TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Also first suspicion list ever woo

1. Mashi- Mashi has been extremely active, as always. I don't really see any reason to suspect him. He asks the right questions, handled the claiming incident well, etc. He was also hesitant to vote Maestro, despite feeling pretty sure of him (idk why though).

2. vermilionvermin- Verm has been playing differently this game. Not poorly, but he's had less of a raise-the-flag-and-charge kind of attitude than usual (though a lot of IRL things can explain this). He's been contributing in the form of defenses and thread posts, but was also one of the few people who wanted to lynch Socialfox (a now-confirmed human). Me thinks suspicious! ... but you were seer'd green so screw dat :P

3. Bubbles7689- Bubbles was active at the start but now we hardly see her :( Bubbles you should post more so I can judge you with my abundance of wisdom!!

5. Mr. Saturn- I don't know what your deal is. You show up after the poisoning incident with nothing to say. Post more-- inactivity is always suspicious

6. Bird- I've only played two previous game with Bird and he was not nearly this aggressive in those imo. However, being the first to shift the vote off of Maestro and to Spyro, I can see little reason to suspect him anymore.

8. Kman96- Kman has just been weird this game. Like I said earlier in the thread, he's trying a lot of new things that would probably hurt him as a wolf and as a human. So where does that leave us?

9. gzgregory- You've surprised me with your interest in the game. Suspicion lists, chats, etc. Yaaay. At first I thought you could have self-poisoned yourself like Bird said, but you also didn't seem super concerned about whether or not someone sent in a mushroom for you. I think you would be much more worried about if the human team came through for you if you were a wolf.

10. Wrydryn- Dooooooooood what's up. You should check NSM to see that you're actually in a game right now :l

11. Jub3r7- Jub has actually been.... active this game, kind of. It has actually caught me off guard tbh. He has participated in conversation and was even present for the Spyro switch. Looking back, I think Jub's been inactive in the games that he's been human in. The chat log revealed that Jub actually asked if he should vote Maestro, suggesting that he's human, but the guy also forgot to send in his mushroom antidote (did this end up happening in the end?)! Come on man you had one thing to do.

13. K-NiGhT- Grounded. Inactivity is understandable (though he does get grounded a lot :o). I've had inaccurate suspicions of you
this game according to pretty much everyone, so I'm going to just say whatever on this one :-]

14. spitllama- Pretty sure he's a wolf... yep. Definitely.

15. FSM-Reapr- I'm not really concerned about him. He's been active like always and contributing in the same way. Every game I hope that he's a wolf so I can actually see what his play style is xD

16. Spyro- You haven't really been here. You had some off-the-wall vote for Bird and that was pretty much all that was notable! I disagree with Bird in saying you're in the clear. I have higher suspicions for you than the inactive players actually!

Top 6 would be

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No, I didn't forget to send in my pm.

[9:50:33 PM] Daniel: Did you use your Mushroom???
[9:50:39 PM] Daniel: You sent in the PM, no?
[9:50:51 PM] Jub: On who? I've been gone for the past hour and a half
[9:50:58 PM] Jub: I was watching Sweeney Todd and got off just in time
[9:51:02 PM] Jub: so I could send in the pm for who
[9:51:37 PM] Jub: Oh, wrydryn
[9:51:41 PM] Daniel: NO.
[9:51:46 PM] Jub: what?
[9:51:57 PM] Jub: WHAT
[9:51:58 PM] Jub: EXPLICATE
[9:52:16 PM] Daniel: gzgregory
[9:52:22 PM] Daniel: We're poisoning Whirr on our own.
[9:52:25 PM] Jub: Oh
[9:54:00 PM] Jub: pm sent
[9:54:39 PM] Jub: If there are any last second changes
[9:54:45 PM] Daniel: Okay.
[9:54:49 PM] Jub: I'll have my phone
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


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Yeah I sent it in for gzgregory so

wait what?
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


I should probably explain why I suspected Socialfox so much.  Well, it's because I actually didn't!  After he claimed, I sent him a PM telling him to retract his claim so he didn't get wolfed.  I was worried because people said that they didn't really believe his retraction, so I put him at the top of my suspicion list in the hopes that he wouldn't get wolfed.

