Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (Full Update with Music, Trailer and Screens!)

Started by B-Kpianist, April 27, 2008, 09:57:04 PM

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where did u buy it? I cant find one anywhere! (I still have mine, but sometimes I look just for the heck of it). I know one store where i live called cali games that has it, but that's it


I know of two places. The Game Ware in the Mall of Louisiana has it, but I bought the last copy. :P
So not anymore.

Also the Play N Trade in Prairiville, Louisana has both. I'm going get Tooie after I complete the first one. :]


Check out this little twat:

He claims to have B-K:N&B, he's such a dumb ass, and there are several points that show how stupid he is.


^ Oi BK cheack what i just found out! About that video.

Check out the video then check out the fake box.

mmmmm similarities?

I mean cmon kid! I know how to use photoshop and i would completely redesign the back and sides (because im good at that). This kid just blatantly grabbed the design that someone else made up.


What the hell?  Where did this topic go to in the last few pages.  We all know that Mario games are nowhere near as entertaining comedy-wise as Banjo or Conker (WOO CONKER), and that the 2 are both platformers, so that they CAN be compared directly.

me irl


Someone has the same mind as me. I could've continued the debate... I just chose not to. If you wanna continue, by all means, be my guest. You know I back banjo and conker all the way.   


I also prefer Super Mario 64 than Banjo Kazooie. But is fact that in general aspects, Banjo Kazooie wins. But opinio is opinion, everyone has your own ;D
Wii number:



My house got robbed and they stole the 360!
They took all the games too (even the ones we borrowed)
Halo 3
Mass Effect
Kameo (borrowed)
Full Auto (borrowed)

So angry....luckily we can reclaim on insurance.


me irl


If someone stole my 360 and games, I would track them down, torture and kill them.

Super Zombie

Quote from: Gamer4250 on July 26, 2008, 09:41:12 PMWhat the hell?  Where did this topic go to in the last few pages.  We all know that Mario games are nowhere near as entertaining comedy-wise as Banjo or Conker (WOO CONKER), and that the 2 are both platformers, so that they CAN be compared directly.

Well, I didn't really like Conker. But Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi are funny. In the original Paper Mario, when he falls asleep from a boring story and wakes up with a giant snot bubble, that was hilarious! And in Mario & Luigi when the Hammer Bros. talk 1337speak, that was great. I can't think of any jokes in Banjo that were like that. That's probably because it's from England and nobody understands English humor (or should I say humour?).

Also, checking eBay turns up some Banjo-Kazooies for around $10-$15 including shipping (buy it now). Pretty much the same on Amazon. There's a store by me called Game Trader that is my new favorite (or favourite) store because after weeks of searching, I found there a copy of Beyond Good & Evil for GameCube with box and instructions in great condition for $15! They're selling that on amazon for $80!

That sucks Pearcinator. I mourn for your loss. Your saves were on the hdd I assume?

That boxart has given me an OMG FACEGASM!!

I now feel very nerdy. To the point of being obese and acne-covered, sitting in a chair late at night posting on forums using internet jargon. And then I think, ah well, tomorrow I'll be wake boarding. And then all is better, and it makes up for geeking out.

!!!!!!EDIT:!!!!!! Looking back on the thread you made about Banjo possibly being canceled, I see someone's post about how Rare got bad after they left Nintendo. Comments like these make me want to blow my brains out. How the hell does a company become horrible just because they're bought by another company, disregarding the fact that the same people are still at the company and they haven't all had nervous break-downs from having to make games for a different system now? It should come as no surprise that this person's avatar was a picture of DK humping another, male, ape. Also, what ever happened to the talk of one of Microsoft's games being canceled? They said they would cancel one, but I don't remember ever hearing anything about it after that, besides various developers saying it wasn't them.


Conker was amazingly awesome (imo)! Surprised you didn't like it...


British humour is awesome fool.  You have to be awesome to get it, so that's probably why you fail.  Nyahaha.

me irl

Super Zombie

I watched a British comedy show with my friend starring the woman who plays M in 007, and I couldn't understand a word they were saying. It sounded like "Oh didja gethe holesindawumbly? I gadhkf sdkljsflksdhfjd." And B-K Pianist, the YouTube video was removed, so I never saw it. What did it show? Also, you might try using a PC to edit the front page if you can't see those errors on a Mac.


this kid was like:

"okay, so I got this really special packet today, and i dunno who it's from, let's see it says "Rareware Corp." *opens packet* OMG IT'S B-K:NaB!"

all he did was show a used xbox box with the B-K:NaB box art in it. He later on admitted that it was fake and removed the video...
