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Started by spitllama, September 05, 2012, 07:15:02 PM

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"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

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Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, & George Papadopoulos were indicted today.

Today is going to be crazy.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Papadopoulous has been in jail a while for lying to the FBI though, his stuff just came out today I thought.

But yeah Manafort was indicted for money laundering oh boy.

Anyone see the Kevin Spacey story?
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It gets even better - Papadopoulous has already plead guilty, basically proving that at least some members of the campaign had ties to Russia.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I think now's a good time to get some popcorn. It's a show you don't want to miss.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Is it evidence of collusion for the election though? It looks more like run of the mill bribery and money laundering. Still obv. damning and unacceptable, but more like doing money laundering for the mob vs the KGB.
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Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on October 30, 2017, 05:54:27 PMIs it evidence of collusion for the election though? It looks more like run of the mill bribery and money laundering. Still obv. damning and unacceptable, but more like doing money laundering for the mob vs the KGB.

funny thing is, that alone would warrant investigation within a president under normal circumstances.

Sadly... things that should've been investigated under normal circumstances started 15 controversies ago for trump.


I just realized how corrupt the political left is, especially here in Sweden (which is called "grey socialism"). I mean, the thing is, the more you think about it, the more double-moral/contradicting statements you find, it's completely absurd, how they just make the country going (but I guess it isn't that hard after all...).

Let's start with the classic left argument "We're more sympathetic then the right. The right are hard and cold people who only cares about laws and bureaucratic stuff like that". ...y and then the left goes shouting rasists to people all day long, ...really sympathetic. Even invent new "bad words" like homophobe and islamophobe (and probably a lot more, but who really cares), those word didn't even exist until... some years ago. But nowadays, the left is saying, that there are more ways to "be evil", ...which everybody obviously likes... (sarcastic). And then a big question arises "what is good and what is evil". Which you could yet again answer with a left-emotional answer and say "well obviously everybody knows what is good and evil, duh.". But at the same time the left goes around saying "there's nothing such as normal or natural, everything is about society, and social constructs". Which is a fundamental contradiction, "everyone knows what good and evil is, but everything is more or less a social construct.", that statement in itself is pretty much a contradiction. And then the left thinks a bit and comes either up with some obscure philosopher/thinker or Jesus (because good and evil comes from religion (Christianity) and Jesus did good things). But then you only have to cite Marx "Religion is opium to the people" and religion itself seem like a "non-leftist thing". And even if you buy into the Christianity good thing, then you have to deal with the fact that you support LGBT and Islam and feminism, and there you yet again have contradiction. So I guess the left either then goes full emotional and says something like "some religious things are good others are, and if you ask why, then it's purely because I and some other people thinks so". Or goes more to the roots and talk about Marx and other philosophers they value. And my point in making this comment is how I, whom been a really firm and loyal leftist guy (and I really mean that. I'm the guy who says "let's make the everything state-owned, believing in collectivism, and believing in the socialistic/communistic utopia), have clearly seen, and also felt, how the left has just gotten all wrong, and as I stated in the beginning, become completely corrupt with double-moral/contradicting statements. And the thing with the "were the nice and sympathetic party" also breaks apart when they don't even care about all people who have troubles, only the ones they want to care about. For example, there was a study that found that the people who voted for the nationalistic party, Sweden-democrats, were among the most anxious people in general. And what does the left do about it? Calls those people a bunch of bad words, which obviously will just hurt them even more and make them worse.

And that's the problem with the Swedish  "grey socialism". The name says itself. It's neither white nor black, neither good nor evil and etc. And that I feel is a fundamental ideological problem. If the left were to be successful anyhow they have to rely on that people simply likes them "they're the good and warm people, the right is the hard and cold people. And the pretext that obviously people likes warm and nice people s that's why people should and will vote for the left", that's what made them successful (here in Sweden at least). I saw an article in a right-wing newspaper, where a Socialist veteran predicted that the right will win the next election. And I kind of think that will happen as well, but it's really unclear. It's my prediction, and I'll also vote for a right-wing party, rather than a left, which is pretty unique as I just told you that I've been a hard core left-supporter.

