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Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (Full Update with Music, Trailer and Screens!)

Started by B-Kpianist, April 27, 2008, 09:57:04 PM

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It's just some little kid that wanted attention.  By going to his video and flaming him you just did exactly what he wanted you to do.

me irl


well w/e at least he took down the vids

superzombie, how could you not like this?!


Lol Conker was one hell of a funny game (i got it on xbox cos i was too young for n64 and parents didnt want me 2 get it). It was better on the xbox, better gfx and the shooting was greatly improved. Downside was the long load times. Unfortunately it wasnt very long as it could b breezed through in about 7 hrs playtime and the lack of collecting stuff didnt give me much incentive to going back through the levels (which is why BK and BT stick out amongst other rare games, the collecting aspect)


What he means is this

And the N64 one was better.  They censored the xbox one too much.

me irl

Super Zombie

That conker stuff is horrible. First it's trying to be funny by using tons of curse words (which can sometimes, if not overdone, make something that's funny hilarious, but doesn't work here), then it uses blowjobs and gay rape as jokes. then some talking gears go on vacation. No. Just no.


I just won't try.

me irl


Quote from: Super Zombie on July 31, 2008, 09:01:08 PMThat conker stuff is horrible. First it's trying to be funny by using tons of curse words (which can sometimes, if not overdone, make something that's funny hilarious, but doesn't work here), then it uses blowjobs and gay rape as jokes. then some talking gears go on vacation. No. Just no.

I dare you to go to the RWP and say that- i dare you.


QuoteGamer4250: And the N64 one was better.  They censored the xbox one too much.

Ive played both the N64 version of Conker and the Xbox version. They are almost exactly the same apart from graphical enhancements and improvements in the shooting (due to dual-analog sticks) and the melee weapon changed from a frying pan to a baseball bat with nails. The only downside the xbox version had was that the load times were ridiculously long and it had to load for the most basic and smallest of things. Thats the advantage of the cartridges, little to no load times.

The xbox one censored too much??? the N64 game didnt have the sphincter cam did it? (might have but i dont remember it). I remember that the xbox had a sphincter cam for more...precise aiming. In what ways r u saying the xbox version was censored?

The xbox version had its own (mediocre) third-person shooter game to replace the (mediocre) multiplayer from the N64 version.

Back on topic...yay for Banjo Kazooie!

Edit: They censored the sloprano in the xbox version, they blipped out the swear words and 'twat' for some reason (i dont consider that a swear word) still though, i stand by my points that the xbox version remains superior gameplay and graphics wise.


eew, wtf did they do to Banjo and Kazooie, I liked the old look better.

(was not aware of this game until now)

I shun Rare ever since it was bought by microsoft... I have nothing against Microsoft, but they killed Donkey Kong and that's just sick... plain unforgivable  >:(


I usually make myself play through Banjo-Kazooie every 2 or 3 months and then play Banjo-Tooie in the next course of 2 to 3 months. So i think that this game will give me enough game incentive to actually buy a X-Box.

Super Zombie

Quote from: Gooch on August 01, 2008, 08:00:57 PMI usually make myself play through Banjo-Kazooie every 2 or 3 months and then play Banjo-Tooie in the next course of 2 to 3 months. So i think that this game will give me enough game incentive to actually buy a X-Box.
Whoa. You must play games A LOT!


I never stop playing games, as soon as i finish/re-finish a game i dont wait around i jump right into another one and just knock em out one after another.


Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!

Super Zombie

On IGN, they had a Most Anticipated Games of 2008 Continued feature, and three staff gave their top ten games coming out later this year for Xbox, and they put Banjo at #3, 4, and 6. Take that, person who thought no one cares about BK! But I think that was on RWP. B-K Pianist knows what I'm talkin' 'bout, right, B-K? Yeah, crunk it.