my french.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Wait, who are you talking about, PDS or Iowa Republicans?


You don't need to mudsling the right wing to make them look bad >_> Their candidates are a joke. The person saying the most outrageous crap gets the most attention or biggest lead in the polls. Confucius must be rolling over in his grave.

I also read the Slate article. I'm sure I posted about Carson's comment on "arming the Jews would prevent the Holocaust". He's probably doing it for the media attention to sell more books and paid appearances, but using a presidential candidate platform for monetary gain is an insult.


"The Anti-Defamation League, an anti-Semitism monitoring group, has previously said that drawing comparisons between the gun control debate in the US and the Holocaust was "historically inaccurate and offensive", especially to Holocaust survivors and their families.

In 1943, armed Jews in the Warsaw ghetto fought the Nazis. Jews killed about 20 Nazis, but about 13,000 Jews died in the uprising.

Ben Carson's comments come days after a mass shooting at a college in the US state of Oregon, in which nine people were killed."

Quote from: Altissimo on October 26, 2015, 06:17:23 AMlmao my ex-boyfriend wants/wanted to be a surgeon

Glad you got out of that okay lol

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Freakin' Justin Trudeau is gonna run my beautiful country to the ground! ..oh wait.. is this american politics? I'll just back out here..
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


I'm mostly disturbed by the "Obama care is the worst thing since slavery." I'm so sorry that the upper class people living a decent life pay a bit more for medical insurance, but come on. Are these people really selfish enough to think that it's even remotely appropriate to compare being charged more money (to help out people!) to slavery?

I swear, these people (majoriry of iowa republicans) dont even know what Jesus preached.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on October 27, 2015, 09:59:14 AMI'm mostly disturbed by the "Obama care is the worst thing since slavery." I'm so sorry that the upper class people living a decent life pay a bit more for medical insurance, but come on. Are these people really selfish enough to think that it's even remotely appropriate to compare being charged more money (to help out people!) to slavery?

I swear, these people (majoriry of iowa republicans) dont even know what Jesus preached.

People either  have no idea about anything or they're just trolling the polls. Since trolling is fun to people, it could be possible that they're just bored.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Just a reminder to everyone that the 3rd Republican Debate is tonight!

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Anyone wanna play the republican debate drinking game?
You just get totally shitfaced beforehand, that way you can stand listening to them.
what is shitpost


For reference:

1. Donald Trump brags about how much money he makes.

2. Trump uses the words "disaster," "loser" or "head spin."

3. Trump says he "loves" somebody or thinks he/she is a "wonderful person," before ripping him/her for being a loser or a disaster or whatever.

4. Trump rips another candidate's poll numbers. Make it a double if he tweaks Jeb about cutting the pay of his staffers. Add a beer chaser if Trump doubles down and talks about how well, in contrast, he pays his people.

5. Anyone references how Hillary "lied before the committee."

6. A candidate proposes abolishing an utterly necessary branch of government, or a politically untouchable program like Medicare.

7. Jeb Bush refers to himself as "Veto Corleone," or insists that "Washington is the pejorative term, not Redskins." Drink as much as you can stomach if he actually uses either line.

8. Any candidate makes an awkward/craven pop-culture reference, including references to Peyton Manning or the Broncos.

9. Any candidate illustrates the virtue of one of his/her positions by pointing out how not PC it is.

10. Any candidate compares anything that isn't slavery to slavery. A double if it's Ben Carson.

11. Any candidate evokes Nazis, the Gestapo, Neville Chamberlain, concentration camps, etc. Again, a double if it's Ben Carson, who has been amping up the slavery/Holocaust imagery lately.

12. Carson cites the Bible as authority for complex policy questions.

13. Any candidate righteously claims he/she would never have compromised on the debt ceiling thing. You may drink more if you feel sure enough that the person is lying.

14. Carly Fiorina whips out a number that is debunked by Politifact or some other reputable fact-checking service before the end of the night. (Example: the 307,000 veterans who supposedly died last year because of Barack Obama's inept management of the VA.) Actually, drink if any candidate does this.

15. A low-polling candidate makes a wild and outrageous statement in a transparent attempt to revive his or her campaign. Huckabee calling for summary bludgeonings of immigrants would be an example.

16. A candidate complains about not getting enough time. This evergreen drinking game concept is henceforth known as the "Jim Webb rule."

17. The audience bursts into uncomfortable applause at a racist/sexist statement.


18. A candidate evokes St. Reagan.


19. "Selling baby parts"

20. "White Lives Matter" or "All Lives Matter"

21. "Ferguson Effect"

22. "I'm the only candidate on this stage who..."

23. George Bush/My brother "kept us safe"

24. "Shining city on a hill"


25. Anyone references a biblical justification for gun ownership, or insists an infamous historical tragedy would have been prevented if more people had been armed.

The following rules are optional, for the truly hardcore.


    Ted Cruz mentions his wife's baking skills without mentioning she worked for Goldman Sachs.
    Rand Paul mentions the Constitution, the Framers or the founders before he mentions his children.
    Someone makes a quiet car joke at Christie's expense.
    Fiorina mentions being a secretary or having a husband who drove a tow truck.

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Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Pianist Da Sootopolis

So this is a thing.
what is shitpost


That's incredibly offensive to young people xD

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

I want to say it's a step up from comparing Obamacare to slavery, but....
what is shitpost


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on November 07, 2015, 10:02:10 AMI want to say it's a step up from comparing Obamacare to slavery, but....

Not as bad as being proud of pantaloons aflame.

Then he made a disgusting tweet about how much he made this week from sounding like a victim of the media. It makes sense if you're out to make money from gullible people to sell books, but then if your autobiography lied about stuff, isn't that bad press? He needs to go away.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I found the third image to be pretty funny.
As humble as you can get while engraving a biblical inscription into stone and covering it with gold leaf, surrounded by ornate decorations and numerous awards


I hope Carson or Trump say something insensitive about the French attacks like after that shooting at that university and then their poll numbers crash and burn