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Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (Full Update with Music, Trailer and Screens!)

Started by B-Kpianist, April 27, 2008, 09:57:04 PM

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Well, well, well... Look at who took 1st place at E3:

I especially like this quote: the only game â€" that threatens Mario’s throne.
Like i've said, Banjo is far superior to any mario game (imho) ;D

Super Zombie

So as B-Kpianist said, teh banjofan and I over at the RWP forums have created a petition for the making of a collector's editon. It would be great if you could all sign it. Again, the link is: Thanks!


Quote from: B-Kpianist on July 22, 2008, 09:43:15 PMWell, well, well... Look at who took 1st place at E3:

I especially like this quote: the only game â€" that threatens Mario’s throne.
Like i've said, Banjo is far superior to any mario game (imho) ;D

You, my friend, are horribly wrong. :/


Super Zombie

Banjo is waaaaaaay better than any 3D Mario game! You can't really compare it to the 2D games though, since that's a whole different subgenre.


I never really praised the BK series... Microsoft is going to completely ruin the franchise.

And Super Mario 64 and Galaxy were great games. Way better than BK. But that's just my opinion.

The reason I said that is because I don't see Banjo's face anywhere. Mario, on the other hand is Mr. Video Game.

Super Zombie

What makes you think Microsoft will ruin the franchise? I never liked Super Mario 64. I guess that's because I played the Banjo games before Super Mario 64, and they have better game mechanics (Mario 64 never felt like it controlled well to me), so playing Super Mario 64 afterward, my view was that the game play wasn't as good as Banjo. Plus, they always threw you out of a level every time you got a star, and the challenges weren't very fun. I do like Super Mario Galaxy though.

Also, you guys should check out the screenshots and videos at


Mario has been milked way too much. How is SM64 better than B-K? B-K had better graphics, better music, and better characters. I liked SM64, but B-K was much more colorfull and it has a special that special charm that Mario lacks.






Graphically, You make the decision. I personally think banjo wins this one.


Mario has the same story every time! "Mario visit's the princess, but OH NO! SOMEONE HAS STOLEN THE PRINCESS! Who could it be? OH NO, BOWSER! Where have i heard that befoe?". Banjo constantly has a new story-line.
That's two for banjo.

Well, Mario 64 has around 7 different tunes, used throughout different levels. Each one of banjo's levels, has a unique, catchy and different tune, along with interiors, underwater, and other places (Mumbo's Hut, Nabnuts House, etc.). Banjo has over 40 tunes within the first game alone. Now, i can't compare the new music to mario galaxy (cuz we haven't heard any), but Kirkhope always makes amazing music, so i'm sure it'll be better. Compare these two vids:
Final Bowser Battle (SM64)
Final Gruntilda Battle

I think they're both great musically, but epically? Banjo Wins yet again!

Yes, Mario wins this one (at the moment), but... the Mario Franchise has been Milked waaaay too much. All these stupid spin-offs, sick of it...
And Banjo may become the mario of xbox so to speak, Check this article out:
Banjo is the Next Mascot for the 360 Article

And remeber this: "Banjo was the only game at E3 that threatens mario's throne". I think we'll be seeing much more of banjo after this game's release ;)

Do I need to say more?


Quote from: B-Kpianist on July 23, 2008, 01:42:13 PMMario has been milked way too much. How is SM64 better than B-K? B-K had better graphics, better music, and better characters. I liked SM64, but B-K was much more colorfull and it has a special that special charm that Mario lacks.






Graphically, You make the decision. I personally think banjo wins this one.


Mario has the same story every time! "Mario visit's the princess, but OH NO! SOMEONE HAS STOLEN THE PRINCESS! Who could it be? OH NO, BOWSER! Where have i heard that befoe?". Banjo constantly has a new story-line.
That's two for banjo.

Well, Mario 64 has around 7 different tunes, used throughout different levels. Each one of banjo's levels, has a unique, catchy and different tune, along with interiors, underwater, and other places (Mumbo's Hut, Nabnuts House, etc.). Banjo has over 40 tunes within the first game alone. Now, i can't compare the new music to mario galaxy (cuz we haven't heard any), but Kirkhope always makes amazing music, so i'm sure it'll be better. Compare these two vids:
Final Bowser Battle (SM64)
Final Gruntilda Battle

I think they're both great musically, but epically? Banjo Wins yet again!

Yes, Mario wins this one (at the moment), but... the Mario Franchise has been Milked waaaay too much. All these stupid spin-offs, sick of it...
And Banjo may become the mario of xbox so to speak, Check this article out:
Banjo is the Next Mascot for the 360 Article

And remeber this: "Banjo was the only game at E3 that threatens mario's throne". I think we'll be seeing much more of banjo after this game's release ;)

Do I need to say more?