Spyro moves down my suspicion list as well for not attacking Bird with more fervor like I'd expect a wolf in his position to do.

As for why I'm going with Kman, while I feel that a few of his posts are more likely to come from a human (such as the one where he's PM-stalking and says he might lie) I feel that the one in which he votes is wolfy enough to warrant this.  He votes for Maestro, but emphasizes the fact that he does not want to be held accountable for the result.


I might rescind my vote.  Bird has aroused my suspicions, and I'd like him to answer for that!  There are a few main reasons that, as of late, he's become more suspicious.

First, the Socialfox wolfing.  Now, many people did doubt that Socialfox's Doctor claim was legitimate, but most of those people thought that he was either a normal human or a wolf.  Some people may have still thought that he was the doctor, but a select group of three people knew that I had told Socialfox to retract his claim:  Mashi, myself, and Bird.  I told Mashi because Mashi began to press him on why he retracted in the chat, and I didn't want him to crack and give hints that he was the Doctor, so I told Mashi.  Then Bird asked for my logs with Mashi because he said he thought we were wolves or something, and I handed them over.  I forgot to edit out the part where I discussed Socialfox, so Bird found out.  Anyway, long story short is that Bird had reason to believe, more than most people, that Socialfox was a wolf.

Second is how weirdly he handled the me poisoning Wrydryn situation.  Wry is usually a more insightful player than Mr. Saturn, so it would be natural to prefer to keep Wry around instead of Mr. Saturn.  Bird wouldn't let it go, and kept on saying that he would suspect me of being a wolf if I poisoned Mr. Saturn instead of Wrydryn.  I told him that I wouldn't change unless he had a better reason than that because I don't care whether he thinks I'm a human.  His response was that it's suspicious that Wrydryn is so much lower on most people's suspicion list, and that means that his wolf partners are more likely to have put him low.

Going through suspicion lists:

Verm has Wrydryn two spots higher than Mr. Saturn
Mashi doesn't rank them but says the same thing for both
FSM doesn't comment on how suspicious either is
Gzgregory put Mr. Saturn 1 spot higher
Bird has Wrydryn 5 spots higher
Bird has Wrydryn 2 spots higher in the second draft of his
Verm has Mr. Saturn 1 spot higher in his second draft

I might have missed one, but if you add all of that together, Wrydryn is higher by 7 spots all those suspicion lists.  Everyone else put them at about the same, but Bird alone accounted for the 7 spots.  Not only that, but he also convinced me to poison Wrydryn instead of Mr. Saturn based upon untrue logic.

