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TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane

Started by the_last_sheikah, September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM

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That's rather biased considering you never interrogated me, not that I'll give you the chance now.

Hole: Just because you think one of us is a wolf does not excuse the other three. Think man!
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I did think, I made a large chart and everything in green sharpie on a napkin.

Asking bird about mashi, bird was fairly suspicious of him from bad vibes and mashi thought he was human because it was his regular play-style.
Their responses indicated that they weren't wolf pairings.
Asking verm about bird and vice versa, vermillionvermin was able to say why he thought bird was human and bird also had a sincere opinion on vermillionvermin. I'm dumb and didn't save the chatlog so I don't remember what it was, but because of it I'm fairly certain they aren't wolf partners.
Question verm and mashi about each other, they were both getting human because they've been discussing a lot about the game with each other and they both felt that the other party was sincere.

Now, looking at this we see that they're either humans working closely together or a wolf pair; I'm definitely getting human from their legitimate reasons for their suspicions and non-suspicions, although it'd be nice if one of you could provide a log of you two discussing the game.

Now, looking at their suspicions of you, they ALL had their own reasons for suspecting you. Vermillionvermin was able to summarize exactly the reasons you were the top suspect before he even made his suspect list, bird referred to his reasoning he already stated in the public chat, and Mashi's reasoning (WHY DID I NOT SAVE THOSE LOGS) I recall were definitely sincere.

Basically, if you're a wolf, they're home free.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


To repeat what I said in the thread, I just don't think that our basis for suspecting Maestro is sound. Maestro is not dumb enough to publicly give props to his own wolfing, and random is random. Anyone can try it. New players, disinterested wolves, etc.

The only thing I see against Maestro is that all of our most experienced players (Bird, Vera, Mashi) agree with the lynch. The chances of all three of them being wolves are minimal, and they're each too skilled to be easily manipulated.

In other words, I'm not going to vote for him. I'm keeping my safety and leaving it at that.
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Currently using Finale 2012


I would say a vote with weak reasoning is better than a vote with no reasoning. It looks like you're sitting back and watching the game happen rather than playing it, spitllama. That's one of the reasons I suspect you along with Maestro.

Well, that and the fact that you just defended him.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Eh, I figure I'm going to die anyway, so Bird.

Pursue those who pursued me, my fellow humans.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I feel like, depending on what Maestro's color is, we'll have a pretty good idea of who to go after. Based on what I've seen the whole day phase, it appears that its turning into Those against Bird vs. Those against Maestro.

I'm not FOR nor AGAINST either one of you, but i do believe we can make some progress for the better by lynching either one of you.

For this experimental reason, and this reason ALONE, am i voting Maestro
Party Hard!


@ Verm:

Bird just seemed as though he was asking questions and discussing as though he's trying to look human, so it seemed wolfish to me. Like, it just seemed he was hiding it and acting human,


(5:47:53 PM) Spyro [] entered the room.
(5:48:36 PM) bird: fsm where is post
(5:48:42 PM) Vera: omg spyro
(5:48:49 PM) Vera: Spyro, suspicions???
(5:48:50 PM) fsm: SPYRO
(5:48:50 PM) Spyro: Hey guys.
(5:49:01 PM) fsm: u rule
(5:49:15 PM) Spyro: Reading through the game thread for what I missed.
(5:49:18 PM) Spyro: I
(5:49:26 PM) Spyro: I will tell my suspicions after

(5:49:32 PM) Vera: Okay.,
(5:49:40 PM) Vera: .*
(5:50:57 PM) Vera: FSM, what's your opinion on gzgregory and K-NiGhT?
(5:52:57 PM) fsm: ninja'd
(5:53:05 PM) fsm: wait a moment
(5:54:54 PM) Spyro1 [] entered the room.
(5:55:03 PM) Spyro1: Sorry guys, Internet went out for a bit

