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TWG XXXVIII Host Sing-ups

Started by vermilionvermin, August 29, 2012, 03:58:02 PM

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What game do you want to play

The Ides of March (MaestroUGC)
0 (0%)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Slowpokemon)
5 (25%)
Snakes on a Plane (Sir Awesomesauce/Bird)
8 (40%)
NSM Part 1:  The Bot Wars (Shadowkirby)
0 (0%)
Survivor (Blueflower and/or FSM)
2 (10%)
Uprising Madness (Spitllama)
3 (15%)
The Notebooks of Death (Davy)
0 (0%)
Red vs. Blue:  Revenge (Sheikah)
2 (10%)

Total Members Voted: 20


We'll stop accepting new games at 11:59 PM EST on tomorrow.


But I cant sing D:

Or host a game, actually


TWG XXXVIII – The Ides of March
Act I – Scene II

Ha! who calls?

Bid every noise be still: peace yet again!

Who is it in the press that calls on me?
I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music,
Cry 'Caesar!' Speak; Caesar is turn'd to hear.

Beware the ides of March.

What man is that?

A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March.

Set him before me; let me see his face.

Fellow, come from the throng; look upon Caesar.

What say'st thou to me now? speak once again.

Beware the ides of March.

He is a dreamer; let us leave him: pass.

Sennet. Exeunt all except BRUTUS and CASSIUS

Julius Caesar has just been crowned Emperor of Rome, by a mandate of the people. A conspiracy has been started to remove this ambitious tyrant from the throne and return Rome into the Republic it once was. The triumvir cannot use their powers until Julius Caesar is assassinated.The assassination will be announced.

Dramatis Personae:
Marcus Brutus – Wolf Seer (Red) Used during the day.
Cassius – Master Wolf (Green)
Casca – Wolf Painter (Red) Paintings only last the single phase.   

Octavius Caesar – Guardian (Blue) Used at night, cannot guard themselves.
Marcus Antonius – Seer (Blue) Used at night.
Marcus Aemelius Lepidus – Psychic (Blue) Sends a PM for activation, is told the remaining number of wolves.

Citizens – x4 Humans (Green)

Julius Caesar – Macguffin (Black) Once Caesar is killed the triumvirs will gain the use of their powers.
Soothsayer – Seer and Psychic (White) can seer a player at night which can see through paintings and receives psychic results each day automatically. He loses his powers if Caesar is killed.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


oh boy cant wait to post my game for the 28th host sing ups and not 38th


mashi what are you talking aboot

And Maestro, what are the win-conditions for Caesar and the Soothsayer? 

As it is, I think that the humans will have a very difficult time winning.  The seer is unlikely to find a wolf even if he could use his power on the first night, and as long as the wolves don't kill Caesar the first night they can seer people to ensure that they don't kill him on later nights.  Even if he does die, the humans won't be able to set up an alliance because by that point there's too strong a possibility of specials being dead.



Caesar and the Soothsayer are on the human team.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



Quote from: Bubbles7689 on August 29, 2012, 04:46:45 PMpsst! Its still sing ups
It was done purposefully. :P
also still the wrong number verm verm like omg


TWG XXXVIII: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The Dark Lord, Voldemort, has made a comeback. Harry Potter, now in his fifth year at Hogwarts, along a group of students, has formed Dumbledore's Army to retaliate all the sudden killings that have been occurring.

Voldemort and his number one associate, Bellatrix Lestrange, are unmistakably red. However, a maliciously horrible teacher at school who holds Voldemort's ideals in high esteem, Professor Umbridge, appears from the outside as sweet and friendly, and as such will be Seer'd as green. It is the wolves' job to lower the number of remaining humans to the number of remaining wolves.

Harry Potter, a selfless individual to the point of a fault, can guard one person per night phase from being murdered (he cannot guard himself). One of his classmates, Luna Lovegood, is particularly intelligent in a dreamy way, and can observe others well enough to understand their auras--also known as a Seer power. The Seers play for the human team.