Quote17:18   bird   i think we should poison wry and saturn
17:18   Vermilionvermin   can i change whom i poison?
17:18   bird   i would imagine so
17:19   Vermilionvermin   and then save only one of them or neither of them?
17:19   bird   neither i guess
17:19   Vermilionvermin   because the wolves are going to poison /someone/
17:20   bird   we can save that someone
17:20   Vermilionvermin   i just realized something bad
17:20   Vermilionvermin   i was seered green
17:20   Vermilionvermin   which means i'm not nic cage
17:20   Vermilionvermin   
17:20   bird   
17:20   bird   hey verm are you a wolf
17:20   Vermilionvermin   no
17:21   bird   okay if you say so
17:21   Vermilionvermin   ok
17:22   Vermilionvermin   I'm more ok with poisoning mr. Saturn than wry
17:22   Vermilionvermin   because I value wry's input if he were to return
17:23   Vermilionvermin   we won't get ahold of spyro in time though
17:23   bird   who is spyro poisoning
17:23   bird   whatever it doesnt matter
17:24   bird   we have two cures
17:24   Vermilionvermin   probably gzgregory
17:24   Vermilionvermin   do we have two cures?
17:24   bird   doctor and mushroom
17:25   Vermilionvermin   hopefully the former
17:25   bird   how could we not
17:25   Vermilionvermin   tomorrow night
17:25   bird   cardflippin yo
17:25   bird   flip flip
17:25   bird   flippidy flip
17:25   bird   hey but why mr. saturn
17:25   Vermilionvermin   over wry or in general?
17:25   bird   over wry
17:26   Vermilionvermin   Because wry's a better player
17:26   bird   not right now he isn't
17:26   Vermilionvermin   I could feasibly see wry coming back and providing input
17:26   Vermilionvermin   not mr saturn
17:26   Vermilionvermin   who may not even tell us that he's poisoned
17:27   bird   
17:27   bird   you said you'd rather kill mr. saturn than wry like two phases ago, since you thought wry would become active
17:27   bird   well he hasn't
17:27   bird   how do i know you aren't wolf partners!
17:28   Vermilionvermin   you don't.
17:28   Vermilionvermin   that's less important to me.
17:28   bird   okay well
17:28   bird   who else do you suspect
17:29   bird   ugh social fox
17:29   bird   then spyro
17:29   bird   then kman
17:29   bird   man you are such a wolf!
17:29   bird   but really!
17:29   Vermilionvermin   spyro is making me reconsider
17:29   Vermilionvermin   I'd rather not poison him
17:30   bird   why would you poison spyro
17:30   Vermilionvermin   because I think that wolf spyro would be more likely to push forward with his bird suspicion given maestro's flip and everyone blaming that lynch on you
17:30   Vermilionvermin   I wouldn't
17:30   Vermilionvermin   Kman could generate discussion tomorrow
17:31   bird   i think that wrydryn is your highest wolf partner on your list
17:31   bird   then knight and spitllama
17:31   Vermilionvermin   but i'm not a wolf so thats not possible
17:31   bird   i think you are
17:32   Vermilionvermin   i think you're silly
17:32   bird   well i'm not going to bank on a 75% chance of humanity
17:32   bird   or whatever
17:32   Vermilionvermin   you shouldn't trust me as human, but I don't think you should say I'm probably a wolf
17:33   Vermilionvermin   If you want to seriously go after me, do so during the day
17:33   bird   well i mean its not like i'm going to ask you to poison yourself
17:33   bird   but hey you can end my suspicions right here if you just poison wry
17:33   Vermilionvermin   I don't care about your suspicions
17:34   bird   fine then poison what's his face
17:34   bird   gzg
17:34   bird   i don't condone hurting mr. boing any longer!
17:34   Vermilionvermin   why don't you?
17:34   bird   because if i suspect you to be a wolf, i don't want you to kill people since they're most likely human
17:35   Vermilionvermin   I'm going to go do some maths
17:36   bird   dont poison b@i|\|g
17:36   Vermilionvermin   to decide whether or not it helps our chances
17:38   Vermilionvermin   there is too much math
17:38   bird   what are you even doing
17:39   Vermilionvermin   like number of people left
17:39   bird   10 humans, 4 wolves
17:39   Vermilionvermin   whether or not it's even beneficial to have an extra randomly-aligned player
17:39   Vermilionvermin   no but going down the road
17:39   Vermilionvermin   it's impossible to tell
17:40   bird   oh well

Also happening:

