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TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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Quote from: K-NiGhT on September 01, 2012, 10:51:30 PMprobably because he was checking who's online?
ok...i still dont get it, but i dont want you to get all angry and defensive, so i wont ask anymore questions...
Quote from: SocialFox on September 01, 2012, 10:48:47 PMWait... Give the other poison to FSM and one to me... I might be the Human innune to Poison.
even if you were but you didnt know, why would you want to take that risk? i wouldnt suggest it, plus i PM'd sheikah to poison FSM according to the plan about 30 min. ago...

Party Hard!


Quote from: Kman96 on September 01, 2012, 10:57:18 PMok...i still dont get it, but i dont want you to get all angry and defensive, so i wont ask anymore questions...even if you were but you didnt know, why would you want to take that risk? i wouldnt suggest it, plus i PM'd sheikah to poison FSM according to the plan about 30 min. ago...
Wait... Don't poison FSM. The Poison Snake might Strike tonight so let's be careful.


What good would that do? If Kman is a human, he should poison me because I have the antidote, so he wouldn't poison any humans or himself.


SocialFox, the doctor can cure whoever gets poisoned today.

Also I've got no items.


I had poison and used it on FSM. Human.



Quote from: Kman96 on September 01, 2012, 10:57:18 PMok...i still dont get it, but i dont want you to get all angry and defensive, so i wont ask anymore questions...

We were in the chat, Mashi saw that Gz was sending a message, and asked him. Gz replied that it was to K-Night about his story. So I guess this confirms this. Unless Gz and K-Night are a wolf pair :O

Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on September 02, 2012, 12:01:21 PMWe were in the chat, Mashi saw that Gz was sending a message, and asked him. Gz replied that it was to K-Night about his story. So I guess this confirms this. Unless Gz and K-Night are a wolf pair :O

Ok, it makes more sense, now that I know that it was in the chat...

But in any case, we ought to look after those two...
Party Hard!


Ok posting for real. I do not have a poisoning item or an antidote. I understand Kman's reasoning-- we've had so many problems with his playing style in the past (what Mashi said, having little action to back up claims, the way he phrases his posts, etc), that it makes sense that he would try something different.

Not necessarily wise, but different :P
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


TWG: Snakes on a Plane

1. Liquid Snake - Poisons someone each night phase.
2. Solid Snake - Cannot be poisoned.
3. Big Boss Snake - Master wolf (seered Green). Can determine someone's role each night phase. Appears red when poisoned.
4. Badger Badger Badger Snake - Brutal Wolf.  If lynched, send the Host a PM with the name of a Player.  That Player dies with him/her. Starts with one mushroom antidote, which lasts until given away or used.

5. Human Doctor - Cures someone each night phase.
6. Seer - Cannot be poisoned.
7. Cool Guy - Learns who gets the mushroom antidote each night phase.
8. Human - Cannot be poisoned. Doesn't know that though.
9. Human - Cannot be poisoned. Doesn't know that though.
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Human
14. Human
15. The Pain, as portrayed by Nicholas Cage - Doesn't know he's red. As long as The Pain is alive, there will be a buzzing noise at the start of every Day Phase.
16. Raiden who hisses - Doesn't know he's red.  As long as Raiden who hisses is alive, there will be a hissing noise at the start of every Day Phase.

Universal Effects:
  • Color Cardflipping - when a person dies, their color is revealed to the thread.
  • Two poisons and a mushroom antidote are randomly distributed each night phase to three players. The players are alerted by a PM telling them what they got. After the doctor is dead, only one poison will be distributed.
  • Seerings come before poisons, poisons activations come before antidotes and antidotes come before a used poison will bring about a person's death.
  • Poisons and mushroom antidotes only exist during the phase they were given.
  • Poisons last two full phases before the person keels over. So if they're poisoned at night, they die at the end of the next night phase. They will be sent a PM alerting them as soon as they're poisoned.  If the poison isn't used, the player holding it is poisoned.

1. Mashi
2. vermilionvermin
3. Bubbles7689
4. SocialFox
5. Mr. Saturn
6. Bird
7. blueflower999
8. Kman96
9. gzgregory
10. Wrydryn
11. Jub3r7
12. MaestroUGC
13. K-NiGhT
14. spitllama
15. FSM-Reapr
16. Spyro

Blueflower was found dead in the plane's bathroom with snake bites on his neck.  No one heard him scream, for it was drowned out by a loud buzz and hiss.

It is now Day 1.  Day 1 ends Tuesday, September 4, at 10 PM EST/ 9 PM CST/ 8 PM MDT/ 7 PM PDT/ ect.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Well, I dunno about you guys, but I'm feeling pretty not-poisoned right now. I wouldn't be surprised if the wolves didn't poison anybody tonight considering the ease of getting rid of poisons, unfortunately.

Voting Jub3r7 for now, since he's pretty quiet.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


...what? Are you... kidding me? I got wolfed first? OK...
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Safety on Splitlama untill solid evidence is found.


Quote from: the_last_sheikah on September 02, 2012, 06:03:21 PMUniversal Effects:
    li]Color Cardflipping - when a person dies, their color is [revealed to the thread.[/li][/list]

    Blueflower was found dead in the plane's bathroom with snake bites on his neck.  No one heard him scream, for it was drowned out by a loud buzz and hiss.

    It is now Day 1.  Day 1 ends Tuesday, September 4, at 10 PM EST/ 9 PM CST/ 8 PM MDT/ 7 PM PDT/ ect.
    What was his colour[/list]


    Quiet???? I made two whole posts!!!! Also I talked to mashi about stuff. and also shadowkirby but apparently he wasn't playing
    It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]