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TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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Ok, after that AWESOME CHAT PARTY we just had, I'm gonna change my vote to Spit, too.


I was poisoned. Even though I used it on someone.



We'll see if you're right.


Quote from: Spyro on September 06, 2012, 03:06:36 PMI was poisoned. Even though I used it on someone.

I highly advise checking with the host through PM to see if this was some kind of mistake. Are you sure you sent the PM? Because I was also poisoned this phase, and I think verm poisoned Wry as well.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Spyro on September 05, 2012, 03:23:16 PMIf I can give it to someone, give it to *name*.

The name wasn't bolded, and I thought by the wording he meant to let him use the item instead of him.  If I am in the wrong, I'll see about changing it, if not, then carry on.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Bird there are so many things wrong with your post I can't even count them. Im at a volunteer meeting right now but will post after an hour and a half! I would appreciate avoiding an insta before then!
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Currently using Finale 2012


But what if you give the poison to somebody and that person doesn't use that, doesn't it mean the person who last had the poison, got poisoned?


You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


I'd like to see a defense from Spit before voting, but Bird's accusation against him is pretty convincing.  I would go into more detail but Im on my phone.


Sorry guys! I could be more active, I know. but I've been relying on my phone to get updates, and it sucks for typing. As a result, I haven't seen the full thread and therefore cannot give an accurate list of suspicion at this time.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Bird, when poisoned the master wolf is seered red!

Also Bird made a pretty convincing defense of Kman, and is now giving reasons to suspect Spit who was second on my list anyway, so yeah!

As verm said though I'll wait for spit's defense.


Ha, oh yeah.


That spitllama guy sure is suspicious!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


So I finally decided to make a suspicion list after some persuading, but be warned, itll be confusing and messy. This isnt so much as a traditional suspicion list, but more of me examining the possibilities of someone being a wolf and a human. Theyre also in no particular order (definetly not copied and pasted from bird's list)

1. Wrydryn- inactive, and as far as I know he hasnt even read his pm yet (though he probably has by now). Having only three wolves due to inactiveness would make it easier to secretly send pms without someone seeing, as well as a simpler decision amongst wolves. If Wry was a wolf though, his fellow wolves would be checking to see when he was last online to see if he's even playing. Not many people have been doing that, and those who have were just doing it since its day 2 already and he hasnt done anything.

2. K-night- Inactive also, though uses the excuse of being grounded. The entire story of him being grounded could be fake, which would pretty much guarantee him a wolf (though Im just trying ot find a reason that hes suspicious). If he really was a wolf, he would be sneaking in time to check his messages quickly or just to check up on the game (this is just using my experience of groundings, idk how strict his rules are).

3. Mr. Saturn- Inactive, with occasianal bouncing in to comment something random on the thread. Idk if hes ever played a game before, but if he was a first time wolf, most of the time they are inactive (Taking advice from more experienced players). This could be true, but when he comments on the thread it seems the same way he commented on the sign up thread, before he would have been notified of him wolfiness.

4. Gzgregory- Suspected by other people, but for me only mildly. The only thing I can find against him is that he checked to see if Wry was online, proving my wolf-theory for Wrydryn. This was well into the game however, and seemed to be just him wondering where he is (like the rest of us).

5. Mashi- He, along with verm and bird, seem to have taken the leader-role of the game, whether they like it or not. Im not saying that this means hes a wolf, but that he's acting the same as the other games I've played with him, when he was human.

6. Spillama- I wasnt in the chat when everything happened, but I'd like to know what did so I can fill in this why-he-might-be-a-wolf-space. Other than that, he like myself, heavily opposed the Maestro lynching. This could be taken both ways, but I dont think a wolf would have fought that hard to save the seer who could eventualy doom him.

7. Vermilion- same as Mashi

8.  Spyro- Definetly on the human side of my suspicion list. Just the overall way of him acting shows me that he's 70% human. The only reason that I think that hes 30% a wolf is because I get a bad feeling when I look at his posts (which is extremely dumb, since everyone I did that to in my first game was human.