Quote[2012-09-05 21:23:14] <Vermilionvermin> Bird, why don't you think I should poison Mr. Saturn?
[2012-09-05 21:24:11] <bird> because the people i'm suspicious of want to poison mr. saturn
[2012-09-05 21:24:29] <Vera> bird are you suspicious of me
[2012-09-05 21:24:33] <Vermilionvermin> I don't have any objection to poisoning Wry
[2012-09-05 21:24:34] <bird> nah ur chill
[2012-09-05 21:24:37] <Vera> yay
[2012-09-05 21:24:41] <Vermilionvermin> If I had two poisons I'd probably do that as well.
[2012-09-05 21:25:02] <spit> Question
[2012-09-05 21:25:13] <spit> With a doctor and antidotes what is the point of poisons anyhow
[2012-09-05 21:25:14] <Vermilionvermin> But at this point inactives are too difficult to read and too useless to lynch
[2012-09-05 21:25:35] <spit> I pretty much saw it as an opportunity to tell Wry or Saturn to git off yo ass and play
[2012-09-05 21:25:40] <Vera> I remember a couple of games ago, MaestroUGC used a strategy where after accusing shadowkirby, he became more active or something.
[2012-09-05 21:25:52] <Vera> Not sure if it would be the case here, but I suppose it's worth mentioning.
[2012-09-05 21:26:00] <Vera> And it was an unintentional loophole, spitllama.
[2012-09-05 21:26:15] <bird> i didn't realize that overlapping the poisons could be abused when making the game
[2012-09-05 21:26:22] <Vera> Yeah.
[2012-09-05 21:26:34] <bird> i guess nobody else realized it either
[2012-09-05 21:26:37] <Vermilionvermin> Vera, what do you think?
[2012-09-05 21:26:39] <bird> or at least, nobody spoke up about it
[2012-09-05 21:26:52] <Vermilionvermin> Bird, if your only objection is that I'm suspicious and I support it, then I'm going to overrule you
[2012-09-05 21:27:03] <Vera> I would be fine with either Mr. Saturn or Whirr, frankly.
[2012-09-05 21:27:12] <Vermilionvermin> If there's another reason why it would be a bad idea, I'll reconsider.
[2012-09-05 21:27:17] <bird> do wrydryn
[2012-09-05 21:27:17] <Vermilionvermin> Do you think I should poison anyone at all?
[2012-09-05 21:27:22] <bird> if anyone, wrydryn!
[2012-09-05 21:27:38] <Vera> I agree with Bird that we may want to use our Poisons more aggressively.
[2012-09-05 21:27:59] <Vera> And it may be a good way to boost activity, in a way.
[2012-09-05 21:28:00] <bird> here's the thing
[2012-09-05 21:28:06] <bird> wry and saturn are basically equally suspicious
[2012-09-05 21:28:08] <Vera> If Players are afraid to be poisoned or something.
[2012-09-05 21:28:09] <bird> since neither of them have done anything
[2012-09-05 21:28:15] <bird> yet somehow, saturn is higher on a lot of suspicion lists
[2012-09-05 21:28:17] <bird> doesn't that strike you as odd
[2012-09-05 21:28:26] <Vermilionvermin> That's legitimate.
[2012-09-05 21:29:04] <Vera> He's directly on top of Whirr and mine.
[2012-09-05 21:29:04] <Vermilionvermin> I sent the PM to poison Wrydryn.
[2012-09-05 21:29:11] <Vera> ok nvm
[2012-09-05 21:29:51] <Vera> And he was 3 spots higher than Whirr on yours, Bird!
[2012-09-05 21:29:59] <Vera> oh i lied
[2012-09-05 21:29:59] <Vera> 2*
[2012-09-05 21:30:09] <bird> i know i changed my mind
[2012-09-05 21:30:09] <Vera> i mean
[2012-09-05 21:30:24] <Vera> ok
[2012-09-05 21:30:38] <bird> wait what
[2012-09-05 21:30:42] <bird> no wrydryn is higher on mine
[2012-09-05 21:30:44] <bird> what are you talking about
[2012-09-05 21:30:59] <Vermilionvermin> I think Mashi's point is that Wry is higher
[2012-09-05 21:31:37] <Vera> Oh, whoops, didn't specify my pronoun.
[2012-09-05 21:31:39] <Vera> My mistake.
[2012-09-05 21:31:42] <Vera> but ya
[2012-09-05 21:31:55] <Vera> I would say that Whirr and Mr. Saturn are pretty much equal.
[2012-09-05 21:32:24] <spit> It's pretty hard to gauge inactivity when they're both equally inactive
[2012-09-05 21:33:12] <Vera> Yeah.

Third is his reaction to the Kman suspicion.  The normal reaction to me putting Kman third in my suspicion list is to scan through his posts and reevaluate.  Instead, he doesn't just defend Kman, he goes through about 7 of his posts and explains why each one of them makes him think Kman is human.  Then he says he understands how I could disagree.  How is that true when you just gave me seven reasons why you think he's human?

I'll bold the logs in my next post.


Anyone's who's here should go to chat because there's a firestorm and it's entertaining :)
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Quote from: Kman96 on September 01, 2012, 07:54:18 PMWhy am I best wolf as a human? -_-
Reposting cuz true.

To be honest, I feel that Mashi is more human than I had previously believed, due to his slight suspicion of me for good reason, as well as his careful analysis of bird's earlier post...

as for Bird, I feel as though he's a bit more wolfy than I had seen. Thanks for the positive analysis of my humanity, but however, Verm had done a similar thing IN MY FIRST GAME WITH BOTH OF YOU.  I graciously thanked Verm and was convinced that he was on my side.

