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TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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After speaking to him in chat, I believe he is likely to be a wolf.


FSM, I don't really know what you're talking about. It seems like there are really only two arguments from you as to why I'm a wolf. One of them is simply not true, and the other can be very easily explained.

First the not true one. You say that I don't want to share my suspicions with everybody? That's simply not true. Anybody who ever asked me who I was suspicious of got an immediate answer. I didn't make a list in the thread, no, but then again, neither did anybody else. This argument applies more to other people than it does to me: why not suspect Wrydryn? He hasn't shared his suspicions, has he? Anyway, the whole thing just sort of doesn't make any sense, and won't matter after this post anyway.

Second, when somebody claimed doctor, I said that if the real doctor hasn't claimed, they should do so. In my experience, this is a pretty typical maneuever. If the first claimer is actually a wolf, then our human special roles may end up claiming to him. To prevent that, I ask for the "real" person to claim. It would end up getting that person killed, but it also catches a false claimer (who is usually a wolf) and allows the special's identities to be protected.

If you think that is wolfish, I don't know what to tell you. That's something I do frequently when I'm human. If you really want to pursue me, I'll dig up a game where I did that.


Suspicion List

This game was a lot harder than most for me to put together a suspicion list. Mainly because nobody really stands out as suspicious. But I finally managed to pull a weak theory together based almost entirely on the bizzare wolfing.

blueflower999 was probably not the biggest threat to the wolves. I don't think it was likely that he was killed for knowing too much either. It could have been strong wolves trying to avoid suspicion by killing a middle-of-the-pack player. But there are lots of middle-of-the-pack players, and a lot of them looked more human at that point in the game than him. If the wolf team was composed of one player, the only player I could really see making that kind of random wolfing decision would be MaestroUGC. There's also the possibility that somebody killed blueflower999 to frame Maestro, but that's a pretty absurd conspiracy theory type of argument.

But the wolf team isn't just Maestro, it's Maestro and 3 others. The three others have to be people who would follow along with Maestro's decision. This means that his partners are either meek, inactive or new. With that, here's my suspicion list. The top 4 being who I think the wolves are.

1. MaestroUGC
2. Spyro
3. Wrydryn
4. Spitllama
5. Verm
6. Mashi
7. Jubert
8. Saturn
9. gzg
10. k-night
11. Bubbles
12. Socialfox
13. KMan
14. FSM
15. Me
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Oh dear sweet lord. How many time do I need to tell you people that I did the random thing already. I wouldn't be an effective wolf if I did the same thing twice?

Mashi, you said that I didn't qualify my claims like I always do. This is impossible because I always qualify everything I say, ever. You know this is true because I even qualify me statements when we're just chatting in skype.

But I'll be having a replacement in at the end of the phase. It's going to be Dude. I really don't feel like fighting. I just don't.

I will say keep an eye on for whoever pushes my lynch.

My vote remains on me. The sooner I can get out of this game the better.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on September 03, 2012, 04:39:29 PMOh dear sweet lord. How many time do I need to tell you people that I did the random thing already. I wouldn't be an effective wolf if I did the same thing twice?
Even if you didn't wolf blueflower999 randomly, you thought it was a good wolfing while everybody else was perplexed by it.

I'm not super confident that you're a wolf, but I can't see a lot of better alternatives at this point.

Also I didn't know you were still playing, I thought you had been replaced immediately. If I had known that, I would have liked to discuss things with you in the chatroom.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: MaestroUGC on September 03, 2012, 04:39:29 PMBut I'll be having a replacement in at the end of the phase. It's going to be Dude.
I will unless you die! :<

Well I can always take someone else's spot so meh.

ok last post till I get in the game.


Maestro, if you're planning to leave your vote on yourself, give the spot to Dude now rather than at the end of the phase.


Sorry Bird, but I guess I'll still stick in my vote.

Voting List, because I'm bored:

Mashi    -
Verm     -  Mr. Saturn
Bubsy    -  Maestro
Foxy      -  Jub
Mr. S     - 
Bird       -  Maestro
Kman     - 
gzgreg   -  Wry
Wry       -
Jub        -
Maestro  - Maestro
K-N        - Foxy
spit        -  Verm
FSM       - Bird
Spyro     - Bird



Okay, I'm going to vote for Maestro because honestly, after reading the games I missed during my absence, I don't really see anyone else making that particular wolfing.


Idk, I feel bad safetying on maestro, and if dude is taking his place I dont want to kill him.

Changing my vote to myself, Bubbles7689


I can take Wry's role if he doesn't want to play either.

Although I can't seem to get him to respond...


Quote from: MaestroUGC on September 03, 2012, 04:39:29 PMOh dear sweet lord. How many time do I need to tell you people that I did the random thing already. I wouldn't be an effective wolf if I did the same thing twice?

You've been a wolf four times.  The first time you were a wolf was I want to Be a Princess and you wolfed me night 1, but your page seems to indicate that that was your fellow wolves' decision.  Your second time as a wolf, you wolfed gzgregory.  Third was jake3343.  Fourth was Spyro.  There's not a whole lot of consistency there.  I would expect a Blueflower wolfing to come from you, me, Mashi, Bird, or potentially Wry or Jub3r7.  I know I'm human, Mashi and Bird seem human, and I can't get much of a read either way on Wry or Jub3r7.  For reasons I mentioned in the suspicion list, I'm going to vote Maestro.

Bubbles, what do you think of Maestro?  Has he been suspicious up until this point?

Spyro, is there anything Bird did in the chat which made him seem like a wolf?  If you have a log of that, I'd like to see it.

I don't understand Maestro's suspicion of me given that I was criticized in Haruhi Suzumiya for changing my vote too frequently.


I guess hes a little suspicious, but I havent been in the chat much so Im not sure. If he really is quitting and dude is taking his place I dont want to kill him just in case though


Why not?  Does Dude taking over the spot change the suspicious things Maestro has done?


No, not really. I was hoping that if Dude took over then acted suspicious as well we would be positive, but its a longshot (that I probably just ruined by revealing it to the thread, but oh well)


So in the chat we discussed that the people who were most likely to wolf blueflower would be at least one of the following: MaestroUGC/Doodle, vermillionvermin, mashi, and bird.

And after interrogating a few of them about each other, I sort of determined that if MaestroUGC/doodle is a wolf, then the other three are probably human?
My vote is going to MaestroUGC/Dude.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]