The members of Dumbledore's Army are all risking their lives to ensure that the future remains free of terror and strife. One member of the group will be Seer'd as red due to Luna's human error. It is the human's job to eliminate all of the Wolves.

1. Voldemort (Wolf)
2. Bellatrix Lestrange (Wolf)
3. Umbridge (Wolf seer'd green)
4. Harry Potter (Guardian)
5. Luna Lovegood (Seer)
6. Student (Human seer'd red)
7. Student (Human)
8. Student (Human)
9. Student (Human)
10. Student (Human)
11. Student (Human)
12. Student (Human)

Maestro, you just had a turn :<
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


1.Nintendude - Never seems to be present but appears when things get desperate. (The Doctor?)
2.Jamaha - Training in the army didn't teach him how to play nice.
3.Kefka - It's best to stay on his good side. Oh, and no one gets on his good side.
9.Winter - Hosts a mario radio show every night phase.

4.Mashi - Frivolous and existential vocabulary.
5.Jub3r7 - Doesn't actually know what existential means.
6.Ruto - Is visited in New York by one person per night phase (of her choosing) to discover their identity.
7.Doodle - If lynched, reimu and flandre will be sad.
8.Slowpokemon - Writes an excellent soundtrack review every day phase.
10. Roz - Uses flamethrower every day phase.
11. Zintendo - Gets banned every night phase.
12. shadowkirby - Doctor who references and gogogo every day phase.
13. MaestroUGC - Writes a symphony every night phase.
14. k-Night - Escapes from jail with another player every night phase.
15. Suds7689 - Filled with air every day phase.
16. shadoninja - Sushi girl every day phase.
17. Zunawe - Creates an nsm rpg every night phase.
18. SuperFireKirby - Creates ART every day phase.
19. drpamplemousse - Does a California every night phase.
20. Saria - no u every day phase.
21. vermillionvermin - llf every night phase.
22. Nebbles - every day phase.
23. blueflower999 - Kyou mo hakobu tatakau fueru soshite tabe rareru every night phase.
24. Wrydryn - every day phase.

Might add more roles later!!!
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: SlowPokemon on August 29, 2012, 05:11:24 PMMaestro, you just had a turn :<
It's because I'm a greedy bastard.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: Jub3r7 on August 29, 2012, 05:12:35 PM2.Jamaha - Training in the army didn't teach him how to play nice.
3.Kefka - It's best to stay on his good side. Oh, and no one gets on his good side.
9.Winter - Hosts a mario radio show every night phase.

4.Mashi - Frivolous and existential vocabulary.
5.Jub3r7 - Doesn't actually know what existential means.
6.Ruto - Is visited in New York by one person per night phase (of her choosing) to discover their identity.
7.Doodle - If lynched, reimu and flandre will be sad.
8.Slowpokemon - Writes an excellent soundtrack review every day phase.
10. Roz - Uses flamethrower every day phase.
11. Zintendo - Gets banned every night phase.
12. shadowkirby - Doctor who references and gogogo every day phase.
13. MaestroUGC - Writes a symphony every night phase.
16. shadoninja - Sushi girl every day phase.
18. SuperFireKirby - Creates ART every day phase.
20. Saria - no u every day phase.
22. Nebbles - every day phase.
23. blueflower999 - Kyou mo hakobu tatakau fueru soshite tabe rareru every night phase.

Might add more roles later!!!

All of these are flawless
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: Jub3r7 on August 29, 2012, 05:12:35 PM13. MaestroUGC - Writes a symphony every night phase.

A symphony in 24 hours? Yeah, I can do it.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: Jub3r7 on August 29, 2012, 05:12:35 PM23. blueflower999 - Kyou mo hakobu tatakau fueru soshite tabe rareru every night phase.
Bulbear! Blueflower999