Verm was a wolf. :(

Ninja'd x2

although the two events are most likely not connected, I believe the intent may be similar, so I am voting Bird.
Party Hard!


Bird pointed out to me that I meant that I thought Bird had greater reason to believe that SocialFox was the doctor, not the wolf.

Quote17:18   bird   i think we should poison wry and saturn
17:18   Vermilionvermin   can i change whom i poison?
17:18   bird   i would imagine so
17:19   Vermilionvermin   and then save only one of them or neither of them?
17:19   bird   neither i guess
17:19   Vermilionvermin   because the wolves are going to poison /someone/
17:20   bird   we can save that someone

17:20   Vermilionvermin   i just realized something bad
17:20   Vermilionvermin   i was seered green
17:20   Vermilionvermin   which means i'm not nic cage
17:20   Vermilionvermin   
17:20   bird   
17:20   bird   hey verm are you a wolf
17:20   Vermilionvermin   no
17:21   bird   okay if you say so
17:21   Vermilionvermin   ok
17:22   Vermilionvermin   I'm more ok with poisoning mr. Saturn than wry
17:22   Vermilionvermin   because I value wry's input if he were to return
17:23   Vermilionvermin   we won't get ahold of spyro in time though
17:23   bird   who is spyro poisoning
17:23   bird   whatever it doesnt matter
17:24   bird   we have two cures
17:24   Vermilionvermin   probably gzgregory
17:24   Vermilionvermin   do we have two cures?
17:24   bird   doctor and mushroom
17:25   Vermilionvermin   hopefully the former
17:25   bird   how could we not
17:25   Vermilionvermin   tomorrow night
17:25   bird   cardflippin yo
17:25   bird   flip flip
17:25   bird   flippidy flip
17:25   bird   hey but why mr. saturn
17:25   Vermilionvermin   over wry or in general?
17:25   bird   over wry
17:26   Vermilionvermin   Because wry's a better player
17:26   bird   not right now he isn't
17:26   Vermilionvermin   I could feasibly see wry coming back and providing input
17:26   Vermilionvermin   not mr saturn
17:26   Vermilionvermin   who may not even tell us that he's poisoned
17:27   bird   
17:27   bird   you said you'd rather kill mr. saturn than wry like two phases ago, since you thought wry would become active
17:27   bird   well he hasn't
17:27   bird   how do i know you aren't wolf partners!
17:28   Vermilionvermin   you don't.
17:28   Vermilionvermin   that's less important to me.
17:28   bird   okay well
17:28   bird   who else do you suspect
17:29   bird   ugh social fox
17:29   bird   then spyro
17:29   bird   then kman
17:29   bird   man you are such a wolf!
17:29   bird   but really!
17:29   Vermilionvermin   spyro is making me reconsider
17:29   Vermilionvermin   I'd rather not poison him
17:30   bird   why would you poison spyro
17:30   Vermilionvermin   because I think that wolf spyro would be more likely to push forward with his bird suspicion given maestro's flip and everyone blaming that lynch on you
17:30   Vermilionvermin   I wouldn't
17:30   Vermilionvermin   Kman could generate discussion tomorrow
17:31   bird   i think that wrydryn is your highest wolf partner on your list
17:31   bird   then knight and spitllama
17:31   Vermilionvermin   but i'm not a wolf so thats not possible
17:31   bird   i think you are
17:32   Vermilionvermin   i think you're silly
17:32   bird   well i'm not going to bank on a 75% chance of humanity
17:32   bird   or whatever
17:32   Vermilionvermin   you shouldn't trust me as human, but I don't think you should say I'm probably a wolf
17:33   Vermilionvermin   If you want to seriously go after me, do so during the day
17:33   bird   well i mean its not like i'm going to ask you to poison yourself
17:33   bird   but hey you can end my suspicions right here if you just poison wry
17:33   Vermilionvermin   I don't care about your suspicions
17:34   bird   fine then poison what's his face
17:34   bird   gzg
17:34   bird   i don't condone hurting mr. boing any longer!
17:34   Vermilionvermin   why don't you?
17:34   bird   because if i suspect you to be a wolf, i don't want you to kill people since they're most likely human
17:35   Vermilionvermin   I'm going to go do some maths
17:36   bird   dont poison b@i|\|g
17:36   Vermilionvermin   to decide whether or not it helps our chances
17:38   Vermilionvermin   there is too much math
17:38   bird   what are you even doing
17:39   Vermilionvermin   like number of people left
17:39   bird   10 humans, 4 wolves
17:39   Vermilionvermin   whether or not it's even beneficial to have an extra randomly-aligned player
17:39   Vermilionvermin   no but going down the road
17:39   Vermilionvermin   it's impossible to tell
17:40   bird   oh well