9. Jub- Same as Spyro, but my weirdness for not sniffing out wolves is stronger here

10. Kman- Extremely confusing. Idk about him anymore. Hes told everyone in the game that he was about to lie, which is something that a human would not do, and something that a wolf wouldnt do either.

11. Fsm-<3. Nothing against him, hes the same as he always is.

13. Bird- The same as Mashi and Verm, though he is a bit more agressive. Like Maestro said, this could be a wolf trying to keep people away from looking closely at his actions. But this also could just be his playing style, and hes determined to kill the wolves


This is going to sound pretty sketchy, but I was in the chatroom with Gzgregory, and then somebody popped in, claimed to be the doctor, then left. Gzg can verify this. It was really random.

I would really like to know if this claim is valid. If the real doctor is out there and did not enter the chatroom and claim, I think they should privately claim to me. Even if I am a wolf, I won't wolf them because that would incriminate me when a blue result popped up next night phase. On top of that, I think that it's pretty clear that I'm human. Claim to gz also if you want. But it's important to know whether or not this person was lying.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Going to verify that yes, this did happen.


Quote from: Bird on September 06, 2012, 02:42:18 PMWhy would two players who are equally useless be so far apart on a player's suspicion list?

I actually had Wry as number two at the start, but eventually pushed him down for one simple reason: while both of them are just as inactive in the game, Wry's been the guy that hasn't been online. My understanding was that Wry hasn't even been online since the game started. This was according to Gzgreg's comment about it in the log, and by Mashi's comment in chat (he said that it's been days since he's been online). I'm sorry for not looking. I know that's not very satisfying for you to hear, but that's really all I can say- I was analyzing off of word-of-mouth.

QuoteAnd after his willingness to help make a suspicion list, as awful as it was, I think Mr. Saturn came off looking slightly more human than Wrydryn.

This is exactly the reason my vote stands- there was hardly any work put into it. Anyone can make a suspicion list like that. It was really nothing than just more black lines on the page. Is the very existence of a list really all it takes for you to take suspicions off of people? If so I should be as human as ever to you. What's different with Saturn for you?

QuoteBut this list was made before all that. And the huge gap is really odd.

I don't understand this point, can you please rephrase it?

QuoteIn addition to that, a lot of the other players I see high on that list seem human as well. Bubbles is seeming more and more human to me, and I've already said that I think Kman and Spyro are human.

Saturn is a weird guy, I think we can agree with that. What turned me to the idea that he could be a wolf was his "hi guys" comment. It didn't further discussion, he did not address our accusations, didn't discuss poisonings, didn't do anything. Since I've never played TWG with him, I have to be suspicious of this! Evidently he likes the game (he made his own site for goodness sakes), so there's no reason for him to not be here.
Bubbles, after her most recent post about suspicions, appears human now. It was good analysis and showed she wasn't just willfully-ignoring the game. I had not seen enough of her, but she was online, which is why I suspected her so much (same as Saturn).
Spyro is still high on my list. The guy just jumps in and out with hardly any discussion. If he is trying to play, it is very poor comparatively. If he's purposefully avoiding it all, then all the more wolfy. I'm not really going to address the Kman point, since we've already had this discussion and Verm/Mashi also believed he was suspicious.

QuoteAnother thing about your write-ups, it looks like you call pretty much every player suspicious. I think the general consensus this game is that most people appear very human which raises another red flag.

False. I established that FSM, Gzg, Verm, you, and Mashi were human. And that's just the list that I had little-to-no doubt about. I could follow with Jub and K-Night if I moved into the next tier. It would be lazy and ignorant to not be suspicious of everyone. Furthermore, just ask Mashi or Verm-- in the games I play, I am typically paranoid about everyone and rarely share information.

Quoteso that when a vote for them rolls around, you'll be able to bandwagon it. Lo and behold, that's exactly what you just did.

Bandwagoning is to join the general consensus with little-to-no basis of reasoning. Evidently this is not the case! I've given my reasons. And the vote I made was the second one for gosh sakes. It's not like I was joining a list of 6 already posted votes just to do a surprise insta. A wolf would wait.
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Currently using Finale 2012