I agree with you. Mario 64 was extremely funny and it represents much for me and my childhood. But its music is really worse than Banjo kazooie, I personally think that Mario 64 final battle theme is better in all the aspects than BK final theme. I think what makes BK better tahn M64 is that its graphics and world size and details defy the Nintendo 64 limits, it really seems you're playing a GC game look:

Now see some banjo screens

Banjo wins here. And the Popularity is worse because Mario is a 22 years old franchise and have new games every year... We can't compare this. Anyway, 3D Marios and Banjo are really same games, but Mario is epical and linear, banjo is funny and REALLY HUGE.
Wii number:



plus, banjo doesn't have the same story OVER and OVER and OVER  again. It constantly changes:

Banjo-Kazooie (1998)
The evil witch gruntilda has kidnapped banjo's sister, Tooty, to steal her beauty.

Banjo-Tooie (2000)
Gruntilda's Sister's Come to Spiral Mountain to Bring back there sister Grunty, from under the giant rock. She returns, a bony old hag, and uses a machine to suck the life out of different characters in order to re-gain her body

Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
This story takes place between the time of banjo-kazooie and banjo-tooie. Grunty uses a spell to bring her soul from under the rock into a mechanical body that Klungo has built. She then kidnaps Kazooie and goes back to the past to change the future of banjo and kazooie.

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
The stakes have been raised, and Grunty's out to redevelop Spiral Mountain into tower blocks and shopping malls. Banjo and Kazooie's future is on the line! Tired of the feuding between bear, bird and witch, a new player has stepped in: the mysterious Lord of Games (LOG), said to have been involved in creating every videogame ever released. He whisks the rivals away to his creative HQ in Showdown Town, and into an elaborate series of challenges held within his hand-made worlds. The winner gets the ownership deeds to Spiral Mountain, the loser an eternity of toil in LOG's videogame factory. The game is on!

Now Mario's Story-line (Starting from SM64)

Super Mario 64
Bowser has locked princess peach and friends inside of the castle walls. Go through the levels in paintings and save the princess!

Super Mario Sunshine
Mario and Peach head out on vacation to delfino isles, but the mysterious shadow mario has stolen princess peach and poluted the island. Come to find out it's baby bowser and bowser. Go through the levels, clean the island, and save the princess!

Super Mario Galaxy
Bowser is causing trouble in the mushroom kingdom, he now has a plan to take over the galaxy, and has kidnapped the princess yet again. Travel the galaxy and save the princess!



Okay, I'm sorry for having an opinion, sheesh. I didn't ask for an essay trying to prove me wrong.

First of all, do Graphics matter? Compare Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3 to Banjo Kazooie and Tooie. Honestly, I had more fun with The Super Marios. Also, in my opinion, the variety of music in the Banjo games are good, but they aren't memorable seeing as there are so many. The only song I remember from Banjo Kazooie is the opening, but I can probably sing every song from Super Mario 64.

I honestly think Microsoft could ruin the franchise because of the 80% in vehicles. What the hell? That's not the Banjo Kazooie I remember. What happened to the egg-spitting Kazooie? Now that was classic. And look at Mumbo Jumbo... He looks like a red neck. Please...

Don't get me wrong, Banjo Kazooie and Tooie are freaking awesome, but I have more respect for Mario. I grew up with him my whole life. :/

EDIT: And Banjo is 11 years old. Has everyone forgotten about Diddy Kong Racing or something?


It's not just graphics, it's every aspect of the game. The overall gameplay in every game INCLUDING Nuts and Bolts. Every aspect of B-K's game play surpasses any mario game. If your saying that the vehicles are not banjo, think again. And if you think banjo's songs are not memorable, you must have a BAAAAAD memory. You cannot tell me that you don't remember this song. Mario will NEVER match up to banjo (imho). I bet once nuts and bolts releases, we'll see mario creating custom vehicles and ripping off banjo...


Well, then they should rename the game Banjo Nuts and Bolts, seeing as Kazooie was replaced by a buttload of vehicles.

Actually, no, I didn't remember that song until I listened to it. See, I recognise the song, I just don't remember it. I'll probably forget it by tomorrow.

The day Mario starts ripping off of Banjo will be the day I'll appriciate Banjo more.


how many times to i need to quote this!?

"Banjo was the only game at E3 that threatens mario's throne"



That's an opinion, not a fact. Therefore, it really says nothing to me at all.

Look. I'm not trying to fight with you, I'm just trying to state my opinion in the nicest possible way. Now, would you please act more mature and accept that everyone has their own opinion, and stop trying to make me change my mind because of quotes and statistics that I honestly don't care about. Besides, it's a video game for christ's sake. It's stupid whine over it.