Quote[2012-09-05 21:23:14] <Vermilionvermin> Bird, why don't you think I should poison Mr. Saturn?
[2012-09-05 21:24:11] <bird> because the people i'm suspicious of want to poison mr. saturn
[2012-09-05 21:24:29] <Vera> bird are you suspicious of me
[2012-09-05 21:24:33] <Vermilionvermin> I don't have any objection to poisoning Wry

[2012-09-05 21:24:34] <bird> nah ur chill
[2012-09-05 21:24:37] <Vera> yay
[2012-09-05 21:24:41] <Vermilionvermin> If I had two poisons I'd probably do that as well.
[2012-09-05 21:25:02] <spit> Question
[2012-09-05 21:25:13] <spit> With a doctor and antidotes what is the point of poisons anyhow
[2012-09-05 21:25:14] <Vermilionvermin> But at this point inactives are too difficult to read and too useless to lynch
[2012-09-05 21:25:35] <spit> I pretty much saw it as an opportunity to tell Wry or Saturn to git off yo ass and play
[2012-09-05 21:25:40] <Vera> I remember a couple of games ago, MaestroUGC used a strategy where after accusing shadowkirby, he became more active or something.
[2012-09-05 21:25:52] <Vera> Not sure if it would be the case here, but I suppose it's worth mentioning.
[2012-09-05 21:26:00] <Vera> And it was an unintentional loophole, spitllama.
[2012-09-05 21:26:15] <bird> i didn't realize that overlapping the poisons could be abused when making the game
[2012-09-05 21:26:22] <Vera> Yeah.
[2012-09-05 21:26:34] <bird> i guess nobody else realized it either
[2012-09-05 21:26:37] <Vermilionvermin> Vera, what do you think?
[2012-09-05 21:26:39] <bird> or at least, nobody spoke up about it
[2012-09-05 21:26:52] <Vermilionvermin> Bird, if your only objection is that I'm suspicious and I support it, then I'm going to overrule you
[2012-09-05 21:27:03] <Vera> I would be fine with either Mr. Saturn or Whirr, frankly.
[2012-09-05 21:27:12] <Vermilionvermin> If there's another reason why it would be a bad idea, I'll reconsider.
[2012-09-05 21:27:17] <bird> do wrydryn
[2012-09-05 21:27:17] <Vermilionvermin> Do you think I should poison anyone at all?
[2012-09-05 21:27:22] <bird> if anyone, wrydryn!
[2012-09-05 21:27:38] <Vera> I agree with Bird that we may want to use our Poisons more aggressively.
[2012-09-05 21:27:59] <Vera> And it may be a good way to boost activity, in a way.
[2012-09-05 21:28:00] <bird> here's the thing
[2012-09-05 21:28:06] <bird> wry and saturn are basically equally suspicious
[2012-09-05 21:28:08] <Vera> If Players are afraid to be poisoned or something.
[2012-09-05 21:28:09] <bird> since neither of them have done anything
[2012-09-05 21:28:15] <bird> yet somehow, saturn is higher on a lot of suspicion lists
[2012-09-05 21:28:17] <bird> doesn't that strike you as odd
2012-09-05 21:28:26] <Vermilionvermin> That's legitimate.
[2012-09-05 21:29:04] <Vera> He's directly on top of Whirr and mine.
[2012-09-05 21:29:04] <Vermilionvermin> I sent the PM to poison Wrydryn.
[2012-09-05 21:29:11] <Vera> ok nvm
[2012-09-05 21:29:51] <Vera> And he was 3 spots higher than Whirr on yours, Bird!
[2012-09-05 21:29:59] <Vera> oh i lied
[2012-09-05 21:29:59] <Vera> 2*
[2012-09-05 21:30:09] <bird> i know i changed my mind
[2012-09-05 21:30:09] <Vera> i mean
[2012-09-05 21:30:24] <Vera> ok
[2012-09-05 21:30:38] <bird> wait what
[2012-09-05 21:30:42] <bird> no wrydryn is higher on mine
[2012-09-05 21:30:44] <bird> what are you talking about
[2012-09-05 21:30:59] <Vermilionvermin> I think Mashi's point is that Wry is higher
[2012-09-05 21:31:37] <Vera> Oh, whoops, didn't specify my pronoun.
[2012-09-05 21:31:39] <Vera> My mistake.
[2012-09-05 21:31:42] <Vera> but ya
[2012-09-05 21:31:55] <Vera> I would say that Whirr and Mr. Saturn are pretty much equal.
[2012-09-05 21:32:24] <spit> It's pretty hard to gauge inactivity when they're both equally inactive
[2012-09-05 21:33:12] <Vera> Yeah.


