TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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Ok, this is in:

Bird and Spyro has the poisons. Jub has the antidote.

Jub heals Greg, if Greg dies we know Jub lied and he's a wolf.

Bird and Spyro poisons Verm. Doctor heals Verm.



I just want to say that I don't have a poison. That was just a miscommunication, since I quoted Spyro's post (highlighted below in red) in the chatroom.

(5:38:23 PM) bird: lol vera
(5:38:29 PM) bird: your only reason to suspect spyro is gone
(5:38:45 PM) Vera: what happened with spyro
(5:39:16 PM) bird: Bird, after reading through, I don't think you're a wolf. 
(5:39:16 PM) bird: Anyway, I got another poison.

(5:39:46 PM) Vera: o
(5:40:44 PM) fsm: wait
(5:40:49 PM) fsm: i have a plan
(5:41:41 PM) bird: wat is it
(5:42:27 PM) fsm: le post
(5:43:26 PM) bird: wait no
(5:43:28 PM) bird: i don't have a poison
(5:43:29 PM) bird: sorry
(5:43:32 PM) bird: i was just quoting spyro's post
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


The only reason that I havent been as active in this game as the other (1 and 1/2) games Ive played is because all in the past three days I packed up my entire house and moved back home from my shore house, and have been preparing myself for school. School started already so Im trying to manage my time now.


I have the poison.  I'm assuming I'm supposed to use it on Gzgregory since he's getting healed anyways.



I think we should start playing aggressively. Finding wolves the old fashioned way isn't getting us (or me anyway) very far, so why don't we try something new. I think we should be more creative with our poisons.

For instance, if we poison somebody before we lynch them, they'll flip as their true color, even if they're the master wolf. Or if we opt to poison somebody and they don't die in 2 phases, we'll have a good idea that they're a wolf as well.

I think we should use the tools at our disposal. I think that tonight we should poison Wrydryn. At the very least, it may encourage him to be active.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Also, can somebody remind me who got the poisons and antidotes each phase? As well as who was poisoned?

Night 1 Poison - Kman
Night 1 Poison - Spyro
Night 1 Antidote -
Night 1 Poison Victim - gzg

Day 1 - ???
I think the host mistakenly gave out items on Day 1

Night 2 Poison - Spyro
Night 2 Poison - Verm
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


I'm considering poisoning Mr. Saturn instead.  If he's not going to be active, there's no way to read him.  The same is true with Wry, whom Bird thinks would also be a good poisoning target.


and I'd like your input.  If there isn't an overwhelming consensus telling me to do it, I won't.


Going to agree that we should poison Mr. Saturn (as opposed to Wry) because Wry isn't going to be active. He hasn't been online in the last month except to sign up for this game. Mr. Saturn may at least react to his poisoning.


I guess, looking back at my insistence to not vote Maestro, I can see the direction Mashi and Bird are coming from. However, if I was a wolf and knew the card-flip was coming, I probably wouldn't have tried to push my reasons on everyone why not to vote for Maestro. I looked through past games, I saw trends in playing style, and commented on them accordingly. Maestro has never had such a poor showing as a wolf. Again, his comment on the wolfing being a perfect example.

Granted, Maestro wasn't exactly trying to play as a human either, so his playing style was different for everyone, but I think a wolf would have simply said everyone else's reasons were wrong and left it that.

Also yes I agree with the poisoning plan. It probably doesn't matter who between the two.
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Currently using Finale 2012


Mr. Saturn

hihihi Y0u C@|\/|3 BUY!NG???


TWG: Snakes on a Plane

1. Liquid Snake - Poisons someone each night phase.
2. Solid Snake - Cannot be poisoned.
3. Big Boss Snake - Master wolf (seered Green). Can determine someone's role each night phase. Appears red when poisoned.
4. Badger Badger Badger Snake - Brutal Wolf.  If lynched, send the Host a PM with the name of a Player.  That Player dies with him/her. Starts with one mushroom antidote, which lasts until given away or used.

5. Human Doctor - Cures someone each night phase.
6. Seer - Cannot be poisoned.
7. Cool Guy - Learns who gets the mushroom antidote each night phase.
8. Human - Cannot be poisoned. Doesn't know that though.
9. Human - Cannot be poisoned. Doesn't know that though.
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Human
14. Human
15. The Pain, as portrayed by Nicholas Cage - Doesn't know he's red. As long as The Pain is alive, there will be a buzzing noise at the start of every Day Phase.
16. Raiden who hisses - Doesn't know he's red.  As long as Raiden who hisses is alive, there will be a hissing noise at the start of every Day Phase.

Universal Effects:
  • Color Cardflipping - when a person dies, their color is revealed to the thread.
  • Two poisons and a mushroom antidote are randomly distributed each night phase to three players. The players are alerted by a PM telling them what they got. After the doctor is dead, only one poison will be distributed.
  • Seerings come before poisons, poisons activations come before antidotes and antidotes come before a used poison will bring about a person's death.
  • Poisons and mushroom antidotes only exist during the phase they were given.
  • Poisons last two full phases before the person keels over. So if they're poisoned at night, they die at the end of the next night phase. They will be sent a PM alerting them as soon as they're poisoned.  If the poison isn't used, the player holding it is poisoned.

1. Mashi
2. vermilionvermin
3. Bubbles7689
4. SocialFox
5. Mr. Saturn P
6. Bird
7. blueflower999
8. Kman96
9. gzgregory
10. Wrydryn P
11. Jub3r7
12. MaestroUGC
13. K-NiGhT
14. spitllama
15. FSM-Reapr
16. Spyro

SocialFox was killed.  The script writer was on vacation in Rio, so this is part of the movie that isn't very innovative, funny, ect. We hear a Buzz and Hiss.

It is now Day 2.  Day 2 ends Friday, September 7, at 12 PM EST, sort-of, may be a bit later, but the phase itself will end then.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


There is no death.
There is only the Force.