As a final note: It's also funny how one of the government agencys with the lowest trust, from the Swedish people, is the "agency which is to help people get a job". ...y that's really great by the Social-democratic Worker's party. 
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Quote from: Dude on November 04, 2017, 12:14:10 PMtl;dr;

To be fair, that describes most of the posts here in Politics. But very true.
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Trainer Ave

If the left didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on November 04, 2017, 05:45:12 PMIf the left didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.

I'm not 100% sure about that. I guess you could say the same about the right, but the right is more clear by differentiating conservatism and liberalism/libertarianism.

I also think that "the left caring so much about minorities" is a dangerous thing for the left. And it could be silly to think that standing for the weak could be a dangerous thing to do, and people might answer with "but Tobbeh99, you're only saying this because you're a bad person who hates minorities", which isn't completely true, but I dislike certain minorities. But let me explain why I think that caring too much about minorities is bad thing:

The whole idea of the left goes back to Marx. And his idea came at a time when people probably thought that the richer people were superior to the poor. But Marx was smarter than the average joe I guess. So he came up with the pyramid idea. And after thinking about it probably concluded that it's unfair that the the rich gets more money than the poor, what makes them deserve that, and is it really the best system in general. And Marx thought that the best system would be the one that gave the best (money and in general life quality) to the most people (which philosophically is called "utilitarianism"). And it's all based upon that there are more people at the bottom at the pyramid than at the top. So theoretically the bottom people should be able to outnumber the ones at the top. And here is where the dilemma with minorities comes in. Because when people are going around talking all day long about different groups and minorities, what they're actually doing is dividing the bottom part of the pyramid. And that's why all these "populism right parties" pops up. Because all people on the left aren't a bunch of "purists left", but the thing that's unite them is the pyramid thing, and that people want equality. And that is, in my opinion, a very big failure for the left -it isn't united and tries to unite, it is and does the opposite.   

The even more funnier thing is how the left now seem to realize that and like "oh shit, how are we going to fix this" ...."emm we're all different, and work in different jobs and all, but we're still sort of united and can unite more... and we all hate the rich! Them greedy bastards!". The irony is real.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh

Trainer Ave

I never said I thought the right was any better. It's not (well actually maybe just slightly). The biggest problem I have with the left is that they are trying to design a society around it's weakest members. When you do that you design a weak society.

With minorities, companies have to follow affirmative action which honestly is completely garbage and blatantly discriminatory and it just baffles me how people can't see it.
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on November 05, 2017, 06:00:03 AMThe biggest problem I have with the left is that they are trying to design a society around it's weakest members. When you do that you design a weak society.
because only straight white males should succeed in life, right?

Trainer Ave

Never once did I suggest nor imply that. I suggest you don't put words in my mouth. I'm suggesting that people should succeed based on their merit and effort. Race, gender, religion, ethnicity should never be taken into account for whether or not someone gets a job.
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on November 05, 2017, 09:26:55 AMNever once did I suggest nor imply that. I suggest you don't put words in my mouth. I'm suggesting that people should succeed based on their merit and effort. Race, gender, religion, ethnicity should never be taken into account for whether or not someone gets a job.
But that's what generally the left does in policy? (or at least US democrats)

Many forms of societal decisions in the US (police, education, etc.) tend to have biases in identity, so what the left does is enact policies to sort of "counter" the identity-based inequality. That is commonly religion, race, ethnicity, gender, preference, etc.

There was a post on reddit that I think really gives a good picture about racism and the likes in regards to left vs. right. I can't find it again, but it went something along the lines of "The left view racism as a societal issue, where activities in society are racially charged, and that they need to be addressed on the federal / government level" and "The right view racism as an individual issue, where racism comes from the individual and how they interact with those around them".

So the left call the right racist because while their individual actions might not be racist, they ignore / go against policies to fix racial biases inside things like education, policing, jobs, etc.

And the right calls the left racist because they try to give an advantage to people over (commonly) whites, even though the people given the advantage is usually disadvantaged by society at the time.

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on November 05, 2017, 04:38:41 AMI also think that "the left caring so much about minorities" is a dangerous thing for the left. And it could be silly to think that standing for the weak could be a dangerous thing to do, and people might answer with "but Tobbeh99, you're only saying this because you're a bad person who hates minorities", which isn't completely true, but I dislike certain minorities. But let me explain why I think that caring too much about minorities is bad thing
But saying, specifically "I dislike certain minorities" the definition of racism (or xism)?

Viewing people differently or negatively because of a different identity, even though they're still human?