Safety on Verm because I don't even know anymore.


(7:33:54 PM) Vermilionvermin: I don't care about your suspicions


Wrydryn - He's a dead man walking. Or a dead wolf. A lot of the players in this game seem human, and it's probably because the wolves are inactive. The only reason Wry is above Mr. Saturn is because Mr. Saturn at least pretended to be helpful with his poison, and because people I suspect were more willing to kill him.

Mr. Saturn - Same as above, only we actually need to lynch him rather than letting time and poison do our work for us.

Verm - Literally the only thing in your favor right now, and the reason I haven't started a campaign against you of BluEngie proportions is that you were seered green. But I just can't rule out the possibility of you being a wolf, especially when you're doing so many things that remind me of Sauce is P. Cool. The biggest strike against you right now is Kman - it's hard for me to see how a guy as smart as you could see Kman as anything other than human. You act reasonable enough, but you always do when you're a wolf, so I'm forced to go off of your suspicions. And as it is now, with you suspecting me, of all people, along with Kman... it's not looking good!

k-NiGhT - Too quiet. Understandably this may be due to your being grounded or whatever, but I can't say Wry/Saturn are my top suspicion, without placing you high as well. If you want to move down, create a suspicion list.

Bubbles - I talked to you in the chat, and you said your top suspicion was socialfox. And Kman. So you sort of meet the same specifications as Verm above.

Gzgregory - What is with everybody voting Kman. Am I going crazy? I'll re-examine his posts again tomorrow, but he just seems glaringly human to me.

Spitllama - Hey lets all vote for Kman. You seem human through conversations in the chat, confidently saying that you wanted to "squash these suspicions before you went to bed."

Spyro - Hasn't really done much in one direction or the other still. Only reason he is still high on other people's lists is because he suspected me at one point. But he stopped. I guess that's kind of odd, but he never struck me as a super active player? And his "so you confess?" still came across as genuine.

Mashi - ur cool

Jubert - ur cool

Kman - f u, i'll focus on this in my next post

FSM - ur cool

Bird - ur cool

just getting this list out of the way, it was all made prior to kman being a big fat jerk and lots is changing already! verm is probably going lower
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Will create a suspicion list when I have better connection, and my phone doesn't crash.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*

Mr. Saturn

1. Mashi - iluvera

2. vermilionvermin - wolfywolfywolfy

3. Bubbles7689 - based on bird logic could be wolf

4. SocialFox - :(

5. Mr. Saturn - who's this guy but i think hes a human

6. Bird- suspects me for inactivity.
I have a life aside from piggy jelly!

7. blueflower999 - :(

8. Kman96 - Not entirely sure either way.

9. gzgregory - ?

10. Wrydryn - Where are you.

11. Jub3r7 - ?

12. MaestroUGC - jackass.

13. K-NiGhT - dammit be active (I'm a hippo)

14. spitllama - thinks I'm a wolf so is totes wolf
wait what
He actually seems human.

15. FSM-Reapr - ?

16. Spyro - ?

Might add more later.

Ninja'd by.... KNIGHT
hihihi Y0u C@|\/|3 BUY!NG???


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Currently using Finale 2012