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Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (Full Update with Music, Trailer and Screens!)

Started by B-Kpianist, April 27, 2008, 09:57:04 PM

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Don't turn this around on me, if you read right i wrote:
Quote from: B-Kpianist on July 22, 2008, 09:43:15 PMWell, well, well... Look at who took 1st place at E3:

I especially like this quote: the only game â€" that threatens Mario’s throne.
Like i've said, Banjo is far superior to any mario game (imho) ;D

and then you said:
Quote from: iDOWN on July 23, 2008, 07:08:20 AMYou, my friend, are horribly wrong. :/

Now who attacked who's opinion in the first place? And How am i acting immature?


Okay, I'll take the fault for that, but I didn't go all out trying to prove Mario was better. I also wasn't trying to change your view on Banjo. Whereas you were doing everything possible to rub "Banjo was the only game at E3 that threatens mario's throne" in my face. You also lost your temper in the debate. That's why I said to mature about the situation. Why fuss over a video game? It's both pointless and a waste of time.

Now. Can we please calm down and call this a truce?


when i use caps lock, it doesn't mean i'm losing my temper, i was just trying to stress a point.

But yeah, thats fine *Truce*  :)

*Shakes iDown's hand and gives cookie*  ;D


It's nearly impossible to compare Super Mario and Banjo Kazooie, because aside from being platformers, they have very little in common. Super Mario is always levels that require going through challenges(since Super Maro 64, that is). Banjo & Kazooie is like the Super Mario games before Nintendo 64, with story line and questing through levels and worlds. It's not possible to compare.


Everyones entitled to their own opinion. BK Pianist is obviously more fond of Banjo than Mario.

Just like a person whos named "Super Mario Pianist" would be more fond of Mario.

They are both great franchises...its like arguments all over the place(like Halo with every other FPS ever). Cant people just appreciate both?? i mean seriously they are both good games and just because this sites full of Ninty fanboys means that they are gonna be biased against non-ninty games because of their 'fanboyism' religion.

Every console has their own great games that make themselves unique

Nintendo - Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros.
Microsoft - Halo, Mass Effect, Fable, Banjo
Sony - Final Fantasy (not their own nomore), Ratchet, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted
PC - Valve games (just wanted to throw that out there)

As you can see from the consoles that each has their own unique games from their own genres.

Super Zombie

Well, it's true that graphics don't really matter, it just shows that they've polished the game more. It really all comes down to the gameplay. And if you were to give a five-year-old who had never played these games before both games, he would definitely like Banjo more. It's just more fun. And I get songs from banjo running through my head all the time, but never mario, although I have played much more mario than banjo. The only reason it's not as memorable is that it's not in as many games as the mario tunes. I don't want to get into an argument, though, I respect your opinion and just wanted to put in my five cents.

Mario has the same story every time! "Mario visit's the princess, but OH NO! SOMEONE HAS STOLEN THE PRINCESS! Who could it be? OH NO, BOWSER! Where have i heard that before?" XD That's hilarious!


While its true that Mario has the same story...i dont play those games for the story (thats for Mass Effect, KotOR and Bioshock which all have fantastic and deep stories). I play Mario for the fun, much like i play Banjo for the fun and Halo for the fun not their stories.

Rare always makes me laugh in their stories though which is always a good thing.

On another note: Im playing through Kameo at the moment and so far its ok (no Banjo). I just got Major Ruin and near where u get him are these lobsters in cages that try to snip at you through a little hole in the side. Reminded me of BK and it brought a smile to my face.


haha. Sorry if I seemed like a jerk. :]
-shakes BK's hand and accepts the cookie-


-nibbles cookie-

Oh, I listened to some BK music and it brought back the good ol' memories. :P
I have the Jinjo Town song stuck in my head. Guess I'm eating my own words, huh? xD


Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Worst settled argument ever.

"Mario is better because of x reasons."

"No, Banjo is better than mario because of x reasons and y reasons that mario lacks."

"Let's just stop fighting, here, have a fake e-cookie."

"Hey, thanks!"


Well what do you want me to do, find out where the guy lives and fight him? C'mon, a truce is the easiest way to do it


Quote from: B-Kpianist on July 24, 2008, 01:16:37 PMWell what do you want me to do, find out where the guy lives and fight him? C'mon, a truce is the easiest way to do it

   I guess, although it was a well debated argument going on, and there was really no reason to call truce. Not that it matters to me anyways.

   Like I said, the two games aren't comparable in the way that you guys tried to prove.

Super Zombie

Well, I'm glad that Valve is now making their games for consoles too. But the PC still has RTSs (although I don't like RTSs). And we're not all fanboys. I, for one, am always as unbiased as possible. iDOWN's not a fanboy.

One question though, iDOWN: are you a Mac user? Ewww... Nasty. I have an iPod and iTunes, but that's as far as I go. I hate Macs (I have to use them the majority of the time because we use them at school so I know what I'm talking about). They're good for Garage Band and iMovie, though. That's about it.

And, yes, I'm extrememly off topic!


I'm a mac user as well... it sucks, It makes glitches on my site that only mac's can see


I Think we have a confirmed spin move. Take a look at these pics:

In both, Kazooie is making a spin motion. Does this mean we have a spin attack as well as her new peck?


Off Topic:  lol. No, My friend is, and his screen namp was iRIGHT, and he wanted me to be iWRONG, but I wanted iDOWN as a cheesy pun. Notice Right and Down are directions. I would've done iLEFT, but it sounds retarded. :P

ON TOPIC: I went buy Banjo Kazooie today for the heck of it. (I sold it with my extra N64 along with Banjo Tooie and some other games I had completed already.) Now that I'm older, I actually pay attention to the storyline. Brentilda cracks me up with her lame secrets about Grunty. :P

"My sister washes her hair with motor oil! EWWW!" lol.