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Started by spitllama, September 05, 2012, 07:15:02 PM

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Trump has policies? They sound more like ramblings of some lunatic, and then these ignorant people are just eating up his word vomit.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on August 07, 2016, 10:01:55 PMThe conspiracy theory that Trump is an agent of the Democratic party meant to bring about the total implosion of the Republican party just seems more and more plausible by the day
Honestly yeah. Especially since he's been friends with the Clintons for a long time and is just now attacking "Crooked Hillary" for a mostly bullshit scandal.
(granted yeah she was suuuuuper careless with private information and shit)
what is shitpost

E. Gadd Industries

Honestly, I never cared for Trump in the first place. I think he's actually trying to make himself sound like an idiot to make sure Hillary wins. At this point, it's safe to say America's next 4 years aren't going to be so well.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on August 08, 2016, 03:59:29 AMit's safe to say America's next 4 years aren't going to be so well.
Oh, for sure.


For those that hate progress, I suppose.  The real danger comes from the maniac cult of bigot extremists that Trump is cultivating.  If they aren't stamped out or just fizzle out from their own incompetence, that kind of movement will cause lasting damage to this country.  And that's assuming nobody is stupid enough to elect any of them.

The hateful vitriol they sputter is akin to some crazy neo-Nazi propaganda, and has the dangerous potential to set humanity back generations if allowed to fester.

me irl

Pianist Da Sootopolis

I'm not a fan of Hillary by any means. But she'd make a far better president (and is far more qualified) than Trump would.
She's a business as usual, incremental change politician (and is just as bought and paid for by Wall Street as many Republicans are, and is far more hawkish than I'm comfortable with). But for all her flaws, she hasn't said to kill the families of terrorists, deport 11-13 million illegal immigrants, or ban migrants from entering the U.S. based solely on the religion they happen to hold.
what is shitpost


Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on August 08, 2016, 03:59:29 AMAt this point, it's safe to say America's next 4 years aren't going to be so well.

People say these things all the time. 1000 years if you're this guy.

So Obama did win reelection, so where's the darkness? Just in the imaginations of people scared by everything.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Sure, people say it's the end of the world every time an election comes about. But this is literally the most ridiculous election in decades. George W. Bush, the man who was always seen by the left as foolish and rash during his presidency, actually sounds reasonable and respectable. Honestly, I'd gladly take another Bush term over Trump. In this case, talking about the effects of a Trump presidency aren't actually so far out there. He literally hasn't told anybody how he's going to do anything. He just says sentences with words that can be understood and appeal to the most bigoted people in America.

"We're going to build a wall between us and Mexico and they're going to pay for it."
"Oh hey, I know what walls do. And nobody seems to be able to say Mexican and respectable in the same sentence. And we don't want to spend money on anything but the military. That's a great idea."
Meanwhile, Mexico almost literally tells Trump to f off.

"We have to register and track all the Muslims in America and stop them from coming into the country."
Like... I still can't understand how this made it through somebody's brain and out their mouth. That is the most insane thing I have heard from a politician, and my friend has the Dean Scream as a text ringtone. We're trying to prevent the radicalization of young people as part of this terrorism thing, right? What does he think is gonna happen when we tell a significant portion of the American population that they are unwelcome and need to be watched? American citizens. People who have lived here their entire lives and are now told that they're not American enough and are a danger to society just because they happen to believe in a slightly different set of events from the most popular religion in America and follow incredibly similar teachings from a different book. There was this thing a while ago that people talk about as one of the most horrific events in human history. It happened because one man decided that there was a religion, or a way of life, that was wrong and needed to be taken care of. I just don't understand it.

If Trump wins, it will be an enormous setback for the country. I don't mean that to be a fear monger and spread false ideas. It would actually be incredibly detrimental to the country. It's frightening.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I personally question how much trump is capable of doing if he gets in office. It's not only democrats that hate him, a good portion of Republicans dislike him and would only vote for him because "Hillary is a criminal" and all that stuff. I don't think any of his ideas are gonna get through our legeslative process even if most of them are republican becuase no one would vote yes on "track muslims" and "build a wall and send the bill to mexico." Even if he somehow pulls it through good luck getting anyone to enforce it.

Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I think it's interesting how this campaign has virtually completely dissolved into voting against the other candidate and not voting for somebody anymore. At least, that's how it appears from my perspective. Republicans voting Trump to prevent Hillary, Bernie begging his supporters to vote Hillary to prevent Trump...has any other election been this way?
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Most elections have "so the other guy doesn't win" to a certain degree; but it's far more pronounced in this election than others in recent history.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


This is where I'd normally say, "Just go and vote for someone independant," but the polls show that barely anyone is doing that and people won't do that when they think it's more likely that they can stop Trump by voting for Hillary.



Pianist Da Sootopolis

Tbh if we could get Gary Johnson or Jill Stein up to 15% in the polls (and thereby get them onto the presidential debate stage), I would love to see both Hillary and Trump get their asses handed to them.
Johnson isn't my cup of tea (especially with his language regarding climate change, but even moreso with his take on Citizens United), and Stein is a little too far left for me (she panders to anti vaxxers and said that wifi hurts developing kids' brains), so I'd probably vote Hillary. Or maybe Stein depending on how this pans out. But, I'd love to see how well either of the two major independent candidates would do.
what is shitpost


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on August 08, 2016, 06:16:23 PMStein is a little too far left for me (she panders to anti vaxxers and said that wifi hurts developing kids' brains)

I wouldn't really call that "too far left", that's just pandering to the moron vote

me irl