(5:55:20 PM) fsm: le post
(5:55:21 PM) Vera: It's okay.
(5:55:32 PM) fsm: mashi
(5:55:56 PM) Spyro left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(5:56:09 PM) fsm: I didn't think the whole "alliance" thing was taken seriously
(5:56:12 PM) bird: well
(5:56:14 PM) bird: i'm convinced
(5:56:15 PM) bird: *bird*

(5:57:19 PM) Spyro1: Anyway, not too sure.
(5:57:42 PM) Spyro1: Maybe Mr. Saturn and Bubbles, but they might just be inactive or noobish

(5:57:58 PM) fsm: vera whaddya say about my post
(5:58:05 PM) Vera: Why do you find them suspicious, Spyro?
(5:58:13 PM) Vera: i liked my description best
(5:58:16 PM) Vera: and ilu2
(5:58:47 PM) Spyro1: Just there posts were funny, but again, it could just be them not really knowing what to do
(5:58:59 PM) fsm: bird, you currently seem the most wolfish
(5:59:00 PM) Spyro1: Of course, I don't know about Greg either
(5:59:18 PM) fsm: vera where's my star
(5:59:20 PM) Spyro1: Oh, yes, and bird.
(5:59:22 PM) mode (+o fsm) by Vera
(5:59:28 PM) fsm: yay
(5:59:39 PM) Spyro1: Other than that, I don't know anyone else.
(5:59:47 PM) mode (+o Spyro1) by fsm
(5:59:48 PM) Spyro1: Maybe K-Night, but I don't think so.
(6:01:20 PM) bird: k-night is being a wussy
(6:01:30 PM) bird: pm from him:
(6:01:31 PM) bird: "Can you message me? I won't be able to get on the chat for a while."

(6:01:42 PM) fsm: oh right
(6:01:51 PM) fsm: remember he's grounded
(6:01:58 PM) Vera: Booo.
(6:02:00 PM) bird: ughhhh
(6:02:08 PM) Vera: How do you know he's grounded, FSM?
(6:02:35 PM) fsm: official "I'm Off-Topic"
(6:02:40 PM) Vera: o
(6:02:41 PM) Vera: Okay.
(6:02:48 PM) Vera: wait
(6:02:54 PM) Vera: is that a thread
(6:02:59 PM) bird: why did he sign up then!!!!
(6:03:00 PM) fsm: yes
(6:03:07 PM) Vera: oh the board thing
(6:03:08 PM) fsm: dunno
(6:03:29 PM) Spyro1: He said it somewhere, I think in the Away Thread
(6:03:54 PM) fsm: that's what I meant
(6:04:32 PM) gzgregory [] entered the room.
(6:04:38 PM) gzgregory: Hi bird
(6:04:48 PM) Vera: omg gzgregory
(6:04:50 PM) Vera: Suspicions???
(6:04:52 PM) fsm: omg greg
(6:04:55 PM) gzgregory: Well
(6:04:57 PM) Spyro1: Suspicions.....?????
(6:05:01 PM) gzgregory: I read through the games I missed
(6:05:22 PM) gzgregory: wait
(6:05:26 PM) gzgregory: looks like stuff happened
(6:05:27 PM) Spyro1: You mean posts?
(6:05:29 PM) gzgregory: give me a second
(6:05:35 PM) gzgregory: No I mean games
(6:05:39 PM) fsm: :o
(6:05:40 PM) gzgregory: I was away from NSM for two months
(6:05:45 PM) bird: hey gzg!
(6:05:47 PM) bird: great timing

(6:05:47 PM) fsm: :o
(6:05:49 PM) gzgregory: so I was looking at people's playing styles
(6:05:59 PM) Spyro1: Oh, gotcha
(6:06:13 PM) bird: gzg i have one question for you, are you ready
(6:06:27 PM) gzgregory: ok
(6:06:28 PM) fsm: are you a wolf
(6:06:31 PM) gzgregory: lol
(6:06:37 PM) bird: k-night says you sent a pm to him regarding his story
(6:06:44 PM) gzgregory: Yeah
(6:06:44 PM) bird: i'd like to see that pm
(6:06:56 PM) gzgregory: Uh, as a screenshot?
(6:06:57 PM) fsm: post that in the thread
(6:07:01 PM) bird: or just copy paste it
(6:07:06 PM) gzgregory: Sure
(6:07:34 PM) gzgregory:  Argh, derp.
(6:07:35 PM) gzgregory: Drowzee?
(6:07:37 PM) fsm: remember, you're not allowed to fake messages
(6:07:42 PM) gzgregory: That was the entire content of the message
(6:07:48 PM) bird: lol
(6:07:53 PM) bird: alright, i believe you
(6:07:54 PM) bird: thanks

