
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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Spyro because I was told to for some reason?
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


cats really out of the bag at this point; maestro claimed seer

(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


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Currently using Finale 2012



verm telling me the news, with timestamps:

(7:32:30 PM) vermilionvermin:
(7:32:34 PM) vermilionvermin: this is maestro
(7:32:54 PM) bird: it is
(7:33:00 PM) bird: also his avatar is the symbol for chaos so
(7:33:02 PM) bird: good fit id say
(7:35:20 PM) vermilionvermin: so ya if maestor is a wuff so is spitllama
(7:35:29 PM) bird: i could see that
(7:35:53 PM) bird: i think you and wrydryn could be woffs together
(7:36:15 PM) vermilionvermin: i dont
(7:36:21 PM) vermilionvermin: because i know im not a wuff
(9:00:41 PM) Vermilionvermin: oh shit
(9:00:45 PM) Vermilionvermin: maestro just claimed seer to me
(9:00:53 PM) bird: what a dumb bitch
(9:00:58 PM) bird: why the fuck wouldn't he say that
(9:01:17 PM) bird: go vote spyro
(9:01:56 PM) Vermilionvermin: he said i'm green

the chatroom

(9:01:30 PM) bird: maestro if you are the seer you need to post right fucking now
(9:01:35 PM) bird: or tell us your results
(9:01:44 PM) bird: you could have said this ages ago rather than dying in silence
(9:02:07 PM) bird: hello
(9:02:08 PM) bird: are you there
(9:02:10 PM) bird: can you confirm this
(9:02:22 PM) bird: i need to know that what verm told me wasn't a lie
(9:02:46 PM) bird: vera go vote spyro
(9:02:50 PM) bird: maestro vote spyro
(9:02:58 PM) Vera: Huh.
(9:03:17 PM) bird: can anybody IM any of the other players
(9:03:25 PM) bird: also spyro was just the first name to pop into my head
(9:04:01 PM) Maestro: Evasive tactic now.
(9:04:03 PM) Maestro: I like that.
(9:04:10 PM) Maestro: A little late on the draw.
(9:04:19 PM) Maestro: Oh, I'm dead.
(9:04:25 PM) Maestro: I need to stop talking.
(9:04:43 PM) bird: Is that how it works here, or is it whenever the host updates
(9:04:47 PM) Vera: maestro you had better be trolling as a wolf
(9:05:13 PM) Vermilionvermin: Last time we had this discussion it was 1 minute past the deadline up to the host's discretion
(9:05:13 PM) bird: vera do you know how updates work on lynchings? is it whenever host updates or whenever the clock ticks past the mark?
(9:05:17 PM) Vera: We decided to let the Host decide.
(9:05:21 PM) WHAT [Mibbit@427684B4.30766201.E6383EAF.IP] entered the room.
(9:05:23 PM) Vermilionvermin: but the host is online :(
(9:05:25 PM) bird: who are you
(9:05:30 PM) Vermilionvermin: yest
(9:05:31 PM) Vermilionvermin: *yes
(9:05:32 PM) Vera: Yes, Jub3r7.
(9:05:34 PM) WHAT: okay
(9:05:35 PM) bird: or we could all vote somebody else
(9:05:36 PM) bird: i don't know
(9:05:40 PM) Vermilionvermin: maestro claimed seer
(9:05:42 PM) bird: maybe wrydryn woul dbe better
(9:06:04 PM) Vermilionvermin: I'd prefer spyro
(9:06:05 PM) WHAT: Maestro claimed seer?
(9:06:09 PM) WHAT: what
(9:06:12 PM) Vermilionvermin: because we alredy have a few votes on him
(9:06:31 PM) spit [Mibbit@334E4356.40588DA5.62D82154.IP] entered the room.
(9:06:35 PM) bird: spit, maestro claimed seer
(9:06:37 PM) Vermilionvermin: and because we checked yesterday and wry hadn't checked the thread until sept 1
(9:06:38 PM) Vermilionvermin: vote spyro
(9:06:39 PM) spit: What is going on? I'm confused
(9:06:45 PM) spit: WHAT
(9:06:46 PM) WHAT: you said my name?
(9:06:48 PM) WHAT: WHAT
(9:07:08 PM) Vera: Maestro for MVP.
(9:07:23 PM) spit: I disagree
