TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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I'm sorry, Wry sent me a PM about it, I forgot about you.  This is going to be the worst hosting job in the history of NSM TWG.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


K-NiGhT, do you want me to see if SFK wants your spot?


Vera   I have the Mushroom!!!
   bird   tell the thread yo
   Vera   ok


Apparently I wasn't poisoned last night. I don't really know what that's all about.

I guess Saturn was human. This is one of the reasons I wanted to lynch Wry this phase, but I wasn't really that vocal about it. I'm worried he may be the master wolf, but I guess that isn't very likely.

Anyway, running out of ideas! Not sure who to suspect at this point. I'm really hoping Wry is a wolf, and I'll bank on that possibility for now.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: K-NiGhT on September 07, 2012, 09:19:25 PMSeriously? I've been explicitly saying that dude could take my spot.

Quote from: K-NiGhT on September 05, 2012, 09:24:27 PMI'm definitely gonna continue. for the rest of this game, at least.



Here's a new suspicion list. I feel really good about this one, it seems like everything is falling into place.

1. Wrydryn - Nothing has changed. Most players come off as very human, meaning that it is likely that the wolves are inactive. I will be blown away if both Wrydryn and Saturn were human, and very impressed with the wolves. He was poisoned last night phase, so we don't even have to lynch him, we can just stand back and watch him die. Sorry about this Dude. I guess you can have K-NiGhT's role after this one is gone, assuming we don't decide to cure him.

2. K-NiGhT - The same logic from above sort of applies here. You have an excuse for your inactivity, but that doesn't really mean you're human or a wolf - it just means you're inactive. And when you're less human-seeming than many other players, well, you're number 2 on the suspicion list.

3. Bubbles7689 - I know you're busy with moving, but it's really the same case as K-NiGhT's, to a lesser degree. You're being inactive, and it's hard to get a read on your suspicions. When you finally got around to making your list (thanks for that by the way!) I feel like you sort of echoed what other people said. And at one point in the chat, you said you suspected SocialFox the most, which came across as pretty odd!

=4. Spyro - There's exactly one thing going for him. When I sarcastically admitted to being a wolf he said "So you're admitting to being wolf? It was pretty obvious. Just the way your were talking sounded "trying to hide it"" This is much more likely to be something human-said than wolf-said.

=4. spitllama - Has come off as overwhelmingly human in conversations and his defense post. At the same time though, there's less human stuff in his favor than there is for other players lower on this list, and he's apparently a very skilled wolf.

6. Mashi - Extremely active, starting conversations with people about suspicions rather than playing passively. Apparently he's inactive when he's a wolf. I wouldn't put it past him to change, but one this radical would be very difficult to believe.

7. gzgregory - Mashi, Verm and I pretended to have found him out as a wolf, and he reacted pretty ordinarily. Then there's the poisoning thing, and he just seems very human in conversation.

8. Jub3r7 - This. I highly doubt something like this is made up. He seems to be really trying here, and in a log with Mashi, he confessed that he felt guilty about not trying hard enough. I don't know if a wolf would act that way, unless they were some emotionally manipulative sociopath or something. Anyway, a very human seeming guy.

9. vermilionvermin - Seered green early, very active and helpful. I don't really think anyone believes he's a wolf at this point.

10. Kman96 - All of his posts come across as very (naively) human.

11. FSM-Reapr - Should be stapled to the bottom of everyone's list, just on the basis of him not knowing whether or not the wolves knew each other. Also his constant stalking of the Who Is Online page shows that he's interested in catching wolves. Or maybe he just does that all the time. Regardless, he's human.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


So I decided to make my suspicion list differently this time.  Everyone has a y at the end of their name.  Also this is in Tier list format.

Inactives who could be everyone and their mother's partner

K-Nighty:  Pretty much the same thing as Wry in terms of activity, but for some reason people haven't focused as much on it?  I think that the wolves are inactive because everyone seems so human.

Wry:  Inactive.

People who have something which keeps them below that other tier

Spyroy:  Probably fits into the tier above pretty well, but Bird does have a point when he says that the way you handled his accusations is more indicative of a human than a wolf.

Bubby:  Fairly inactive as well but apparently didn't want to insta Maestro which puts you a spot below Spyroy because you would be a first-time wolf if you are one this game and I think that a first-time wolf would be antsy to lynch someone.

Kman96-y:  There's Bird's wall defending you, and that includes a ton of things which are more likely to come from humans than wolves.  The two main red flags for me were his weird support of the Maestro lynch and, something I discovered recently, how perfect his response is to my accusation of him if he's a wolf and Bird isn't (and Bird isn't, but I'll get to that later).  By voting for Bird, he disproves the fact that the two are wolves together because Bird was nowhere near getting lynched and wolves rarely show support for their partners' lynches until late in the lynch.  However, his defense of himself has seemed really human and that's confusing.

People who might be wolves but probably aren't

Mushy:  Seem pretty human but I've got my eye on you mister!  Talked lots though.

Spitty:  Your defense of Maestro is a double-edged sword.  I think that if K-Night turns out to be a wolf, you're likely not a wolf because you wanted people to lynch K-Night instead of Maestro.  Also seemed pretty human in your defense.
People whom I don't want dead

Greggy:  There's the chat that we had with him that Bird mentioned and there's the poisoning stuff which could go either way.  What tips the balance in his favor, though, is the fact that he knew when Wry was last online.  He makes a very compatible partner for Wry, but if Wry's not a wolf I'd be pretty shocked if Greg is.  Thus, we should get rid of Wry first and then reevaluate Gzgregory.

Jubby:  Bird's touched upon it, but he seems to be really giving it his all this game.

Birdy:  Seems to be really invested in this game.  Also my suspicion of him and Kman being wolves together along with my suspicion of him and Saturn being wolves together were shot down.  The former makes me sure that he's human though.  I don't think that a wolf would go out of his way to defend someone that Mashi, myself, and Spitllama all said we thought was suspicious unless the two were wolf partners.  Kman's near-immediate voting of Bird destroyed that theory and  pretty much any doubt that Bird is human.

FSM-y:  Came up with lots of different ideas as to what we should do with the poisons and is doing a lot of Who's Online watching.  I can't really see him being a wolf.


I know we didn't necessarily expect Saturn to be a wolf, but it's still frustrating that we haven't got one yet!

I'd be hesitant about lynching Wry now for any reason other than uselessness. I highly doubt any wolf would allow themselves to knowingly garner two phantoms.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Oops Wry is poisoned disregard the lynching comment.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: Bird on September 08, 2012, 12:43:39 AM11. FSM-Reapr - Also his constant stalking of the Who Is Online page shows that he's interested in catching wolves. Or maybe he just does that all the time.
Only when playing TWG.  ::)


I was poisoned so, if someone wants to heal me that'd be great.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on September 08, 2012, 01:16:03 AMHowever, his defense of himself has seemed really human and that's confusing.


Party Hard!


So could we elucidate the Poison things.  Who's poisoned and who's not?  Is it just Spyro and Whirr?


Yeah, just use your poisons on Wry, and use the mushroom on Spyro. Or use your poisons on Spyro also. It doesn't matter!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


So I have the poison, and just to make sure I dont do something stupid Im using it on Wry?