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TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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In the scenario that SocialFox actually isn't the Doctor, I don't think that the real Doctor should claim.  If SocialFox truly is the Doctor, we'll probably learn that by the end of next Night Phase.


SocialFox lies. I am The Please! Claim to mii!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


If you are actually the doctor, you must claim!

If SocialFox isn't the doctor, he's a wolf and we risk other specials claiming to him. It's unfortunate that he claimed, but we can at least make use of it. If nobody counterclaims him, we can have the Cool Guy and Seer meet up through him, by claiming to him privately.

(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Bird on September 02, 2012, 10:03:45 PMIf you are actually the doctor, you must claim!

If SocialFox isn't the doctor, he's a wolf and we risk other specials claiming to him. It's unfortunate that he claimed, but we can at least make use of it. If nobody counterclaims him, we can have the Cool Guy and Seer meet up through him, by claiming to him privately.
I was actully trying to protect the real docter by being a mouthpeice, but I guess that didn't work.



Disregard my previous post then.

I believe that your intentions were good, SocialFox, but normally if somebody false claims a role, it's a wolf up to no good rather than a human trying to protect somebody. Not an unreasonable maneuver for your first game though!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Safety on Mr.Saturn

I'll miss you Blueflower. :(



I'd like to hear more from

3. Bubbles7689
5. Mr. Saturn
8. Kman96
9. gzgregory
10. Wrydryn
11. Jub3r7
13. K-NiGhT
14. spitllama
16. Spyro

What do you think of Kman, FSM, and SocialFox?  I think those three have said enough for there to be discussion on them.

Mr. Saturn

Alright, I've got one of the poisons. Whom should I use it on, boing?
hihihi Y0u C@|\/|3 BUY!NG???



OMG so much has happened today, and ive been unable to post the whole time. i read over the thread, and it seems to me that perhaps, since no one has yet claimed to be the doctor after socialfox claimed,  it could mean either one of two things:

1. they dont trust the idea of claiming their role, so they are staying secret, or
2.its possible that Blueflower was the doctor, and the snakes had a 1/12 chance of snaking (wolfing?) him... out of mere chance.

thats onky what ive observed, but until you took back your claim, foxy, you could have had the wolves going. so, good job on the plan, bad job for taking it back. now we're at square 1 again.
Party Hard!


Quote from: Mr. Saturn on September 02, 2012, 10:41:31 PMAlright, I've got one of the poisons. Whom should I use it on, boing?
Quote from: the_last_sheikah on September 02, 2012, 07:48:54 PMOk, I F'ed up, I distributed items when I shouldn't have.  If you got one, forget I said anything, and I don't think me telling Cool Guy who got the mushroom would alter the game.  Sorry about all this, I'll try not to mess up anything else.

Party Hard!

Mr. Saturn

Weeeelllllllllllllll excuuuuse me, princess!
hihihi Y0u C@|\/|3 BUY!NG???


Kman96, blueflower999 couldn't be the Doctor, because he was Green.
And it's good that SocialFox proclaimed that he was false claiming.  After Bird's post stating that the Doctor should counterclaim if he were false claiming, we were at risk of having the ostensibly real Doctor claim and possibly be wolfed next Night Phase.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on September 02, 2012, 10:30:06 PMWhat do you think of Kman, FSM, and SocialFox?  I think those three have said enough for there to be discussion on them.
Honestly I have no idea :o. Fsm always talks alot, so theres not much information there (I still luv you though fsm). Social is new, and I dont think I understand his strategy. Again, Kman said the thing about lying, and thats pretty suspicious, but I cant see any good outcome of revealing to everyone in the game that you're going to lie.


Quote from: Mashi on September 02, 2012, 10:57:49 PMKman96, blueflower999 couldn't be the Doctor, because he was Green.


Way to miss the details, Kman...  ::)
My bad... :-\

Quote from: Bubbles7689 on September 02, 2012, 11:02:42 PMAgain, Kman said the thing about lying, and thats pretty suspicious, but I cant see any good outcome of revealing to everyone in the game that you're going to lie.

Like I said, I screwed up. If you look at my playing style in other human games of mine, I always say that I'm a human and I never tell a lie. (now that I think of it, every time I was a wolf, I never said such a thing) I decided to change that plan a little late into the game, just in case anyone would hold me to the promise I made in other human games, but I guess no one remembered, so...yeah, I F'd up.
Party Hard!