(9:07:36 PM) bird: i thought nobody would be able to top wrydryn's "do absolutely nothing"
(9:07:37 PM) bird: but wow maestro
(9:07:40 PM) bird: you've really outdone yourself
(9:07:48 PM) WHAT: hahaha
(9:07:55 PM) Maestro: I told you.
(9:07:59 PM) Maestro: I told you.
(9:08:00 PM) bird: you told us NOTHING
(9:08:06 PM) bird: you sat there snickering as you doomed the human team
(9:08:09 PM) bird: you're a scumbag
(9:08:16 PM) spit: I still don't see why this is at all a good thing
(9:08:16 PM) Maestro: Oh, but isn't this the chaos I promised?
(9:08:19 PM) bird: you insult the people getting phantoms while you pull a stunt like this?
(9:08:20 PM) spit: That was horrible play style
(9:08:22 PM) bird: that is fucking sickening
(9:08:31 PM) WHAT: o.o
(9:08:33 PM) bird: how anybody got the idea you were a talented player is beyond me
(9:08:45 PM) Bubbles [] entered the room.
(9:08:48 PM) WHAT: Oo.oO
(9:08:55 PM) Bubbles: Ok so I leave for 10 min and watch tv
(9:08:57 PM) WHAT: tensions seem to be high right now!
(9:08:58 PM) Bubbles: What happened?
(9:09:09 PM) bird: maestro claimed seer as the clock ticked past the end of the day phase
(9:09:10 PM) WHAT: actually no maestro happened
(9:09:11 PM) Vermilionvermin: Maestro claimed seer
(9:09:25 PM) Bubbles: But the phase is already over?
(9:09:37 PM) Vermilionvermin: yes
(9:09:44 PM) bird: well we did what little we could given the circumstances
(9:09:45 PM) Vermilionvermin: but sheikah can allow extensions as he sees fit
(9:09:49 PM) spit: I am so confused why is everyone so happy?
(9:09:50 PM) Maestro: It was over for a minute and eleven seconds before everybody lost their minds.
(9:09:51 PM) spit: This is bad!
(9:09:54 PM) bird: nobody is happy
(9:09:56 PM) Vera: idk
(9:10:04 PM) spit: Bahhhh
(9:10:07 PM) Vera: I'm thinking that MaestroUGC is trying to troll us.
(9:10:09 PM) Bubbles: Wheres sheikah then?
(9:10:11 PM) Vera: But idk.
(9:10:15 PM) bird: it's a possibility
(9:10:21 PM) bird: but nobody has counterclaimed yet
(9:10:26 PM) Maestro: Oh, I'm trolling regardless.
(9:10:34 PM) WHAT: poor spyro
(9:10:41 PM) Maestro: Even if Sheikah let's me live, Dude is still taking my place.
(9:10:50 PM) Bubbles: Just wondering, what is who?
(9:10:56 PM) Vermilionvermin: Jub3r7
(9:10:59 PM) Bubbles: oh ok
(9:11:12 PM) WHAT: alright back to homework

Thus far, he hasn't confirmed/denied the seering.

As I said before, I think it's up to the host whether he accepts late votes that come in before the update. Hopefully he does.

(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


TWG: Snakes on a Plane

1. Liquid Snake - Poisons someone each night phase.
2. Solid Snake - Cannot be poisoned.
3. Big Boss Snake - Master wolf (seered Green). Can determine someone's role each night phase. Appears red when poisoned.
4. Badger Badger Badger Snake - Brutal Wolf.  If lynched, send the Host a PM with the name of a Player.  That Player dies with him/her. Starts with one mushroom antidote, which lasts until given away or used.

5. Human Doctor - Cures someone each night phase.
6. Seer - Cannot be poisoned.
7. Cool Guy - Learns who gets the mushroom antidote each night phase.
8. Human - Cannot be poisoned. Doesn't know that though.
9. Human - Cannot be poisoned. Doesn't know that though.
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Human
14. Human
15. The Pain, as portrayed by Nicholas Cage - Doesn't know he's red. As long as The Pain is alive, there will be a buzzing noise at the start of every Day Phase.
16. Raiden who hisses - Doesn't know he's red.  As long as Raiden who hisses is alive, there will be a hissing noise at the start of every Day Phase.