(6:07:59 PM) gzgregory: np
(6:08:28 PM) Vera: wheres the message
(6:08:41 PM) Vera: Faked messages are allowed, FSM.
(6:08:51 PM) gzgregory: It's the "argh derp drowzee"
(6:08:54 PM) fsm: shhhh
(6:09:04 PM) fsm: D:<
(6:09:11 PM) gzgregory: FSM I've been playing TWG longer than you so I would know :p
(6:09:24 PM) Vera: o ok
(6:09:32 PM) fsm: hey I'm no n00b either
(6:09:39 PM) fsm: anymore
(6:09:44 PM) Spyro1: How do we know that bird asked this question to greg too make him appear less wolfish?
(6:10:05 PM) fsm: this is all SET UP
(6:10:14 PM) fsm: IT'S A TRAP
(6:10:16 PM) Spyro1: You know, point the finger at someone else.
(6:10:21 PM) gzgregory: Hey hold on what's this voting alliance
(6:10:25 PM) gzgregory: I didn't hear about this
(6:10:28 PM) fsm: a joke
(6:10:42 PM) bird: its possible that this was all part of my wolfish schemes
(6:11:40 PM) Spyro1: That
(6:11:42 PM) gzgregory: What was the joke
(6:11:51 PM) gzgregory: Because it seems that people are drawing a lot of conclusions from it
(6:11:52 PM) Spyro1: is it?
(6:11:52 PM) fsm: alliance
(6:11:57 PM) fsm: yep
(6:12:01 PM) fsm: *was
(6:14:21 PM) Spyro1: Gotta go guys. See ya!
(6:14:28 PM) gzgregory: Bye.
(6:14:33 PM) fsm: later buddy
(6:14:46 PM) Vera: Bye.
(6:14:47 PM) Spyro1: Bye.
(6:14:49 PM) Spyro1 left the room.

What gave it away? I ask so that next time I'm a wolf, I won't be detected so easily.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


So you're admitting to being wolf?

It was pretty obvious. Just the way your were talking sounded "trying to hide it"


Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm human!

But really, I can't see a reason for anything in that log to make you think that I am an "obvious" wolf. Were there any lines in particular that you thought were suspicious? If I were to make a guess, it was the stuff with gzg that looked odd. I was asking him about a PM he was reported to have sent k-NiGhT. I asked him to tell me what it said, and it was so pathetically short, I didn't think any wolf would have the audacity to fake it.

Additionally, it looks as though you suspected me before we spoke in the chatroom. Why is that?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Also, here's the current votes (adding on to the last post rather than starting from scratch):

Mashi    -
Verm     -  Maestro
Bubsy    -  Bubbles
Foxy      -  Jub
Mr. S     - 
Bird       -  Maestro
Kman     -  Maestro
gzgreg   -  Maestro
Wry       -
Jub        - Maestro
Maestro  - Bird
K-N        - Foxy
spit        -  Verm
FSM       - Bird
Spyro     - Bird


Maestro - 5 Votes
Bird - 3 Votes
Jub - 1 Vote
Verm - 1 Vote
Socialfox - 1 Vote
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


So you guys know, I don't know what Maestro's role is yet, so it's not official that I'm taking his place, ok? ._.


[20:04]   bird   vera go vote
[20:04]   bird   jeeze
[20:04]   vermilionvermin   vulgate
[20:04]   Vera   ok
[20:04]   Vera   i was going to say i was about to vote but people were chatting here