Universal Effects:
  • Color Cardflipping - when a person dies, their color is revealed to the thread.
  • Two poisons and a mushroom antidote are randomly distributed each night phase to three players. The players are alerted by a PM telling them what they got. After the doctor is dead, only one poison will be distributed.
  • Seerings come before poisons, poisons activations come before antidotes and antidotes come before a used poison will bring about a person's death.
  • Poisons and mushroom antidotes only exist during the phase they were given.
  • Poisons last two full phases before the person keels over. So if they're poisoned at night, they die at the end of the next night phase. They will be sent a PM alerting them as soon as they're poisoned.  If the poison isn't used, the player holding it is poisoned.

1. Mashi
2. vermilionvermin
3. Bubbles7689
4. SocialFox
5. Mr. Saturn P
6. Bird
7. blueflower999
8. Kman96
9. gzgregory
10. Wrydryn P
11. Jub3r7
12. MaestroUGC
13. K-NiGhT
14. spitllama
15. FSM-Reapr
16. Spyro

MaestroUGC was forcibly thrown out of the plane.

It is now Night 2.  Night 2 ends Wednesday, September 5, at 10 PM EST/ 9 PM CST/ 8 PM MDT/ 7 PM PDT/ ect.
None of the votes after the phase ended were counted.  Its my fault I ended late, you don't get extra time because of it.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!



That went well.

My sanity says no more TWG.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012



I have a poison.  I say we use the mushroom on gzgregory and have both me and whoever else got a poison use it on him too.  Doctor on Gzgregory just to be safe.


Shit. I tried taking my vote off BEFORE the phase was supposed to end, but my damn phone wouldn't let me.

That was a shit move, Maestro. I can't believe you did that  >:(

well now we know the wolves have delivered a huge blow into our sides...what's next?
Party Hard!


Why were you going to remove your vote?


Quote from: Mashi on September 04, 2012, 09:08:18 PMWhy were you going to remove your vote?

because I was against the Maestro Insta.  I didn't want him to be insta'd, because I was honestly just voting for him as my previously stated experiment...but I wasn't expecting he was a special... :'(
Party Hard!


Throwing people Out of a Plane.
Seems Legit.


1. gzgregory - I think we've been underestimating him pretty hardcore. He seems very intelligent, and I wouldn't put it past him to poison himself. Just comes across as fishy.
2. Mashi - Pushed the maestro lynch a bit too hard, and is still very defensive, constantly bringing up the fact that he wouldn't have lynched blueflower999. Well maybe that's why you wolfed him, Mashi! Also Jub3r7 seems concerned by the fact that you don't think he's human. Everybody else seems to. I find that odd!
3. Bubbles - idk, you're just acting kinda weird? You were super hesitant to vote for maestro, even though at the time it would have been beneficial to the humans. Also you keep saying that you're "neutral" to everyone. That's a wolf hesitant to make a mistake, right there!
4. Wrydryn - ??????
5. spitllama - You were almost too vigorously against the Maestro lynch. It was like you knew he was human, rather than you were just guessing. I think you were trying to distance yourself from his human cardflip.
6. Mr. Saturn - ????
7. K-NiGhT - idk
8. Spyro - His "so you're confessing" came off as genuine, meaning he isn't a wolf.
9. Kman96 - The "im gonna lie" is a huge mistake for a wolf to make, and I don't think he's really that careless.
10. Verm - Comes off as super human (which honestly doesn't mean much considering it's Verm) but was also seered green.
11. FSM - All his shenanigans come off as human. He's being really active not to have slipped up at all.
12. Jub3r7 - Seems to be really trying this game, spent a long time on a suspicion list and talking with Mashi. Also, asked Mashi why he didn't think he was human. Just comes off as human to me!
13. SocialFox - Doctor claim seemed genuinely human.
14. Bird - Self explanatory.

Alright, so I think the four wolves are in the top 7 players somewhere.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


People should make suspicion lists.  It's really hard to read people who don't say anything, and a suspicion list is often the best way to find out what you think.  I've changed my thoughts on a few players just from researching the suspicion list I'm working on.